Vol 1, No 3 (1901)

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Full Issue

About the nerves of the sclera

Agababov A.G.


We studied the nerves of the sclera in 1891-93, and some of the results obtained from the research are given in 4 provisions of our dissertation). Then, with repeated studies in 1895-96, we received more new data, but unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to publish them in a timely manner. In August 1900, the Anatomischer Anzeiger published an article by prof. A. Smirnova) on the same issue, and it seemed to us that the appearance of our article would already be superfluous.
But, having familiarized ourselves with the work of the venerable professor, we were convinced that he did not describe everything that we managed to get using the same coloring method.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):117-125
pages 117-125 views

Ob of cataract operations according to the data of the eye clinic of Kazan University for ten years

Agababov A.G.


Recently, during eye operations in general and during the extraction of catataracts in particular, a great desire to adopt conservative methods began to be found. To such should be attributed and the extraction of cataracts without iridectomy. If, in spite of this, we dare to publish the results of the operation according to the Graefe method, that is, with iridectomy, then only in the hope that this message will not be superfluous and belated. At least, both in our country in Russia and abroad, as far as it was possible to be convinced personally during his stay there, this method still has the full right of citizenship, and therefore it is necessary to take it into account and conform when judging the meaning of any new or various modifications of the already existing method. Without a doubt, the most desirable method will be the one that gives the best results and least of all changes the appearance and shape of the organ. From this side, the operation of cataract extraction without iridectomy is more tempting, since the correct shape of the pupil is preserved and, according to the adherents of this method, better vision is obtained. There is no doubt that with this method there are also more complications, as is known, even since the introduction of the lens extraction operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):125-143
pages 125-143 views

On the question of the therapeutic effect of electric light

Klyachkin G.A.


Already in ancient times it was known that light and color rays reveal a known influence on physiological processes, regardless of the action of heat rays contained in the source of light. The then doctors widely used the integral action of the light. But the true creators of light therapy should be considered Oribazius and Aetsiy, since they are indicated and contraindicated for the treatment of illnesses with light baths. However, in the course of the subsequent vokov, the medicine was forgotten and only at the end of the past century it again received practical application. At the same time, scientific development and the most physiological action of light began to be subjected to. I do not intend to cite here all the numerous facts that have accumulated at the present time on the question of the physiological influence of the blessing and color light both on the simple form of the animal organism, as well as on the higher animals, but I will allow myself to dwell on some facts that are close to question. One of the most detailed works on this issue belongs to the Russian author Dr. I. V. Godnev, who also provides detailed literary references.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):144-145
pages 144-145 views

About loss of imagination in the case of aphasia

Rudnev V.I.


During the study of one sick aphatic, an interesting phenomenon for us seemed his lack of imagination. He cannot imagine the most simple things. So, for example, the patient was asked the question: “how do you imagine yourself as a house?”

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):156-167
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Lichen ruber aeuminatus case

Pilnov M.S.


In 1860, F. Hebra described a kind of skin suffering, which, according to him, represented so many features in its manifestations, course and outcome, that he could not identify it with any of the dermatoses described by the authors in their works and gave him the name lichen ruber.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):169-173
pages 169-173 views

On the question of painful infection with mental disorders

Sorokovikov G.V.


During the course of the illness during the patient's stay in the medical center, it could be noted, as can be seen from the attached cartogram, on the mental side of the strictly intermittent character: the period of confusion of consciousness, strong excitement, deception of the senses and ideas of delirium, was only temporarily confused simple animation and some talkativeness. In the period of confusion of consciousness and excitement, the patient expressed either the ideas of delirium of greatness, calling herself the “Empress, the educator of the Emperor, the great writer,” then the ideas of delirium of persecution, considering herself surrounded by enemies who locked her in the case, and killed her husband and other she considered one of the employees to be a second-in-law who locked her here, and now she is watching how to get her into the basement; She scolded and drove away the doctor and all those around her, suspecting them as participants in a conspiracy against her.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):174-179
pages 174-179 views

Y. V. Zelenkovsky. On the pathogenesis of sympathetic inflammation. Diss., S.-PB., 1900

Chirkovskiy V.V.


In an extensive introduction, the author expounds the essence of sympathetic inflammation and the existing theory of its origin. Concluding this section of the work, the author expresses that none of the existing theories about the causes of sympathetic inflammation (ciliary Graefe Muller, migratory bacterial Deutschmann, neuro-bacterial Schmidt-Rimpler'a-Panas'a, theory 'a) does not deserve the name of the theory, since against each of them there are either clinical objections or negative results of experiments.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):180-181
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I. Y. Maksimov. On the action of brominated arecoline (arecolinum hydrdbvomicum) on the eye. S.-PB, 1900

Chirkovskiy V.E.


The author has made an experimental and clinical study of the new myoticum (hydrobromic salt of arecoline - alkaloid of the Areca Catechu orch), finding out its advantages and some disadvantages of commonly used miotic agents - pilocarpine and eserin. The experiments were carried out by him on both normal and pathological, most often glaucomatous, eyes.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):181-182
pages 181-182 views

L. V. Smirnov. On the effects of peronin on the eye. Diss. S.-PB., 1900

Chirkovskiy V.V.


In 1899, Bufalini offered in eye practice the local anaestheticum — peronin, chemical nature — chlorine — hydrate benzene of the morphine ether, which belongs to the derivatives of morphine. The author investigated the proposed remedy, having tested its anesthetic property, its influence on the pupil, accommodation, tension, diffusion and on the corneal epithelium.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):182-183
pages 182-183 views

А. V. Sibirskiy. On the issue of skin changes in typhoid fever. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 1901, No. 1

Porfiriev S.


In his work, which came out of the Pathological and Anatomical Institute, Prof. KN Vinogradova, the author dwells only on the question of a kind of pigmentation of the palms and soles and changes in the elastic tissue of the skin. The peculiar coloration of the palms and soles of the abdominal typhics in a yellow color, sometimes reaching orange and saffron and giving a calloused appearance to the limbs of people completely unfamiliar with physical labor, was first noted in 1893 by Dr. Filippovich.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):183-185
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Prof. I. Zelenev. Morbid enlargement of glands in syphilis. Russian Journal of Skin and Verenic Diseases, 1901, No. 1

Porfiriev S.


The author notes a painful and significant swelling of the gland of the femoral, ulnar and occipital in a syphilitic, after 4 months after infection, simultaneously with recurrent roseola, papules, laryngitis and aphonia. Was prescribed mixed mercury treatment and locally on iron ointment: jodi puri 0.5, kalii jodat. 2.0, lanolin-vaselin. aa 15.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):185-186
pages 185-186 views

Prof. I. Zelenev. Largin. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 1901, No. 1

Porfiriev S.


Largin — brownish powder — is a combination of protein with silver (11.1% last day), soluble in cold and hot water up to 10.5%, at a concentration of 1: 4000 killed gonococci within 10 minutes (Pezzoli)
The author, on the basis of "very large material", recognizes largin as a very effective remedy in the treatment of both anterior and posterior translocation and in acute and chronic forms, as well as in bladder lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):186-187
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Prof. I. Zelenev. Disease-free course of acute fractures. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 1901, No. 1

Porfiriev S.


In a patient, an officer, 22 years old, the author found, upon objective examination, an erythematous sore throat, plaques on the tongue, general adenopathy, dermographism, pain in the region of the thoracic vertebrae, a febrile state, and a characteristic left-sided epididymal orificeal orificeitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):187-187
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Prof. V.M. Tarkovsky. Atypical forms of syphilis. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 1901, No. 1

Porfiriev S.M.


Recognizing as undoubted the fact of the existence of an inherited immunity to infection with syphilis from a child born of syphilitic parents and not representing the manifestation of hereditary syphilis, the author, based on the accumulated obscurity that most cases have accumulated over 40 years for life; it is sometimes lost even in childhood (in the 2nd year - the case of Vosk), more often by the time of puberty. Immunity, lasting all life, is a rare exception, although its very existence is out of any doubt.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):187-189
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Kvitsinskii. Plexus coeliacus in the course of typhoid fever. Diss. S.-PB., 1900

Uskov L.


The author describes the changes in solar plexus in typhoid fever. Bringing the relevant literature and pointing out the anatomical and physiological data of pi. soeііasі, Dr. Kvitsinsky sets out the method of investigation, brief history of the disease and protocols of autopsy of 31 cases of typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):190-190
pages 190-190 views

Strelkov. Observations on inhalations of peppermint preparations for respiratory catarrhs. Diss. S.-Pb., 1900

Uskov L.


Pointing to the importance of studying the question of the treatment of various chronic catarrhs ​​of the respiratory tract, the author dwells on balsamic means that produce a decrease in separation. Among them, the first place is occupied by mint oil. The analgesic and especially strong antiseptic properties of the last day have already caused attempts to use mint preparations in the treatment of furunculosis of the external auditory canal (R. Choleva), with tubercles of the lungs (Rosenberg, Leonard Braddon, Ossendovskiy).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):191-191
pages 191-191 views

Penelis. Materials on the transition of fat into sugar in diabetics. Diss. S.-PB., 1900

Uskov L.


The formation of sugar from fat is interpreted differently in the literature. Neumeister, Lepine, ѵ. Minkowsky deny the possibility of fat-to-sugar conversion. On the contrary, Seegen, Weiss, Rumpf, Rosenquist and others believe that food fats can also serve as a material for the formation of sugar, which is constantly excreted in the urine of diabetics. The author started checking the last opinion, guided by the Rosenquist research plan. 3 patients underwent observation with sugar diabetes.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):192-192
pages 192-192 views

Bezsonov. Materials to the Cardiac Noises. Diss. S.-Pb., 1900

Uskov L.


Most authors (Balfour, Wunderlich, Friedreich, Bamberger, Stack, Beau, Peacock, laccoud, Heitler, Stokes, Scoda, Guttmann, Fagge, Dusch, Eichvald, Sahli, Shapiro, Pashutin, Coustan, Duponchel, etc.) believe that for the formation of noise at the venous opening, insufficiency of the bicuspid valve is necessary, depending either on the expansion of the ventricle, or on the insufficient dispatch of the papillary muscles, which entails incomplete locking of the venous valves; no clear explanation is given for the noise at the arterial holes.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):193-194
pages 193-194 views

А. T. Ostrovsky. On the post-tuberculosis lesion of the larynx in pulmonary tuberculosis. Diss. S.-Pb., 1900

Glazov M.


The author cites the literature that exists on the issue of interest to him, before and after the discovery of tuberous sticks by prof. Kos'om. At the present time, regarding the secondary tubercle of the larynx, there are already not at all many, each having its own supporters, from which some admit the penetration of tuberous sticks from the epithelial cover of the mucous membrane of the larynx, others hold the view that the vessels for the lymph from the inside through the third In view of the fact that up to the present time the issue of post-tuberculosis lesions of the larynx remains not fully clarified, the author decided to take on his work as much as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):195-196
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А. P. Pashin. On blood persistence in chlorosis and anemia. Diss. S.-pb., 1900

Glazov M.P.


At the beginning of his work, the author points to the persons who dealt with these issues, both here in Russia and abroad. Zatum briefly describes the methods of studying blood resistance Naturger a, Limbeck a, Laqueur a, Landois, Vaquez, prof. Yanovsky and Dr. Nedrigailov and Baumholtz. The author reports the conclusions to which prof. Yanovskiy and Dr. Nedrigailov and Baumgolts, who worked according to the same method.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):196-197
pages 196-197 views

M. Y. Lakhtin. Historical Sketch of the Doctrine of Obsession. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Experimental Psychology. 1901, Jan.

Skolozubov A.Y.


The author says that there has always been a lie in obsession, the essence of lies in it is unchanged, and that the primitive savage and the scientist of the 17th century differ only in the form of their beliefs. It is customary among primitive peoples to look at the sick as if possessed by the spirits of malice. The treatment of wild peoples is reduced to the expulsion of the spirit from the patient; they have several ways for this purpose. Grekov, a people more culturally, had the opinion that all diseases depend on the demons in the air, but even Hippocrates said that madness is a brain disease. Long before Plato and Aristotle, mental illness was viewed as organic suffering.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):198-198
pages 198-198 views

А. I. Yushchenko. On the Curability of Periodic Psychosis. Russian Med. Bulletin, 1901, 15 February

Zaitsev A.I.


In his article, the author cites 14 cases of periodical psychoses taken from literature, and three cases observed by him personally, which ended in complete recovery. The author's cases are somewhat different from the usual periodic illnesses: they lack the feature of resonating distraction; there is a pathological inheritance, but in a weak degree; physical signs of degeneration were not observed; finally, fervor, absurdity, nonsense jokes, theatricality, pompousness — phenomena that are not related to periodic psychosis, were noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):199-199
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Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky. Special Symptomatology of Crime. Russian Medical Bulletin, 1901, January 15

Sergeev L.


The author describes in some detail the state of mind of the children of criminals — the murderer — and says that such children are aggravated by a morbid inheritance and manifestations of organic degeneration, which is expressed not only in their astonishing, sometimes insidious approaches, but also in the most figurative, scrofulous facial expressions and ominous sounding voice.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):199-199
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Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky. General Symptomatology of Crime. Russian Medical Bulletin, 1900, February 1

Vasnetsov S.


The author acquaints the reader with the personality of the criminal. Having set himself this goal, he divided his work into two parts — general and particular. The material for this work was the notes of prison doctors (Despene, Thomson, Davydov, etc.), judicial acts, rѣches, etc., as well as the works of fiction writers - psychologists who lived with prisoners, such as: Dostoevsky, Markevich, etc. Referring to the works of Dostoevsky and Davydov, the author says that the criminal is a proud, arrogant, vindictive, lazy, cowardly, unbearable man. But behind these unsympathetic features there is more light, this is religion, love for the theater and for animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):200-200
pages 200-200 views

L. Aschoff und D-r. H. Gaylard. Kursus der pathologischen Histologic mit einem mikroskopischen Atlas enhaltenden 35 Fafeln. Wiesbaden. 1900


The course of pathological histology by Aschoff and Gaylard is set out on 340 pages. The book is somewhat larger than the average format. An atlas is attached to the text, containing 35 tables, of which 28 are photographic and 7 are colored.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):201-202
pages 201-202 views

Ural Medical Society in Yekaterinburg

Board E.


Ural Medical Society in Yekaterinburgѣ.
(Meeting November 20, 1900)
V. A. Lyapustin: The volume of anesthesia during operations by injecting cocaine solutions into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):203-204
pages 203-204 views

Scientific meeting of doctors of the Kazan clinic of nervous diseases

Board E.


Scientific meeting of doctors of the Kazan clinic
nervous diseases.
(Meeting on January 29, 1901).
I. Dr. GA Klyachkin: a To the therapeutic effect of electric light ”, (Report published in this No., p. 144).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Correspondence. Vol. 1, No. 3 (1901)

Board E.


-TO. M. Tseleritskiy informs us from Simbirsk.
An emergency meeting of the local Society of Physicians, held on January 31, 1901 to honor the 30-year medical activity of Dr. I.M. by the position of treasurer of the Company. Then Dr. MG Tsitrin read a rather interesting and warmly composed curriculum vitae of the hero of the day. After the appointment, the sincere comradely rampage of the doctors and members of the Society continued for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):210-211
pages 210-211 views

Chronicle and small information. Vol. 1, No. 3 (1901)

Board E.


Chronicle and small information
- The Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University informs that the Pasteur method of treatment for patients bitten by wild animals will begin at the Bacteriological Institute of Kazan University on Monday, March 26, and will be carried out every day, not excluding long 12 hours. day.
(Kazanskiy Telegraph).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):218-219
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Kazan Medical Journal

Board E.


From 1901, the organ of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University, published under the editorship of the Chairman of the Society, Prof. L.O.Darkshevich.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(3):220-220
pages 220-220 views

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