Vol 41, No 2 (1960)

We mobilize forces to further improve medical support for the Soviet people


Concern for protecting the health of the people has always occupied an honorable place in the multifaceted creative activities of the Communist Party and the Soviet government. This Resolution is far superior in scale to all previous ones, and therefore it acquires the role of a major event in the history of Soviet health care. Such an assessment of him has already found reflection in the press and in numerous statements by medical workers, as well as all Soviet people. The government's decision to direct part of the funds released as a result of the ongoing reduction in the size of the Soviet Army to improve health care was warmly approved by the entire Soviet people. While in the capitalist countries, under the conditions of the continuing arms race, budgetary allocations for health care are negligible in comparison with the needs of the population, and medicine remains a subject of business, in our country the implementation of such measures turned out to be possible under the conditions of building a communist society.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):3-5
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Prospects for the development of health care in the Tatar ASSR for its 40th anniversary


As a result of the tireless concern of the Communist Party and the Soviet government about the people's health, the health indicators of Tatarstan were completely transformed - smallpox, cholera, and parasitic typhus disappeared, which constituted a real disaster for the working people in b. In the Kazan province, malaria was defeated, the diseases of diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infections sharply decreased. Thanks to the legislation on labor protection and health-improving measures at work, the incidence of sickness with disability has significantly decreased. These shifts in the health status of the population have been strikingly reflected in the reduction in mortality rates to the lowest levels in the world. So, the mortality rate in Tatarstan in 1958 was 7.9 per 1000 population, while in the USA in the same 1958 the total mortality rate was 9.5 per 1000, in France - 11.1, in England - 11, 7. The natural population growth in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic also left far behind the aforementioned most developed capitalist countries: in Tataria, the natural population growth in 1958 was 22.1 per 1000 population, while in the USA it was 14.8, in France - 7.0 , in England - 5.1.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Theoretical and clinical medicine

On the problem of breathing regulation and functional diagnostics of the lungs

Teregulov A.G.


Another 40-60 years of the last century were years of great searches for the location of the respiratory center. Flourens, Longet, on the basis of studies carried out at different levels of the central nervous system, put forward a hypothesis that in the medulla oblongata, corresponding to the X level of the pair of cranial nerves, there is a point - "noeud vital" - vital node — 1 mm in size, damage to which is instantly accompanied by respiratory arrest. But searches for the anatomical localization of this node were in vain, and the question of the source of stimulation of respiratory movements was not resolved either.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):10-19
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Complex treatment with reserpine and hypochlorite diet for hypertension

Ishmukhametova G.Z.


Numerous works of clinicians and physiologists have already covered many issues of the etiology and pathogenesis of hypertension. However, the issues of her treatment still cannot be considered resolved. The difficulties arising in this case lie in the fact that the results of treatment depend not only on altered (sometimes perverted) neurovascular and neuro-vegetative connections, but also on metabolic disturbances. When they talk about metabolic disorders in hypertension, they primarily mean lipoid metabolism. In connection with the works of H. N. Anichkov, G., F. Lang, A. L. Myasnikov, it has been established that atherosclerosis, intimately associated with hypertension, is based on certain vasomotor and metabolic disorders. Among the latter, hypercholesterolemia arising at certain stages of hypertension and atherosclerosis is of great importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):19-25
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Effect of physical work on blood pressure in hypertension

Plotkin V.I.


In the clinical and physiological literature, there are many works that describe the decrease in blood pressure that occurs in healthy people after various physical activities. The decrease reached 20-30 mm and continued, depending on the work done, for a considerable time, sometimes for many hours in a row [P. K. Gorbachev, A. N. Ivanov, A. N. Krestovnikov, Lowsley, Eskildsen and many others].

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):26-29
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On the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with ganglion blocking drugs

Ischenko I.K.


An extensive literature is devoted to the conservative treatment of peptic ulcer disease. The idea of an ulcer not as an isolated lesion of the stomach or duodenum, but as a suffering of the whole organism underlies the comprehensive treatment of this disease. A huge role in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease belongs to the nervous system, and in the symptomatology - to the symptom of pain. Hence the desire in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease to affect the nervous system in its various links - to relieve pain.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):29-32
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The use of local anesthesia against the background of general neuroplegic and ganglion blocking effects

Popov A.F., Gataullin A.B.


Local infiltration anesthesia, developed and widely introduced into practice by A. V. Vishnevsky, as well as representatives of the Kazan school of surgeons: S. M. Alekseev, A. A.Vishnevsky, I. V. Domrachev, N. V. Sokolov, Yu. Ratner, played a huge role in the development of surgery and contributed to a decrease in the operating and postoperative mortality of patients. According to the statistical data of V. I. Struchkov (1954), this type of anesthesia in the hospitals of the Soviet Union was used in 72-80% of surgical patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):35-38
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Experience of the prophylactic use of penicillin in surgical practice

Akhtyamova Z.S.


Antibiotics have proven to be one of the most effective therapeutic and prophylactic agents in the last decade, of which penicillin has found the widest use in surgery to prevent infection after wounds and surgical interventions. Under our supervision there were 120 patients to whom penicillin was used for prophylactic purposes, in the absolute majority of cases in the postoperative period. Penicillin was injected into the abdominal cavity during the operation, 200,000-300,000 units, after the operation for 4 days, 200,000 units through a drainage tube, intramuscularly, 300,000 units. per day; sometimes penicillin was used in combination, that is, it was injected into the abdominal or pleural cavity, the edges of the wound were infiltrated and at the same time penicillin was injected intramuscularly.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):32-35
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Hemodynamic changes in patients during operations on the organs of the chest cavity with potentiated anesthesia

Sadykov N.M.


Surgical intervention on the organs of the chest cavity is unthinkable without the choice of a rational method of anesthesia, which significantly determines the radical nature of the operation and - very often - its immediate outcome. Anesthesia with the help of small doses of ordinary narcotic substances with their intensification with lytic mixtures is called potentiated anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Electrocardiographic data in patients with consequences of sciatic nerve injury

Yunaleeva S.A.


Observing operations in various areas of the central nervous system, L. A. Koreysha (1936-1957) and his collaborators discovered the cortical and subcortical mechanisms of regulation of the heart function. In addition, they confirmed that the spinal cord also has a regulatory effect on cardiac activity. Clinical and experimental observations establish that cardiac dysfunction also occurs under the influence of various changes in the peripheral nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):41-46
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Some questions of the technique of surgical treatment of medial fractures of the femoral neck

Yusupov F.S.


Medial non-punctured fractures of the femoral neck in their consequences refer to severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system and are found mainly in elderly and senile people. The surgical method for treating such fractures is generally accepted. But this problem has a number of unresolved issues, so it remains relevant and needs further study. In our institute, for a hip fracture, the osteosynthesis technique proposed by BA Petrov and EF Nenov is mainly used, but we have undergone some changes. Thus, new devices and devices have been developed and introduced into practice, allowing to achieve complete anesthesia during the operation, to reduce the X-ray irradiation of the patient, to select the required length of the pin in advance and to insert it accurately.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):46-50
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The problem of radiotherapy for uterine cancer in hematological illumination

Mescherov H.H.


Since its introduction into the clinic, radiotherapy has become the subject of numerous and very versatile studies. Radium beams have been tested for a number of diseases, especially cancer. In oncology, radiotherapy has acquired the significance of a special problem that still cannot be considered completely resolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Tissue therapy for amenorrhea

Ivanova V.I.


Tissue therapy, developed and introduced into medical practice by Academician V.P. Filatov, became widespread in the Soviet Union and attracted everyone's attention. This prompted us to use the tissue therapy method in the treatment of amenorrhea, both primary and secondary. For replanting, we used earlier the ovary and spleen of the calf, and later we began to use the placenta of puerperas. The fabrics were prepared according to the temporary instructions of the USSR Ministry of Health from 27 / VII-50.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):53-55
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Spermaturia response of marsh frog males in recognition of chorionepithelioma

Davydova M.A.


Recognition of chorionepithelioma in some cases is difficult due to the fact that the clinic of this disease is not specific. Therefore, any method that helps to clarify the diagnosis of chorionepithelioma is undoubtedly of practical importance. Histological examination is considered decisive for the final diagnosis. In addition to it, hormonal reactions are also used, in particular, the Ashheim-Tsondek reaction. In chorionepithelioma, as a rule, chorial gonadotropin is produced significantly more than in normal pregnancy. Therefore, the reaction is positive when the patient's urine is diluted 100, 200 or more times.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):55-57
pages 55-57 views

Ectopic pregnancy according to the materials of the obstetric and gynecological clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute for 1900-1954.

Sadykov B.G.


Cases of ectopic pregnancy observed in the obstetric and gynecological clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute for the period from 1900 to 1944 were analyzed and described by prof. A. I. Timofeev (1900-25), prof. V. S. Gruzdev (1926-30), Assoc. H. H. Mescherov (1933-35) and assistant N. I. Frolova (1936-44). There were 828 of them. Continuing the study of this issue, we analyzed another 546 case histories of patients treated in the same clinic from 1945 to 1954.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):57-59
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On the determination of the activity of rheumatism by the concentration of sialic acid in the blood serum in children

Shakirzyanova R.M.


Determination of the activity of rheumatism does not cease to interest practical doctors, despite the large number of methods proposed for this purpose. Along with the ROE that has become firmly established in clinical practice, a number of very sensitive laboratory methods for determining the activity of the rheumatic process have recently been proposed. One of them is the determination of C-reactive protein in blood serum, which disappears much earlier than ROE normalization (A.I. Vorobyova, A.P. Sleptsov, etc.). An increase in the amount of fibrin in plasma is also characteristic of the acute phase of rheumatism; the highest rates were observed in rheumatic polyarthritis, but with the subsidence of the activity of rheumatism, a rapid decrease to normal values ​​is observed, similar to the reaction to C-reactive protein (A.I. Vorobieva).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):60-62
pages 60-62 views

Experience of using radioactive phosphorus isotope in the treatment of lupus erythematosus

Bikkenin B.S.


Lupus erythematosus is one of the difficult to treat dermatoses. The etiology and pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus remain unclear. Modern medicine for the treatment of this disease does not have specific means. None of the drugs used to treat lupus erythematosus are radical, and none of them prevents relapse.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):62-65
pages 62-65 views

On the question of changes in the excitability of the interoceptors of the small intestine in experimental peritonitis

Salikhov I.A.


The literature on interoceptive reactions of various organs and systems is quite large, but the question of the reflex activity of the abdominal organs under conditions of peritonitis has not been studied enough; meanwhile, it is important both in theoretical and practical terms. We made an attempt to investigate some aspects of reflex activity of the intestine in the dynamics of experimental peritonitis in dogs with unchanged and altered body reactivity caused by sensitization with a foreign protein. Experiments and control observations were performed on 128 dogs.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):65-69
pages 65-69 views

Phase fluctuations of thyroid function in experimental atherosclerosis

Maskudov B.S.


The relationship between the functional state of the thyroid gland and the development of atherosclerosis is well known. V. V. Tatarsky and V.D. Tsinzerling, T. A. On the other hand, N. N. Kipshidze and M. A. Levchenko, V. G. Spesivtseva, A. M. Shishova observed a weakening of the thyroid function in rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):69-74
pages 69-74 views

The value of some laboratory tests for the diagnosis of threatening thrombosis

Zubairov D.M.


The role of increased blood clotting in intravascular thrombus formation and, therefore, in the pathogenesis of many related diseases is currently beyond doubt. This is confirmed by the success of anticoagulant therapy for thromboembolic disease. A definite obstacle to the further spread of this method for prophylaxis in prethrombotic conditions is the difficulty in developing clear indications for its use. Many doctors in such cases rely on the analysis of the clinical features of the pathological process, as well as on the results of determining the blood coagulation rate, the Quick prothrombin index and some other indicators of the blood coagulation system [E. Perlik (1957), B. P. Kushelevsky (1958), N. N. Anosov and B. S. Vilensky (1959)].

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):74-76
pages 74-76 views

Short articles

About hemolytic anemia Markiafava - Micheli

Krasnoperov F.T.


Chronic hemolytic anemia with predominantly intravascular hemolysis was described as early as 1908 by Chaoferard and Troisier (2 cases). In 1911 Markiafava identified this disease as a peculiar form of anemia, and in 1928 Micheli gave a detailed description of the disease. In the domestic literature, individual diseases of this kind have been described more than once. Since the pathogenesis and therapy of this disease remain unclear, the description of the clinic and therapy of even isolated cases deserves publication.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):76-78
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Erroneous removal of the kidney in chronic hemolytic anemia Markiafava - Micheli

Korolev A.M.


In recent years, reports of Markiafava-Mikeli disease have appeared more and more in the domestic literature. Our first observation is described in the "Kazan Medical Journal" in No. 2-3 for 1957. Here is the second observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Rupture of the pancreas with closed abdominal trauma

Baybekova S.H.


Rupture of the pancreas with closed abdominal trauma is rare in surgical practice. Based on this, we decided to publish our observation. B-noi S., 29 years old, was admitted to the hospital surgical clinic at 7 o'clock. 12 / ІХ- 58, diagnosed with closed abdominal trauma. Complains of pain throughout the abdomen and shortness of breath. Six hours ago I was hit in the stomach by a winch. Morphine was injected at the river port health center.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):82-83
pages 82-83 views

To the diagnosis of appendicitis

Alimov Z.Z.


Based on the study of long-term results in 308 patients operated on for chronic and acute appendicitis and followed up for 1-2 years, it was revealed that the percentage of diagnostic errors remains high (according to our data, in chronic appendicitis in 24 % and in acute appendicitis in 10 % of cases) and testifies, on the one hand, to the insufficient quality of doctors' diagnostics, on the other, to the difficulties of recognition, due to the variety of complaints, an unclear clinical picture and due to the lack of objective symptoms for recognizing appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):80-82
pages 80-82 views

A case of a strangulated sciatic hernia in a newborn

Safina L.G.


Sciatic hernia is extremely rare. AP Krymov in his monograph "The Teaching of Hernias" provides data on 30 cases of sciatic hernia. After A.P. Krymov, Russian literature describes 4 cases of sciatic hernia in adults. Our observation concerns a newborn boy who was born on 31 / X-58 with a weight of 3250 g from healthy parents, and on 31 / XI-58 to the children's surgical department. As it turned out, immediately after the birth, no visible deformities were found, and only a certain general lethargy of the child paid attention. On the second day, the child's condition worsened, the temperature rose to 38 °, bloating, abdominal muscle tension, and vomiting appeared. Stool and urination were normal. On close examination, the pediatrician discovered a swelling in the area of ​​the right buttock, mistook it for an inflammatory infiltrate, and prescribed an ointment compress and intramuscular penicillin.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):83-84
pages 83-84 views

A case of dropsy of the appendix

Polyakov V.M.


Patient G., 52 years old, was admitted to the surgical department 2 / VI-58 with a diagnosis of chronic recurrent appendicitis. Complained of dull pain in the right side of the abdomen, aggravated by walking, physical work. There was nausea at times.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):84-85
pages 84-85 views

Voluntary urination with ectopia of the bladder

Sitdykov A.N.


Ectopia of the bladder is a relatively rare congenital malformation. According to B. N. Koltsov, one case of ectopia occurs per 40,000 population. With congenital cleft of the bladder, there is, as is known, a constant flow of urine, that is, its complete incontinence.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):85-86
pages 85-86 views

Case of the third tubal pregnancy

Pliner F.M., Sabirov F.M.


Rupture of the tube wall in an ectopic pregnancy is a formidable complication that requires urgent surgical intervention. In the vast majority of cases, during the operation, the entire pregnant tube is removed. In some cases, operators, especially surgeons, are limited only to resection of the area where the tube wall has ruptured. In these cases, a second ectopic pregnancy is possible in the rest of the tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Healthcare mangement

The work of "home help" in the context of its combination with an ambulance station

Musin M.F., Borchaninova E.A.


Until February 1958, the ambulance station in Kazan, as in most cities of the Russian Federation, operated independently of the “home help” carried out separately by each district polyclinic in the city. The disunity of ambulance and "home help" introduced many organizational difficulties into the service of the population, and often led to the fact that therapeutic patients generally remained without medical assistance at home at night. This was explained by the fact that “home help” at polyclinics was provided by one doctor on duty, who himself accepted calls and, as they accumulated, at his own discretion (alone, without a nurse) went to service, having 5-6 calls on hand. In the absence of a doctor in the polyclinic, no one was left on the phone, and many patients, not receiving medical help through the polyclinic, had to go to the ambulance, which, in turn, could not cope with the duties of the polyclinics of the entire city. Therefore, the night home help service was clearly underperforming, making a very limited number of calls.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):88-90
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Experience of using chlorophos to control houseflies in rural conditions

Stepanov K.D.


As you know, the fight against houseflies plays an important role in the prevention of many infections. To kill houseflies, we used chlorophos, known abroad as dipterix and Bayer-13/59, which was provided to us by the Chemical Institute of the Kazan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):90-92
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Gerontological issues and some data on cases of longevity in Tatarstan

Erzin M.A., Garanina I.P.


At present, the interest of scientists and doctors in the problem of longevity is extremely high. This, in particular, is evidenced by the IV International Congress of Gerontologists that took place in Italy in 1957 and the conference on the problem of longevity held in Moscow (1959), in which a large number of scientists took part. Issues of life extension are being worked out very intensively at the Institute of Geriatrics in the Romanian People's Republic. In our country, one of the first to start working on this problem, a special institute of gerontology has been created in Kiev, and the organization of a central institute in Moscow is planned. The problem of longevity is being actively studied in many universities and, in particular, in Moscow and Kharkov universities.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):92-100
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Problems of Oncology, Antibiotics and Radiation Pathology at the III All-Union Congress of Pathologists

Poryvaev N.F.


An introductory report on modern trends in oncology was made by IV Davydovsky (Moscow), who emphasized that tumors are a general biological process and, in principle, not a social disease, despite their great importance for humanity; in the external environment there is no specific non-competitive factor in the emergence of tumors, and the essence of tumors is in biological and histochemical transformations that change the course of morphogenetic processes. Of major importance in the pathogenesis of tumors are special products arising in the process of tissue life and representing specific metabolites. The problem of a cancer cell requires further in-depth cytological development.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):101-103
pages 101-103 views

Problems of antibiotics and chemotherapy at the XIV session of the general meeting of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR

Elpidina O.K.


Heard 8 reports and speeches on them were in the nature of reviews of work carried out at the institutes of the Academy, with indications of the prospects for further research. In most of the reports and in the speeches in the debate, the imperfections of existing antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs were recognized, mainly due to the adaptation of microflora to them, changing their properties under their influence - prof. A. F. Bilibin, prof. Z. V. Ermolyeva et al., Such changes in microflora can be not only unprofitable, but even dangerous, since in this case forms of microorganisms that are not characteristic of humans (dysbacteriosis) arise, often activation and such reproduction of fungal flora are associated with this, which leads to to dangerous fungal diseases, for example, - candidiasis and candidomycosis (Prof. P. N. Kashkin).

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):103-105
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Second Inter-Institutional Conference on Bacteriophagy

Perelstein S.B.


The conference heard 69 reports from the Soviet Union, as well as China, Poland and Bulgaria. It should be noted that the question of the nature of the bacteriophage has been controversial until recently. A big brake on the recognition of its living nature was the avisuality of the bacteriophage, which did not make it possible to confirm its corpuscularity. Only with the introduction of electron microscopy, electrophoresis, chromatography, the use of radioactive isotopes, data were obtained that not only prove the corpuscular nature of the phage, but also many details of its structure, metabolism, chemical composition, etc. have been discovered. Most modern researchers recognize the living nature of the bacteriophage, considering it a virus , a parasite of bacteria that infects microbial cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):105-108
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XI scientific session of the Institute. A. V. Vishnevsky of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (12-13 / XI-59)

Kharitonov I.F.


One issue was discussed at the session - about the technique of operations on a "dry" heart, disconnected from the blood flow. The main report was made by a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences prof. A. A. Vishnevsky. He shared his experience of dry heart surgery under hypothermia. Bailey (1950) pioneered this technique of heart surgery; in the USSR, since 1953, a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. P. A. Kupriyanov, and then A. A. Vishnevsky. During this time at the Institute. AV Vishnevsky children underwent 24 such operations for congenital heart defects: atrial septal obstruction, pulmonary artery stenosis, aortic valves, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):108-109
pages 108-109 views

New methods of diagnosis and treatment

Stopping atonic postpartum hemorrhage with "metrohemostat" by V.E. Rogovin

Kozlov L.A.


The fight against postpartum atonic bleeding is carried out using mechanical (massage of the uterus, pressing the aorta, tamponade of the uterine cavity), thermal (ice on the uterine region) and pharmacological (pituitrin, ergotine, etc.), which are usually used in combination with one another. When it is not possible to stop bleeding by the listed measures, they resort to amputation or extirpation of the uterus. However, it is not always possible to perform the operation in a timely manner, especially in rural conditions, as a result of which maternal mortality from postpartum hemorrhage is high.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):110-111
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To the method of transfusion of blood and blood-substituting fluids

Fattakhov K.S.


The fastest removal of the patient from shock before surgery, prevention of its recurrence during and after surgery require vigorous measures. Since one of the most effective anti-shock agents is the transfusion of blood and fluids replacing it, equipment is also of no small importance, which makes it possible to simplify the technique of technical implementation of this measure. Despite the widespread use of ampoules for transfusion of blood and other fluids, they have significant drawbacks, expressed in the following: 1. It is difficult to replace an empty ampoule with a new one, as air can enter when it is disconnected from the rubber tube leading to the needle. 2. The inclusion of additional solutions into the system occurs primitively: either by puncturing the distal section of the rubber tube, or by injecting with a syringe through the upper tube of the ampoule, or, finally, by infusion through the upper narrow part of it, as well as through a specially made for this purpose, closed with a glass or rubber stopper , ampoule.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):111-114
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Taking blood from donors under local anesthesia

Rosenzweig K.I.


Puncture of the vein of the elbow bend with an ordinary sharpened needle with good technique causes only slight pain in the donor. However, when taking blood for transfusion, due to the large diameter of the Dufo needle, a certain effort is still required from the donor to overcome pain, which can be significant in some subjects. Striving to maximize donor sparing during blood donation is necessary not only for reasons of humanity, but also in order to attract a larger number of donors.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):114-115
pages 114-115 views


Professor Valerian Vladimirovich Miloslavsky


On January 19, 1960, the public of Kazan celebrated the 80th anniversary of his birth and the 55th anniversary of the medical, scientific, pedagogical and social activities of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and TASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Kazan Medical Institute, the most prominent hygienist of our country Valerian Vladimirovich Miloslavsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):115-118
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Professor Abubekr Gireevich Teregulov


On 14/III-1960, the medical community celebrated the 75th anniversary of the birth and the 50th anniversary of the scientific, medical, pedagogical and social activities of the oldest clinical therapist, the first Tatar professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and TASSR Abubekr Gireevich Teregulov. A.G. Teregulov was born in 1885 in Ufa in the family of an employee. Graduated with honors in 1911 from the medical faculty of Kazan University. After serving in the Ufa provincial zemstvo as a district doctor, he later worked at the faculty therapeutic clinic of Kazan State University.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):119-121
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Discussion. Volume 41, No. 2 (1960)


In № 1 for 1960 "Kazan Medzhurnal" "Notes on medical thinking and the problem of technology in the field of internal medicine" by prof. A. M. Sigal are of undoubted interest. The author rightly points out that the rapid progress of technology, which we are witnessing, cannot, however, replace the doctor's thinking, and convincingly argues with those who believe that electronic machines, "diagnostic machines" will be able to solve complex issues of differential diagnosis for the doctor and accurately characterize certain features of the disease in a particular individual. As a matter of fact, such "technicalism" can hardly captivate a wide circle of Soviet doctors, who perfectly understand that coding (in terms of symptomatology) of an electronic machine will never be able to reveal in its entirety the complex process of analyzing anamnestic data, objective, laboratory and instrumental research, a combination of diseases , the possibilities of therapy, - a uniquely individual process of making a diagnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Book review

Prof. I. Ya. Sosnovik. Clinic and prevention of poisoning with pesticides. Medgiz, 1959. 150 pages. Price 5 rubles 20 kopecks. Circulation 5000


The successful development of modern agriculture requires the widespread use of a number of chemicals used for fertilization, weeding crops (weed control), for processing seeds and crops, destroying pests and pathogens of crops, finished products. Many of these substances, called pesticides, are highly toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective measures to prevent the adverse effects of pesticides on human health. So far, clearly not enough is being done in this regard. It is necessary to study the methods of using chemicals, taking into account local crops and climatic conditions, the safety of chemical products after their intended use in cereals, fruits, vegetables. Sanitary-biological laboratories in rural areas should possess methods for the chemical determination of the content of pesticides in food.

Kazan medical journal. 1960;41(2):126-128
pages 126-128 views

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