Vol 11, No 3-4 (1911)

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Full Issue

On the question of the composition and properties of lipohepine

Lastochkin P.N.


This article is a natural continuation of my work "On lipogenin", published in the same journal in 1910 in v. X. The properties of lipogenin and the reasons why lipogenin prepared by the factory br. Krestovnikovs, entered medical practice, and those interested in this issue I refer to the specified work

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):67-79
pages 67-79 views

Determination of contraction of the digestive tract using form-dehydrated gelatin

Zarnitsyn P.I.


The important meaning of the precise determination of the contraction of the digestive tract is completely understandable given the existence of various morbid forms that are similar in symptom complex, but differ in ethology and require opposite methods of treatment. Diagnostic errors in this direction are especially disastrously reflected in patients, either leading them to death from exhaustion, then serving as a reason for inappropriate operations

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):80-82
pages 80-82 views

On the question of the effect of diphtheria toxin on the secretory function of the adrenal glands

Cheboksarov M.N.


Despite the fact that the question of the influence of diphtheria toxin on the secretory function of the adrenal glands has been studied already for a few years, still the question “that cannot be considered completely resolved, at which the least developed, undoubtedly seems to be a question adrenaline function of the adrenal glands, that is, on the function of predominantly pulp substance, which, according to the now most widespread view, is the place of adrenaline formation. As for the cortical substance, thanks to the pathological and histological studies of Bogomolets, Molchanov, Sinibaldi and others, at the present time it can be considered established that diphtheria intoxication at the most in the initial stages of it undoubtedly enhances the fatty tissue of fatty tissue and a fat-like substance, and only with a more severe or long-lasting intoxication in the adrenal glands, the phenomena of degeneration and oppression of the vital activity of cortical cells develop.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Materials for the physiology and pathology of the adrenal glands

Cheboksarov M.N.


In my research on the secretory nerves of the adrenal glands *) I, by the way, showed that overloading b. of the celiac nerve has a sharp decrease in the flow of adrenaline into the venous blood, that is, the exclusion of the mentioned nerve leads to a decrease in the secretory function of the adrenal glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):89-93
pages 89-93 views

Regeneration of the prostate urethra in addition to the experimental study of the aftermath of prostatectomy

Vishnevsky A.V.


The question of the experimental study of the aftermath of prostatectomy meets, according to the authors, who work with him, almost insurmountable difficulties. Here it is about the absolute impossibility of performing a complete prostatectomy without renewing the corresponding section of the urethra

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):94-102
pages 94-102 views

A case of quadruple laparotomy with enterostenosis, simulating biliary colic

Zoroaster A.V.


I allow myself to draw the favorable attention of fellow doctors to this patient. To him in hospital surgery, clinic, professor I.A.Praksin performed the 4th operation of laparotomy, on this connector, apparently, which gave lasting results.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):103-108
pages 103-108 views

A case of transvesical prostatectomy

Rogozinskiy N.A.


Today I will have the honor to demonstrate to you a patient who was operated on at the faculty surgical clinic for his previous prostate hypertrophy

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Death from late after heart wounds

Vishnevsky A.


The Cossack of the Orenburg Cossack army, 23 years old, received 4 years ago in a fight with a knife in the chest in the area of the sixth intercostal space. After that, two years later, he fell ill with dropsy of the abdomen, which was released according to the patient 3 times.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):116-117
pages 116-117 views

The current state of scholarship about the plague

Zabolotnov P.


At the present time, we call the plague of man an acute infectious disease caused by the penetration of a certain microbe into the body, accompanied by fever and great mortality.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):118-125
pages 118-125 views

Protocol of the appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University 28th November 1910


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich under the secretary of Dr. A. I. Shibkov.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а3-а4
pages а3-а4 views

Protocol of the meeting of the society of doctors at the Imperial Kazan University December 9, 1910


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Gavorskom.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а5-а8
pages а5-а8 views

Protocol of the appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University February 16, 1911


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Gavorskom.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а9-а11
pages а9-а11 views

Protocol of the appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University 3rd March 1911


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а17-а19
pages а17-а19 views

Protocol of the appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University 17th March 1911


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich under the secretary of Dr. Chirkovsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а20-а23
pages а20-а23 views

Protocol of the appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University March 31, 1911


It was chaired by prof. F. Ya. Chistovich under the secretary of Dr. V.V. Chirkovsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(3-4):а24-а27
pages а24-а27 views

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