Vol 39, No 3 (1958)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Dynamics of changes in neuroregulatory devices in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Schwartz L.S., Larina V.S.


One of the major obstacles in the treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer disease is that clinical and radiological data are not always sufficient when deciding the stability of remission or the timing of the approach of relapse. It is well known that all the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease recur in patients a short time after discharge from the hospital. The difference in the timing of the onset of relapses of the disease not only in different patients, but also in the same patient, even if the known dietary restrictions are observed, create great difficulties in the process of clinical examination in organizing an effective complex of permanent preventive measures and periodic anti-relapse courses.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Associated dysfunctions of the stomach in chronic appendicitis. Message 1

Nuzhina V.S.


It is known that one of the frequent accompanying symptoms of acute and chronic appendicitis is pain in the epigastric region, often prevailing over pain in the ileocecal region and accompanied by gastric dyspepsia. Usually, these pains in the stomach after appendectomy disappear without a trace in most patients (II Grekov; MI Rostovtsev [30]; SM Rubashev: Moynigan; Mayo; Ewald, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):12-18
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On the issue of dysfunction of the stomach in diseases of the biliary tract

Utikeeva D.O.


With the abundance of literature on the issue of gastric dysfunctions in diseases of the biliary tract, the causes of these disorders have not yet been clinically deciphered enough. The school of K.M.Bykov - I.T.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):19-23
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To the value of cholecystography in the diagnosis of biliary dyskinesias

Davletkildeeva A.Z.


Disorders of the motor function of the biliary tract are the head of the clinic of internal diseases, which began to be systematically developed only in the last three decades. Despite the fact that the importance of this section is generally recognized and has been repeatedly emphasized by many clinicians, both therapists and surgeons (M.P. Konchalovsky, A.L. Myasnikov, E.M. Tareev, R.A.Luria, S.S. Zimnitsky, F. M. Plotkin, I. G. Rufanov, S. I. Slonin, R. I. Lepskaya, A. G. Teregulov, N. V. Sokolov. D. E. Odinov, K. A. Mayanskaya and etc.), clinical diagnosis of biliary dyskinesias is still very difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):24-29
pages 24-29 views

On the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of the stomach and duodenum

Lyubina N.I.


At present, judging by the literature data, not enough attention is paid to the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of the stomach and duodenum. Even in the classical manuals on internal medicine (V.F. Zelenin, E.M. Gelstein, M.P. Konchalovsky) several lines are devoted to this issue, which speak of the rarity of tuberculous lesions of the stomach, the impossibility of clinical recognition and the failure of treatment. According to pathological data (I.V. Davydovsky), tuberculosis of the stomach and duodenum occurs from 0.12% to 0, 4% of cases for the entire number of autopsies and from 0.7 to 2.4% of cases for the number of autopsies who died from tuberculosis. According to those desirable, tuberculous lesions of the stomach in children and adolescents occurs much more often - up to 4.2% of cases. MG Zaitsev published (1950) 12 cases of tuberculosis of the stomach and duodenum in children and adolescents, which the author observed in a surgical clinic headed by A.T. Lidsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Surgical tactics for perforated stomach cancer

Svedentsov E.P.


Stomach cancer, being the most common cancer in humans, is often complicated by tumor perforation, which requires urgent medical attention. According to clinical data, gastric cancer perforation is observed in 4% of all cancer cases (A.A. Bocharov - 4.3%), according to pathological data - from 7 to 17% (F.I. Pozharsky - 7%, A.V. Melnikov - 17%); perforation of cancerous ulcers is 16% (Kennedy -16.7%; Textor and Barbork -16%) among all perforated stomach ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):35-38
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Repeated perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcers

Kurbanaeva S.S.


Perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is the most formidable complication of peptic ulcer disease, requiring urgent surgical intervention. Although the mortality rate from perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer decreases every year, reaching, according to V.I. Struchkov (1953), on average 5.8%, along with this, statistical data with a higher mortality rate have been published: 10-15% ( B. S. Rozanov).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):39-43
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Intraorgan topography of the vessels and biliary tract of the human liver

Nechunaev L.M.


Even old anatomists and surgeons were interested in the intraorgan structure of blood vessels and bile ducts of the human liver: Glisson (1654), N.I. Pirogov (1850), Girtl (1873), Rex (1888), etc. Later, A.V. Melnikov (1921), A. A. Krasuskaya (1924), A. S. Zolotukhin (1934), A. T. Akilova (1936), K. N. Delitsieva (1948), G. Elias and D. Petit (1952 ), P.P. Gostyunin (1952), V.F. Parfentieva (1953), ND Demeshko (1955), F. Kadar (1957), etc. However, the question of the intrahepatic structure of blood vessels and bile ducts cannot be considered finally resolved. The study of the intraorgan topography of the portal and hepatic veins, arteries and bile ducts and their relationship is of great practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):44-51
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About chronic brucellosis and its treatment

Akhrem-Akhremovich R.M.


Achievements in the field of modern teaching about brucellosis are largely the result of the works of domestic researchers (P.F.Zdrodovsky and his students - N.N. Stepanov, G.P. Rudnev, A.L. Myasnikov, G.N. Udintsev, N. . I. Ragoza, I. L. Bogdanov, N. D. Beklemishev and others). A valuable contribution to the study of the problem of brucellosis was made by scientific and practical workers of Western Siberia (B.P. Pervushin, G.A. Pandikov, I.S. Tselishchev and others). However, despite significant advances in this regard, many aspects of this problem cannot be considered resolved, in particular, it concerns the treatment of brucellosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):52-57
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The state of the cardiovascular system in chronic brucellosis

Nebera G.V.


As you know, until very recently, there is no consensus in the literature on the frequency, nature and depth of damage to the heart and vascular system in brucellosis. According to some authors (BM Benjaminovich, S. Ya. Gopp, Hardy, etc.), the cardiovascular system with brucellosis suffers little and is rarely involved in the process. In the opinion of most authors, as clinicians (I. T. Kashkinbaev, 3. S. Zakharyan, V. P. Bisyarina, G. A. Pandikov, I. M. Pruzhanskaya, O.D.Sokolov-Ponomareva, A. M Dikovsky, A. S. Bogdanova, M. I. Moroz, R. M. Akhrem-Akhremovich and V. P. Putalova, etc.) and pathologists (I. S. Novitsky, P. P. Ochkur, E A. Mezenchuk and others), the cardiovascular system is naturally and often affected by brucellosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Significance of listerella infection in the etiology of diseases of the nervous system

Vol'ter F.I.


In recent years, the attention of doctors of all specialties has been attracted by a little-studied infectious disease - listerllosis, belonging to the group of zoonoses, which affects both animals and humans equally. Listerllosis most often affects people of such professions who have to deal with animals - shepherds, pigs, milkmaids, grooms, workers of veterinary stations, veterinary institutes and many others. In addition, infection is possible in persons not directly related to animal husbandry, due to the ability of the infection to spread through the alimentary route through infected products.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):64-69
pages 64-69 views

To the question of reducing the reaction of the skin and mucous membranes during X-ray therapy by topical application of solutions of novocaine and dicaine

Chirkova E.I.


Radiant energy is widely used in the treatment of many diseases and most often in the treatment of malignant tumors. Of great practical importance is a careful attitude to the entire body and to the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor, in particular to the skin and mucous membranes, which are very sensitive to penetrating radiation. The need to prevent and reduce the local radiation reaction in case of repeated irradiation caused by tumor recurrence is especially growing. A decrease in the radiation response of tissues in conditions of low blood circulation has been achieved by the works of a number of authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Bakirovo as a resort for gynecological patients

Monasypova M.V.


Spa mud therapy for gynecological patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital area is indisputably important in its effectiveness and therefore is widely used. Hence, the special importance of using local natural factors and the value of local mud resorts, which are entrusted with serving the bulk of workers near their places of work, will become understandable. The above circumstances prompted us to study the therapeutic effect of the mud of the Bakirovo resort, located in an area with a growing oil industry - Shugurovsky region, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and to reveal their value for the treatment of gynecological patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):73-75
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Application of extract from meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in surgical practice

Gataullin A.B.


The use of plants for medicinal purposes dates back to ancient times. One of the plants used in folk medicine is the meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria (L) Maxim, from the Rosaceae family. Meadowsweet grows in wet meadows and between shrubs in the middle and northern zone of the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus and in Eastern Siberia, as well as throughout Europe and Asia Minor. There is meadowsweet in the riverside meadows of the TASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):76-81
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Manual separation of the placenta and its parts over 35 years (1922 - 1956)

Bourdais B.I.


The existing extensive literature on manual separation of the placenta and examination of the cavity of the postpartum uterus reveals the lack of a unified view in assessing the danger of these interventions. While some consider manual removal of the placenta to be one of the most serious operations, giving a high morbidity and mortality (Okinchits, Skrobansky, Genter), others (Pisemsky, Timofeev, Ginenevich) consider this operation no more dangerous than other vaginal operations. In practice, this divergence of views leads to the fact that some, considering this operation completely safe, sometimes abuse it, others, regarding it too strictly, are late with it, bringing women in childbirth to great blood loss.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):82-86
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On the casuistry of extensive bowel resections

Rakhmatullin R.N.


Extensive bowel resections, usually performed under conditions of emergency surgical intervention, still give a high mortality rate, since the operation is usually performed with intestinal necrosis, intoxication of the body, and often in belated cases. According to the clinic. NV Sklifosovsky, for 700 patients with intestinal obstruction there were 8 cases of extensive bowel resections with 5 deaths.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):87-88
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On the question of the revitalization of the body after clinical death

Lapshina N.P.


The works of FA Andreev, VA Negovsky, IR Petrov and others have shown the effectiveness of the use of therapeutic measures after cardiac arrest and the possibility of removing the body from the state of clinical death in the first 5-6 minutes after the cessation of cardiac activity. While the number of revitalized patients described in the literature is still small, it is advisable to publish each observation in order to identify the most rational technique for conducting revival and develop indications for the use of revitalization measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):89-91
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A case of a foreign body in the abdomen

Davydova M.A.


In June 1954, a 32-year-old patient K. was admitted to our clinic with a diagnosis of dermoid cyst of the left ovary. The patient was operated on November 6, 1953 for an ectopic pregnancy in one of the regional hospitals in Tatarstan. In the postoperative period, according to the patient, she had a slightly increased temperature. She was discharged on the 15th day after the operation in good condition.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):91-92
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Foreign body in the bladder cavity

Nechaeva L.P.


Patient B., 40 years old, was delivered to the surgical department of the Yelabuga city hospital on February 13, 1954 at 23:30. An hour before admission to the hospital, in order to induce a miscarriage at home, she tried to insert an elastic catheter into the uterine cavity, into the lumen of the end of which a piece of wire was inserted. The catheter broke off, and part of it remained inside the birth canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):92-92
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On the formation of the philosophical views of A.F.Samoilov (On the 90th anniversary of his birth)

Grigoryan N.A.


Among the outstanding naturalists of the late XIX and early XX centuries. Alexander Filippovich Samoilov occupies a special place. The time of his entry into the path of physiological research coincides with the dominance of the physicochemical direction in physiology. Physicochemical methods were widely used in their research by Helmholtz, Dubois-Reymond, and IM Sechenov. AF Samoilov was a student of Sechenov and an ardent admirer and follower of the physiological research of Helmholtz.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):93-99
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Needle for puncture biopsy of internal organs and tissues

Arsentiev F.V.


At present, special needles for biopsy of internal organs and tissues are not produced in the Soviet Union, although there are a number of reports by domestic authors who used the method of intravital punctures of various organs in their work. ND Strazhesko, MG Abramov, NA Shmelev, VP Dobrynina, EV Chernysheva and others used conventional syringe needles, of the camphor type, for this purpose. This method is mainly suitable for cytological studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):100-103
pages 100-103 views

Jubilee session of the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the great October

Goncharov A.T., Gimadeev M.M.


From December 16 to December 21, 1957, in Moscow, at the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the Jubilee Scientific Session of this Institute was held together with the Occupational Hygiene Institutes of the Union Republics and the Occupational Hygiene Departments of medical institutes. The session was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Hygienists, occupational pathologists, toxicologists, physiologists, and specialists in industrial chemistry came to Moscow from all over the Union. The session attracted a large audience, with up to 500 people attending individual sessions.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):104-106
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Prof. N.V. Sokolov. Surgical sepsis

Ratner Y.A.


Prof. N.V. Sokolov. Surgical sepsis. Kazan, Tatknigoizdat, 1957. A recently published book by prof. N.V. Sokolova is relevant and is of considerable interest for a practical surgeon. The author has extensive experience in the treatment of surgical sepsis, both during the war and in peacetime, and besides, he is well acquainted with the issues of wound infection. The book under review is a summary of the author's personal observations and experience in the treatment of wounded and patients with sepsis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):107-109
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Obliterating brachiocephalic arteritis (Takayashi's pulseless disease)


The disease often affects young women. The etiology is not clear. The main manifestations of the disease are symptoms of ischemia of the brain, eyes, hands, carotid sinus hypersensitivity syndrome and symptoms indicating the development of collateral circulation. The disease is based on progressive chronic arteritis of the anonymous, subclavian and carotid arteries. The iliac arteries can also be affected. Microscopic examination reveals the inflammatory process of all layers of the vessel wall, resembling changes. occurring in nodose periarteritis and temporal arteritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):110-110
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Visceral candidiasis associated with antibiotic and hormone therapy


Over the past three years, the author has observed 13 patients (of which 10 were patients during the last year) treated for various serious diseases and their complications caused by antibiotics, and partially antibiotics in combination with adrenal cortex fumes and ACTE. Treatment was unsuccessful in all patients and was fatal. In all these cases, the sections showed signs of fungal infection of various internal organs. Among these patients was a 5-year-old boy with leukemia, which gave exacerbations, and 12 patients aged 45-73, who had been previously treated and admitted to the clinic for malignant neoplasms, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, aplastic anemia, multiple myelomatosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):110-111
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New epidemiological data on tuberculosis in Poland


An analysis of statistical data on the incidence of tuberculosis, mortality from it and disability of tuberculosis patients in Poland in recent years and comparative data on Western European countries are presented. In Poland, the death rate from tuberculosis is still high, but its rate is rapidly decreasing. In 1953, mortality was 37.5% lower than in 1952. In 1954, a further decrease in mortality by 6.6% was noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):111-111
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The influence of the psyche on the function of the adrenal glands in humans


In 18 students, the content of aldosterone and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in daily urine portions was determined in the non-examination period and again during the examination session. At the same time, each student was questioned in order to establish the degree of anxiety and anxiety caused by examinations (according to changes in sleep, appetite, ability to concentrate, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):111-111
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Optimal age for mass BCG vaccination in England and Wells


In 1955, in England and Wells, for the first time, a mass run-out of schoolchildren at the age of 13 was carried out. Preliminary tuberculin tests were positive in 11 - 40% of children of this age. According to the data for 1955, 3614 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 337 with tuberculous meningitis and 1171 with tuberculosis of other organs were registered among children under 14 years of age - a total of 5122 patients. In fact, the incidence of tuberculosis among children is much higher. During a mass X-ray examination of schoolchildren in 1956, out of 66,000 examined, 134 patients with tuberculosis were identified who were not registered and did not suspect their illness.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):112-112
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Accuracy of confirmation of the diagnosis "Tuberculosis"


It has been shown that the interpretation of conventional radiography gives a large percentage of errors, and the diagnosis of tuberculosis, established in this way, requires confirmation by setting tuberculin skin tests, detection of tubercle bacilli, or by histological examination. The authors cite the results of a study of 1295 patients admitted to the Central Washington Tuberculosis Hospital for 5 years from 1950 to 1954. The diagnosis of active tuberculosis was confirmed only in 629 cases by detection of BK or by pathological examination. A study of tuberculin skin reactions in the United States in 1954 showed that only 3.9% of children develop positive reactions. With the correct setting in a dilution of 1: 1000-1: 100, a negative Mantoux reaction excludes tuberculosis in 95-97%. Exceptions to this rule (5–3%) refer to infected children with not yet developed tuberculin sensitivity (from 42 to 120 days from the moment of infection) and to agonizing patients who have lost sensitivity. Mass fluoroscopy revealed 600 persons suspected of tuberculosis among hospital patients; however, 59% of them were excluded from this group on the basis of negative Mantoux reactions.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):112-112
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The role of leukocytosis in the differential diagnosis of cerebral apoplexy


The paper emphasizes the diagnostic value of leukocytosis in distinguishing between hemorrhages and softening of the brain. The conclusions are based on the analysis of a significant hospital and sectional material (156 cases). In 76% of fresh cerebral hemorrhages, leukocytosis reaches 17,000-24,000. With softening of the brain without concomitant inflammatory processes, the level of leukocytes does not increase. Leukocytosis in cerebral hemorrhages is the result of irritation of the hypothalamic centers due to increased intracranial pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):113-113
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Professor M.O. Friedland (On his seventieth birthday)

Shulutko L.I.


This May marks the seventy anniversary of the birth of Professor Mikhail Osipovich Friedland, Honored Scientist of Science.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):114-114
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Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(3):115-115
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