Vol 31, No 11-12 (1935)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Centenary of the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute and the 45th anniversary of the scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activities of Honored Scientist Professor V.S.Gruzdev

Kozlov I.F.


Recently, a century has passed since the founding of the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic — formerly Kazan University, now — Kazan Medical Institute. In the near future, 70 years of life and 45 years of scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activities of the Honored Scientist of Professor V.S.Gruzdev will be celebrated.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1239-1240
pages 1239-1240 views

On the issue of working capacity of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers

Rybakov I.M.


The old clinic, leaving us with a considerable wealth of clinical facts, many brilliantly developed clinical problems, studied, however, the prognosis of a sick person from the point of view of quo ad vitam and quo ad valetudinem. In special textbooks, which describe various disease processes, in the classical lectures of old and even modern clinicians, in all these manuals, which are constantly used by the student and the doctor, for all diseases and patients there is little or no indication of the degree of disability, and hints at employment issues.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1241-1245
pages 1241-1245 views

On the pathogenesis of occupational cancer

Levitsky V.A.


Although the number of registered occupational cancers is not particularly large, nevertheless the problem of occupational cancer is one of the most urgent in occupational pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1246-1258
pages 1246-1258 views

The importance of the breath-hold test as a method of functional diagnosis of the cardiovascular system

Kavetsky N.E., Green Y.M., Pakhomova L.N.


In the clinic of cardiovascular diseases, the methods of functional diagnostics are becoming more and more important every year, since when assessing the state of the cardiovascular system, when determining the ability to work, during professional selection, the data that we obtain using conventional physical research methods (percussion , auscultation, X-ray examination, etc.) are completely insufficient. A number of different methods of functional diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system have been proposed, but none of the proposed tests — simple and complex — based on different principles can fully satisfy us.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1259-1263
pages 1259-1263 views

Use of pasteurised grape juice as a biliary stimulant

Pirozhkov V.V.


Since the introduction of duodenal probing into the clinic by Eingorn (in America) in 1910, the latter has been widely used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. By injecting various substances into the duodenum through a duodenal probe it is possible to induce a gallbladder reflex, resulting in the extraction of gallbladder bile, known as B.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1263-1265
pages 1263-1265 views

Materials for nervous blockade according to Vishnevsky

Dinerman Y.B.


The doctrine of nervous trophics in pathology, developed simultaneously by A. D. Speransky in the laboratory and A. V. Vishnevsky on rich clinical material, has not yet formed into a fully completed and developed theory: the basic provisions are still given and the ways for further research are outlined.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1266-1273
pages 1266-1273 views

Long-term results of osteoplastic fixation of the spine in tuberculous spondylitis

Friedland M.O.


Osteoplastic fixation of the spine with its tuberculous lesion is an operation aimed at accelerating the localization of the infectious focus in the vertebrae with the help of surgical measures designed to ankylosing the arch of the spine. This is the very process that is the natural biological reaction of the body in this disease. The operation activates it.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1274-1279
pages 1274-1279 views

Treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the cervix with diathermocoagulation

Kushelevsky A.P.


One of the difficult parts of gynaecology in the field of conservative therapy is the treatment of endocervicitis and cervical erosions. Having established an accurate topical diagnosis of the disease, we proceeded to treatment. Below we analyse the treatment of 86 such patients, of whom 42 cases of endocervicitis and inflammatory cervical erosions were treated with diathermy or electrocoagulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1280-1284
pages 1280-1284 views

On the treatment of acute condylomas with quartz

Khmelevsky V.N.


The treatment of acute condylomas with quartz is a new issue, so we feel it is necessary to share the results of this treatment. We have observed two cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1284-1289
pages 1284-1289 views

On the role of psychogenias

Ershov N.D., Ksenokratov M.N.


The problem of the relationship between changing the content of the psyche and the physiological activities of the human organism is of great practical and theoretical interest. By influencing the psyche, by changing its content, through psychotherapeutic intervention, it is practically possible to change the physiological activity of individual human organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1290-1297
pages 1290-1297 views

Effect of hypnotic sleep and suggestion on attentional work

Ksenokratov M.N.


The aim of the present work is to try to establish the effect of the hypnotic state on the process of active attention. While there is some data on the effects of hypnosis on mental functions in general, we have found little in the old literature on the effects of hypnosis on attention and its improvement after hypnotic sleep.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1298-1301
pages 1298-1301 views

Inflammatory process and reactive properties of the body

Ado A.D.


The notion of the inflammatory process as a suffering far beyond the tissue or organ where its typical patho-morphological features develop is not new in pathology. In the teachings of the ancient schools of medicine, when the concept of pathological constitution (Hippogratids) was created, one of the most striking expressions of the onset of disease of the whole organism was considered inflammation.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1302-1310
pages 1302-1310 views

Material on the cholesterol content of tumours

Gordienko A.N.


The problem of tumor growth is currently closely related to the study of physicochemical changes occurring in the cell. A lot of research has been done along this path and interesting features of tumor cells have been noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1310-1312
pages 1310-1312 views

A clinical trial of sulphichton

Zdravomyslov V.I., Nikolaev V.V.


Widely used in medicine ichthyol (Ammonium sulfoichthyolicum, previously imported from Germany) is now produced on a factory scale in the Soviet Union, where it is patented under the name "Sulfiehton ammonium rossicum". The Soviet sulphichthone, having gradually improved, is now almost as good as the foreign samples.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1313-1315
pages 1313-1315 views

Pericardial pouch wound without cardiac injury

Mitrofanov P.P.


Herzen, Napalkov believe that pericardial pouch wounds, without wounding of the heart, are of exceptional scientific and practical interest. According to Chugaev's compilation of statistics, 27 cases were noted in the world literature until 1901. According to the material of the Obukhov Hospital up to 1927 there are 10 cases and Dr. Irger (H. X. A., No. 57, 1928) describes two cases of pericardial pouch wound without injury to the heart, both with a fatal outcome. In most cases pericardial pouch wounds also involve damage to the pleura and lung. In our case, there was a cut wound to the thorax, with damage to the pleura, lung and pericardial sac.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1315-1316
pages 1315-1316 views

Case of a foreign body in the lens with a favourable surgical outcome

Lipovtseva E.I.


While ocular trauma and foreign bodies in the external parts of the eye are quite common, foreign bodies in the lens are rare. There is only one enucleated eye with a foreign body (piston) in the lens in the museum of the Kazan Eye Clinic. The current, young staff has no recollection of such cases. This leads us to bring this patient to the attention of our fellow patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1316-1319
pages 1316-1319 views

Treatment of acute inflammatory skin diseases with X-ray

Trainin S.M., Ivanov N.A.


Often accompanied by severe pain and occasional disconnection from the workplace, inflammatory skin diseases have long pushed the medical profession to find the most effective way of treating them. Among the various methods of treatment, X-rays are not the least of these. We do not intend to cite the extensive literature available on the subject, but only refer to our observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1319-1320
pages 1319-1320 views

Case of fish poisoning (red sturgeon fish)

Gelfand M.M.


The question of the true causes of poisoning with so-called fish poison has not yet been definitively resolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1321-1324
pages 1321-1324 views

Latest data on the role of the anterior pituitary gland in metabolism

Mogilevsky E.R.


If we consider the commanding position which the pituitary gland according to modern views occupies in the system of endocrine glands, and compare this with the role which many endocrine glands play in metabolism, then numerous attempts to isolate from the pituitary gland special hormones regulating metabolism will be completely understandable and natural. The search for special metabolic hormones in the pituitary gland is all the more justified because a number of clinical facts have directly suggested the involvement of the pituitary gland in metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1325-1337
pages 1325-1337 views

Proceedings of the Ural Research Psychoneurological Institute

Galant I.


While Volume I of the Proceedings of the Ural Psychoneurological Institute presents Malkin's excellent monograph on the malaria therapy of psychoses, Volume II is not uniform in its subject matter, containing sixteen articles on various burning issues of psychiatry. The organization of in-patient and out-patient psychotherapy, the treatment of psychoses, and questions of clinical psychiatry and neuropathology are the contents of this collection, which is rich not so much in quantity as in quality, a merit not every collection of works can be proud of.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1338-1339
pages 1338-1339 views

Endemic goiter in the Urals

Breitman M.Y.


During the period 1929-1934 great work on the study of endemic goitre in the Urals was done with the participation of Dr. V.A. Lyapustin, editor of these two collections, and a number of major specialists not only from Sverdlovsk, but also from Perm and Kazan, prof. В. V. Miloslavsky, V. S. Zimnitsky, I. A. Remezov, and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1339-1339
pages 1339-1339 views

Grundlagen der Immunbiologie und Allergielehre. „Immunität, Allergie und Infektionskrankheiten“

Breitman M.Y.


This title brings together 9 articles on the main issues of immunobiology and allergy science.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1339-1339
pages 1339-1339 views

Asthma bronchiale. "Immunität, Allergie und Infektionskrankheiten"

Breitman M.Y.


This book contains a number of articles on topical issues related to bronchial asthma.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1340-1340
pages 1340-1340 views

Die Lungentuberkulose. Lehrbuch der diagnostischen Irrtümer

Breitman M.Y.


As indicated in the title, we have a primer on diagnostic errors in tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1340-1340
pages 1340-1340 views

Polio serum

Toomey J.А.


The author was able to obtain a serum against the polio virus by immunizing a ram. Immunization was carried out using a 2% virus suspension mixed with the filtrate.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1340-1340
pages 1340-1340 views

Inactivation of diphtheria toxin in vivo and in vitro with crystalline vitamin C

Jungeblut C.W., Zwemer R.L.


The authors believe, on the basis of various literature sources as well as their own work, that the body's natural immunity to various infectious diseases depends to a large extent on the function of the adrenal cortex. Vitamin C, one of the important components of the adrenal cortex, has been found to be of great importance here.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1341-1341
pages 1341-1341 views

Ratio of lipoids to antipneumococcal serum reactivity

Horsfall F.L., Goodner К.


The authors found that removing lipoids from type I horse antipneumococcal sera does not alter their protective properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1341-1341
pages 1341-1341 views

Study of the antigenic properties of tubercle bacilli

Аокi J.


The author showed that special substances can be found in tuberculous serum that have no connection with the physical lability of the serum, tuberculin allergy or Wasserman's reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1342-1342
pages 1342-1342 views

Chemotherapy for tuberculosis and leprosy

Fischl V.


The author worked on mice, infecting them with avian tuberculosis, since according to preliminary studies it turned out that this strain gives much less individual fluctuations than human and bovine tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1342-1342
pages 1342-1342 views

Study of new drugs (Valvanol and Bazillotox) recommended for disinfecting discharges from tuberculosis patients

Wurm K.


It is well known that the disinfectants commonly used are of very little use for the disinfection of tubercle bacilli. Only alkalysol, parmetol and chloramine, proposed by Uhlenhuth, Iоtten and Geiler, have actually proved quite suitable for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1342-1342
pages 1342-1342 views

On the transmission of brucei, rhodesiense, and gambiense by trypanosis by the Glossina fly after prolonged passage in laboratories

Duke H.


The author checked on a large material the position existing in the literature that trypanosomes from the brucei-rhodesiense-gambiense group lose their ability to develop in the carrier's body after long-term cultivation on media with blood. The study was carried out both on very old laboratory strains and on younger ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1342-1343
pages 1342-1343 views

Rapid onset of drug resistance in trypanosis, obtained by eliminating the body's natural defences

von Jancsо́ N., von Janсsо́ Н.


The authors discovered a previously unknown relationship between the artificial resistance of the microbe and the immunobiological defenses of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1343-1343
pages 1343-1343 views

The link between trypanosoma infection and blood rhodan levels

Kunert H., Kunzmann T.


The authors found that both natural and artificial infection with Tr. brucei and congolense resulted in increased rhodanan content in the blood of calves, goats, dogs and horses. This increased rhodanan content is the result of increased protein breakdown in the body under the influence of trypanosome infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1343-1343
pages 1343-1343 views

Pig and dog as carriers of Diphyllobothrium latum

Tarassow W.


The author has established that in addition to humans and cats, pigs and dogs are carriers of Diphiliobothrium latum.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1343-1343
pages 1343-1343 views

Study of the excretion and deposition of Solu-salvarsan by the animal body

Rothermundt М., Richter R.


The new arsenic preparation Solu-salvarsan (3-acetyloamino-4-oxybenzolarseno-4'-acetylamino-2'-phenoxy-acetic acid sodium) is currently being successfully used in the treatment of syphilis. The authors studied the organotropy and excretory capacity of the mouse and rabbit organism in relation to this drug.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1343-1344
pages 1343-1344 views

About pulmonary complications after stomach surgery

Карpert E.


The author was convinced on the basis of 610 gastric operations that a large proportion of post-operative pulmonary complications depend on inadequate pre-operative preparation of patients with secretion-enhancing agents.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1344-1344
pages 1344-1344 views

Amputation without blood loss

Mermingas К.


For 4 years now, the author has been performing amputations in the middle third of the thigh in the following way: first, with a longitudinal incision in a typical place, he exposes art. et vena femoralis and ligates them. He then continues the lower edge of the incision in two directions forward and backward, forming 2 flaps. After the preparation of the flaps, the muscles are cut, the sciatic nerve is dissected and the bone is cut.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1344-1344
pages 1344-1344 views

Spontaneous rupture of choledochus

Bernhard F.


The author describes 2 cases in which, 5-8 weeks after cholédochotomie with drainage and an uncomplicated post-operative period, the choledochus at the drainage site ruptured and bile peritonitis developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1344-1344
pages 1344-1344 views

On the surgical treatment of pancreas cysts using the Jеdliсk's method

Polak Е.


In 1921, Jedlick published a new method of surgery for pancreatic cysts by implanting a cyst funnel into the posterior gastric wall. In the case of Polak E., a 45-year-old man had a true pancreas cyst that developed 8 months after gastric resection for ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1344-1344
pages 1344-1344 views

Bleeding from varicose veins of the small intestine

Lutten W.


One of the causes of bleeding from the gastrointestinal canal may be bleeding from the dilated veins of the esophagus in cirrhosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1344-1345
pages 1344-1345 views

Postoperative thrombosis and embolism

Ranzi Е., Huber P.


Statistics from Viennese surgical clinics suggest that post-operative embolisms have increased in recent years. Although many assumptions and theories have been made about their causes, the issue has not yet been definitively clarified.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1345-1345
pages 1345-1345 views

A case of revival after a 5-minute cardiac arrest

Mils G.Р.


During a Gastrojejunostomi performed on a 58-year-old patient, his heart stopped beating. Neither massage of the heart itself from the side of the opened abdomen, nor strychnine, nor adrenaline and coramine helped. Only after direct injection of 10 drops of adrenaline into the ventricle of the heart did the heart immediately start beating.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1345-1345
pages 1345-1345 views

Treatment of paravenous infiltrates

Levy E.


In recent years, paravenous infiltrates have become more common after unsuccessful intravenous infusions. Apart from the fact that this is followed by severe pain, which often discourages patients from continuing such treatment, it is also important that a complication such as a paravenous infiltrate often incapacitates the patient for several days.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1345-1345
pages 1345-1345 views

Role of carbon monoxide in tobacco poisoning

Witas P.


Nicotine absorbed into the body along with tobacco smoke is a slow-acting poison with late effects, while carbon monoxide produces more rapid effects and leads to asphyxiation.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1345-1346
pages 1345-1346 views

Meeting of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of 20 January 1935


In the administrative part of the meeting Prof. V. Gruzdev reported on the forthcoming reorganisation of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Section of the ATSSR Scientific-Medical Association into a branch of the All-Russian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society and proposed the election of a Presidium of the branch.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1346-1347
pages 1346-1347 views

Meeting of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of 28 February 1935


Honored Prof. V.S. Gruzdev. On leaving foreign bodies in the abdominal cavity during laparotomy. The speaker reported 6 cases of this kind. One of them was an emaciated 58-year-old patient who was operated on by the speaker in the clinic he headed.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1347-1349
pages 1347-1349 views

Meeting of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of 14 April 1935


Prof. M.O. Frindland asked the audience to report all cases of deformities of newborns, such as congenital dislocations of the hip joints, clubfoot, spina bifida, to the Tatar Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1349-1349
pages 1349-1349 views

Meeting of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of 23 May 1935


Prof. P.V. Manenkov made a report under the title: "Is it possible to treat uterine fibroids promptly or with radiant energy?" Based partly on the literature data, partly on 4 own observations, where the use of X-ray in fibroids led to severe bleeding, the speaker came to the conclusion that with the current state of our knowledge it is better to treat these tumors by surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1349-1349
pages 1349-1349 views

Meeting of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of 13 September 1935


Dr. G. M. Sharafutdinov gave a presentation on "The chemical and hormonal composition and clinical application of gravidan".

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1349-1350
pages 1349-1350 views

Surgical section of the Scientific Medical Association of the Tatar ASSR. Meeting dedicated to the memory of prof. V. I. Razumovsky


Report by Prof. N.V. Sokolov on the activities of Prof. V.I. Razumovsky, his characterisation and personal recollections.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1350-1351
pages 1350-1351 views

Congresses and conferences


On October 5-8 this year, the first scientific session of the Ural Psychoneurological Institute took place in Perm. The session was devoted to the question of exogenous forms of neuropsychological diseases, which is very topical in modern neuropsychiatry.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1351-1351
pages 1351-1351 views

IV International Congress of Cytologists


In 1936, the IV International Congress of Cytologists was convened in Copenhagen (Denmark). The scientific institutions of the University of Copenhagen and other scientific institutions in Denmark, led by the Albert Fischer Institute, provide their strength to organize the congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1352-1352
pages 1352-1352 views

VI All-Ukrainian Congress of Surgeons


The VI All-Ukrainian Congress of Surgeons will take place in Odessa in 1936 from 25 to 29 June inclusive. The opening of the congress and a friendly meeting will take place in the evening of 24 June.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1352-1353
pages 1352-1353 views



Lectures by Soviet scientists in Belgium. Professor B. I. Zbarsky returned to Moscow from Belgium, who together with Professor L. S. Stern, a distinguished scientist, lectured on the international courses for advanced medical training in the city of Spa.

Kazan medical journal. 1935;31(11-12):1353-1355
pages 1353-1355 views

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