Vol 39, No 1 (1958)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Coronary insufficiency and its prevention

Varshamov L.A.


The urgency and complexity of the problem of coronary insufficiency in a significant part of cases is determined by the frequency and severity of the clinical manifestation of the disease. The main causative factors for the development of coronary insufficiency are: 1) functional - caused by a violation of higher nervous activity and nervous regulation of the coronary circulation and 2) organic - atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Therefore, coronary insufficiency can be very diverse in terms of clinical manifestation, frequency of attacks, and their intensity. This circumstance, as well as the possibility of disease progression and transition to more severe forms, up to myocardial infarction, confirm the importance of preventing coronary insufficiency.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Some modern controversial issues in the doctrine of myocardial infarction

Segal A.M.


Guiding and generally recognized on the issue of the main pathogenetic factors in the occurrence of myocardial infarction is still the point of view proposed at one time by GF Lang, according to which the combination of coronary atherosclerosis with neuro-functional moments is sufficient and decisive.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):10-20
pages 10-20 views

To the question of the role of the central nervous system in the regulation of blood clotting

Zubairov D.M.


Even W. Kennon (1927) found that painful and strong emotional stimuli, causing an increase in the secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, are accompanied by an acceleration of blood clotting. De Takats (1944), Stoker (1952) and others found a relationship between emotional overstrain - on the one hand, and increased blood clotting and thrombus formation - on the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):21-26
pages 21-26 views

On the nervous regulation of the blood prothrombin content

Vorobieva E.S.


The blood clotting process is one of the biological protective functions of the body. It can be considered that in a long chain of factors that ensure the coagulation ability of blood, the content of prothrombin in it is one of the most important links. However, even from a general physiological point of view, it is difficult to consider blood coagulation without the influence on this complex chain from the side of neurohumoral regulation. According to E. M. Tareev, "the influence of the nervous system regulating blood clotting due to the vividness of the vascular reactions and the richness of the walls with receptors" is obvious. Numerous experiments on animals and studies in humans speak in favor of this conclusion (G. I. Tsobkallo, D. M. Zubairov, G. O. Kurmaeva. L. S. Rakhmilevich, M. S. Klimova, A. A. Markosyan, F.A.Andreev with co-workers, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):27-30
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On the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal tumors

Ratner Y.A.


Intestinal tumors (excluding the rectum) of all tumors observed in humans account for only 2%. It is also known that tumors of the small intestine are observed many times less frequently than tumors of the large intestine. Approximately 80% of all intestinal tumors are in the rectum, 17-18% in the large and only 2-3% in the small intestine. Thus, tumors of the large intestine are of the greatest practical importance from the point of view of both the possibilities of early diagnosis and the correct surgical tactics and operative technique.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):31-39
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Physiological activity of organophosphorus compounds

Neklesova I.D.


The valuable properties of newly synthesized chemical compounds for a long time remain very often unrecognized. An example is tetraethyl pyrophosphate, whose physiological activity was discovered many years after its synthesis. In 1931, A. Ye. And B. A. Arbuzov first obtained tetraethyl pyrophosphate and tetraethyl monothiopyrophosphate (phosparine) in pure form. Working with precautions taken in chemical organic laboratories, the researchers did not notice the toxic properties of the compound.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):40-46
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New synthetic drug "Armin" for the treatment of glaucoma

Yusupova D.H.


Glaucoma treatment is one of the most pressing issues in ophthalmology. The arsenal of drugs proposed for the treatment of glaucoma is constantly growing. Along with such long-known drugs as pilocarpine and eserin, benzamone, phosphacol, diethyl fluorophosphate and a number of others appeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Experience of using zapleural novocaine blockade of celiac nerves in the treatment of patients with acute diffuse purulent peritonitis

Tikhonova T.P.


In Kazan, the homeland of the novocaine block proposed, developed and introduced into practice by prof. AV Vishnevsky, in recent years, a new type of novocaine blockade has begun to find application in clinics - zapleural blockade of the celiac nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Modification of the osteotomy of the upper end of the femur

Rakhimkulov H.S.


Among all kinds of orthopedic deformities of operations performed to correct the musculoskeletal system, the leading place is taken by the subtrochanteric osteotomy of the femur. It is technically relatively simple, but at the same time quite effective. In this case, not only the deformity of the lower limb is corrected, but also its function is significantly restored. We are aware of about forty modifications of this operation. Some of them make it possible to completely correct the axis of the limb and allow you to obtain sufficient adhesion between the fragments.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):56-59
pages 56-59 views

On the use of normal human serum in the complex treatment of toxic forms of diphtheria

Kudryavtseva N.P., Kachurets V.I., Egereva S.A.


Despite the effectiveness of a specific agent - anti-diphtheria serum, the problem of treating diphtheria has not been completely resolved. Clinical experience shows that the limit of serum action is associated with the duration of its use and with the severity of the disease. This suggests that the processes of illness and recovery cannot be reduced to a simple scheme of the relationship between toxin and antitoxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):60-63
pages 60-63 views

To the clinic of the acute period of spring-summer tick-borne encephalitis observed in the Aktash region of the TASSR

Stepanov K.D.


In the spring and summer of 1956, we observed cases of tick-borne encephalitis in Aktash district. The source of infection was an endemic focus located in the woodlands of the region.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):64-69
pages 64-69 views

A case of primary pleural cancer (Malignant pleural mesothelioma)

Charny A.M.


Primary pleural tumors, both benign and malignant, are very rare. According to A.I. Abrikosov, fibromas, lipomas, hemocytoblastomas were described as casuistic findings. According to the statistics given in the work of IV Davydovsky (1932), malignant pleural tumors in men were found in five cases per 10,000 autopsies, in women - in four cases per 10,000 autopsies.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):70-73
pages 70-73 views

To the diagnosis of primary pleural cancer

Krasnoperov F.T.


In the pathological office of the medical faculty of Kazan University during the first 60 years of its existence, in 7,000 sections, only two cases of primary pleural cancer were recorded. A. I. Abrikosov defines cases of primary pleural cancer as casuistic findings. Kazan pathologist prof. IP Vasiliev, referring to the work of Hansemann, writes that at 1200 autopsies he did not have a single case of primary pleural cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):73-75
pages 73-75 views

Three cases of surgical treatment of pancreatic cysts

Volkov G.I.


The pancreatic cyst is one of the rare diseases, therefore, we consider it appropriate to share our three observations. Diagnosis of diseases is not very difficult in the presence of a clearly palpable, tight-elastic consistency of a tumor-like formation in the epigastric region.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):75-76
pages 75-76 views

A case of infringement of the mobile cecum in an inguinal-scrotal hernia

Khaibullin F.M.


Sick child Musagitov Vasil, 3 years old, was admitted to the surgical department at 2 am on 12 / IX-57 with a diagnosis of strangulated left-sided inguinal-scrotal hernia.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):76-76
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On the treatment of juvenile bleeding

Karpachevsky M.S.


In a large group of gynecological patients suffering from uterine bleeding on a variety of grounds (inflammatory diseases, disorders of ovarian-menstrual function, neoplasms of the genital area), the group of patients with so-called juvenile bleeding is small, but this suffering is the least studied. The etiology of this disease is not always clear, therapy in some cases is powerless, blood loss sometimes becomes so significant that a life-threatening condition occurs. Local therapy for virgins is inapplicable for a number of reasons or meets insurmountable obstacles both on the part of the patient and on the part of her relatives.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):77-78
pages 77-78 views

Experience in studying the causes of disability in rural areas

Berlin V.I.


Working for a number of years as the chairman of the regional VTEK in rural areas, we drew attention to the following facts: 1) a decrease in the number of people who receive disability for the first time, and, despite this, 2) a large number of disabilities of the 2nd or even 1st group .

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Makarova G.A.


Over the past 30 years, the attention of pediatricians and obstetricians has increasingly been attracted by three diseases of newborns, which differ from each other in clinical presentation, but are pathogenetically related - hydrops faetu universalis, icterus neonatorum gravis and anaemia neonatorum. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that the issue of hemolytic disease of newborns, the manifestation of which these diseases are, was put on the agenda of the VII International Congress of Pediatricians in 1956 by the representative of the USSR, a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences prof. A.F. Tur.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):83-89
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About ruptured uterus

Sidorov N.E.


Your obstetric goals are reduced to reducing maternal and child mortality and morbidity. We analyzed a large material of the maternal mortality commission of the Ministry of Health of the TASSR and identified a number of facts that are of interest for the daily practice of obstetricians and can, to a certain extent, contribute to the deepening and expansion of their special knowledge.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):89-92
pages 89-92 views

On the use of a precision laboratory refractometer "RPL" for the determination of blood proteins

Bogoyavlenskiy V.F.


The simplest and fastest method for the quantitative determination of serum and blood plasma proteins in clinical diagnostic laboratories is refractometric (VE Predtechensky, SD Balakhovsky, A. Gitter (Gitter) [1, 4, 9]). The refractive index of serum in the overwhelming majority of cases serves as an indicator of the quantitative content of protein in it, with the exception of the serum of patients with diabetes, jaundice, patients with uremia, and chyle serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):93-95
pages 93-95 views

Tenth All-Union Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Moscow (December 11 - 18, 1957)

Manenkov P.V.


Tenth All-Union Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Moscow (December 11 - 18, 1957)

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):96-100
pages 96-100 views

Conference of the All-Union Society of Helminthologists dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution

Khamidullin R.I.


Conference of the All-Union Society of Helminthologists, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 11-15 / XII 1957, a scientific conference of the All-Union Society of Helminthologists was held in Moscow. Several hundred delegates from our country and representatives of the people's democracies took part in it.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):101-102
pages 101-102 views

Plenary meeting of the Kharkov Medical Society and a conference on the problem of pain, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.I.Geymanovich

Pavlonsky Y.M., Penkovoy K.I.


Plenary meeting of the Kharkov Medical Society and a conference on the problem of pain, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.I.Geymanovich. On September 28, 1957, a plenary meeting of the Kharkov Medical Society was held and on September 29 - a scientific conference on the problem of pain, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of prof. A.I. Geymanovich. Researchers and practitioners from the mountains took part in the work of the plenum and conference. Kharkov and the region, as well as guests from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Stalino, Voroshilovgrad, Simferopol and other cities.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):102-104
pages 102-104 views

Interregional conference of medical workers of the Volga region and XIII visiting scientific session of the State Oncological Institute named after V.I. P. A. Herzen

Sigal M.Z., Lyubina I.I.


From 21 to 24 October 1957 in the mountains. Kazan hosted an interregional conference of medical workers of the Volga region and the XIII visiting scientific session of the State Oncological Institute named after V.I. P. A. Herzen.

Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):104-107
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Kazan medical journal. 1958;39(1):107-108
pages 107-108 views

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