Vol 2, No 3 (1902)

Cover Page

Full Issue

About progressive paralysis of the obsessed

Bobrovskiy-Korolko L.O.


Now I will allow myself to touch on the frequency of syphilis in the registered progressive paralytics, and information will only be communicated about men, as it is very difficult for men to collect information in this direction, and in women, even more so, especially under current conditions , relatives, very close relatives); regarding only two women, i.e. 4.25%, it is firmly established that they have suffered syphilis, and the husband of one of them is sick with tabes dorsalis; form prog. paralysis in these patients was depressive.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):125-158
pages 125-158 views

Progress in the study of the anatomy and pathology of the nervous cell

Ѳavorskiy A.V.


Today, on the first anniversary of the scientific gatherings of the doctors of the district psychiatric hospital, it was my lot to take your attention with a scientific discussion. The topic for this discussion will serve as a review of tranquility in the field of anatomy and pathological area of ​​the nervous system, the main component of the nervous system, correct functioning, which has the main condition for the existence of humanity and disorder, in which the mind is so hard reflected both on the physical and mental levels.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):159-169
pages 159-169 views

Lung teratoma case

Fofanov L.L.


Any neoplasms in the lungs are extremely rare; Usually, nodes of malignant tumors meet in the lungs, metastasized here from the primary nodes, settling somewhere in other organs. Primary neoplasms of the lungs are extremely rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):170-183
pages 170-183 views

Prof. A.P. Gubarev: Prevention of female illnesses associated with the act of childbirth. (Lecture at the VIII Pirogov Congress in Moscow). "Practical Physician". 1902, No. 3

Agafonov B.


The author in his report notes the oddity of weak degrees of post-natal infection among the rural population, where normal childbirth usually proceeds without any medical care, while in the urban practice one has to very often observe painful forms of painful symptoms, depending on the direct after childbirth or miscarriage.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):183-184
pages 183-184 views

Dr. A. Т. Bogayevskiy. On the casuistry of dermoids of the bladder. (Presented at the 2nd meeting of Russian surgeons in Moscow), "Practical Physician", 1902, No. 5

Agafonov B.


The report concerns a very rare case of a dermoid tumor of the urinary bladder operated on by the author at the Kremenchug Zemskaya Hospital. In a patient, a peasant woman, 33 years old, in view of constant (8 years flowing) pain during urination, alkaline purulent urine, the appearance of small pebbles when washing the bladder and probing with a bimanual examination of some bladder in the day it was not possible to grope), the diagnosis of a bladder stone was placed.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):185-185
pages 185-185 views

Dr. B.S. Kozlovsky. Vaginal method of rectal surgeries (Presented at the 2nd Congress of Russian Surgeons in Moscow). "Practical Physician", 1902, No. 6

Agafonov B.


Авторъ вначалѣ разбираетъ методы операцій на прямой кишкѣ женщинъ, гдѣ путь къ пораженному органу прокладывается черезъ влагалище путемъ расщепленія septi vagino—rectalis; ихъ онъ различаетъ четыре.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):185-186
pages 185-186 views

Pr.-Doc. M.M. Kuznetsov. On the methods of blood stopping during resection of the liver and removal of its dense tumors. Let. Russ. Khir. 5, 1901

Levin I.


The absence of a guarantee of dangerous bleeding with the previous methods of liver resection prompted the author, together with Penskiy, to undertake a number of experiments in order to study the methods of hemostasis during liver resection and develop the technical side of this operation; after numerous failures, they succeeded, by stitching with blunt needles the thickness of the liver next to the serial ligatures, which were gradually tightened until the rupture of the liver tissue and the complete closure of the hepatic vessels, collected at the same time in one child, to achieve a complete stop of bleeding with extensive resection of the liver.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):186-187
pages 186-187 views

С. A. Lurie. On the study of acute temporal bones in purulent inflammations of the middle ear. Let. Russ. Chir. 4, 1901

Levin І.


In the Sedletskiy local hospital in the course of 1899 and 1900, the author had to operate ten times for acute inflammation of the temporal bone), which developed with purulent inflammation of the tympanic cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):188-188
pages 188-188 views

Dzirie. Two more cases of trepanation with formation of a vent (according to Kocher's method) in epilepsy. Surgery. 1901, October

Petrulis S.


Patient S. epileptic was operated on on the 12th field of 1900 according to Kocherman (1899). The previously existing difference in the movements of the left arm and leg relative to that of the right decreased. S. entered the workers, reduced seizures are observed. The results are satisfactory.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):188-188
pages 188-188 views

Annin. On the effect of tropococcaine on the eye. Dissertation. St. Petersburg, 1901

Chirkovsky V.


The author made an observation of the new anestheticum proposed in the beginning of the 90s - tropocaine, which, according to Ziebermann, consisted of benzoic acid and pseudotropein; for use in medical practice, the hydrochloric acid salt of this alkaloid is recommended.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):189-189
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Batalov. On the effect of dionin on the eye. Dissertation. Spb., 1901

Chirkovsky V.


Dionin is a derivative of morphine (hydrochloric acid salt of monoethyl ether of morphine). It is easily soluble in water (14: 100), even easier in alcohol. The author, citing the literature available on the question of the action of dionin on other organs and by eye, sets out the result of his observations on this means.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):189-190
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Nikolaev. Photographing the ocular fundus of animals. Dissertation. Kazan, 1901

Chirkovsky V.


With his own research, the author prefaces a historical review of the literature on this issue, noting that the attempts of numerous researchers to photograph the bottom of the eye did not lead to positive results, the photograms they received turned out to be all unsatisfactory, the devices proposed by them differed in the imperfection of the device and in most cases did not satisfy inventors. At the beginning of his research, the author worked with a Guin Koff apparatus, but he failed to get photograms of the bottom of the eye.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):191-192
pages 191-192 views

V. V. Weidengammer and V. I. Semidalav. Complex respiratory convulsion in a mentally ill person. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. 1901, Book 3

Boldyrev V.V.


The 58-year-old peasant woman, who had several profuse bleeding from the nose, after the last day of those, which caused significant weakness, appeared melancholy and sleeplessness, delirious ideas of sinfulness appeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):192-193
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А. S. Rosenthal. On the spontaneous effect of Hedonol in the mentally ill. S. S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 1901, Book 3

Skolozubov A.


The author adopted hedonal in the quality of a drug in the mentally ill of the Moscow Central Preemnago rest in doses from 1.5 - 2.0, increasing this dose in case of need ds 3.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):193-193
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Priv.-Doc. F.E. Rybakov. On the question of existing measures to limit the therapeutic use of hypnotism. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 1901, Book 6

Toporkov N.


The author admits that, just a few years ago, the law limiting the therapeutic application of hypnosis was, perhaps, a completely clever thing, since then the study of hypnotism in Russia was almost just beginning, and the doctors themselves were little familiar with hypnotic phenomena. But at the present time, when the scientific position of hypnotism is not lower, and in some relations even higher, than many other phenomena in mediation, the limitations of its application seem undesirable.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):193-194
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V. I. Semidalov. On acute delirium. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 1901, b. 6

Sergeev L.A.


The author describes an interesting, ethiological sense, a case of mental illness on cingot soil. During the period of the presenters, in the form of a very irritable state, the patient developed a deep darkening of consciousness and motor excitement.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):194-195
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Privat-docent F.E. Rybakov. On the use of hypnosis in certain nervous disorders and pathological habits. Clinical Journal. 1901, December

Toporkov N.E.


Based on the data of a five-year application of hypnosis for the treatment of various kinds of suffering of the nervous system, the author establishes the main indications and contraindications when using this remedy.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):195-196
pages 195-196 views

Dr. Von Holst. Notes on diagnosis and therapy of hysteria. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. 1901, Book 5

Tsaregradsky A.


According to the author's opinion, joint disease should be recognized as hysterical disease, since it does not depend on organic change, but is caused by "presentation", in the presence of mental impact. For example, an insignificant trauma that does not produce anatomical damage can suddenly cause the subject to "imagine" about the disease in this part of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):196-197
pages 196-197 views

Prof. S. S. Korsakov. The organization of private hospitals. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Book 5, 1901

Levchatkin V.


What can private hospitals give that cannot be found in state and public institutions? Unas in Russia - comfort and quality of care for the mentally ill; but in essence there should be a special structure - it is precisely the preservation of the family character in a private hospital: the family environment of an institution can have meaning in the hands of a doctor, as a tool for treating mental illnesses.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):197-198
pages 197-198 views

S.S. Stupin. On the correct organization of work of mentally ill patients in psychiatric hospitals. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Book 5, 1901

Levchatkin V.


The point is about the work of the patient for the patient and in the mental and material relations, as this puts forward some requirements of the modern treatment of the mentally ill. The therapeutic and educational significance of the labor regime is undoubted: the mental side of the action of muscular labor should be highlighted.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):199-200
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P. P. Shikhranov. To the casuistry of "phobias". Russian Medical Bulletin. 1901, No. 23

Ivanov A.P.


The author describes one case of a phobia, which he calls "a fear of nosebleeds." The patient, a doctor, with a severe dysfunction, from the third year of the university, with simultaneously developed neurasthenia, began to suffer from nasal bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):200-200
pages 200-200 views

I. P. Merzheyevsky. To the pathological anatomy of idiosyncrasy. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. 1901, Book 1

Ivanov A.


Anatomical changes in the brains of idiots are due to perversions of the development of nervous tissue.
The beginning of perversion lies either in uterine life, or in pathological changes in early childhood.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):200-201
pages 200-201 views

Society of neuropathologists and peihіatrov under the Imperatorekom Kazanecom University

Obraztsov V.N.


Rapporteur studying the above issue in the laboratory and prof. N.A.Mislavsky, demonstrated animals (dogs) as representatives of 3x series of experiments set by him and communicated the result of their observations over animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):202-205
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Scientific meeting of doctors of the Kazan District Hospitals

Kolotinsky V.


Dr. AD Skolozubov demonstrated the preparation of the brain of a patient who had mental illness during the course of a skull injury with hemorrhages in the medulla.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):205-213
pages 205-213 views

Оbituary. Vol. 2, No. 3 (1902)

Dyakonov V.V.


A member of our Society, an assistant of the Children's Clinic, Vladimir Vladimirovich Dyakonov was born in 1871 on May 28, in 1895 he successfully passed the test in the Medical Testing Commission at the Imperial Kazan University, as an ordinator of the Department of Archives on January 29, 1896. and was until January 29, 1899, during his residency he passed the exam for a doctor of medicine, from November 1899 he took the position of a supernumerary assistant, then for some time he served as a full-time assistant, from February 1901 he was transferred to the position of a laboratory assistant at the Children's Clinic and on October 9 1901 approved as a staff assistant.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):220-221
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Chronicle and news. Vol. 2, No. 3 (1902)

Board E.


- The dean of the medical faculty of Kiev University informs us that the medical faculty, the Emperor of the St. Volodymyr University, according to § 100 of the University Charter, announces a competition for the vacant department of surgery with a hospital clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(3):222-223
pages 222-223 views

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