Vol 4, No 5-6 (1904)

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Full Issue

To pathology of multilocular echinococcus of the liver

Gimmel A.M.


In the present meeting of the Society of Physicians, I demonstrate three new cases of multilocular echinococcus of the liver, kindly offered to me for histological examination by the deeply respected professor N.M. Lyubimov. in one or another of her diseases and the appointment of an appropriate therapy to destroy or at least weaken the last. Otherwise, we see in case of liver disease with multilocular echinococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):301-313
pages 301-313 views

Dr. Jaenicke. About one remedy dissolving kidney stones. (Centralblatt f. innere medizin. 13, 1903 Jahr)


Doctor Jaenicke, based on clinical observations of prof. Wienternitz and Unverricht, over the action of birch leaves, as a good diuretic, non-irritating agent for the kidneys, began to take them in patients with kidney stones. The author came to such conviction that birch leaves are not only a good diuretic, but also dissolve kidney stones. The author has been using birch leaves for already 4 years, and at the same time, in such patients, where the reliability of the diagnosis, in addition, was confirmed by many authoritative surgeons and investigated by X-rays. A detailed history of the disease of one of such cases is given by the author in the specified article.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):313-314
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Rev.-Doc. Preobrazhensky P.A. On syphilitic paraplegia with dissociated sensory disorders. S.S. Korsakov Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry, 1904, Book 3


Factual material, the author was served by 9 own. Observations and several taken from literature. On the basis of this material, in the further presentation, he presents the symptomatology, course, outcomes and diagnosis of this form of spinal syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):314-315
pages 314-315 views

Professor Zabludovsky I. V. Overfatigue when practicing writing and music. Russian Physician, Nos. 19 and 20


Overwork when busy with writing and music, in a light degree known to many from personal experience, from a feeling of fatigue and pain in hands, in some cases it acquires a pathological meaning and leads to certain (paralytic or convulsive) forms of pain in the hand. This overwork does not always depend on being too busy writing or playing. It can occur even with a whole series of conditions that violate the normal limits of vital functions. Overwork when busy with writing is observed, of course, more often than overworking the game. The author divides the person suffering from this overwork into several groups, giving for each more or less characteristic examples.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):315-316
pages 315-316 views

Khanutina M.D. To casuistry of syringomyelia. "The Russian Physician", 19 and 20

Osokin N.


By his own 4 observations, the author anticipates a fairly complete essay on the work of dedicated people about * the value and clinical diagnosis of this suffering.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):316-318
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Rev. V.P. Osipov. Bekhterev's disease (spinal stiffness). Jubilee Collection of Psychiatry and Neuropathology Papers Dedicated to V.M. Bekhterev. V. I, 1903, S.-Petersburg

Sorokovikov G.


As a special form of the disease, under the name of the stiffness of the spine, the last one was first described by Professor Academician V.M. Bekhterev in 1892 in five cases. Then in 1896 and 1899, two more cases of this disease were published. Isolating this painful form, prof. VM Bekhterev, on the basis of a kind of clinical picture, characterized by certain symptoms, isolated it into a separate nosological unit.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):318-319
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Dr. Med. P. A. Ostankov. On the casuistry of periodic paranoia. Jubilee Collection of Psychiatry and Neuropathology Works dedicated to V. M. Bekhterev, T. I, 1903, S.-Petersburg

Sorokovikov G.


In view of the severity of the clinical picture of periodic paranoia, as well as the lack of casuistry published up to the present time in the literature, the author writes off in his article another case of this form of mental illness, observed by him in the clinics of mental illness in 1900.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):320-320
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Dr. Med. E. N. Ivanov. On the diagnostic value of the muscular ridge in mentally and neurologically ill patients. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, Book 3, 1904


In modern textbooks of physiology, the muscle roller is considered as a limited, local contraction of a tired or dying muscle with strong mechanical, chemical and electrical irritation of a limited area.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):320-322
pages 320-322 views

Dr. T. Boyko-Rodziewicz. Isolation of the mentally ill. Review of Psychiatry, Neurop. and Experimental Psychiatry, 1904, No. 4, April

Levchatkin V.


Methods for treating souls. sick. XVIII century with all the attributes rude restraint'a departed in importance. However, the system of pop-restraint: did not touch the insulators: many psychiatrists, ardent advocates of pop restraint, do not consider isolation a measure of frustration, although others indicate its limitations.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):322-323
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Dedov U. A. Case of alcohol abuse during acute psychosis. Bulletin of Mental Diseases. 1904, Vol. I, No. 3 and 4

Osokin N.


In the author's case, it was a matter of a re-developing acute form of mental illness with the nature of depression in a man of 33 years old. One of the manifestations of the disease was alcohol abuse.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):323-323
pages 323-323 views

Dr. Mertens. On the beneficial effect of X-rays in one case of spindle cell sarcoma (Deutch. medicin. Wochenschrift, No. 13, 1904 Jahr)


Encouraged by the successes of other doctors who took X-rays in the treatment of superficial malignant neoplasms as well as deep-seated ones, as evidenced by the observation of the Chrysospathes doctor, the author took such a case in his own case.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):324-326
pages 324-326 views

P. N. Bereznevsky. On the issue of salivary swellings of traumatic origin, Rus. Khir. Arch., 1904, Book 1


According to the literary data, the author gives a general description of the disease. In the ethology of the formation of salivary fistulas, an important role is played by trauma (54, 69%), although facial injuries are generally extremely: they are rarely accompanied by the formation of fistulas (in 0.02% of cases, three kinds of fistulas are distinguished by localization: fistula glandulae parotidisr fist, fistula glandulae parotidisr fist,. inasseterica, all can be external and internal.Clinical manifestation of fistula - expiration of saliva, associated with this maceration of the surrounding skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):326-327
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V. Bogolyubov. On the operation of anastomosis on the seminal tracts. (Experimental investigations. Second report). Russ. Chir. Arch., 1904, b. 1


Based on the results of 82 operations performed on 41 animals in two ways, prof. Razumovsky, - the results given by the microscopic study (injection of the conductive pathways and a more subtle microscopic study), the author comes to the next. Conclusions: Undoubtedly, after the operation of the anastomosis in some cases, the patency of the alternate pathways is restored.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):327-327
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О. М. Golbek. A case of tendon grafting in Little's pain. "Rus. Chir. Arch.", 1904


According to Hoffa, the phenomenon - infantile cerebral palsy, covering only the lower limb is called 'Little's disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):327-328
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М. Rozanov. On the question of villous inflammation of the cellular tissue. "Surgery," 1904, No. 87


Comparing the two cases of the so-called woody phlegmon of the cellulose in the cyngotnyh patients, we observe that in this kind of patients an extremely lethargic reaction to local irritation is noted, the author thinks that such cases should have been identified as an extreme or surgical scorbutic cellulose phlegmon ”.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):328-328
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D. A. Blagoveschensky. Resection of the subcutaneous veins in loco electionis as a method of treatment of chronic congestive ulcers of the lower leg. Surgery, 1904, No. 87


Disease of subcutaneous venous system resulting in blood stagnation and lymph accumulation in lymphatic vessels, interferes with normal blood circulation in capillary arterial system, This explains the development of the so-called varicose ulcers, a suffering that sometimes lasts for tens of years and can rarely be treated with palliative measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):328-329
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М. Sheinzis. On casuistry of high atresia of the anus and rectum. Surgery, 1904, No. 87


Atresia of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract is an infrequent deformity, with unexplained etiology and pathogenesis. The only means of treatment is surgery, modified according to the circumstances. In the case operated by the author when trying to find the rectum from the side of the perineum, not even a rudiment of it was found.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):329-329
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М. B. Yukelson. On the casuistry of the removal of the upper extremity from the shoulder girdle. Surgery, 1904, No. 87


The author operated on for 20 years. a patient, pregnant for 7 months, about a malignant neoplasm, noted for 16 months. back and occupying when examining the upper part of the shoulder and shoulder joint with spread to the subscapularis and pectoral muscles and metastases in the armpit and subclavian fossa.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):329-329
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V. M. Vvedensky. Two cases of Talma operation. Verkhovsky. A case of the Talma operation. Surgery, 1904, No. 88


Both authors describe their cases because 1) there is a waning interest in the Talma operation and 2) the results are unclear, which leads to a disagreement among surgeons about its appropriateness.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):330-330
pages 330-330 views

B. М. Shaposhnikov. On the treatment of the worm spur. "Surgery", 1904, No. 88

Ovchinnikov P.


The author-therapist by specialty is a supporter of the conservative method of treating appendicitis. To this conviction he is led, on the one hand, the statistical data belonging to surgeons of different nationalities; and on the other hand, our own observations of 13 cases of acute appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):330-330
pages 330-330 views

From scientific meetings of doctors at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Kazan University. Meeting of March 22, 1904


Dr. P. I. Tikhomirov. A case of multiple neuritis of syphilitic origin (in own transmission).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):331-333
pages 331-333 views

From scientific meetings of doctors at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Kazan University. Meeting of March 22, 1904


Dr. V.P. Pervushin: a case of spinal lesion on the soil of typhoid infection — spondly losis typhosa (with patient demonstrations). (Abstract).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):333-336
pages 333-336 views

Chronicles and minor extras. Vol. 4, No. 5-6 (1904)


On May 15, 1904, a telegram was received from Yalta from doctors Dyakonov and Saltykovsky to the name of the rector of the university: “having buried our dear teacher Konstantin Mikhailovich Leontiev, we deeply grieve for the loss suffered in his face by the university and society”.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):344-347
pages 344-347 views

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan of January 26, 1903


It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. O. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а3-а4
pages а3-а4 views

Minutes of the January 31, 1903, emergency meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University


It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the Secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а5-а7
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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan of February 28, 1903


It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а8-а10
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Minutes of the Ordinary Session of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan of April 30, 1903


It was chaired by prof. L.O. Darkshevich under the Secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а11-а13
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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan, May 13, 1903


Minutes of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University.
May 13, 1903.
It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а14-а16
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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan, October 4, 1903


It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the Secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а17-а18
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Protocol on the activities of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for the academic year 1902-1903 - the 32nd year of its existence


Protocol on the activities of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for the academic year 1902-1903 - the 32nd year of its existence.
Secretary of the Island S. K. Petrulis.
Personnel of the Society.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а19-а21
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Report on the state of the library of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for the 1902-1903 academic year


Report on the state of the library of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for the 1902-1903 academic year.
Secretary-Librarian M.V. Kazansky.
(Read in the annual meeting of the Society on October 4, 1903).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а24-а24
pages а24-а24 views

Minutes of the Joint Session of the Societies of Physicians and Law on December 4, 1903


The session was opened at 8:15 a.m. The meeting was opened at 8:15 a.m. by A. N. Kasem-Bekov, president of the Society of Physicians, who gave the floor to A. I. Elistratov, who made a report on "Medical Statistics of the Protectors of Medical and Police Supervision of Prostitution".

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(5-6):а25-а26
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