Vol 29, No 1-2 (1933)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Professor Goryaev N. K. (To the 30th anniversary of scientific, pedagogical and social activities)

Tsvetkov I.


Nikolai Konstantinovich Goryaev was born on 12/VI 1875 in the city of Tyumen, Tobolsk province, in the family of the manager of a free post office. In 1894 he graduated from the Orenburg gymnasium with a gold medal and entered the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. But N.K. was not attracted by the future activity of a mining engineer, and from the second year he left the Mining Institute and in 1895 entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. In connection with student unrest and participation in them, N.K. in the fall of 1898, he was expelled from Moscow University without the right to enroll in higher educational institutions with deportation to Orenburg under the public supervision of the police. At the end of the expulsion period in 1899, NK entered Kazan University for the third year of the medical faculty with great difficulties. On October 18, 1902, he passed the state examinations, received a doctor's diploma with a medical degree with honors, and remained to work as an external student at the Hospital. therapeutic clinic (director - prof. Kotovshchikov), and then becomes a supernumerary resident in the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic of Professor NI Kotovshchikov and consecutively occupies the positions of supernumerary resident, full-time resident, laboratory assistant and senior assistant in the same clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):1-4
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Historical plenum


The completed Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission summed up the victorious fulfillment of the program of the first five-year plan in four years, outlined the main guidelines for the second five-year plan and the 1933 plan, and adopted a number of important resolutions related to resolving the main political tasks of the party at the current stage. This plenum will occupy an important place in the entire history of our Party and Soviet power.
The enormous work carried out by the Party over the past four years under the leadership of the Leninist Central Committee, under the leadership of our leader and teacher, Comrade Stalin, in spite of the desperate resistance of the class enemy inside the country, in spite of his allies, the counterrevolutionary Trotskyists and right-wing renegades, in spite of opportunists of all stripes, traitors, degenerates, completely changed the face of our country, gigantic raised its national power and defense capability, promoted the USSR to advanced industrial countries.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):5-9
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Spinoza and dialectical materialism

Pronin D.


The name of Spinoza is immortal, since his teachings stand on a broad highway that leads to Marxism-Leninism. It is impossible to understand the genius of Marx by divorcing his views from the ideological heritage of the past. "His teaching arose as a direct and immediate continuation of the teachings of the greatest representatives of philosophy, political economy and socialism." (Lenin, op., Vol. XVI, 349). Spinoza in the 17th century is the representative of materialism, which was later developed and deepened by Marx, of that materialism about which Lenin wrote: “Throughout the entire recent history of Europe, and especially at the end of the 18th century, in France, where a decisive battle was fought against all sorts of medieval rubbish , against serfdom in institutions and in ideas, materialism turned out to be the only consistent philosophy, true to all the teachings of the natural sciences, hostile to superstition, hypocrisy, etc. "(Lenin, vol. XVI, 350)

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):9-17
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Culture and crisis


For all thinking people, pondering over the current events, the economic devastation that began in 1929, like a flash of lightning, illuminated the fatal character of the postwar capitalist society.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):17-21
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The next tasks of the health center in the fight against injuries

Freudlin S.


The problems of combating injuries are currently being dealt with by the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Health, the People's Commissariat of Labor and the insurance fund. The main task of this moment is the precise delineation of the functions of all these departments, the correct alignment of forces in this struggle and a clear definition of the tasks of each individual link. This applies not only to different departments, but also to individual links in the health care system. It is necessary to clearly define who is doing what, who is responsible for which area of ​​work; it is necessary to fundamentally eliminate depersonalization in the fight against injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):22-25
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On the issue of signaling statistics at health centers

Ivanov V.F.


In connection with the tasks facing public health services to facilitate the implementation of the industrial financial plan and reduce the incidence of morbidity, the work of health centers at enterprises is of particular importance.For the latter, the question of those signaling indicators that they should have and which should signal to them “narrow”, dangerous places for the performance of the specified tasks is especially urgent.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):25-31
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To the pathogenesis of acute nephritis

Nikolaev P.N.


Over the past two decades, the chapter on kidney disease has been and remains the subject of especially numerous studies. Questions of symptomatology, clinical presentation, clinical and anatomical parallels, etiology and pathogenesis - all this is reflected in the very extensive literature - both Russian and foreign, which is available today day, and, undoubtedly, our knowledge in the doctrine of nephropathy has advanced significantly.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):32-41
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The value of the blood picture in some infectious diseases

Morozkin N.I.


In infectious practice, an early correct diagnosis not only gives satisfaction to the doctor, but provides an opportunity to take appropriate measures to eliminate the spread of infection.
For correct and quick orientation, we resort to the help of a laboratory. From a number of laboratory methods, blood tests should come first; it directs our thought on the right path, and sometimes it immediately solves the problem.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):42-44
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On the question of vital granularity of erythrocytes in pulmonary tuberculosis

Papaev A.A., Puchek A.I.


In recent years, works have appeared in the literature devoted to the study of the so-called supravital (vital) granularity of erythrocytes in various diseases, in particular tuberculosis, in connection with the assessment and study of the dynamics of the process, prognosis and certain therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):44-48
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Syphilis and liver cancer

Punin K.V.


The physician-therapist constantly has to meet with two diseases, the clinical picture of which is extremely similar to one another, but the prognosis of which, in most cases, is sharply different, if at the time the diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment is undertaken. I mean here liver cancer and its tertiary luetic changes. Differential diagnosis of these two diseases is sometimes difficult even for a well-equipped clinical institution, represented by sufficiently large therapeutic forces, especially since it may not be within the power of a young district doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):48-56
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Malaria chronica larvata

Korobkov L.


The possibility of acute malaria becoming chronic is well known. It is also known that the manifestations of chronic malaria can be extremely atypical and unclear. In other words, malaria becomes latent. Descriptions of latent malaria have been repeatedly made (Laveran, Triantafillides, Nevyadomsky, Toporkov, Demyanov, etc.) However, its semiotics has not yet been developed clinically enough, while without knowledge of semiotics there is no way to catch and register latent malaria. And therefore it is impossible to form an idea of ​​its spread and the need to study it.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):56-60
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About the long course of lymphogranulomatosis with X-ray therapy

Golgstein M.I., Zuckerman S.S.


The usual course of lymphogranulomatosis, according to the literature, as well as the materials of our clinic, is calculated on average in 1 - year. Among the far unexplored variety of forms of lymphogranulomatosis, along with acute forms, there are rare benign forms with a longer course — up to 10 years or more. The latter cases are of particular interest as material for studying the clinical picture of this disease, its pathogenesis, as well as factors that favorably affect the course of this process. That is why we consider it not superfluous to publish two cases with a long course, and the first, which ended with an autopsy, deserves special attention, due to the exceptional results of the applied X-ray therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):61-66
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About the duration of treatment at a mud spa for joint diseases

Hooke V.V.


To increase the effectiveness of spa treatment, a number of measures are currently being carried out: a general improvement in patient care, rationalization and improvement of the technique of medical procedures, the introduction of new methods of treatment (combined treatment — Prof. E.M. Brusilovsky), etc. Along with this , for this purpose play a very important role: the correct selection of patients, as well as the question of the duration of treatment. A lot of modern balneological literature is devoted to the selection of patients, but the question of the time of treatment somehow remains in the shadows.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):66-71
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Influence of the water of the Izhevsk mineral spring on duodenal secretion

Voltaire B.D., Tsvetkov I.I., Bayteryakova R.


By now, a wealth of practical experience has been accumulated on the positive results of the action of Izhevsk mineral water in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as evidenced by numerous reviews of professors-clinicians and practical doctors. However, observing in the sanatorium of the Izhevsk mineral spring patients suffering from decreased secretion and achilia of the stomach, catarrhal state of the biliary tract of the liver, one has to be surprised at the rapidly advancing positive results that are obtained after a month of treatment with water. Belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in patients with subacid catarrhs ​​and stomach achilia disappear amazingly quickly, liver soreness disappears in inflammatory processes of the biliary tract, food digestibility and weight gain increase. Research and observation by prof. BA Voltaire, Dr. Vilensky and Lande of gastric secretions during treatment with Izhevsk water show that St. HC1 and total acidity with subacid catarrh increases relatively little, while with complete organic achilia of St. HC1 did not appear at all or appeared in the form of traces, meanwhile, pronounced dyspeptic phenomena almost completely disappear ?, therefore, naturally, we had to assume that there were changes in the secretion of the pancreas and liver, and that their secretion increased under the influence of treatment with Izhevsk water. From this side, the water of the Izhevsk mineral spring has not yet been studied by anyone.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):72-76
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Treatment of female diseases with Sadgorod mud

Bukhanov Y.G.


Sadgorodskaya mud baths is 1.5 km away. from the checkpoint 27 km. Ussuriyskaya railway and is located in the dacha area of the mountains. Vladivostok, on the southeastern shore of the Uglovaya Bay of the Amur Bay.
The area of the resort and its surroundings is very picturesque, rich in various vegetation. Here, along with subtropical plants, there are tree species typical of northern countries.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):76-80
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Influence of the Kuldur mineral spring on chronic prostatitis and spermatocystitis in rectal administration

Igoshin V.A.


The Kuldur mineral spring is located in the Far East, in the Birobidzhan region, 34 kilometers from the station. "Birakan" of the Ussuri railway etc.
The source is weakly sulfurous, carbonic-alkaline, with a temperature of 70 ° C. Its composition according to the study of the Vladivostok Regional Chemical-Bacteriological Laboratory from 1/30 is as follows: the reaction is alkaline.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):81-84
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The results of the treatment of eczema at the resort "Kuldur"

Igoshin V.A.


Spa treatment of skin diseases, in particular eczema, is relatively little used in comparison with other therapeutic methods of treatment, although sulfur springs in this regard have long been well-deserved practical fame.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):85-89
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On the question of detoxifying neosalvarsan with glucose

Potashkin M.B.


A number of foreign and Russian works (Rubin, Steiskal, Steinberg, Efron and Feldman, Grzhebin and Lipskerov) are devoted to the issue of neutralizing neosalvarsan preparations by replacing distilled water and saline with various special solvents (calcium, glucose, serum, gelatin). Already from the moment of the introduction of salvarsan, Ehrlich pointed out the negative effects when using small doses.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):89-91
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New morphological (digital) classification of constitutional groups

Breitman M.Y.


Only the morphological study of the constitution at the present time cannot satisfy us at all. External forms and sizes alone cannot determine the functional and dynamic properties of the organism. Moreover, it is not enough to define these properties at the moment. We strive for a much broader task: to establish what capabilities a given organism has in its potential form, that is, in other words, to what extent its capabilities, which were not discovered due to unfavorable living conditions, can be revealed when these favorable conditions are is obvious, especially with the full implementation of the broad program that is planned by Soviet medicine and prevention.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):91-97
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To the question of the pathways of the autonomic nervous system in the medulla oblongata

Tumskoy V.A., Semenov Z.S., Ostapovich G.D.


Our knowledge of the pathways of vegetative n. with. have not yet achieved such clarity and clarity that are required by the clinician for topical diagnosis. While it is quite understandable that it is impossible to obtain all the necessary data by means of an experiment on animals, clinical observations are of particular importance, which sometimes, in their simplicity and clarity, are not inferior to experiment. Not entirely convincing in isolation, they, when collected and studied, can give fairly accurate answers to the questions of interest to us. With this message, we begin to use the material of the clinic of nervous diseases of the VGMI in order to study the course of the central conductors of vegetative n. s.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):97-105
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On the simplified Zondek-Aschheim reaction and its practical significance

Agoronov A.M.


Zondek-Aschheim's biological response is one of the brilliant chapters of endocrinology's advances over the past ten years. At the present moment, thanks to this reaction, we are able to almost accurately establish the diagnosis of pregnancy even in those early periods when there is still no possibility of determining such by other research methods. In a short period of time (since 1927), this reaction has become widespread, due to the minimum percentage of errors with it. So, based on the questionnaire material Deut. m. Woch. (No. 51, 1929), Wagner received 451 positive answers out of 459 cases, Hornung — in 98% of cases, Pankow — in 100% of cases, Martins — out of 74 cases. 73 positive answers, Kehrer — in 100% of cases. According to our personal data, in 98% of cases we got a positive (correct) answer. The very authors of this reaction, Zondek and Aschheim, speak of the minimum percentage of errors bordering on zero.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):105-109
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Experience of nephrolexia with cutis-subcutis pedicle flap

Pavlonsky Y.M.


At the end of 1929, in the 75th issue of the "New Surgical Archive", N. N. Sokolov's work on nephropexy with a cutis-subcutis leg flap appeared. The author, on the basis of his experience, though insignificant, but taking into account long-term results, gives his method a very positive assessment. Urology Department of the 2nd Sov. hospitals, not being satisfied with the results of nephropexy by other methods, decided to try the method of H. N Sokolov.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):110-114
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Thoracoplasty and pregnancy

Guilman A.G.


Over the past 10 years, the operation of thoracoplasty, after the publication of a number of large statistics with long-term very favorable results of its use (Zauer6ruch, Alexander, Gravezen, Bull), has taken an honorable place in a number of interventions used in the fight against destructive bacillary pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):115-118
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An experimental study on the significance of the Koffmann's reaction for determining the function of the thyroid gland

Agafonov F.D., Zimnitskiy V.S.


Issues of endocrinology and, in particular, the physiology and pathology of the thyroid gland, every year more and more attract the interest of both theorists and clinicians. However, despite numerous works, this area still presents a lot of unresolved issues. Recently, in particular, attention has been drawn to the functional diagnosis of the endocrine glands and, in the first place, the thyroid gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):118-128
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The effect of certain pharmacological agents on the amount of circulating blood in animals

Alekseev E.S., Basova T.P.


In recent years, in connection with the work of Barcroft'a, Wollheim'a and others, among clinicians, there has been an increased interest in the dynamics of blood circulation and the method of determining it. If earlier the center of gravity of the circulatory mechanism was reduced almost exclusively to the state of the central organ of the system - the heart, nowadays the clinic attaches no less importance to the active role in blood circulation to the state of the arterial and venous network and the amount of blood circulating in the vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):128-134
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About systemic hyperplasia of the reticuloendothelium of the blastomatous type (so-called reticuloendothelioma)

Lazovskiy Y.M.


Of all the systemic hyperplasias of the reticuloendothelium, the least studied are those that are blastomatous. Almost all extremely scanty literature on this issue concerns only cases characterized by damage to one organ (for example, sarcomas or endotheliomas of the spleen or liver or individual groups of lymph glands are described. Only the case of Gödelʹya) is of greater interest in this sense because he had a systemic disease of almost all the lymph glands. But the observation of this author is not very convincing because the patient simultaneously had a stomach ulcer, and the tumor-like proliferation of the lymph glands was in places glandular and tubular.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):134-140
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Changes in the nervous system with lead poisoning. The pathogenesis of lead colic

Freifeld E.


In 1927, we had the opportunity to investigate a typical case of lead poisoning with encephalopathy and with lead colic (published in V. A. V. 265, N. 2). This year I had to dissect the body of a lead-poisoned smelter. Here are the results of the study of this case, as they reveal some links in the pathogenesis of lead poisoning.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):140-142
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To the Cerebrospinal Lues Clinic

Sheiman A.I.


In our clinic we had to observe a patient with cerebrospinal syphilis with unusual manifestations. The patient has a so-called. Charcot's triad was so pronounced that the patient was admitted to the clinic with a diagnosis of “multiple sclerosis”. B-th LS S., 50 years old, a housewife, was admitted to the clinic of nervous diseases on January 15, 1932 with complaints of weakness and awkwardness in the arms and legs and difficulty speaking.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):143-144
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More about primary genital diphtheria in girls

Smorodintsev N.A.


Having met during the past 1931 9 cases of diphtheria of the external genital organs (d. N. P. O.) In girls - 1, 2 y. we take the liberty of dwelling on them once more. We will not touch upon the issues of diagnosis and treatment, since we have already done this elsewhere. Here we find it necessary to cite 2 of these 9 cases, which ended fatally, in order to once again emphasize the danger of untimely recognition of D.N. p. o., as well as the consequences of inadequate therapy, which, in our opinion, was observed in these cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):144-146
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Clinical treatment of malaria with low doses of quinine

Sogomonov D.


In the presence of a very limited supply of quinine in the country, this is the only true and proven remedy against malaria, it seems completely impossible to carry out a full course of treatment for it using the established methods (Nocht, Tsiman, Oksner, Lavera K. and others.), Since this will require a large amount of quinine ; in fact, for the full course of treatment of malaria according to the Brunner method, it is necessary to spend 45 grams of quinine, according to the Nocht method - 31 g., according to the Ziman method (I) —28 g., according to the Schilling method — 26 g., according to the Ziman method (II) -20 gr., According to Oksner — 14.4 and finally according to Laveran — 12 gr.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):146-147
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Catheter strengthening method â demeure

Bagrova Y.B.


Retention of the catheter and demeure in the bladder is usually achieved in various ways to strengthen it to the head of the penis. Such strengthening causes unpleasant sensations in the patient and gives a lot of trouble to the staff.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):148-148
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Garmin and its clinical applications

Rossiyskiy D.M.


In 1928, Levin (Lеwіn) and Beringer (Beringer) proposed to use the alkaloid banesterol, obtained from the wood of the South American plant "Banisteria Caapi", for severe post-encephalitic lesions of the nervous system.с

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):149-151
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Prolan and gravidan

Rossiyskiy D.M.


Prolan, a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, was discovered in the hypophysis by Evans, Smiths and Tsondek, in urine it was discovered by B. Tsondek and Ashheim in 1927. There is a certain close relationship between the genital glands and the anterior pituitary gland. It has long been known that a number of macroscopic and microscopic changes are observed in the pituitary gland during pregnancy and castration. The works of Biedl, Aschner, Ashheim, Tsondek, Steinach and others indicate that Prolan affects the maturation and rejuvenation of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):152-156
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Selection of medicines


As our readers already know, the selection of drugs for production in the USSR and their introduction into medical practice is carried out at the Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):156-158
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Bibliography and reviews

Breitman M.Y., Gasul R.


P. Vallery-Radot and L. Rouguése Les Phénomènes de choc dans Furticaire. Ftude clinique et thérapeutique. 1930, p. 232. Price fr. 35.The first of these authors is well known for his work on anaphylaxis. In this direction, he continues to develop questions started by the Widal school. Urticaria is considered a shock-related illness. Described are various types of blood vessels: food, medicinal, parasitic, emotive, caused by physical effort, high temperature, cold. Further, urticaria is compared with other manifestations of current and the auxiliary factors of colloidoclasia in urticaria are considered.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):158-159
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Apex tuberculosis has a relatively benign course. Pr. Med. 1932, 68, Delore

Kramov N.


The old doctrine that the pulmonary tuberculosis begins with the apex (Gncher) has been abandoned by most authors. Redecker's doctrine (on early infiltration), with subsequent additions, does not raise significant objections.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):159-160
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Tuberculosis, cured by arts, pneumothorax. L. Bernard Poix, A. Vosquet, Pr. Med. 1932.94.

Kramov N.


Aa. analyze 276 cases of TBK treated with artificial pneumothorax (i. p.) in 1919-1926 and followed up for 6-13 years. Of these, 94 bb. either died or hopeless.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):160-160
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The spread of tuberculosis through the lymphatic tract. Rg. Med. 1932, 102

Kramov N.


Em. Sergent et Gaspar, injecting ink and lipoiodol into the deep cervical glands of guinea pigs previously vaccinated with TBK, found that ink and lipoiodol are deposited in the sub-sternal glands after 2–3 weeks, in the tracheo-bronchial glands after 1 month, and after 2–3 months. —Around the edge of the lungs and sometimes over their entire surface.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):160-160
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Bovine and human tuberculosis. Legendre (Rg. Med. 1932, 71)

Kramov N.


Legendre (Pg. Med. 1932, 71) recalls the data of a number of authors: "In 26 surveyed commercial establishments in a large city of Germany, VK type Lovin was found in cow's milk in 33% (Klimmer)".

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):160-160
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Calmetization in Medical Families, Pr. Med. 1932, 94.

Kramov N.


Calmette collected 282 medical questionnaires. workers who vaccinated their children with BCG. Of the 514 children vaccinated in 1924-1932, 7 children died, and only one of them from the alleged TBK.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):161-161
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Hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis. Med. Klin. 1932, 39

Kramov N.


Assmann distinguishes between the trace, the forms of hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis: acute, subacute, chronic miliary tuberculosis, miliaris discreta, lymphangitisreticularis. Spicy Mil. TBK occupies an insignificant place among the hematogenous forms of pulmonary TBK. Subacute and chronic mil. TBKs often have a benign course, even with common rashes, there is either resorption, or scarring of the lesions and recovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):161-161
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Kating. About catching TBK of patients in general practice. (Med Kl. 1932, 39)

Kramov H.


Most cases of early infiltration begin without pronounced subjective phenomena, percussion and auscultatory changes are also insignificant or absent; All this leads to the fact that the main requirement: it is not possible to catch really early forms of TBK. X-ray, for obvious reasons, cannot cover all suspicious people on TBK.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):161-161
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Nephritics vomiting. Pr. Med. 1932, 66.

Kramov N.


Caulaert et Stahl injected intravenously 7-10.0 sodium chloride and received a cessation, vomiting in nephritics.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):161-161
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Renal hypertension and intravenous glucose infusion. Pr. Med. 1932, 65

Kramov H.


Rochet Martin was injected into a vein daily in a dose of 500.0 20-30% glucose solution in cases of renal hypertension with severe symptoms of uremia and cardiovascular disorders. As a result of glucose administration, blood pressure decreased sharply, cardiac activity improved, and subjectively and objectively, the patient's general condition, but neither diuresis nor the amount of urea in the blood changed.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):161-162
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Cancer. Rg. Med. 1932, 104

Kramov N.


Imbert, having examined 1,091 cases of cancer (over 4 years at a cancer center in Marseille), highlights a number of interesting points. Uterine cancer was in 31% of all cases, and 186 women (with uteri cancers) had 770 children, ie, on average, more than 4 children per woman, which is significantly higher than the average rate for France; Thus, frequent childbirth played an undeniable role in the onset of cancer. Cancer of the face of the skin, but not of the lips) was found in the same% in men and women, but much more often in open places (than in closed ones), subject to constant influence of external stimuli.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):162-162
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Treatment of pulmonary suppuration with alcohol. Landau et Karniner (Pr. Med. 1932, 64)

Kramov N.


Landau et Karniner (Rg. Med. 1932, 64) describe clinical observations of patients treated with intravenous infusions of 20% alcohol in an amount of 20-30.0 daily and several days later. In cases of influenza pneumonia with suppuration, abscesses and gangrene, a.a. received a decrease in T to normal, the disappearance of pathological percussion-auscultatory data, a decrease and disappearance of purulent sputum and fluoroscopic closure of cavities.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):162-162
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Pulmonary abscess. Hedblom L. Island. Med. J. v. 24.7

Kramov H.


Aspiration of infection is the most common cause of pulmonary abscesses. In 218 cases out of 528 y. a. developed after operations, among them in 130 cases (60%) there was tonsillectomy and in 52 cases (24%) oral cavity surgery, i.e. in 84% l. a. developed after one or another operation on the upper respiratory tract. Some abscesses are of an embolic nature. From world literature — from 2458 p. a. in 657 cases (27%) developed after surgery, and 360 of them after tonsillectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):162-163
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Bronchiectasis. Hedblom, Long Island Med. J. v. 24, 7

Kramov H.


Hedblom, Long Island Med. J. v. 24, 7. According to Osler, bronchoectases are found in 2-4% of all autopsies in general hospitals, according to Fgan'y, bronchiectases are found in 1% (based on 34,000 autopsies). Very often br. go under the diagnosis TBK and Hron. bronchitis. Br. can be congenital and acquired. In most cases, inflammatory changes in the bronchial wall are the cause of br., But also massive atelectasis and hron. fibrosis can be the cause of br. Bronchitis is one of the main causes of changes in the bronchi, the wall, which leads to the expansion of the bronchi. Bronchitis can be a primary or secondary pulmonary disease; cases of "influenza", gas lesions, professional bronchitis from inhalation organic. and inorganic dust, measles bronchitis — all this can lead to br. Blockage of the bronchi can also lead to br.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):163-163
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Bronchiectasis. Pr. Med. 1932, 15. Em. Sergent

Kramov H.


Pr. Med. 1932, 15. Em. Sergent distinguishes 3 types iosologically:

  • abscessing bronchiectasis (where abscess formation or gangrenization occurs during former bronchiectasis);
  • oronchiectasis abscesses (where bronchiectasis is complicated secondarily);
  • abcès bronchiectasiques (where abscess and bronchiectasis develop simultaneously).
Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):163-163
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Hans Mox

Team E.


In November 1932, at the age of 52, Hans Much died. A student of Koch and Bering, Mukh had outstanding abilities. He discovered the granular forms of the tubercle bacillus (Mukh's grains), and worked a lot on the question of partial antigens. Life overturned his theoretical constructions on partial antigens, but these works gave a lot to the question of lipoids, their antigenic properties, antibodies.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):163-163
pages 163-163 views

Chronicle Volume 29, No. 1-2 (1933)


Gas mask defense in Germany. Izard et Cilleues (Presse-1933. 68) describe the setting up of gas mask defense in Germany in this way. The leadership lies with the groups: “Technical assistance”, “San. Cross, "Corps of Sappers-Firefighters". San. Columns unite more than 260,000 members with professors in the head. A number of companies manufacture masks, filters, significantly improved for widespread use. Observation points are set up throughout Germany at a distance of 10-11 km.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):164-165
pages 164-165 views

Letter to the editor

Goryaev N.


Dec 18 The regional party committee and the government of the Tatar ASSR, public organizations, professional and scientific, Kazan state. honey. Institute, Regional Sov. hospital, Kaz. state institute for advanced training of doctors, Kaz. state University, Kaz. state vet. institute, Mari regional isp. committee, Presidium of the Regional Committee for Social Security of the TR, students of Kaz. honey. internet., workmates from my teachers to junior employees, former students, personal friends and acquaintances, patients found it possible to celebrate the 30th anniversary of my scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):166-166
pages 166-166 views

To all medical workers and workers of Kazan and districts T.R.

Shwartz S., Team E.


The stream of rationalization proposals in our factories and plants is an expression of the creative potential of the working class, giving the Soviet country exceptional practical results. Many tens of millions of rubles are saved by our Union thanks to the inventive thought of the workers. Innovation proposals push the quantity curve upwards while improving quality.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):167-168
pages 167-168 views

Questions and answers


What are the ways to extract iodine from cotton wool soaked in iodine tincture, and is such extraction and further use of crystalline iodine advisable? Subscriber number 622.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):167-167
pages 167-167 views

Regional health authorities and doctors of the TR and adjacent national regions and republics

Team E.


The People's Commissariat of Health of the TR and the Regional Scientific Medical Association will convene a scientific congress on June 11-16 this year, to which doctors of the TR and neighboring national regions and republics are invited. We are asking Raizdrav to provide delegates for this congress and to provide them with all possible assistance. The delegates of the congress will be provided with a hostel and food (TR delegates will receive food free of charge; delegates from other republics and regions — at cost). Bringing to the attention of the program of the conference, we ask the comrades doctors to take an active part in the work of the conference, both by sending applications for reports and messages, and by making personal presentations on reports.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(1-2):169-170
pages 169-170 views

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