Vol 26, No 11 (1930)

Further experiences with BCG

Blagoveshchenskiy N.N., Vasiliev I.P.


A fairly large number of works have already been devoted to the question of the safety of BCG. It can be argued that the overwhelming majority of researchers (including us1) have undoubtedly established the practical harmlessness of this tuberculosis strain for various animals and humans. This harmlessness manifests itself not only in relation to a healthy animal organism, both an adult and a very young newborn, but also in relation to an organism artificially weakened by certain harmful moments.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1067-1077
pages 1067-1077 views

Lubeck disaster

Blagoveshchenskiy I.N.


The overwhelming majority of researchers have proven the safety of the BCG anti-tuberculosis vaccine both by animal experiments and by observations of newborn children vaccinated with this vaccine. Since 1924, when the Pasteur Institute in Paris began completely free to dispense this vaccine, in France alone, over 258,000 children have been vaccinated with it by 1 / V1I-30 g. In addition to France, children are also vaccinated in Belgium, Romania, Spain, Greece, Holland, Italy, Norway, Poland, the USSR, America and other countries, which together with France have already given a solid number of vaccinated people — about half a million.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1077-1080
pages 1077-1080 views

The effect of acute and chronic gasoline poisoning on the animal's body

Schwartz S.M.


Gasoline is widely used in some industries, and the literature quite often comes across indications of isolated and massive cases of poisoning of workers exposed to it. Hence, it is clear that researchers paid attention to the study of the effect of this poison on the body, and, mainly, the effect of acute (single) poisoning with gasoline was studied, both through a thorough study of individual cases of acute poisoning of workers, and by setting up appropriate experiments on animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1080-1088
pages 1080-1088 views

Minor liver failure

Tutkovsky -.


Small liver failure, which the British call "torpid liver", and Carriere calls "petit hepatisme", can be, especially in the initial stages, a purely transient moment: it is found in infectious diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, flu), then it can be observed during attacks of hepatic colic, or after them, sometimes this insufficiency is noted with catarrhal jaundice.Liver failure is noted with chloroform anesthesia, with some transient poisoning, especially arsenic.It is observed in persons with a weak liver inherited, it happens quite often in children, as well as in women, during pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1088-1091
pages 1088-1091 views

On the question of probing the lesser curvature of the stomach

Trusevich B.I.


Using deep, sliding and topographic palpation by the Glenard-Obraztsov-Gausman method, along with other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, in some cases it is possible to palpate the lesser curvature. The latest statistics of Gausmann's palpation data are as follows: greater curvature is palpable in 45-50% of colon transv. 60%, coecum 80%, pars coecalis ilei 85%, appendix 12-16%, pylorus and antrum pylori 25%, sigma 95%.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1091-1094
pages 1091-1094 views

Costa's response to malaria

Sidorova E.V.


Every practical doctor, especially in an outpatient setting, is aware of the difficulties associated with the diagnosis of chronic malaria with its varied, sometimes extremely confusing clinical manifestations, often with an insufficiently clear history of the patient himself. This is even more true for cases so called. latent forms of malaria, where objective manifestations are so vaguely expressed that they become inaccessible to our research methods and require prolonged observation to establish the malarial nature of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1094-1101
pages 1094-1101 views

Treatment of the operating field with 5% alcoholic solution of picric acid

Potapov V.G.


The treatment of the operating field with a 5% alcoholic solution of picric acid for only a little more than 1% of years came into use at the Faculty Surgical Clinic, displacing the treatment with iodine tincture that was used until then and completely gaining the sympathy of the staff. A little less than 1000 inpatient and large outpatient surgeries were performed during this period. After subtracting from this number of cases of purely purulent, as well as obviously contaminated (for example, amputations with extensive weakening of fabrics - tram and railway injuries), we got the figure 741, i.e., the total number of such operations that could be considered, if not absolutely, then at least relatively clean.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1101-1104
pages 1101-1104 views

About fibrous and deforming osteodystrophies

Goldstein M.I., Nevorozhkin I.P.


Ostitis cystica fibrosa (Engel 1864), described in detail by Recklinghausen in 1891, and ostitis deformans, investigated by Paget’oM in 1876, are still insufficiently studied diseases. Meanwhile, these diseases, in addition to being relatively rare, are of great interest for clinicians and radiologists, especially since the time when the connection between osteitis fibrosus and disorders of the endocrine apparatus and disorders of general metabolism began to be revealed.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1104-1112
pages 1104-1112 views

To the question of the influence of upper tracheo-bronchoscopy on the subglottic space

Goland B.S.


If we turn to the statistics of the removal of foreign bodies from the larynx and bronchi before and after the introduction of a bronchoscope, we will see the benefits of being able to use it, and hence, as a consequence, that not only a laryngologist, but also every doctor who is obliged to provide emergency care should be able to master the technique of tracheo-broncho-esophagoscopy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1113-1118
pages 1113-1118 views

On the diagnostic value of L.G. Peretz's lipoid reaction in the recognition of certain neoplasms

Shub R.L.


In Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung und experiment. Therapie, volume No. 49, 1926, and in the Medical Gazette, No. 2, 1926, an article by L. G. Peretz "Experience in developing a biological response to lipoids" was published. According to the author, the principle of the method he proposes, the biological method, is as follows: “Back in 1901, Ramson showed that saponin gives a strong connection with cholesterol. Another well-known fact is that saponin causes hemolysis. The reason is its connection with erythrocyte lipoids and the resulting destruction of their stroma. Combining these two phenomena in that they have something in common, that is, saponin, we get the basis for the reaction to cholesterol, and if it turned out that saponin gives a connection with other lipoids, then other lipoids. An experiment that can prove the correctness of this reasoning consists in the following: a solution of saponin is added to the cholesterol solution, and after a certain period of time, a suspension of erythrocytes. Hemolysis does not occur. In the control tube (without cholesterol), hemolysis is obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1119-1123
pages 1119-1123 views

The experience of studying chlorides in sweat in pregnant women in connection with their water-salt metabolism

Tarlo B.S., Olerskaya N.N.


It is known that the skin, in addition to other functions, has an important excretory function, which is of particular importance during pregnancy, when, due to the "restructuring" of the body, increased requirements are imposed on the excretory organs. Meanwhile, our knowledge of this important system in pregnant women is still very scanty. Studies of Scaglioni in our clinic of Dr. Sidorov showed a decrease in the part of the excretory function of the skin, which is commonly called perspiratio insensibilis, in a pregnant woman. A particularly sharp decrease in this function was found in pregnancy toxicosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1123-1128
pages 1123-1128 views

To the doctrine of funicular myelitis

Chernikov V.V.


The question of funicular myelitis, despite all the interest shown in them recently, still remains unresolved. This is especially true of the pathogenesis of this suffering. Indeed, in relation to him we have a number of diametrically opposite points of view. Since funic. myelitis, apparently, is most often found in pernicious anemia, the question of their pathogenesis was constantly resolved in connection with changes in blood and achilia. Already the old authors noted the possibility of the effect of qualitatively changed blood on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the possibility of blood exposure to the nervous system was not excluded.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1129-1136
pages 1129-1136 views

About the so-called "Lumbago" and its recognition

Shtcherbatsky V.


Having become a trusted doctor of the insurance office, I came close to the question of the so-called "lumbago". Previously, I had little interest in him, although I had the misfortune to get sick with him myself. This happened, as usual, at the moment of lifting a great weight. Suddenly I felt back pain and inability to move. The only position in which I felt good was vertical. I absolutely could not lie and sit bent over. The disease went away within one week, leaving no inclination to recur. As a trusted physician, I encountered lumbago on a different plane. I had to make sure that lumbago refers to the so-called dubious diseases that do not have objective symptoms and therefore give shaky diagnoses and a fairly wide field for simulation. The attending physicians constantly told me that the lumbago is for them a kind of cross, that there is no way to establish the truth and reveal pretense with it. The study of the lumbago cases from the bulletins led me, however, to some rather important conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1136-1137
pages 1136-1137 views

To the technique of repositioning shoulder dislocations

Shtcherbatsky V.


When I have to read in the encyclopedias of Eulenburg, Sсhnirеr and Vierord t, BME, in numerous monographs and in textbooks of private surgery about dislocations of the shoulder joint, and also when I got acquainted with the Janelidze method from articles in medical journals, I always I was surprised at how the authors pass by the most essential in the question of the methods of repositioning the anterior and other dislocations in this joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1137-1138
pages 1137-1138 views

Two cases of nasopharyngeal fibroids removed per vias naturales

Jakub L.I.


In view of the great interest that has been aroused recently by nasopharyngeal fibromas due to the desire to find among the numerous, often difficult and bloody methods of removing them, the simplest and most "humane" ways of surgical intervention, I will allow myself to publish two cases of these fibroids that we observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1138-1139
pages 1138-1139 views

A case of scopolamin poisoning in ocular practice

Chepurina I.S.


On August 30, 1929, the patient F-ova, 28 years old, applied for an outpatient appointment regarding Leucoma corneae adh. wasp utr.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1139-1140
pages 1139-1140 views

A case of premature birth with trojans in a double uterus

Miller -.


26/1 s / y. At 5 pm, citizen B. was admitted to the maternity ward of our hospital in childbirth. According to the admitted, the water ran out of her house. She considers herself pregnant at about 6 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1140-1140
pages 1140-1140 views

Syphilitic Reinfection Case

Leizerovsky A.M.


As you know, for the establishment of syphilitic reinfection, a number of "stringent" requirements are set, which are not always feasible in the conditions of our practical work. This is especially true for such requirements as observation of the first and repeated infection of the patient by the same doctor and confrontation. Inevitably, it is often necessary not to comply with some of the above requirements and, meeting with such cases, to interpret them as reinfection. Our case of syphilitic reinfection deserves attention from the point of view of the characteristics of its history.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1140-1141
pages 1140-1141 views

Problems of modern syphilis therapy

Golosovker S.Y.


Analyzing the current state of the treatment of syphilis, it is necessary to cancel a huge number of drugs proposed and introduced into the therapy of this disease: mercury, iodine, arsenic and its various derivatives, bismuth, which already has hundreds of patented drugs, and finally tellurium, cadmium, zinc, antimony, etc. If we add to the above a number of mixed drugs, then that chaotic arsenal of anti-syphilitic drugs will become even more pronounced, among which the practitioner wanders and eventually develops his own "template" of therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1142-1149
pages 1142-1149 views

Healthcare tasks at the site in connection with the socialist reconstruction of agriculture

Epstein T.D.


The tremendous changes taking place against the background of a fierce class struggle in the economy and social-class relations of the collectivizing village pose a completely new challenge to health care in the countryside. Health protection of the working peasant population has always been in the center of attention of the Soviet state. Constant worries about improving the level of social health of the peasantry are reflected in the extensive legislation on the network of medical and preventive institutions in the countryside, in numerous measures to provide the village with doctors, in strengthening the material base of district medicine from year to year and improving the material and legal situation of rural medical personnel.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1149-1165
pages 1149-1165 views

To the question of studying the biology and pathology of race


(Letter to the editor in response to comrade D. Pravdin). The magazine "Varnitso" (No. 3/4) published an article by com. D. Pravdin "Among scientific workers", which mentioned my name. The paragraph in which my surname appears is literally the following: “The authors of the“ Problems of Biology and Pathology of Jews ”collection set themselves an equally ungrateful task of“ supplementing ”the party's policy in the field of health care theory and practice with a“ correction ”for racial pathology (see especially the editorial of the first Collection and an article by Prof. Grahn in the second Collection), which discovered, regardless of the conditions of production, labor, class (italics ours), a special racial pathology of the Jews. Not wanting to suspect the "purity" of the scientific intentions of individual participants in the Collections, we cannot fail to note that such quasi scientific excursions serve objectively as water for very dubious "mills", with which most of the participants in the Collections would probably not want to have anything in common ".

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1165-1166
pages 1165-1166 views

The first meeting on the study of rickets at the All-Union Society of Pediatricians

Ganyushina E.K.


(Moscow, September 30, 1930). On September 30, 1930, a meeting was held in Moscow dedicated to the study of rickets in the USSR and organized by the commission for the study of rickets at the All-Union Society of Pediatricians.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1167-1170
pages 1167-1170 views

History of zemstvo surgery in Moscow province

Jacobson S.A.


Bibliography and reviews. S. A. Yakobson, assistant professor "The history of zemstvo surgery in Moscow province." Essay on the history of Russian surgery. (With 6 portraits and 1 map of Moscow province.). 80 p. Moscow. 1930 Price 1-50 k. This small essay deserves full attention from the Soviet physician and the "general practitioner" and "prevention", it also deserves attention as a "piece of the history of medicine" of the pre-revolutionary period of zemstvo medicine close to us. "History of medicine" has now been introduced into the curriculum of higher Soviet medical education, as an introductory part to the "fundamentals of Soviet health care" in this context, the history of the nearest pre-revolutionary period of zemstvo medicine is of particular interest, in general, the "history of zemstvo medicine" in the context of historical and dialectical still does not have its own researchers! The history of zemstvo surgery is a special chapter of this general history, which covers the area of ​​"special" types of assistance to the population.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1170-1170
pages 1170-1170 views

Anatomie und Klinik der akuten thrombotischen Erweichungen bei spinaler Lues

Margulis M.S.


Bibliography and reviews. Margulis M. S. Pathologische Anatomie und Klinik der akuten thrombotischen Erweichungen bei spinaler Lues. D. Z. f. NHK. Bd. 113.1930 This article by Margulis is a report read at a meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists in Moscow in memory of prof. P. A. Preobrazhensky. Preobrazhensky gave in 1904 for the first time a clinical description of the symptom complex of the anterior spinal artery. Based on his experience, Margulis was convinced of the need to revise the nosography and pathogenesis of this symptom complex.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1170-1171
pages 1170-1171 views

In memory of prof. A. V. Favorsky

Aluf I.S.


Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Meeting on May 28, 1930 dedicated to the memory of Prof. A. V. Favorsky I. S. Aluf. In memory of prof. A. V. Favorsky. Having noted the main biographical data, the speaker dwells on the characteristics of the deceased's scientific and teaching activities. In the scientific and pedagogical activity of AV, three periods can be distinguished: the first period embraces the time before business trips abroad, the second — overseas business trips, and the third — the time following business trips. The first period includes A. V.'s casuistic works on acromegaly and mercury polyneuritis and his dissertation “Materials on the question of spinal cord compression.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1171-1172
pages 1171-1172 views

To the study of hyperkinesis

Rusetsky I.I.


Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Meeting on May 28, 1930, dedicated to the memory of Prof. A. V. Favorsky I. Rusetsky. To the study of hyperkinesis. From the available classifications of hyperkinesis, the speaker accepts the following: 1) trembling hyperkinesis, 2) myoclonic, 3) systematized rhythmic bradyhyperkinesis, and 4) choreiform hyperkinesis. The speaker conducted a study of these forms of hyperkinesis in 35 patients by using graphic methods for registering contraction of hyperkinetic muscles.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

The problem of the character on which parania grows

Yudin T.I.


Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Meeting on May 28, 1930 dedicated to the memory of Prof. A. V. Favorsky T.I. Yudin. The problem of the character on which parania grows. Having noted the work of Genil-Perrin's "Les paranoiaques", the speaker agrees that in some cases paranoia, apparently, grows on the basis of "bovarism", as Genil-Perrin calls it. that is, a character similar to that described by Flaubert'oM in his novel "M-me Bovary." The speaker gives a history of the disease of the god, observed in the Kazan psycho, a clinic with a paranoid outbreak and with a character very close to the character of Emma Bovary Debate: M. Andreev and I. S. Aluf.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

A case of sponchioblastoma developing in the area of ganglion nn thorac

Vasiliev I.I., Zhuravlev V.I.


Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Meeting on May 28, 1930 dedicated to the memory of Prof. A. V. Favorsky Prof. I. I. Vasiliev and Dr. V. I. Zhuravleva. A case of sponchioblastoma developing in the area of ganglion nn thorac. I and II (printed in Kazakh medical journal). Debate: I. S. Aluf.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

On the casuistry of general alopecia areata

Fedorov N.I.


Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan State University. Meeting on May 28, 1930 dedicated to the memory of Prof. A. V. Favorsky N.I. Fedorov. On the casuistry of general alopecia areata. (Published in Kaz. Medical journal). Debate: I. I. Rusetsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

To the method and results of hysterosalpingography of numerous cases

Goldstein D.E., Leibov S.V.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. June 16, 1930 Goldstein D. Ye. And Leibov S. V. Preliminary demonstrations to the methodology and results of hysterosalpingography of numerous cases (over 60) from the gynecological department of the State. in-that for perfection. doctors examined in the X-ray department using the introduction of iodipine into the uterus and tubes. The work was carried out mainly with the aim of establishing tubular patency during prolonged sterility.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1172-1173
pages 1172-1173 views

To X-ray diagnosis of gonorrhoid diseases of the urethra

Rothstein R.V., Haskina Z.V.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. June 16, 1930 Rotshtein R.V. and Khaskina Z.V. To the X-ray diagnosis of gonorrhoid diseases of the urethra. In view of the fact that the usual methods of examining the urethra using bougie and urethroscope were insufficient, the speakers resorted to the X-ray method. The latter is still not widely used in urology. The speakers demonstrate a number of cases in which it was possible to clearly see the entire course, each anatomical and functional part of the urethra, and to establish any deviation from the norm (anomaly, stricture, displacement, expansion) on radiographs.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1173-1173
pages 1173-1173 views

Scientific conferences of the 2nd Branch of the Central Scientific Institute of O. Z.D. and P. Narkomzdrav in Moscow


At the meeting on November 18, 1930, a report was presented by Dr. AA Titov (Ivanovo-Voznesensk) "Fundamentals of the sanatorium-camp system and the experience of using it on children" (with a demonstration of films). The speaker introduced the conference to the type of construction he proposed for summer camps for pioneers. Wood and fabric were used as building materials. The advantage of the building: speed of construction, cheapness and, most importantly, hygiene. A building of this type provides a maximum of fresh, clean air and is hygienically high above the so-called "capital buildings". Air pollution studies carried out in sanatorium premises of the usual type and in sanatorium camps such as Titov showed that air pollution in the latter is negligible.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1173-1174
pages 1173-1174 views




Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1174-1175
pages 1174-1175 views

Questions and answers


Questions and answers.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(11):1175-1176
pages 1175-1176 views

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