Vol 25, No 12 (1929)

Cover Page

Full Issue

"Raw food" as a healing method

Strauss Н.


Raw food (Rohkost) means food that is prepared without the use of fire. Distinguish between raw food of animal and vegetable origin. Based on the current movement towards a raw food diet, from a practical point of view, raw food of plant origin is primarily of interest. When considering it, I mean to relate only to those circumstances that occur in this matter in adults, and not to touch upon what happens when a growing organism is fed, where a number of other considerations must be taken into account, and mainly the question of vitamins.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1259-1265
pages 1259-1265 views

Intracutaneous reaction as a new method in the diagnosis of malaria

Hermann O.A., Lifschitz M.S.


Since the causative agent of malaria is known to us and the clinical picture of this disease is sometimes extremely characteristic, it would seem that there is nothing easier than making an appropriate diagnosis. However, it must be admitted that difficulties and even mistakes occur very often in this case, and when the disease is acute, and even more so when it has a chronic course. If plasmodia are found in the blood, then, of course, any question disappears. It is known, however, that even in an acute and subacute state, when the disease is usually accompanied by characteristic temperature curves with chills and then after a strictly defined time, sometimes plasmodia in the blood cannot be found even with repeated studies in a thick drop.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1266-1272
pages 1266-1272 views

Peptone treatment "Witte" of summer children's diarrhea

Dyadkin V.


The pathogenesis and etiology of childhood summer diarrhea are still insufficiently understood. It is only known that the epidemic of these diarrhea is observed on summer days, when the child's intestines, due to his apparently weak endurance to the summer heat (decreased immunity) and due to careless and insufficient care and nutrition, is the object of food intoxication and flooding of various kinds of infections. The treatment of summer diarrhea is one of the most difficult tasks for the doctor. Already the high infant mortality rate from gastrointestinal diseases speaks for our poorly successful treatment. Message from Dr. Daikhovsky from the clinic of prof. Luria (Kaz. Medical journal, No. 2, 1928) on the treatment of diarrhea with peptone "Witte" prompted us to try this method on the material of the Ulyanovsk city children's outpatient clinic. The epidemic of children's diarrhea in the past summer gave us the opportunity to carry out peptone therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1272-1274
pages 1272-1274 views

To the article by Dr. Dyadkin: "Treatment of summer children's diarrhea with peptone "Witte"

Luria R.A.


After my report at the IX All-Union Congress of Physicians in 1926 and a number of articles by my and my students about the good therapeutic effect of peptone on the course of some forms of chronic diarrhea and its stopping effect, especially in acute lesions of the distal segment of the intestine, there is already a significant number of observations from various clinics confirming the provisions set out by us. Thus, Justman published an article in the Polish and German press (Warszawskie Casopismo Lekarskie 29 / II 1928 and Arch. F. Verdauungskr. 1928, Bd. XLIV, S. 80), based on our work, a number of observations, and came to the results similar to ours. At the 2nd All-Ukrainian Congress of Therapists, prof. Bukhshtab in the debate focused on the good results of peptone therapy for diarrhea, prof. Umber (Berlin) informed me that his clinic reported the excellent action of peptone in diarrhea. I will not dwell on a number of other reports received by me from doctors, confirming that the new way of treating diarrhea practically gives useful results.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1274-1275
pages 1274-1275 views

Penetrating chest wounds

Maslov P.N.


In times of war, chest wounds are common. In peacetime, chest wounds, like any wounds in general, are relatively rare. In this message, I do not dare to fully touch upon the entire literature on this issue, but I will give only some excerpts borrowed from the authors. So, for example, Keitt in the German army for the period 1886-1896 observed 78 chest wounds, of which 8 were penetrating, Vorseku from the surgical clinic in Budapest collected 89 cases of penetrating chest wounds in 10 years, Volkovich for 7 years, (1894- 1901) had 25 cases of penetrating chest wounds. Material on chest wounds passed through the Kaz. state y-that. from 1921 to 1928 inclusive, that is, over 7 years, is 74 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1275-1282
pages 1275-1282 views

A case of a gunshot wound to the heart

Vakulenko M.


Recently, many successful operations for heart injuries have been described. Nevertheless, these operations are not yet frequent and most surgeons have never had to have such patients. Two years ago I encountered two cases, one of which I operated on.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1282-1283
pages 1282-1283 views

Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities by injection of obliterating substances

Korabelnikov I.D.


Our incomplete acquaintance with the reasons leading to the development of c. R. v. (varicose veins) of the lower extremities, and the impossibility of thereby eliminating these causes leads to the proposal of a number of both surgical and conservative methods of treatment. Of the latter, the proposal to close the lumen of the vein by obliterating it from the inside, caused by the injection of a medicinal substance, cannot but draw attention to itself, since such treatment is extremely simple, does not require special instruments and can be carried out on an outpatient basis, without interrupting the patient from his usual activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1283-1296
pages 1283-1296 views

Biological method of preventing pregnancy with sperm injections

Stolypin F.G.


So interesting at the present time, from a practical point of view, the question of sperm immunity was developed at the end of the last century. Already in 1899, Landsteiner, injecting bovine sperm into the abdominal cavity of a guinea pig previously immunized with bovine sperm, observed a rapid cessation of sperm movement and the phenomenon of spermolysis. Mechnikov (1960), injecting human sperm into animals, received substances toxic to spermatozoa in the blood serum of the latter, giving them, for the first time, the name "spermatoxin". Further, by injecting guinea pig spermatoxic serum into a normal rabbit, he received an antispermatoxin. Moxter has established with his research that spermatozoins act only on spermatozoa, without affecting the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules. Metalnikov, injecting the sperm of males into females from guinea pigs, received spermatoxins, which had a devastating effect not only on the spermatozoa of other individuals, but also on their own, that is, they obtained iso-auto-spermatoxins. London, on the basis of his experiments, came to the conclusion that all normal serum has auto-iso-heterospermatoxins, and thus he allowed the existence of physiological spermatoxins. As a result, by the beginning of the twentieth century, enough works on the issue of spermatoxins had already accumulated in the scientific and medical literature. The conclusions of these studies, naturally, prompted experimental work in the field of practical application of sperm immunity.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1296-1300
pages 1296-1300 views

A rare case of congenital fetal malformation

Shub R.L.


In the few published casuistic cases of deformities, the coverage of the issue of their genesis and diagnosis is especially affected, so that the question of deformities is precisely the etiology of their occurrence in a number of cases and to the present day remains open. The issued decree of the People's Commissariat of Health on the need to publish cases of deformities and their scientific research within the limits of modern possibilities deserves attention, since only the accumulation and development of casuistic material will help to illuminate such a complex issue as the pathology of embryonic development.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1300-1304
pages 1300-1304 views

Antipyrine as an indicator in the sterilization of dressings

Steinberg I.I.


In the conditions of local surgical work with insufficiently functional autoclaves (no manometer, thermometer) and very capricious in work (steam passing through certain holes only at the end of sterilization), it is natural to have a simple tool that would serve as an indicator of the degree of sterility of the material. This is especially important also because the insignificant correction of the autoclave in remote rural areas is associated with great difficulties due to the lack of appropriate foremen, which often forces the surgical work to be stopped for some time.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1311-1311
pages 1311-1311 views

A case of tetanus after a foot burn

Machan V.Y.


23. VIII 1925 at 10 o'clock. In the evening, a 35-year-old patient M. Ch. was brought to the Propedeutic Surgical Clinic for a burn of the right foot. Patient is a worker at a blast-furnace shop at a large metallurgical plant. During his usual work, patient accidentally stepped into the solidified, but still very hot mass of cast iron with his right foot and received a burn.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1312-1314
pages 1312-1314 views

Nervous system with endemic goiter and cretinism

Fedorov N.I.


В ряде местностей земного шара (Альпы, Карпаты, Пиринеи, Скандинавия, Урал, Кавказ, Забайкалье, Туркестан, Гималаи, Сев. Америка и т. д) встречается очаговая болезнь—эндемический зоб и связанный с ним кретинизм. У части населения этих районов появляется или общее разлитое увеличение щитовидной железы (диффузный зоб), или увеличение ее в виде узлов, исходящих из перешейка или боковых долей железы (узловатый зоб). Число узлов, их величина и форма различны. Консистенция узлов может быть мягкой, плотной, твердой и редко—каменистой (объизвествившийся зоб).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1304-1309
pages 1304-1309 views

A case of primary erysipelas of the pharynx and larynx

Holland B.S.


On January 2, 1928, a peasant woman, p. Korguzyan, Sviyazhsky canton. M., 30 years old, with complaints of severe sore throat, inability to swallow, severe pain when moving the lower jaw, a hoarse voice and severe runny nose. The sore throat began on December 31, 1927, and subsided a little the next morning. Then a chill appeared, pain in the throat and larynx intensified, and the patient absolutely lost her voice, she could not open her mouth, swallowing is absolutely impossible, breathing through the nose is difficult. The patient cannot indicate any moments that caused this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1314-1316
pages 1314-1316 views

Dietics and dietotherapy of an infant in the last two decades

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


Not so long ago, drug therapy for gastrointestinal disorders in the infant was attributed to the main role and no attention was paid to his nutrition - diet. At present, the works of Czerny, Keller and their students have proven that with any nutritional disorder, intracellular metabolism is first of all disturbed, while phenomena from the intestine do not always characterize a morbid state, often appear later, when metabolism is disturbed throughout the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1317-1324
pages 1317-1324 views

Problems of rationalization of medical business in the Republic of Tatarstan

Oyfebach M.I.


The five-year plan for the industrialization of the country and the reconstruction of agriculture poses enormous tasks for the whole country, and among them health issues are not the last. It should be noted with certainty that in the upcoming stage of new construction, the view of the improvement of the working people only as a socio-cultural sector of work must be changed. Until now, in the absence of well-proven indicators of health care performance, it was not clear to everyone that the health function also pursues a purely production goal: maintaining the health of the workforce — and thereby contributing to the industrialization of our country. But doctors must clearly see that health care is part of the industrialization of the USSR and that they are entrusted with a responsible task - taking care of the state of health, first of all, of that part of the population, on which the increase in labor productivity and the successful implementation of the plan of great works, that is, broad of the proletarian masses. Our methods of work and pace must be adapted to the rate of growth of the country's industrialization and the sharp lags that have been observed up to the present time must be eliminated, and the attention of the entire Soviet public, and especially the attention of the command staff of healthcare, from which in many respects depends on the formulation of a medical case, improving its quality and efficiency.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1324-1330
pages 1324-1330 views

On the oscillation of the arch of the foot under the influence of marching in the Red Army

Kochev K.N.


The issue of the functional ability of the feet in connection with the elastic forces acting in them has been repeatedly highlighted in the orthopedic literature and reported at conferences of Kazan orthopedists, who paid special attention to this topic. Prof. Friedland in his article "Oscillation of the height of the arch of the foot under the influence of various moments" (Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vol. 2-3, 1927) summarizes the work on this issue. These works make it possible to establish not only the final result of the influence of various working and rest conditions on the height of the arch of the foot, but also to capture the details of this influence during the very process of pathological exposure. Thus, the dynamics of flat feet in printing workers (Gerasimova, Kochev), the dynamics of fluctuations in the arch of the foot during one working day in workers, employees and students (Kiptenko, Avgustinov and Alekseeva-Kozmina) have been clarified. In my work: "The influence of skiing on the height of the arch of the foot" (Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1927, No. 6), the oscillation of the arch of the foot after an acute load and a night's rest was clarified.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1309-1311
pages 1309-1311 views

Impressions from the III All-Union Congress of otorhinolaryngologists

Holland B.S., Yakhontov S.P.


The congress took place on August 27-31, 1929 in Odessa. In the evening of August 26, in the house of the Red Army of the Zamnarkomzdrav of Ukraine, Comrade The Nagorny Congress was opened, the chairman of the Organizing Bureau of the Congress, Dr. Rosenfeld, representative of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR, Comrade Morgulis, representatives of local administration and medical societies. After the welcoming speeches, a resolution on the events in the Far East was unanimously adopted with the following content: outrage and protest against violent actions. The congress, together with the entire Soviet public, declares publicly that at the call of the government to defend the first socialist fatherland, scientists are ready to come forward and devote all their strength and knowledge to defend October. The congress is deeply convinced that the medical masses in their daily practical activities will be able to show their devotion to the workers 'and peasants' state, rallying their ranks to work in the field of health care, and create a strong fighting unit to protect the fatherland of the world proletariat from a military shock. Long live the unshakable union of science and labor. Long live the Red Army — the loyal defender of the allied borders. Long live the leader of the proletariat V K.P. (b). "

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1330-1335
pages 1330-1335 views

B. Ya. Shimshelevich, V. N. Meshkov and T. P. Nikitin. Physiotherapy. For physicians and physical education specialists. Edited by B. Ya. Shimshelevich with a foreword by N. A. Semashko. State Medical Publishing House. Moscow, 1929, 270 pages, c. 2 p. 90 r.

Friedland M.


The foundations of physical culture have been firmly laid by Soviet health care: its development is successful and rapid. Quite recently, some 6-7 years ago, it had to pave the way with incredible efforts to convince and organize the broad working masses for the preventive use of natural factors. The ice of social inertia has broken, and the physical culture movement, as the fundamental principle of the prevention of public health, is spreading in a wide wave throughout the Union. At the same time, new prospects are already being identified. Physical education has outgrown its original objectives. The great scientific work done, carefully staged laboratory studies, systematically conducted clinical observations, plus the enviable activity of the leaders of the physical culture movement, open the arrow for its parallel progress along the second path, along the path of using physical education as a serious therapeutic factor. Let there even be some shifts in the borderline areas of physiology and orthopedics. Physical education, extending its sphere of influence to the zones of mechano-aero-heliotherapy, at the same time contributes to their methodological and technical improvement on the basis of the previously accumulated clinical experience in these areas. It will be very good if athletes become competent orthopedists and physiatrists, and orthopedists and physiatrists improve their physical education qualifications. This will bring about a practically valuable synthesis of prevention and therapy at one of the most advanced vanguards of Soviet medicine. Numerous signs are the guarantee of this. One of them is the peer-reviewed book.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1335-1337
pages 1335-1337 views

Prof. L. A. Bogomolets. Pathological physiology. III ed., Volume I, 1929, Gosmedizdat, c. 2 p. 50 k., Binding 50 k.

Sirotinin N.


The textbook of pathological physiology prof. L. A. Bogomolets is published in the third edition. The first edition sold out in less than two years, the second edition sold 6,000 copies. Such a great demand and the name of the author, the most authoritative representative of this science in our country, speak for the value of the book. The author is a representative of the physiological experimental direction in general pathology, he initiated the renaming of general pathology into pathological physiology, adopted by the Second All-Union Congress of Pathologists in Moscow.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1337-1337
pages 1337-1337 views

Plaut Р. Die Zeugenaussagen jugendlicher Psychopathen. Ihre forensische Bedeutung. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. Stutgart, 1928, 86 Seiten

Galant I.


Plaut's book on the testimony of juvenile psychopaths presents the eighth issue of the series edited by Mollʹ: "Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Psychotherapie und medizinischen Psychologie". It falls into the following chapters: 1) juvenile witnesses in sexual assault proceedings, 2) the concept and essence of psychopathy, 3) plausibility and lies in psychopathic children, 4) discussion of testimony in court practice, 5) conclusion.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1337-1338
pages 1337-1338 views

Priv.-Assoc. G. A. Baksht. Variability and metabolism. State Medical Publishing House: 1929, 196 pages, c. 1 p. 55 r.

Leibchik Y.


The book is a series of lectures given by the author in the courses for advanced training of doctors at the Obstetric and Gynecological Institute in Leningrad. In addition to the preface by prof. RV Kiparsky, the book contains the following chapters: I. Changes in the physicochemical properties of blood during pregnancy. II. Nitrogen exchange. III. Carbohydrate metabolism. IV. Fat metabolism. V. Mineral exchange. Vi. The doctrine of the "acidosis" of blood during pregnancy. Vii. Changes in endocrine organs during pregnancy. VIII. The doctrine of the autonomic nervous system and its changes during pregnancy. IX. Reticuloendothelial apparatus and pregnancy, and applications: a) pigmentation; b) the liver of pregnant women and c) fluctuations in enzymatic functions during pregnancy. It should be noted the successful arrangement of the material, and at the beginning of each chapter the author gives a general theoretical or anatomical and physiological introduction and coverage of the section presented in this chapter. The appearance of such a manual in Russian is quite timely, since the question of metabolism during pregnancy is interpreted and presented by the author from the point of view of the latest trends in the physiology and pathology of pregnancy — changes in the physicochemical state of the colloidal environment of the tissues of a pregnant woman.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1338-1338
pages 1338-1338 views

Dr. A. V. Popova. Modern doctrine of the nutrition of young children. Protection of Maternity and Infancy. State Medical Publishing House, c. 2 p. 50 k, 1929

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


In this book, the author sets himself the task of introducing young doctors and average med. staff of institutions for the Protection of Maternity and Infancy with modern views on the nutrition of young children and the latest achievements in this area. The author's persistent view of dietotherapy as the only remedy for digestive and nutritional disorders in early childhood is undeniable for anyone working in the field of pediatrics. Having established the value of dietetics and diet therapy, the author introduces the scientific data that underlie the preparation and selection of food. In this regard, the author's work provides complete and comprehensive data. All the mixtures used have been carefully developed in terms of composition, preparation technique, calorie content, indications for use. The author pays special attention to milk, its properties, to the equipment of a dairy kitchen. The chapter in which the author introduces the nutrition of a pregnant and breastfeeding mother is valuable.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1338-1338
pages 1338-1338 views

Regarding the review of Dr. S. A. Belsky on my "Dictionary of Clinical Terminology"

Breitman M.Y.


I am very grateful to Dr. Belsky for his review. Until now, this is the most conscientious and attentive reader of my book. If everyone using it, like him, would inform me of noticed errors or even controversial points, then in the second edition, undoubtedly, one could vouch for maximum accuracy. Before my "Dictionary", the stress of individual words was noted only in Roth'a and Griesbach'a, and also partially in English and American dictionaries, and even then partially, and therefore in many places the stress is really controversial or hesitant. Both of the above German authors provided their books with philological prefaces (the latter was especially well composed by Prof. H. Zimmerrer in the VII edition of the Roth’s dictionary (1908); unfortunately, this preface has been released in new editions).

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1338-1339
pages 1338-1339 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Surgical section. Meeting on October 16, 1929

Smirnov S.A.


1) Dr. I. F. Kharitonov. On the surgical treatment of abdominal echinococci. The message concerns 13 cases of abdominal echinococcus (11 — liver, 1 — large omentum, 1 — uterus), operated from 1924 to 1929 in the surgical department of Menzelinskaya hospital. In five cases, the treatment was carried out open, in the rest - closed, and in 7 cases the chitinous membrane was removed, followed by wiping the cavity with a 50% formalin solution in glycerin, and in one case the fibrous capsule was removed. In 6 cases out of 8 treated with a closed method, smooth healing was observed. One case of open treatment was fatal. — Debate: Prof. N.V. Sokolov pointed out the advantage of removable sutures according to Razumovsky for a deaf method of surgical treatment of echinococci. Priv.-Assoc. R. A. Gusynin, Dr. B. V. Ognev, prof. P. M. Krasin, Dr. A. H. Ryzhikh and prof. VL Bogolyubov, who pointed out the difficulty in many cases of recognizing echinococcus, recommends not neglecting the Kassoni reaction and eosinophilia for this. The closed method of surgical treatment of echinococcus should be resorted to in all cases, except in cases of large cysts and festering echinococcus. The two-stage closed method, defended by the speaker, is not recommended for the treatment of large cysts.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1339-1340
pages 1339-1340 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Surgical section. Meeting on November 1, 1929

Tsimkhes I.


Patient N., 52 years old, a peasant, was admitted to an orthopedic clinic with complaints of severe back pain, radiating to the legs. The pain intensifies towards night and is localized in the region of the lumbar vertebrae (2-3-4 pos.). Considers himself sick for 5½ years. In August 1928 he went to the orthopedic outpatient clinic, was suspected of tuberculosis spondylitis and a plaster corset was applied, which despite 6½ months, wearing it did not give any improvements. He was ill periodically, lies in bed for 1 year. Married, 6 children, all healthy, 1 miscarriage, lues denies. Objectively; the study found kyphosis, expressed in the area of ​​the 2 lumbar. vertebrae, movements in the joints are free. There is no muscle atrophy. R. W. sharply positive (++++). X-ray: a destructive process in 2-3-4 lumbar vertebrae with enhanced bone tissue regeneration and annoyance of the peripheral parts of the vertebrae. Under the influence of treatment — rest, traction (glison loop) and inside kalii jodati — the kyphosis decreased significantly, the pain gradually became weaker. - Debate: prof. M. O. Friedland drew attention to the interest of this case in the sense of the rarity of syphilitic lesions of the lumbar vertebrae. Prof. VL Bogolyubov attributes the instructiveness of the case to the correct diagnosis, since mistakes are especially frequent in relation to the lues of the osteoarticular department, which is routinely taken for tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1340-1341
pages 1340-1341 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Joint meeting of the Physiotherapy Section and the Society of Radiologists November 30, 1929

Khorosh Y.V.


The authors set out to trace the state and movement of enzymes in patients undergoing X-ray therapy. The material consisted of 18 patients. There were 120 experiments. Results: with repeated illumination of the lymphatic apparatus, regardless of the process in it (lymphogranulomatosis, sarcoma, cancer), a stepped curve is obtained, where each subsequent vertex is higher than the previous one. When illuminating the thyroid gland and spinal cord, a curve is obtained, where each subsequent vertex is significantly lower than the previous one. When skin areas (ulcus rodens, angioma) are illuminated, the enzymatic reaction is not expressed. Lipase gives less characteristic changes. Under the influence of X-ray therapy, this enzyme returns to normal. It was not possible to reveal a particular parallelism between enzymatic curves and changes in the course of the disease process. —Discussion: prof. G. A. Klyachkin, Dr. E. T. Gefen, Ya. V. Khorosh, L. N. Klyachkin, M. I. Goldstein, prof. A.V. Favorsky and assistant professor R. Ya. Gasul.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1341-1342
pages 1341-1342 views

Saratov Physics and Medicine Society

Kushev N.E.


Chairman of the island prof. N. Ye. Kushev, opening the meeting, said that a group of former students of the Faculty of Medicine expressed a desire to celebrate the anniversary of Kazan University with a solemn meeting. Old students from the 70s and 80s of the last century spoke with their memories. The first message from prof. V.I. Razumovsky related to medical education and the life of Kazan students in the 70s of the last century. The speaker in an extensive and detailed report outlined the history of Kazan University, mentioned the first professors, the outstanding mathematician Lobachevsky and prominent professors of the medical faculty - about Kovalevsky, Petrov, Shcherbakov, etc. Interesting information about the life of students of the 70s concerned the time when V. I. Razumovsky studied at the university. The report was accompanied by demonstrations of photographs by Prof. Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1342-1343
pages 1342-1343 views

Activities of the Scientific Association at the Union of Medsantrud of Sevastopol

Belsky A.


The Sevastopol Scientific Association conducts its work in general meetings and in sections. In addition, NA members are closely involved in the work of the North. health care, meetings and meetings of the Sanepid, according to OV, conduct lectures and talks at enterprises, improvement courses. Lively work is carried out section by section, and the most efficient is the skin-venereal section, where every 2 weeks numerous reports, messages, demonstrations of patients are made; then comes the section of surgical specialties (surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology and otolaryngology); section for pediatric-therapeutic, dental and sanitary-prophylactic. The physiotherapy section, based on the Institute for Physical Methods of Treatment named after prof. Sechenov and inspired by its director, the venerable professor A.E. Shcherbak. This section is the most fruitful and rich in reports and reports, reports on which are published in Izvestia of the Sechenovsk Institute F.M.L.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1343-1343
pages 1343-1343 views

Chronicle. Volume 25, No. 12 (1929)

Editorial B.


270) Resolution of the CPC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on pensions for medical personnel in rural areas. The Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide: I.1. Introduce seniority pensions for medical and veterinary workers in rural areas and workers' settlements. 2. The following medical and veterinary workers in rural areas and workers' settlements have the right to a seniority pension: doctors, veterinarians, paramedics, veterinary paramedics, paramedics, paramedics-midwives, midwives, dentists and nurses (graduated from normal medical schools and Red Cross) 3. Mentioned in Art. 1 medical and veterinary workers acquire the right to a pension for their service in rural areas and workers' settlements for 25 years, regardless of whether their service took place in one or more of these areas.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1344-1349
pages 1344-1349 views

Questions and answers. Volume 25, No. 12 (1929)

Editorial B.


35) Please inform me about snakebite therapy. Subscr. No. 1032. Answer. First aid for being bitten by a poisonous snake consists in immediately sucking out the poison that has fallen from the wounds with a bloodsucking can. In order to slow down the absorption of the poison, it is recommended to drag the limb above the bite site. The area of ​​the bite should be aseptically excised, and the swollen edematous tissues should be incised to improve venom discharge; apply a sterile bandage and fix the limb in the splint. Cauterization of the wound is not recommended, since the resulting scab prevents the release of poison. The general treatment should be directed towards the elevation of cardiac activity by subcutaneous injection of ol. campharae by subcutaneous and intravenous infusion of saline sodium chloride solution. Calmett recommends the use of antitoxic serum (intravenous 300-400 cps) of a horse immunized with long-term injections of snake venom.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1349-1349
pages 1349-1349 views

Letters to the editor. Volume 25, No. 12 (1929)

Editorial B.


Dear Comrade Editor. I am finishing work on the compilation of the "Bibliography of Russian Surgery and Border Regions for 1890-1913", which includes all Russian surgical (and border regions) literature (monographs, journal articles, reports in various medical societies, etc.). ) for the specified period. "Bibliography" comes out of the State Scientific Medical Library of the NKZ, and the issue of printing it has been agreed with the State Publishing House and the work is included in its plan. In the interest of completeness of the "Bibliography", I again ask all the so-called surgeons who published their works during the specified time (especially in provincial, hard-to-reach publications, works of various medical societies, reports, etc.), to provide me with lists of their works to the address: Malakhovka, Moscow district, Mikhnevskaya hospital, chief physician B. A. Ivanov. Dr. B. Ivanov.

Kazan medical journal. 1929;25(12):1350-1350
pages 1350-1350 views

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