Vol 17, No 2 (1921)

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Application of the principles of colloidal chemistry to obtain the purest preparation of tetanotoxin

Aristovsky V.M.


If you take a broth culture of a tetanus bacillus and filter it through a Chamberland'a candle, then, as you know, you will get a completely transparent, sterile liquid with pronounced toxic properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):139-153
pages 139-153 views

To the pathogenesis and therapy of dysentery

Luria R.A.


Despite the fact that in recent years the number of works devoted to the etiology and pathogenesis of dysentery is extremely large, in the treatment of this disease, a surprising lack of unity of views is nevertheless noted, the absence of even one more share of a less generally recognized therapeutic plan.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):154-168
pages 154-168 views

A case of the Morgagni-Adams-Stokes'a symptom complex

Rufimsky V.V.


Cases of the Morgagni-Adams-Stokes symptom complex are of interest in three respects: firstly, this disease is far from common and has not yet been sufficiently studied (for example, over the past 10 years, the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic of Kazan University had only three cases of this disease); secondly, sometimes, as was the case in our case, patients with this disease present very interesting phenomena from the heart, found during auscultation of the heart, especially direct, that is, auscultation with the ear without a stethoscope; thirdly, finally, the cases of the Morgagni-Adams-Stokes'a symptom complex are interesting because of the instructive picture given by the latest research methods used in cardiology in this disease, namely, sphygmophlebography and especially electrocardio diagnostics. The latter, in cases of the cardiogenic type of the named disease, makes it possible to make a very accurate anatomical diagnosis with confidence.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):169-189
pages 169-189 views

Flutter of the atria ("Vorhofsflattern)

Boron M.R.


In September 1920, a patient was admitted to the therapeutic department of the Clinical Institute with symptoms of severe shortness of breath, chest pains, insomnia, and large swelling of the legs, especially the face. Often takes a forced knee-elbow position. In childhood, smallpox, measles. 20 years old — syphilis, in 1919 — typhus.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):190-195
pages 190-195 views

Herzblock's case

Predtechensky D.


If at the present time X-ray is considered a necessary diagnostic tool in the clinic for the determination and confirmation of various kinds of diseases (determination of the boundaries of the heart, enlargements of the aorta, tumors, etc.), then we still cannot say the same about the electrocardiographic method. ... The latter is still the property of only a few scientific institutions, laboratories, institutes.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):196-202
pages 196-202 views

The effect of the cutaneous application of old Kosh'a tuberculin for therapeutic purposes on tuberculosis patients in outpatient pediatric practice

Menshikov V.K.


The therapeutic use of tuberculin, as is known, has long occupied a prominent place among many methods of treating tuberculosis. However, the views and assessment of this drug among researchers still strongly diverge: while some authors completely deny the beneficial effect of using this drug, others widely use it, noting the good results obtained at the same time. One cannot but agree that such a disagreement depends a lot on the personality of the researcher himself, on the method of application of the agent, on the severity and stage of the disease, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):203-207
pages 203-207 views

A case of bladder purpura

Denine P.P.


In March 1921, a sick peasant woman was admitted to the Hospital Surgical Clinic with complaints of hematuria, which appeared 3-4 days after a slight malaise. The rest of the patient felt healthy. Objectively, the patient did not represent any deviation from the norm. In particular, her t ° is normal, there are no symptoms of scurvy. For hematuria, cystoscopic examination. Cystoscopy revealed: the orifices of the ureters are normal, on the normal mucous membrane there are scattered red spots the size of a pinhead and larger, very similar to flea bites; these specks are scattered in various parts of the bladder, mainly at the bottom of it; there are no infiltrates around the spots and other changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):208-211
pages 208-211 views

To the question of preparing patients for surgery for inguinal hernias that have reached enormous sizes

Sokolov N.V.


When determining the size to which a hernial tumor reaches, well-known comparisons are usually used. So, Goldner 1) in his article, embracing 800 cases of inguinal hernias observed by him, divides hernias in size into walnut, chicken egg, goose egg, adult fist, child's head and large sizes that have reached the size. Boratynskiy  2) adheres to the same comparisons, describing 250 cases of hernias.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):212-218
pages 212-218 views

Fibroids of the uterus with intravascular growth

Timofeev A.I.


As you know, in the controversial issue of the histogenesis of uterine fibroids, the so-called. vascular theory occupies a fairly prominent place. I am among my defenders of such prominent representatives of natka as Borst, Orth, Lubagsch, Gottschalk, etc. Despite the high probability of such a histogenesis of uterine myomas, it should be noted that the growth of tumors into the lumen of the vessels is extremely rare, and only a few cases of this kind are described in the literature. Various authors, describing tumors spreading in their growth along the preexisting cavities, give them different names — myoma plexiforme, Venenmyom, and R. Meyer suggests calling them myoma intravasculare.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):219-223
pages 219-223 views

A case of female false hermaphroditism

Kozlov I.F.


On December 1, 1920, the patient Efrem Ignatiev, 22 years old, was admitted to the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of Kazan University, who was sent to the Krasnokokshai military commissar to establish his gender. In the documents sent with the patient, there was an act of the medical commission on military fees, from which it was clear that on November 22, 1920, a citizen of the Vyatka province, Krasnokokshaisky district, the village of Miklinoy, Efrem Ignatiev, who was born in 1899, was subjected to examination of the state of health when conscripted for military service, and “during the examination it turned out,” it was said in the act of the commission, “that gr. Ignatiev has predominantly female organs and underdeveloped male organs. “On this basis, the commission decided to send the aforementioned Ignatiev to the Kazan Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic, as a hermaphrodite, to establish gender.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):224-232
pages 224-232 views

About eye lesions due to typhoid processes

Adamun V.E., Gruzdev V.F.


Typhoid epidemic in 1919 - 20 in Kazan and its environs made it possible to observe, as its consequences, numerous cases of damage to the organs of vision, which almost exclusively resulted in the form of suffering of the vascular tract, with a predominant defeat of the choroid itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):233-246
pages 233-246 views

Sarcoma idiopathicum multiplex haemorrhagicum (Kaposi)

Yasnitsky N.N.


The disease of the skin, described for the first time by Kaposi in 1872 under the name sarcoma idiopathicum pigmentosum and attributed by him to the true primary sarcomas of the skin, being relatively rare, attracted the attention of prominent dermatologists at the end of the last century, serving as the subject of a lively and lengthy controversy both in the literature and and at various congresses of dermatologists, including the XII International Congress in Moscow.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):247-251
pages 247-251 views

Towards chemotherapy of tuberculosis: experiments with external use of copper salts in lupus

Golosovker S.Y.


The question of the treatment of various chronic diseases, especially tuberculosis, with drugs with chemotherapeutic properties, has long been in the focus of attention of researchers. Chemotherapy seeks mainly to influence the body with certain medicinal substances, which, while destroying _ pathogens, do not harm the body itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(2):252-268
pages 252-268 views

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