Vol 30, No 9 (1934)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Fighting tuberculosis in the social sector of the village

Klebanov Y.A.


In the Soviet literature on tbc, especially in recent years, there has been an extensive discussion of the clinical features of the course of tbc in the countryside. The indisputable position is that TB infection of the rural population has been widespread in the distant past. This is confirmed by old surveys of the rural population of the 1990s, by the large number of TB infections found in remote areas of the Union during expeditionary surveys, and by the experience and observations of all doctors who have lived and worked in rural areas for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):809-814
pages 809-814 views

Determination of employability of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the social sector of the village

Zam P.P.


If assessment of the ability to work of TB patients of a certain profession encounters significant difficulties, it is even more difficult with regard to workers of agricultural labor in collective or state farms, where the extreme diversity of labor processes requires the expert doctor to know the conditions of those jobs that take place at a given time in addition to correctly determining the nature of the TB disease in the patient being examined.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):815-822
pages 815-822 views

Employment of TB patients

Vvedenskaya N.E.


The issues of rational use of the ability to work and the employment of tuberculosis patients acquire serious practical importance as socialist construction unfolds. Timely and properly conducted employment should be considered as prevention of early disability of tuberculosis patients. Disability due to pulmonary tuberculosis is of great social importance. In the etiology of disability at the working age, from 20 to 40 years old, tuberculosis still plays a dominant role, accounting for over a third of all disability.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):822-830
pages 822-830 views

On organizational forms of bone tuberculosis control in Tatarstan

Shulutko L.I.


We can note with great satisfaction the major achievements that our health organs have by this moment. Hundreds of new hospitals, many thousands of health centers, tens of thousands of nurseries and many different research institutions - these are the assets of Soviet health care. The question of the fight against tuberculosis also gained a lot of momentum. But we have one area which is not yet given full attention by the medical workers. This sphere is bone tuberculosis. A related and related to pulmonary tuberculosis disease, unfortunately, does not get the attention it deserves.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):831-833
pages 831-833 views

On tuberculous bronchoadenitis in adults

Khurgin M.I., Vasilevsky M.E.


Since 1924, our clinic has been developing the issue of tuberculous bronchoadenitis in adults, to which we attach great clinical importance. The diagnosis of tuberculous bronchoadenitis is made when interscapular blunting is detected by means of fine-plane percussion, proposed by academician Hausman, and positive reaction to subcutaneous injection of altuberculin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):834-839
pages 834-839 views

Abdominal syndrome in pulmonary tuberculosis

Zakharov N.M.


A large number of works that have appeared in recent years in our and foreign literature on the subject of tuberculous intestinal diseases can be explained mainly by the exceptional importance of the gastrointestinal tract behavior in tbc patients and, on the other hand, by the frequency of this suffering. Most of these works concern the clinic of tuberculous lesions of the intestine with a definite pathological and anatomical substrate at the base. However, disorders of digestive system function in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis can occur without the presence of any anatomical changes and dyspeptic disorders observed in these cases, extremely diverse in their clinical picture, not seldom present exceptional difficulty in recognizing the true causes of gastrointestinal disorders. Passing under the mask of a variety of gastrointestinal diseases, they can give rise to diagnostic errors.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):839-843
pages 839-843 views

Cutaneous allergy and polymorphism of the tuberculosis pathogen

Mazur B.L., Kutueva Z.M.


In recent years, there has been a profound revolution in the science of microbes. The world of these creatures, which seemed primitive and stable, turned out to be much more complex when studied in depth. On the basis of precise observations and facts, which have been accumulated over 50 years, it has become clear that it is necessary and possible to put this material in order and formulate a new doctrine, the doctrine of microbial variability. This new doctrine, a new interpretation of some of the already known phenomena, significantly expands our horizon, supplementing and deepening everything that was created by the founders of medical bacteriology. On the basis of the new doctrine, much in the clinic, i.e., in life, is illuminated differently.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):843-847
pages 843-847 views

On Brauner and Soru's reaction to tbc with "blue" sticks

Mazur B.L., Podlevskaya L.G.


In 1931, Brauner and Soru performed a series of experiments to clarify the relationship between the red blood cells of normal and immunized animals with the corresponding microbes. For this purpose, they took the red blood cells of healthy rabbits and mixed them with bacilli of typhoid, intestinal and b. tumefaciens. Having then prepared smears from each mixture and stained them, they examined them under a microscope, and the picture in all cases was the same: microbes in large and small clumps were located between the red blood cells and only a few microbes were adsorbed red blood cells. Completely different results were obtained with blood of immunized animals; if we take erythrocytes of a rabbit immunized against b. coli and mix them with these microbes, in smears it appears that most microbes are adsorbed by erythrocytes (sometimes 2-3 concentrated series) and only a small number are located freely.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):847-848
pages 847-848 views

On the spleen diet in pulmonary tuberculosis

Borshchevsky M.L.


Pulmonary tuberculosis with its most complex symptom complex and various effects of tuberculosis toxaemia on almost all major organs of the human body, although it has created its own huge therapy problem, however, to date it has not yet found its definite and exact method of treatment. Among a number of various methods of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis only collapsotherapy, and mainly artificial pneumothorax, has recently managed, indeed, to take a rather solid, solid and almost true place in the problem of tuberculosis therapy. Some limited use of pneumothorax continues to encourage a number of clinicians and researchers, both in your Union and in Western Europe, to look for more and more new and more correct ways to treat tuberculosis in general and pulmonary tuberculosis in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):849-852
pages 849-852 views

Advances and new trends in the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Gilman A.G.


Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (tbc) is by far the greatest achievement. Our successes in this field are so valuable and rest on such extensive and thoroughly tested experience that they should become the property not only of pulmonary tbc specialists, but also of the entire mass of physicians who encounter this disease at every step of their activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):852-859
pages 852-859 views

Jakobeus surgery for pleural adhesions

Stoyko N.G.


When using an artificial pneumothorax (i.p.) there are often cases when it is the diseased part of the lung that cannot be compressed because of pleural adhesions, as a result of which the cavern continues to gape, the patient excretes sputum and bacilli, and continuation of i. i., in fact, is completely aimless. In rare cases, when the adhesions preventing the recession of the cavern are very thin, it is possible to rupture these adhesions by forceful blowing and bringing them to positive pressures. However, this method cannot be recommended for a number of reasons.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):860-868
pages 860-868 views

Long-term results of independent and combined phrenicoexection for various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Lunkevich A.M.


Frenicoexesis, being a widespread surgical intervention, still causes serious controversy in the assessment of its use, both as an independent operation and in combination with other surgical methods of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):869-873
pages 869-873 views

On combined collapse therapy

Kramov N.A.


Every phthisiatrician with a sufficient number of patients with artificial pneumothorax knows that the success of treatment with this method often depends on the condition of the pleura. Where pleural adhesions prevent collapse of the affected part of the lung, the artificial pneumothorax (i.p.) mostly does not reach its goal. More often such adhesions are found in the upper pulmonary field.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):873-876
pages 873-876 views

The role of laryngoscopy in the diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary laryngeal tbc

Gershkovich I.M., Shebshaevich S.M.


One of the most frequent specific complications of pulmonary tbc, especially in the setting of residual ability to work, is laryngeal tbc. Most laryngeal complications occur among forms of hematogenous-disseminated tbc, where laryngeal tbc occurs 2-3 times more frequently in bacillary groups than in other forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):877-881
pages 877-881 views

Materials for the teaching of mixed infection in tuberculosis. On acidophilic bacilli

Mazur B.L., Kramov N.A.


The literature on the role of mixed infection in tuberculosis is immense. It suffices, for example, to point out that abstracts on this subject were the subject of special papers at the tuberculosis congresses of 1899, 1900, 1907, 1923, and 1925; and works in this direction continue to appear to this day.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):881-883
pages 881-883 views

On changes in the biochemical properties of tubercle bacillus due to its dissociation

Mazur B.L., Baev A.A.


On the question of the variability of microbes, since 1888, an enormous amount of material has been accumulated. Hadley (1927), in his monograph, brilliantly summarized all the facts, observations and opinions and subordinated them to the main hypothesis, which is an answer to the question about the essence of the very process of variability. Namely: according to Hadley, each microbial species undergoes a certain cycle of development during its life (dissociation); variability is the external expression of this dissociation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):884-891
pages 884-891 views

On traumatic pneumothorax with primary gas injection

Sokolova V.K.


Over the last 10-15 years, treatment of tuberculosis patients with artificial pneumothorax has become widespread and there are many works devoted to collapse therapy in the press; details of the technique, efficiency of treatment, and complications are discussed. Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is one of the most dangerous complications of pneumothorax. Under p. p. we understand gas accumulation in pleural cavity in case of lung perforation, as the result of pathological process in the lung, more often of subpleural cavernous cavity breakthrough, caseous focus, or due to lung parenchyma needle trauma while applying pneumothorax.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):891-894
pages 891-894 views

Hypoergy and its significance in the course of infections

Sirotinin N.N.


Ancient medicine, characterized by great observation, attached great importance to the reactivity of the body in the occurrence of various diseases. Already then, Ptolemy Dioscorides and Sextus Empiricus spoke of idiosyncrasies, and Galen introduced the doctrine of idiopathies. In subsequent periods, this question has always received attention and has never been so ignored as at the end of the last century, when in connection with the blossoming of microbiology they looked for the cause of the different course of diseases in the character of the biological properties of the microorganism, while forgetting the individual characteristics of the organism itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):895-903
pages 895-903 views

To the casuistry of tetany

Auslender E.M.


If the case of tetany is given in the present work, it is done not because this disease is rare, but because our case is interesting from the point of view of the etiological moment, which gave such pronounced symptom complex of tetany. The fact that tetany is an expression of hypofunction of parathyroid glands is considered incontestable after the work of Erdheim, the experimental works of Gleil and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(9):904-906
pages 904-906 views

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