Vol 33, No 11 (1937)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR


The day of December 12, 1937, when the citizens of the USSR for the first time elected deputies to the Supreme Soviet on the basis of the Stalin Constitution, turned into a holiday on which the organization, unanimity, trust and loyalty of the peoples of our homeland to the party and government manifested themselves with unprecedented strength.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1-2
pages 1-2 views

Investigation of the reaction of skin capillaries to trauma in case of diseases of internal organs

Talantov V.I.


atophysiological changes in the capillary network of the skin have long served as a reference point in the diagnosis of many infectious diseases. Skin hemorrhages, petechial rashes, which also occur in some cases and in non-infectious diseases, prompted the scientific thought to study the biological changes in skin capillaries and to create artificial conditions under which it would be possible to get skin hemorrhages by stagnation or injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1291-1304
pages 1291-1304 views

Treatment of acute rheumatism with streptocide

Sluchevsky I.S.


Now, most clinicians consider rheumatism as the result of an allergic reaction of a host to an infection; it is assumed that the macroorganism has an increased sensitivity not only to specific allergens, but also to nonspecific, so-called paralergens. The bacterial factor here is most often streptococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1305-1307
pages 1305-1307 views

About the use of Jerusalem artichoke in the diet of a diabetic

Marshalkovich D.B., Binstok I.A.


For a long time, researchers working in the field of treating diabetes have tried to find carbohydrates that diabetics can absorb better than cane sugar and starch, and these attempts have, to some extent, been successful. The study of the assimilation of various carbohydrates has shown that in milder forms of diabetes, the tolerance to levulosa is significantly greater than to grape sugar. However, when large amounts of levulose are given for a long time, the tolerance in it begins to fall.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1308-1312
pages 1308-1312 views

Neuropsychiatric phenomena with pappatachi fever

Afanasyev D.V.


Pappataci fever is one of the many short-term fevers in warm countries. In different countries, there are different names for this disease: mosquito fever, summer fever, summer flu, three-day fever, climatic fever, etc. Pappatachi as a specific disease is mentioned for the first time in the literature in 1779. On the Mediterranean coast, Pym described a "three-day fever" in 1804.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1312-1319
pages 1312-1319 views

Permeability of the blood-brain barrier for sodium iodide in some organic diseases of the nervous system

Popov N.I.


In the physiology and pathology of the nervous system, much attention is paid to the issue of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Along with the theoretical interest, this question is important for the practicing physician. If, on the one hand, a violation of the barrier leads to a disease of the nervous system, then, on the other hand, in diseases of the nervous system, it is often necessary to force the permeability of the barrier in one way or another in order to enable various medicinal substances (arsenic, mercury) to enter the cerebrospinal fluid 

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1319-1331
pages 1319-1331 views

On the question of kidney solitary cysts

Dykhno A.M., Adamov G.P.


The reason for this communication was the following incident. 29/1937, patient L. (case history No. 7228), 28 years old, was admitted to the clinic, diagnosed with echinococcus spleen. Complains of a swelling in the left abdomen and dull pains in the left hypochondrium.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1331-1336
pages 1331-1336 views

Localized cystic fibrous osteitis

Kechek E.I.


The pathological and anatomical essence of ostitis fibrosa cystica is: 1) replacement of fatty and cellular bone marrow with fibrous connective tissue; 2) destruction of bone tissue by lacunar absorption; 3) metaplastic, and partly osteoblastic formation of new osteoid and bone tissue; 4) tumor-like growths of fibrous, as well as giant cell tissue, reminiscent of giant cell sarcomas, and 5) the formation of cysts in the overgrown connective tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1336-1341
pages 1336-1341 views

Early symptom of herniotomy wound infection

Entin N.A.


As you know, a herniotomy wound is especially susceptible to infection. The percentage of suppuration after hernia repair is higher than with other pure surgical interventions; different authors give different figures.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1342-1344
pages 1342-1344 views

Observations on the treatment of some forms of bone tuberculosis with Mazur antivirus

Shulutko L.I.


Since the discovery of the tubercle bacillus by Koch and the elucidation of the genesis of the osteo-tuberculosis process, a fairly significant number of the most diverse methods of treating this disease have been proposed until now. 

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1345-1358
pages 1345-1358 views

Schwarzman's phenomenon caused by concomitant flora in tuberculosis animals

Bukh F.L.


The presence of concomitant bacterial flora in the deep parts of the lung tissue, in pneumonic foci, and sometimes in the blood in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis can be considered proven, but this is not yet proof of the participation of this microflora in the pathogenesis of the process. The issue remains controversial, despite its many-sided study.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1358-1363
pages 1358-1363 views

To the question of the mechanism of the Bordet phenomenon

Drabkina R.O.


The issue of hypersensitivity of tuberculosis animals and humans to E. coli and its products has been highlighted by a number of authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1364-1370
pages 1364-1370 views

On the issue of growing a gonococcus on media without ascitic fluid

Kuryanova E.M.


The classical method of cultivating a gonococcus on nutrient media with the addition of ascitic fluid presents a number of inconveniences in obtaining cultures in large quantities in the production of vaccines. From the literature on this issue we know a number of proposed nutrient media in which the ascitic fluid is replaced by other, protein-containing substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1371-1375
pages 1371-1375 views

The first Soviet tomograph.

Novikov V.A.


Modern X-ray diagnostics using transillumination and an image still has drawbacks, since when examining the internal organs, especially the chest, the layering of ribs and muscles on the insides is a big hindrance.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1376-1381
pages 1376-1381 views

A case of symmetric keratoderma with pronounced changes in the autonomic nervous system

Leizerovsky A.M.


The epidermis, as you know, throughout the life of the organism undergoes constant transformation: from the multiplication of basal cells, through the malpighian layer to the granular layer and, finally, to the stratum corneum, consisting of lamellar cells devoid of nucleus and protoplasm, physiologically always undergoing desquamation ... Moderate thickening of the stratum corneum of the palms and soles, as a result of the actual impact on these areas of various physical and chemical factors, is not always a pathological process.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1381-1383
pages 1381-1383 views

Case of kyphosis after tetanus

Voskresensky G.P.


In 1917, Meyer-Weiler first described a case of kyphotic curvature of the spine after tetanus. This was followed by a description of similar cases by other authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1383-1384
pages 1383-1384 views

Cases of a nasal stone

Chernykh G.S.


Nasal stones or rhinoliths, being a product of lime salt deposits, are rare. In 1885 Hiari collected 53 cases, Zeligman 108 cases (1892), according to Silin (1890) - 58 cases, Lunin described 1 case, Malyutin - 2 cases, Ornatsky — 1, Zaler — 1, Preobrazhensky — 3, Sokolov — 1, Puchkovsky — 1, Chalusov — 1, Ivanov — 1, Belitsky — 3, Zimin — 7, Denisov — 3, Zak — 5, Korsakov — 2 .

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1385-1386
pages 1385-1386 views

On injuries to the skull in a state of intoxication

Fadeev I.P.


Prof. Ignatovsky points out that “the symptoms of arousal and depression under pressure on the brain are somewhat reminiscent of alcohol poisoning, which is why it is not surprising that there have been cases when the symptoms caused by excessive intoxication were mistaken for signs of pressure on the brain, but even more often there are reverse errors: pressure on the brain taken for drunkenness.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1387-1390
pages 1387-1390 views

Gate et Guilleret. Skin manifestations in leukemia. (J. de med. De Lyon. V. 18, 1937)

Dembskaya V.


The authors describe three cases of leukemia where cutaneous manifestations may have obscured the correct diagnosis. One of them had erythroderma, which looked at first as psoriatic parakeratosis, and then as premotic erythema.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1391-1391
pages 1391-1391 views

Frazier. Pitressin for bloating. (Am. J. of Surgery — 39, IV, 1937)

Dembskaya V.


The author used exclusively the vasoconstrictor fraction of the posterior lobe of the epididymis. He injected it subcutaneously in an amount of 0.5-1 cm³ for 4 patients suffering from postoperative intestinal distention.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1391-1391
pages 1391-1391 views

Castrovilli. Treatment of malarial hemoglobinuria with C-vitamin acid. (Minerva Medica. Turin. V I. 18 / III 1937)

Dembskaya V.


The author obtained good results from the daily injection of 0.1 C-vitamin acid in one case of nephrohemolytic hemoglobinuria in tertian malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1391-1391
pages 1391-1391 views

Vygowsky. Treatment of typhoid fever with neoarsphenamine and sodium dehydrochlorate. (Poska Gas. Lek. Lwow. V. 16, 28/III.1937)

Dembskaya V.


All the methods of treatment used for typhoid, the author subdivides into the supporting forces of the body, bactericidal and physical. He took under his supervision 60 patients (50 men and 10 women) aged 15 to 45 years, who were admitted to the hospital 1-1.5 weeks after the onset of typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1391-1392
pages 1391-1392 views

Cookson and Facey. Treatment of typhoid with a specific serum. (Brit Med. J. V. I 15 / V 1937)

Dembskaya V.


During a sporadic typhoid epidemic in 1936, caused by poor quality milk, the authors administered anti-typhoid serum to 73 out of 500 typhoid patients, choosing the most severe cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1392-1392
pages 1392-1392 views

Rogers, E. New York State Control of Pneumococcal Pneumonia. (Am. J. Fubl. Health 1937, 27, 2) Н. К.


As you know, croupous pneumonia in the United States gives a huge percentage of mortality; therefore, in this country, the correct therapeutic and epidemiological measures are of particular importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1392-1392
pages 1392-1392 views

Bahrenburg, J. and Ecker. E. A case of meningitis caused by a bacillus paratyphoid B. (J. Inf. Dis. 1937, 60 I)


The authors isolated a microbe from the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with meningitis, which turned out to belong to the group of paratyphoid bacilli.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1392-1392
pages 1392-1392 views

Paus. A case of perforation of gastric and duodenum ulcers after taking barium porridge for fluoroscopy. (Deut. Zeitsch. Für Chir

Auslander Е.


The author cites two observations of a rare complication during X-ray examination. 1) The man took 400 g of barium porridge. X-ray examination revealed an ulcer at the base of the lesser curvature of the stomach and difficult emptying from it.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1392-1393
pages 1392-1393 views

Duncan. Pain in the tailbone. (Archiv of Surgery Vol. 34 No. 6. 1937, pp. 1088-1104)

Mayat V.


Based on the study of his material (278 cases), the author believes that pain in the coccyx is almost always caused by trauma, especially a fall in a sitting position. Coccyx pain is more common in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1393-1393
pages 1393-1393 views

L. Barron and G. Curtis. Vagotomy and gastric motility. (Archiv of Surgery Vol 34, # 6, 1937, pp. 1132-1158)

Mayat V.


In a patient with a vagotonin symptom complex of the Eppinger and Hess type, an increase in the mobility and tone of the stomach was accompanied by epigastric pain. During intensive treatment with atropine, a slight decrease in the duration of periods of increased gastric motility was observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1393-1393
pages 1393-1393 views

Bernhardt, F. Acute diseases of the pancreas after biliary tract surgery. (Bruns Beitröge zur klin. Chirurgie. Bd. 165. H. 4.1937. July, pp. 512-523)

Mayat V.


Acute pancreatic necrosis can occur several months or even years after biliary tract surgery. This complication can be assumed if a patient who has undergone surgery on the biliary tract suddenly falls ill with acute pain in the upper abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1393-1394
pages 1393-1394 views

Irsigler, F. X-ray examination in rectal cancer. (Bruns zur klin. Chirurgie. Bd. 165. H. 4.193, pp. 530-553)


The author emphasizes the importance of X-ray examination in the diagnosis of rectal cancer. The research technique is as follows: first, the intestine is examined with a finger, immediately before the X-ray examination, a thorough washing of the rectum is performed; the intestine is filled with the same contrasting mass as in the study of the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Wicke J. Application of filtered ultraviolet rays in laparotomies. (Hr. Beitr. Zur klin. Chirurgie. Bd 165. H. 4.1937, pp. 630-640)


The author used ultraviolet rays to treat peritonitis. Out of 71 irradiated patients with diffuse purulent peritonitis, 14 died. The author emphasizes the beneficial effect of ultraviolet rays on the general well-being of irradiated patients, on blood pressure, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Kienbock, R. and Desenfaus, G. Olecranon anomaly. (Br. Beitr. Zur klin. Chirurgie Bd 165. H. 4.1937, pp. 524-529)


During an X-ray examination of a 28-year-old patient with a slight traumatic injury to the elbow joint, the authors found in both elbow joints a kind of anomaly of the olecranon, known as "Sesamum cubiti" (Pfitzler) and "patella cubiti" (Kienbeck).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Bordanh, F. Tuberculosis and osteomyelitis of the pelvic ring joints. (Br. Beitr. Zur kl. Chir. Bd. 165. H. 4. 1937. June, pp. 554-563)


Sacroiliac tuberculosis is rare. The first signs of this disease are slowly increasing sciatica pains, lasting from several months to two years.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1394-1395
pages 1394-1395 views

Wachs E. Progressive skin necrosis. (Br. Beitr. Zur kl. Chir. Bd. 165.4. 1937. June, pp. 564 -571)


The author describes 5 cases of progressive skin necrosis. A few days after the operation, there is a sudden destruction of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which takes a progressive course.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Bayer. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid with whooping cough (Klinisch Wschr. No. 11, 1935)

Geller S.


Meningitis and encephalitic changes in severe convulsive whooping cough have long been known. 

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Bloise and Perez. Essential enemas for whooping cough. (Arch. Pediatr. Uruguay. V. 8, III, 1937)

Dembskaya V.


The second group suggested administering enemas of the following composition for whooping cough: 20 cm3 of a 10% solution of camphor in ether, 30 g of eucalyptol and 100 cm3 of a 4% solution of aromatic oil in liquid petrolatum.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1395-1396
pages 1395-1396 views

Cunningham, A.A. Measles vaccine therapy. (Brit. Med. Journ. 1937, 1202)


The author prepared his vaccine from cultures of pneumococcus, hemolytic streptococcus and Pfeifer's bacilli, killed by heating at 60 °. The standard of the vaccine is 600 million microbial bodies in 1 cm3. Dosage: 0.1-0.2, depending on the age of the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Lenz. Re-examination of smears for diphtheria. (Münch. M. W. 84, 10 / IV 1937)


The author advises, when diagnosing diphtheria, not to be limited to examining one smear, but to take them systematically every two hours from 6 am to 8 pm.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Gehrmann. Papillomas and carcinomas of the bladder in paint workers. (JAMA, vol. CVII, no. 18, 1936)


There are indications in the literature that bladder tumors are more common in chemical workers than in other populations. Of the chemicals, aromatic amines (anilines, naphthalamines, benzidines) are important.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Williamson. Primary epididymal carcinoma. (Journ of Urol., Vol. XXXVI, no. 4, 1936)


A 26-year-old man came to the author with complaints of some enlargement and induration of the epididymis, which he noticed by chance 2 weeks ago. He did not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, heredity is not burdened.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Mau. Carcinoma of the epididymis (Journ. Of Urol., Volume XXXVI, No. 4, 1936.)


The description concerns a 49-year-old man who presented to a clinic (San Diego, California) in 1931 for a tumor in the left side of his scrotum that he noticed 6 weeks ago. 7 years ago he had gonorrhea urethritis and prostatitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1396-1397
pages 1396-1397 views

Goldey. Bilarziasis of the bladder with hyluria. (Urol. A. Cut. Rev. No. 2, 1937)


The disease in the United States is quite rare. A case is described concerning a woman whom the author has observed since 1933 with a slight hematuria.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1397
pages 1397-1397 views

Goung and Mc Crea. Urethrocele, urethral diverticulum, suburethral abscess in women. (Urol. And cut. Rev. No. 2, 1937)


By the terms indicated in the title of the article, the authors mean the presence of a sac in the lower wall of the urethra in women, located between the walls of the urethra and the vagina.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1397
pages 1397-1397 views

Vintici, V. and AIterescu, N. (Bucharest) Sclerotherapy for dropsy of the testicle. (Journal d'Urol., No. 4, vol. XLII, 1936)


At a meeting of the Romanian Urological Society, the authors made a report on the treatment of dropsy of the testicle with the drug "scleroserurum" (a drug like American "similar drugs, which include quinine and urethane. Ref.).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1397
pages 1397-1397 views

Levy-Deker, M. Role of syphilis in diseases of the nasopharynx. (Ann. Mal. Ven., No. 11, 1936)


According to Jacquet's statistics dating back to 1912, 70% of patients with polyps in the nasopharynx turned out to be sick with syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1397
pages 1397-1397 views

Simon and Delzant. Syphilitic chancre of the vagina. (Bull, de Derm. Et de Syph, No. 1, 1937)


Vaginal chancres are extremely rare. Fournier in 249 cases of chancre in women never observed the localization of the chancre on the vaginal wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1397
pages 1397-1397 views

Raubitschek. Bullous salvarsan dermatitis. (Arch f. Derm, and. Syph. Bd. 175, No. 1, 1937)


Больной в латентной стадии сифилиса поступил в Пражскую немецкую кожную клинику с явлениями гоноройного артрита. Помимо лечения гоноройной инфекции больному начат курс специфического антисифилитического лечения.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1397-1398
pages 1397-1398 views

Gilman R. Syphilis and blood transfusion. (Journ. Of ven. Dis No. 3, 1936)


The author, on the basis of his practical observations published in the article, puts forward the following main provisions. Theoretically, with every transfusion, a certain risk should be assumed, because there are no donors without any suspicion.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1398-1398
pages 1398-1398 views

Point. Syphilis and pregnancy (West Virginia med. J. V. 22 / II 1937)


The author claims that 75% of syphilitic children die during the first year of life, more often in the first week. They are very prone to all kinds of infections and intestinal disorders. The remaining 25% have latent syphilis, which usually appears before the 19th year of life.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1398-1398
pages 1398-1398 views

Meetings of medical societies. Kazan branch of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists. Meeting on March 13, 1937

Rusetsky I.I.


Chairman. prof. I.I.Rusetsky suggests standing up to honor the memory of the deceased Moscow psychiatrist prof. Vnukov. Prof. M. P. Andreev. "In memory of academician I. P. Pavlov"

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1398-1399
pages 1398-1399 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society of TASSR. Meeting on May 15, 1937

Sokolov N.V., Orlovskiy V.F.


Dr. Ya.M. Shcherbavsky. Demonstrations. A case of chronic fibrous encapsulated peritonitis. The speaker reported about the observation at the clinic. hir. GIDUV (head prof. GM Novikov) in a case of “fibrous encapsulated peritonitis.” B-naya S., 81 g, was urgently taken to the clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1399-1402
pages 1399-1402 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society of TASSR. Meeting on June 15, 1937

Sokolov N.V., Orlovsky V.F.


The meeting, at the suggestion of the chairman, honors the memory of MI Ulyanova by standing up. The chairman of the Society informs about the disclosure of the espionage organization of Tukhachevsky and others and about the verdict of the special Judicial Presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR in the case of these traitors to the motherland.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1402-1405
pages 1402-1405 views

Chronicle. Volume 33, № 11 (1937)


Professor V. K. Trutnev was elected to the Council of Nationalities from the Kazan rural constituency. K. Trutnev was born in 1891 in the village. Mokrom, Kaluga lips. He graduated from the medical faculty in 1916 in Saratov, where he then worked in otorhinolaryngology with prof. Tsitovich. Since 1925 he has been the head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology in Kazan and teaches at the Medical Institute and the Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(11):1405-1406
pages 1405-1406 views

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