Vol 29, No 10 (1933)

Cover Page

Full Issue

The next tasks of health care and health care doctors

Voydinova O.M.


The workforce of organized children and adolescents served by health care professionals is extremely large, covering the age range from 4 to 18 years old, which makes up 1/5 of the total population.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):757-760
pages 757-760 views

Prevention of skin and sexually transmitted diseases in children's institutions for OZD and P

Olesov I.N.


The decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on primary and secondary schools is a historical document on the path of building a Soviet school.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):761-766
pages 761-766 views

About cholecystopathies

Lepskaya R.I.


Diseases of the extrahepatic biliary tract is a very old and at the same time always a new topic that never ceases to attract the attention of clinicians and pathologists, a topic to which scientific congresses of doctors of all countries return repeatedly. The reason for such an unrelenting and even growing interest in these diseases is twofold: first, the more the recognition of these diseases improves, the more we are convinced that we are dealing with an extremely widespread suffering, besides a rich variety of clinical forms and manifestations, starting from typical, clear, and sometimes violent manifestations of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, with their numerous complications and sometimes unexpected and dangerous turns and ending with hidden, often disguised forms, the clinic of which will be the subject of in-depth development for a long time

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):767-775
pages 767-775 views

Prevention of children's summer diarrhea

Menshikov V.K.


In the era of the rapid growth of socialist construction and the completion of collectivization in the countryside we are witnessing tremendous successes in the field of the cultural front. Exceptional care for children, attention to mother and child in the institutions of the MMM have resulted in a significant decrease in infant mortality in our Union (from 25.2% in 1901-1910 per 100 births to 15.8% in 1928).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):775-779
pages 775-779 views

On the question of occupational syphilis

Olesov I.N.


Professor A. P. Jordan in his work: "Occupational syphilis of midwives" (RVD, 1925, No. 2) cites the work of Tgub, where the author gives 407 cases of hard chancre from doctors received by them in the line of duty ... According to existing statistics, surgeons fall ill with professional syphilis, then gynecologists and venereologists (K. A. Karysheva, R. V. D., 1925, No. 7).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):779-782
pages 779-782 views

On the question of necrophilia

Tambovtsev N.M.


The question of sexual perversions, and in particular of necrophilia, is very little developed. In textbooks and manuals on psychiatry, it is given only 2-3 lines in passing, and in many manuals this issue is passed over in silence.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):783-792
pages 783-792 views

To the question of the times of surgery for acute appendicitis

Spiridonov A.N.


The discussion we renewed about the time of the operation for acute appendicitis does not pretend to be an exhaustive solution to the issue, but is only an attempt to clarify some points, the most relevant and still not resolved. This attempt is made by us on the basis of a study of literature, with a predominance of American, and our own experience on the material of a large industrial city.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):792-799
pages 792-799 views

On the method of collecting material on maternal mortality

Pisarevsky N.N.


The solution of the problem of reducing the incidence and mortality of women in connection with pregnancy, abortion and childbirth ("maternal mortality"), the problem posed by the MMM in the 2nd five-year plan, cannot do without properly set accounting. know where to direct your attention. ”Meanwhile, accounting for maternal mortality suffers from some defects, which were felt by all who studied this issue, as can be seen from the relevant literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):800-803
pages 800-803 views

Ozena distribution in the Tatrespublika

Bobrovsky N.A.


Despite the millennia that separate us from the first mentions of the lake, despite the abundance of work done by researchers from different countries of the world, the lake has been and remains a mysterious disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):804-809
pages 804-809 views

On the treatment of so-called scrofulous eye diseases

Beketovsky N.N.


The outpatient daily practice of every doctor-ophthalmologist and non-ophthalmologist, especially in the area where he has in front of him a sufficient contingent of scrofulous eye diseases for observation, usually connected with a kind of Habitus'oM of patients: diseases of the ears and places of the skin, with an increase in the cervical, submandibular and other glands and very often with symptoms of a pulmonary nature at subfebrile temperature - all this has long forced and continues to lead to the conclusion that eye scrofula is one of the manifestations of a general disease of the body and that it has a known connection with tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):809-813
pages 809-813 views

About the time of the appearance of the hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in the embryonic life of a person

Sidorov N.E.


Even in the days of Galen and Vesalius, the cerebral appendage was viewed as an organ whose task is to excrete some products. very dark for their purpose. It was only since the creation of the doctrine of internal secretion by Brown-Séquard that facts began to accumulate that determined the actual place of the pituitary gland in the group of endocrine glands and indicated its enormous physiological and pathological significance for the human body. One of the main intrasecretory functions of the pituitary gland is undoubtedly considered to be the regulation of the growth of the body, and, as a separate manifestation of it, the effect on the development of the reproductive apparatus, and the latter is due to the action of the hormone of its anterior lobe.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):813-819
pages 813-819 views

Avitaminosis due to unilateral malnutrition in chronic colitis

Petrovykh A.I.


We know that food that contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts, but does not contain vitamins, cannot meet the needs of the body and, with prolonged use of such food, painful disorders develop. We observe such changes in animals fed with "artificial food", when eating natural but denatured foods, as well as with one-sided feeding with natural foods. ad libitum "with millet or oats, after a long time, degenerative changes were found in the intestines and organs of internal secretion; the chickens that ate this way died (cited by Prof. BA Lavrov).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):820-821
pages 820-821 views

A case of prolonged stay of a foreign body in orbit

Yufit E.M.


Cases of finding foreign bodies in orbit are not common in the practice of an ophthalmologist. They acquire particular interest when they go beyond the bounds of the template.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):821-823
pages 821-823 views

A rare case of infanticide

Safonov G.I.


In the current forensic work we have encountered a very interesting case of infanticide. The interest of this case lies both in the methods that were used to commit the crime, and in the medical error ^ that was committed when saving a dying child; in particular, this last circumstance prompts us to publish this case, the essence of which is as follows.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):824-825
pages 824-825 views

Highlights in Modern Epilepsy Science

Rueetsky I.I.


Epileptics, tormented by endless tortures of morbus herculeus, go through a difficult path. Lost in the past and receding into the distance is a long and tortuous history of studying and dealing with this suffering. What is epilepsy? What forms does it have? Does genuinal epilepsy exist? What is the pathogenesis of epilepsy? And a number of other questions arise from the doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):826-834
pages 826-834 views

Clinic for mud therapy. L.F. Linevich Publication of Kalmobzdravotdel. 1933 g.

Friedland M.


This book with a somewhat original title belongs to the pen of the venerable Astrakhan doctor, who spent several decades of his life on the creation and management of the Tinak resort, which is deservedly popular in our Union.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):834-835
pages 834-835 views

Recent reports on the physiology and pathology of higher nervous activity. I.P. Pavlov Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Leningrad. 1933.

Galant Y.


The book contains 3 reports of Pavlov, read by him in August-September 1932 at the congresses 1) XIV International Physiological; 2) XI Scandinavian neurological and 3) X international psychological.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):835-835
pages 835-835 views

I. M. Sechenov. Kekcheev K.Kh. Journal and newspaper association. Moscow 1933

Galant Y.


Kekcheev's book about Sechenov was published in the ninth issue of a series of biographies "Life of Remarkable People" edited by M. Gorky, Mikh. Koltsov A. N. Tikhonov.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):835-836
pages 835-836 views

Textbook of Nervous Diseases. V.V. Mikheev Medgiz, 1933

Galant Y.


Mikheev's textbook is intended for medical schools. We did not have such textbooks on neuropathology, and Mikheev's textbook should be hailed as the first very successful attempt to give a popular and, at the same time, strictly scientific presentation of material that is difficult in itself, far from generally accessible.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):836-836
pages 836-836 views

Schilder Paul. (Paralysis agitans pictures in alcoholics. Journ. Nerv Dis. 76. 586-88)

Galant Y.


Schilder Paul. (Paralysis agitans pictures in alcoholics. Journ. Nerv Dis. 76. 586-88) notes in alcoholics conditions similar to those in paralysis agitans. These states find their expression in changes in tone, a mask-like face, in a special form of tremor, in the convergence of outstretched arms, resting on the flexor contracture in the elbow joint, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):836-837
pages 836-837 views

Grosskopf. M. (Keimdrusentherapie bei beginnender Schisophrenie. Wiener. Med. Wochenschrft. No. 31.1933)

Galant Y.


Grosskopf, M. (Keimdriisentherapie bei beginnender Schisophrenie. Wiener. Med. Wochenschrft. No. 31.1933) reports three cases of early stage schizophrenia, which he successfully treated with large doses of gonads.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):837-837
pages 837-837 views

Wuth (Beitrag zur medikamentosen Therapie von Depressionszustan den. Knoll’s Mitt. № 3. 1933)

Galant Y.


Wuth (Beitrag zur medikamentosen Therapie von Depressionszustan den. Knoll's Mitt. No. 3. 1933) provides an overview of the drug treatment of various states of depression: true endogenous depression (melancholy), reactive depression and psychogenic depression. The former arise from unknown causes; the second group also refers to endogenous depressions, but with them there is a provoking mental cause.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):837-837
pages 837-837 views

Gas gangrene after drug injections. Dr. Herbert lunghans (Deutsch.medic. Wochenschr. 1933. No. 22)

Tsimkhes I.


Gas gangrene after drug injections. Dr. Herbert liinghans (Deutsch.medic. Wochenschr. 1933. No. 22), after analyzing his case of gas gangrene after an injection of digipurate, cites from the literature 60 cases where gas gangrene developed at the injection site of the same medicinal substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):837-837
pages 837-837 views

For the treatment of fistulas of the anus located outside the sphincter. Dr. Friedrich Rudofsky (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1933 r „No. 27)

Tsimkhes I.


For the treatment of fistulas of the anus located outside the sphincter. Dr. Friedrich Rudofsky (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1933 r „No. 27) in persistent cases of rectal fistulas, especially ishiorectal, tuberculous origin, suggests applying a temporary anus praeternaturalis to Colon Sigmoideum

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-838
pages 838-838 views

On the new principle of treatment of acute and chronic osteomyelitis. Lohr (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27)

Tsimkhes I.


Lohr (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27) after a detailed analysis of the modern principles of treatment of osteomyelitis puts forward a method, which consists in the following: fat (1 part). In fresh cases, an incision and emptying the cavity from pus is sufficient.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-838
pages 838-838 views

On the treatment of tibial shaft fractures. D-r Becker (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27)

Tsimkhes I.


Dr. Becker (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27) suggests for the correct installation of fragments of the shin bones, in case of their fracture in the diaphyseal part, in addition to applying a Kigschner nail on the calcaneus, grab the upper fragment of the tibia with a metal bracket.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-838
pages 838-838 views

On biliary tract surgery based on clinical observations of 571 operating patients. Dr. L. Waldeuer (Deutsch. Medic. Wochenschr. 1933. No. 21)

Tsimkhes I.


Dr. L. Waldeuer (Deutsch. Medic. Wochenschr. 1933. No. 21) gives the results of operations on the biliary tract in 571 bth. The mortality rate in persons with stoneless chronic kalecystitis is 18%, with stones - 2.4%.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-838
pages 838-838 views

Conservative therapy for ureteral stones. Heinrich Gissel (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27)

Tsimkhes I.


Heinrich Gissel (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1933. No. 27) of 65 patients with ureteral stones in 64 cases, after conservative measures, received independent discharge of stones, only 3 cases required surgical intervention. He attaches particular importance to the Rayr clinic introduced by the clinic for the treatment of ureteral stones Sudabad (30 liters of water, 40.0 table salt, 30.0 chamomile and 1.0-3.0 tinct. Bellad.).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-838
pages 838-838 views

Clauberg C. (Zentrbl. F. Gyn., 1933, No. 1, p. 47)

Manenkov P.


Clauberg S. (Zentrbl. F. Gyn., 1933, No. 1, p. 47), based on the presence of luteinizing hormone in the blood of pregnant women of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, recommends in cases of uterine bleeding, depending on the persistence of follicles in the ovary with insufficient development corpus luteum, pour over bleeding women about 300-400 cc, sant.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):838-839
pages 838-839 views

Hepatopathy of pregnant women and the pathogenesis of eclampsia (Zentrbl. F. Gyn. 1933, No. 1, p. 35)

Manenkov P.


Hofbauer in his article "Hepatopathy of Pregnant Women and the Pathogenesis of Eclampsia" (Zentrbl. F. Gyn. 1933, No. 1, p. 35) admits that the controversial issue of the liver of pregnant women (hepatopathy) in the second half of pregnancy has been finally resolved in a positive sense. the liver is detected in a violation of its function as a result of diffuse damage to the hepatic parenchyma.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):839-839
pages 839-839 views

Bleeding from the body cavity of the uterus in old women. Wolfhart Schulz (Zbl. D. Gyn., 1933, No. 32, S. 1890)

Manenkov P.


Wolfhart Schulz (Zbl. D. Gyn., 1933, No. 32, S. 1890) in a report at a meeting of the Northeastern Society of German Gynecologists' pointed out that not always senile bleeding from the uterus is caused by carcinoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):839-839
pages 839-839 views

Should one refuse over-vaginal amputation of the uterus due to the possibility of stump cancer. Herold (Zbl. F. Gyn .. 1933)

Manenkov P.


Prof. Herold (Zbl. F. Gyn. 1933), on the basis of statistics in 12273 supravaginal amputations, believes that there is no reason to replace the technically simple and prognostically favorable operation of supravaginal amputation of the uterus with the operation of complete removal of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):839-839
pages 839-839 views

Secondary suture for postoperative suppuration of the abdominal wall. Spinger (Zbl. F. Gyn., 1933, no. 31)

Manenkov P.


Sringer (Zbl. F. Gyn., 1933, No. 31) recommends using Villaag's secondary suture for suppuration in the area of ​​a laparotomic wound. His technique is as follows: under light ether anesthesia, a wound opens throughout the entire area of ​​suppuration; the wound surface is thoroughly cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, and firmly adhering deposits are removed with the help of a tupfer; then the wound is connected in layers with knotty sutures (on the skin — a knotted silk suture, not staples); stopping bleeding is done by injecting; the dressing consists of dry absorbent gauze; sutures are removed in 6-7 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):839-839
pages 839-839 views

Resection n. praesacralis in gynecology. Cotte (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1933)

Manenkov P.


Prof. Cotte (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1933), in two articles sets out the indications, results and technique of the operation proposed by him and performed in 1924 - resection of the sympathetic plexus in the area of the aortic bifurcation (plex. Hypogastricus sup., Or n. Praesacralis fr. , aa.). He successfully performed over 200 such operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):839-840
pages 839-840 views

Chronicle. Volume 29, No. 10 (1933)


For the purpose of a comparative study of the effectiveness of diphtheria vaccinations, at the initiative of the hygiene section of the League of Nations, in 1929-1931. in a number of countries (Germany, England, Denmark, France, Hungary, Holland, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia), parallel experiments of vaccination of children were organized according to a single plan.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(10):840-842
pages 840-842 views

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