Vol 17, No 3 (1921)

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To the 25th anniversary of the opening of Röntgen'a

Glushkov P.A.


In today's annual meeting of our Society, I have been entrusted with the flattering task of celebrating the 25th anniversary of the greatest and so beneficial in its consequences, the discovery by the Würzburg physics professor Wilhelmʹ Konradʹ Röntgen of hitherto unknown rays - x-rays, to which we, grateful to the memory of the scientist , have given the name "X-rays".

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):271-290
pages 271-290 views

About nerve cells of Auerbach'ov and Meissner's plexus of large intestines

Lavrent'ev B.I.


In 1914, I undertook a study of the innervation of the rectum of mammals. Due to circumstances beyond my control, this work still cannot be considered complete, and only a part of the results; of independent interest is the subject of this communication.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):291-309
pages 291-309 views

To the doctrine of functional diagnosis of nephritis

Zimnitsky S.S.


If, during my 15-year professorship, I have never decided to teach my listeners a course in kidney pathology, then at first glance it will seem to you something surprising. You will involuntarily have a question — why? Not because, - I will answer, - that this department of private pathology was uninteresting to me, and not because I did not know it, but because teaching it in the form required in the program, and as it is presented in the teaching guides recommended by me did not satisfy me both in its direction and, most importantly, in its tendentiousness.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):310-338
pages 310-338 views

On the question of the blood picture in latent malaria

Zach R.


In malarial areas, along with obvious manifestations of malarial diseases, there is, as is known, a significant number of cases of latent malaria, that is, such forms of the latter, when there is no definite clinical picture on the face, nor plasmodia in the peripheral blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):339-351
pages 339-351 views

Blockage of the intestines in the ilo-cocaine area; movable intestine and its expansion

Ado E.I., Pshenichnov F.V.


In this session, we will allow ourselves to draw your attention to an extremely interesting case; observed in our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):352-358
pages 352-358 views

A case of acute yellow liver atrophy

Lepsky R.


Although cases of acute yellow atrophy of the liver are described in the literature from time to time, nevertheless this disease is so rare, its etiology is still so dark that each such case deserves to be paid attention to.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):359-369
pages 359-369 views

On the question of the relationship between noma and angina. Vincenti

Flerov S.A.


Wash diseases, in general, are very rare, sometimes — as it happened, for example, according to Beitzk e, in France — increased to the size of small epidemics. Something similar seems to be observed in our country at the present time, and therefore my report has its own raison d'etre in the sense, so to speak, of topicality. Its purpose is to clarify, if possible, the question of the contagiousness of the noma and the relation of the latter to some other diseases, mainly to angina Vincenti.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):370-379
pages 370-379 views

Spina bifida operation case

Flerov S.A.


Patient A.S., aged 1 year 6 months A week after her birth, her parents noticed a tumor in her sacrum, which at first was the size of a pea, and then gradually began to increase. Cases of deformities, syphilis and alcoholism c. family and relatives were not. The girl is crawling, but still cannot stand and walk. The food is good. Weight / (13½ lb.) and height (67 cm) indicate developmental delays. Defecation and urination are correct. In the sacral region - a tense, fluctuating, covered with normal integuments, a tumor, almost the size of the head of a newborn. Below the tumor there is a foveola coccygeal" Negative reaction of Nonna-Appelt and Wassegmanna obtained by a test puncture from the tumor of cerebrospinal fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):380-383
pages 380-383 views

Modern Caesar section

Timofeev A.I.


As you know, under the name of the Caesar section is an operation, with the help of which — in case of impossibility of giving birth per vias naturales — new pathways are created for the birth of the fetus through the incision of the abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus. The idea of ​​the operation is so simple that it suggests itself. Indeed, the emergence of the idea of ​​this operation dates back to ancient times. We find indications of this method of delivery already in Greek mythology. In this way, the birth of Aesculapius took place. In ancient Rome, the requirement to perform the Caesar section — indeed, on the dead — was embodied in the form of a law (the so-called lex regia de inferendo mortuo) attributed to Numa Pompilius.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):384-395
pages 384-395 views

A case of spontaneous delivery with a neglected transverse position by self-induced fetal rotation

Chukalov N.N.


Among the most severe complications of the birth act, along with a narrow pelvis, hydrocephalus, etc., belongs to; as the transverse position of the fetus is known, that is, such that the long axis of the fetal body does not coincide, as usual, with the long axis of the mother's body, but crosses it at a right (actually transverse position) or an acute angle (oblique position).

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):396-403
pages 396-403 views

Streptotrichosis of the century

Adamyuk V.E.


Fungal lesions of the eyes and their appendages are very rare, and it would be a pity to bury in the manuscript one case of a completely peculiar fungal infection of the century, observed in the Kazan Eye Clinic and examined by me a long time ago, but remained unpublished after the onset of war, and then the cessation of publications medical journals.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):404-413
pages 404-413 views

To the question of myasthenia gravis

Rusetsky I.I.


Patient V.A., 15 years old, school student. From the side of heredity: a) female line: in the mother's family - tuberculosis, c) male line: the father and his mother - petit mal, uncle - mentally ill, two aunts committed suicide, brother - mentally ill, with weak ¬mi light. A. did not have any special diseases in childhood. In December 1919, scarlet fever. In May 1920 — cold, weakness, cough for some time. After recovery, general weakness remained, which gradually intensified and seized in December 1920 all the muscles of the body. The patient stopped walking, sitting. poor control of hands, developed some ptosis, difficulty chewing and swallowing, obstipatio chronica, severe headaches with dizziness and nausea, tinnitus, weight loss. There were no painful phenomena (except for headache). Since January 1921, some weakening of symptoms appeared: the patient began to control his hands, swallow, chew, the bowel movements became self-reliant, only rapid muscle fatigue remained. In the last two months, there has been a renewed weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):413-415
pages 413-415 views

The case of laesionis caudae equinae

Rusetsky I.I.


Patient I, M., 20 years old, farmer. There are no special indications from the side of heredity and personal diseases. August 11, 1920, at the front, 1½ soot. an unexploded shell fell from the patient. At the same time, the patient was wounded by a fragment of another shell in the right half of the chest. The patient fell on his back, without losing, however, - consciousness, after 5 minutes. tried to get up but could not walk. Established: paraplegia inferior, ana sthesia to the waist, radicular pain in the lower extremities (anesthesia dolorosa), within 12 days there were symptoms of dysuria and constipation. Later, there was a slow improvement, more pronounced on the left. Weight loss in a year - 20 lbs.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):416-417
pages 416-417 views

The history of the Society of Eye Physicians

Gruzdev V.F.


The urgent need for the association of eye doctors in Kazan for a friendly, joint scientific work was recognized for a long time. The late director of the Kazan Ophthalmological Clinic, Emelyan Valentinovich Adamyuk, dreamed of organizing a Circle of Ophthalmologists in Kazan; but his dream was not destined to come true.

Kazan medical journal. 1921;17(3):418-424
pages 418-424 views

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