Vol 33, No 10 (1937)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Twenty years of the Great October Revolution


Twenty years ago, under the leadership of the Lenin-Stalin party, the working class and peasantry of our country overthrew the rule of the exploiters, capitalists and landlords forever, and established the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1155-1158
pages 1155-1158 views

Socialist health care, social and occupational hygiene, occupational pathology

Ginsburg B.S.


The State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors in Kazan was founded on April 23, 1920 and received the name of V.I. Lenin in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of his birth at that time. , began to develop rapidly. The institute, which had gone through a difficult period of organization (the civil war that had not ended, the situation of hunger, epidemics), began to develop rapidly.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1159-1163
pages 1159-1163 views

Determination of the amount of circulating blood according to the Markowitz method (using the determination of blood sugar before and after intravenous glucose infusion)

Sulimovskaya N.A., Ulitskaya E.M.


“The introduction of the concepts and methods of determining the minute volume of circulating blood and the speed of blood flow into the clinic is so important,” says Lang, “that from the moment these methods were introduced into the clinic, the beginning of a new period of clinical hemodynamics should be considered.” about hemodynamic disorders, the doctrine of the pathology of blood circulation has undergone a deep evolution. Experimental and clinical studies of recent years have proven the existence of depot organs in the body, in which there are certain amounts of blood that does not circulate in the general blood stream.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1164-1172
pages 1164-1172 views

On the issue of coronary embolism

Glagolev S.I.


In 1878, Hammer was the first to describe a case during his lifetime, diagnosed with acute closure of a coronary vessel by a thrombus. At present, there is already quite a lot of material in the literature on the issue of acute coronary circulation disorder and its consequences. The clinical picture of acute closure of the lumen of the coronary vessel can now be considered quite clearly outlined, mainly due to the work of Russian scientists (Kernig, Obraztsov, Strazhesko, Egorov, Bukhshtab, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1173-1178
pages 1173-1178 views

Relief dynamics in chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa in assessing the therapeutic effect

Kamensky E.A.


The study of the relief of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines made it possible to expand and clarify the X-ray diagnosis with earlier and more subtle X-ray data. However, these data are still not widely used in order to capture the evolution of a particular physiological or pathological process (Reinberg, Stern, Rothermel). Still underestimated is the tremendous help they can provide in accounting for the effectiveness of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1178-1184
pages 1178-1184 views

Methodology for physical therapy of diseases of the organs of movement in a hospital

Verbov A.F.


At the Leningrad Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology, physical therapy, at the suggestion of prof. E. T. Zalkindson, began in 1935. Within a relatively short period of time (3-4 m-ts), it has firmly taken root in the medical practice of all departments of the clinical hospital — therapeutic (apthrological), nervous and children's. They began to send for physical therapy with diseases such as Polyarthritis rheumat, Polyarthritis infect., Radiculitis 1.s, Hemiparesis spast, Affectio v. mitralis rheumat., Pleuritis sicca chron. adhaesiv. post cholecystitis, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1184-1197
pages 1184-1197 views

Methodology for physical therapy of diseases of the organs of movement in a hospital

Verbov A.F.


At the Leningrad Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology, physical therapy, at the suggestion of prof. E. T. Zalkindson, began in 1935. Within a relatively short period of time (3-4 m-ts), it has firmly taken root in the medical practice of all departments of the clinical hospital — therapeutic (apthrological), nervous and children's. They began to send for physical therapy with diseases such as Polyarthritis rheumat, Polyarthritis infect., Radiculitis 1.s, Hemiparesis spast, Affectio v. mitralis rheumat., Pleuritis sicca chron. adhaesiv. post cholecystitis, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1184-1197
pages 1184-1197 views

On the issue of fractures of the pelvic ring and dislocation of one half of the pelvis

Khlyupin P.I.


Fractures of the pelvic bones represent a relatively small percentage of all bone fractures. Kulikov gives 0.3-2.93% of fractures of the pelvic bones in the previous authors; according to the authors of recent works, this percentage is 10.01 (Kurgan, Kaplan). Mattimu had 18 pelvic fractures per 1026 bone fractures, which is 1.6%; Perkoller points to 65 (out of 3015) fractures, that is, 2%; Ettore Enrico registered 170 cases of pelvic fractures - 4.08%. Mazanek indicates 2% (1930)

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1197-1202
pages 1197-1202 views

Placental blood transfusion for cancer of the uterus

Kantorovich L.I., Rakhmanchik L.I.


The feasibility of blood transfusion in cancer patients is confirmed by a number of authors. According to Academician Bogomolets, repeated blood transfusions after radical surgery can prevent relapses. Great importance is attached to transfusion in case of intoxication in cancer patients as a result of treatment with large doses of X-rays (X-ray cutter).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1203-1206
pages 1203-1206 views

Experience of using diathermy in the treatment of ovarian hypofunction

Galinovskaya S.I.


Work in the gynecological department of the Stalingrad Physicotechnical Institute showed that diathermy in the treatment of some forms of insufficient ovarian function, hypoplasia of the genitals gives comforting results, so we set ourselves the task of conducting, using the methods available in our conditions, systematic observation of the use of diathermy, this relatively new method of treatment for hypofunction of the ovaries, guided by the work of prof. Shcherbak at the State Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment. Sechenov.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1206-1209
pages 1206-1209 views

Treatment of scrofulous keratoconjunctivitis with atuberculin antivirus

Weiss A.S.


Numerous experimental studies and clinical observations have undoubtedly proved the existence of a close relationship between scrofulous keratoconjunctivitis and tuberculosis infection.Despite this, the mechanism of the occurrence of inflammatory phenomena and individual elements (infiltrates, conflict, pannus, ulceration) that make up the clinical picture of such diseases has not yet been completely clarified.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1210-1225
pages 1210-1225 views

Mazur atuberculin antivirus in the treatment of scrofulous and tuberculous lesions of the organ of vision

Adamyuk V.E., Pasternak N.G.


Treatment of tuberculosis and adjacent scrofulous lesions of the eye is one of the weak points of ophthalmic therapy. Searches in this direction must be pursued with unremitting persistence. That is why, having learned about the beneficial effect of Mazur's atuberculin antivirus of blue sticks in diseases of the skin and glands, the clinic decided to apply it in the corresponding diseases, standing on the point of view that the so-called scrofulous eye lesions are of a tuberculous-allergic nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1226-1237
pages 1226-1237 views

Tuberculosis allergy

Sirotinin N.N.


The doctrine of allergy in general and tuberculosis in particular appeared during the heyday of bacteriology and immunology. This was the time when in the etiology of infectious diseases the causative agent was attributed to an exceptional value, while the state of the microorganism was interested mainly in terms of its immuno-biological properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1237-1244
pages 1237-1244 views

Reactivity of the skin of sensitized animals to the effects of microorganisms

Kondratiev G.G.


The question of the reactivity of an animal organism is of both theoretical and practical interest. The study of individual aspects of this issue has brought a certain clarity to the understanding of the pathogenesis of a number of diseases attributed to the group of allergic diseases. However, the pathogenesis of many of them is still not clear enough.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1245-1258
pages 1245-1258 views

On the question of the excitability of the vagus nerve in dogs in connection with local pressure on the large brain in acute experience

Teregulov A.X.


The study of the state of excitability of the vagus nerve in patients can provide valuable services in the practical work of the doctor. In surgical and neurological practice, the study of excitability n. vagi in patients before surgery, in patients with brain tumors, before occipital punctures and in other cases can be of undoubted benefit and allow you to avoid unwanted complications. With a strongly increased excitability of the item vagi, various negative states are possible during the production of the operation in the form of cardiac arrest, shock, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1258-1266
pages 1258-1266 views

Medical bed for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, gangrene and for the relief of patients.

Petrov S.I.


Practical methods of preventing and treating pressure ulcers (padding circles, turning the patient, etc.) are not always effective and sometimes cause excruciating pain to patients. This prompted me to suggest a more practical way to treat and prevent pressure ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1267-1270
pages 1267-1270 views


Gryaznov I.S.


Questions of bacterial contamination of food are of great theoretical and practical interest. Questions of combating contamination of food bac. botulinus, the mechanism of food contamination by it, the conditions contributing to the occurrence, in this connection, of diseases, and methods of combating botulism, at the present time, cannot be considered sufficiently studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1271-1284
pages 1271-1284 views

Associate Professor S. E. Levintova. Rheumatism in childhood. Minsk, 1936, 154 pages, price 2 rubles. 25 r.

Lensky Е.М.


The book contains a review of the literature on the pathological anatomy, etiology and statistics of rheumatism; in the chapter on etiology, the issue of the role of the tonsils is especially highlighted, as having a special meaning for rheumatism in children. Further, the clinic of rheumatism in children is described, and the author used his own material, consisting of 165 patients with acute polyarthritis, 224 cases. endocarditis and heart defects and 64 cases. chorea.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1285-1285
pages 1285-1285 views

Allen O. Whirre. Results of surgical and therapeutic treatment of splenopathies (Surg, Gvnec., Obsn, 1937, Febr. No. 2 A)

Gorbatov V.P.


Over the past 10 years, narrowly specialized clinics have been founded in the United States. The author reports on the work of one of these clinics, which studies specifically diseases of the spleen. The diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the patient is carried out jointly by a group of specialists from this clinic (therapist, surgeon, hematologist).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1285-1286
pages 1285-1286 views

Frejka, V. Operative fixation of the spine. (ZbI. Chir. 1937, 5, 261-263)

Ivanov B.


A. describes his own modification of the Olbi operation, applied by him in 41 cases. fixation of the spine, especially in its lumbosacral region. After the longitudinal splitting of the sharp processes along the midline, detachment of the periosteum and refreshing of the bone tissue, 5-7 plates are cut out from the anterior surface of the tibie, 10 cm long and 2-3 mm wide; at the same time, the spongy layer of the tibia condyles is scraped off with a sharp spoon

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1286-1287
pages 1286-1287 views

Stephan Rosenok. Plastic method for restoring the anus. (Zbl. F. Chir., No. 38, 1936)

Yurov V.


Author offers his own method of plastics of the anus. An arcuate skin incision is made along the lower semicircle of the anus, and from the middle of it — the second incision to the coccyx. The skin is separated from the musc. levator, ani so that the latter is clearly visible in the wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1286-1287
pages 1286-1287 views

Jacob. Damage to the medial lateral ligament of the knee joint. (Münch. Med. Wschr. 1937, 4)

Ivanov B.


A common injury in skiing is partial or complete separation of the medial lateral ligament of the knee, resulting from strong outward rotation of the lower leg.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Hess. X-ray therapy for hyperthyroidism. (Strahlenther. 1937, 58, I)

Ivanov B.


Author reports on the long-term results of X-ray therapy for hyperthyroidism, carried out over the past year in 140 cases. It turned out that the best results are observed with Graves' disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Tinipe, O. Löhr'y Wound Treatment. (Bruns Beitr. 1937, 165, 2, 213-250)

Ivanov B.


Based on his observations, a. points out that in the Löhr treatment of wounds with large defects, as well as after the use of other methods, there is a subsequent wrinkling of the formed scar, requiring, in the presence of unsatisfactory cosmetic and functional results, special treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Frey. Thrombosis and embolism; their prevention and treatment. (Ther. Gegenwart, 1937, I, 22-23)

Ivanov B.


Prevention of thrombosis and embolism begins with the establishment of indications for surgery; in old age, only vital interventions should be performed; during menstruation, you should avoid any operations, except for urgent ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1287-1287
pages 1287-1287 views

Vorak, I. What determines the therapeutic effect of radiation therapy for neoplasms? (Wien. Med. Wschr. 1937, 3)

Ivanov V.


The tumor is cured by surgery only if it is possible to sweat it out without disrupting the integrity of the neighboring organs important for life.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1287-1288
pages 1287-1288 views

Kushizaki, S. and Saito, K. Primary muscle tuberculosis. (Bruns' Beitr. 1937, 165, 2, 177-191)

Ivanov B.


Primary muscle tuberculosis, which develops as a result of hematogenous-metastatic infection with tubercle bacilli in the presence of latent or active tuberculosis in other organs, is very rare, mainly on the limbs and affects mainly young men.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

Herlyn, K. Fish oil and plaster cast treatment of hand and finger injuries. (Bruns 'Beitr. 1937, 165, 2, 278-280)

Ivanov B.


Author indicating the good results of treatment with fish oil and a plaster cast without the use of primary treatment of injuries to the fingers in the area of the nail phalanges, where complete tissue regeneration usually occurs

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

Baetzner, W. Treatment of furunculosis with vitamin A. (Zbl. Chir. 1937, 6, 322-323)

Ivanov B.


Author based on a number of his own observations, recommends the treatment of furunculosis with vitamin A in the form of vaughan, prescribed 1-2 times a day, 1 drop in an oil solution

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1288-1288
pages 1288-1288 views

De Nito. A new way of early recognition of pregnancy (Munch. M. W. V. 83, 31 / VII 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author bases his pregnancy test on the fact of observation that after the injection of urine of pregnant women in the experimental animal, leukocytosis increases. The author carried out his experiments on rabbits.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1288-1289
pages 1288-1289 views

Tеn Berge. Diathermy of the mucous membrane of the uterus in menstrual disorders. (ZbI. F. Gyn. V. 60, 29 / VIII 1936)

Dembskaya B.


For 5 years, the author has been producing diathermy of the uterine mucosa. In the uterine cavity, he introduces a bulbous electrode on an insulated handle, bringing its heating up to 50-60⁰C

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Hüssy. On the question of Operation Cotte (Zbl. Gyn. 1937.9. 498-509)

Ivanov B.


For pain relief in women with inoperable uterine cancer, as well. recommends Cotte surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Wahl. Determination of the term of labor (Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 1937, 4.125-128)

Ivanov B.


Author on the basis of 900 births, indicates that, in contrast to the statement of NaegeIo, the duration of pregnancy is 280 days (counting from the first day of the last menstruation), he found that in women with the correct 28-day menstrual cycle, an average of 285 days pass before the delivery of a mature fetus. ...

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Fikentscher, K. Thyroid and pregnancy. (Med Klin. 1937, II, 362-365)

Ivanov B.


At present, it should be considered very likely that changes in the thyroid gland are observed during normal pregnancy, but they cannot be considered pathological, and be identified with known painful dysfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1289-1289
pages 1289-1289 views

Ivanovics, G. and Bruckner, V. Chemical and immunological study of the mechanism of infection and immunity in anthrax


Chemical structure of the capsular substance of the anthrax bacillus and the serologically identical specific substance of Bacillus mesentericus. (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf., Bd. 90, 1937).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1289-1290
pages 1289-1290 views

Rowell, N. and lamies about n, W. Further study of the immunology of Hemophilus pertussis. (Journ. Of immunology, Vol. 32, 1937)


The author has previously shown that the virulence of pertussis bacillus for white mice can be significantly increased with the preliminary introduction of starch solutions to these animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

Sale, A. and McMie, W. Immunological remodeling of tissues cultured in vitro. (Journ of Immunology, Vol. 32, 1937)


As you know, many researchers have been able to show the presence of antibody production in tissue culture. The authors cast doubt on these facts, noting that the titer of these antibodies found in surviving tissues was always extremely low.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(10):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

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