Vol 8, No 1-2 (1908)

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The value of X rays as a research method in medicine

Chalusov M.


The task of our science of medicine, to put it briefly, is to heal the suffering man; but this simple and briefly expressed task is extremely difficult, extremely responsible, and the possibility of its fulfillment is achievable only with the satisfaction of certain well-known requirements. Among these requirements, it is necessary to mention the desire to establish an understanding of the average normal human organism, a clear idea of ​​normal individual deviations, the study of conditions that are conducive not only to the preservation, but also to the prosperity of these two types of life in the study of the wide sense of the causes of this organism; hence the need to establish an understanding of "diseases", their types, signs, reasons in each individual case ...

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):1-17
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To the doctrine of acute leukemia

Lyubimov N.M.


As more and more cases of acute leukemia accumulate, it becomes clear that it can proceed in extremely different ways. Determination that it is a disease, apparently, infectious, characterized for the most part by a short course, fever, swelling of the external or internal lymph nodes, an increase in significant and extremely fast spleen, liver, hemorrhagic and blood counts and an increase in the number of leukocytes — mononuclear cells, suitable for typical cases. Between the large number of observations, not all of the listed signs are on the face, and therefore doubt may arise as to their belonging to this pathological form, although they undoubtedly belong to it only. True, there is a constant sign - a change in blood, but it is not such that it runs like a red thread from the beginning to the end of each case. Violation of the relationship between erythracytes and leukocytes sometimes develops not long before death or with known complications, and a pronounced change in blood changes its appearance to a completely different one.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):18-47
pages 18-47 views

Dry-air and long-term water (thermally indifferent) baths for the treatment of chronic nephritis

Undrintsev R.


Case VІ. Patient O. A., 45 years old, a peasant. Admitted to the clinic on October 10, 1906 with complaints of edema of the face, abdomen, extremities, penis and scroti, significant shortness of breath when walking even on an even place, frequent headaches and a feeling of general weakness. Considers himself sick since September 15, 1906: first, after drinking cold water, a sore throat (probably Angina); after 3-4 days the pain disappeared, but the face and legs began to swell up to the knees, and then the swelling of the arms and abdomen appeared. Of the illnesses suffered earlier, it indicates gonorrhoeam, a "fever" that has been a few times, but not for long. At the time, the patient had “scrofula” (a white cicatricial spot on the skin of the abdomen in the mesogastrii dextri area is still present). I consumed alcoholic beverages in quite significant quantities. There are no clear indications on Lues. The patient is of average height, correct body build and satisfactory nutrition. The musculoskeletal system and the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue are sufficiently developed. The color of the skin and visible mucous membranes is rather pale. There are significant ascites and anasarca (fluctuatio vera pronounced clearly). The upper boundaries of both lungs are normal. The lower ones are moved one intercostal space up. The right border of the superficial dullness of the heart is the right edge of the sterni; upper — lower edge of the third rib, pushing of the heart apex — in the Ѵ-m intercostal space (left side of the chest wall), 2 ctm. outwards from Linea mamil. sinistra. The pulse is low, low filling, normal frequency, correct.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):48-82
pages 48-82 views

International Congress of Bump Control Figures in Washington, DC, 21 Sept. until 12th Oct. new st. 1908

Bertenson L.B.


Russian Bureau of the Congress: Chairman L. B. Bertenson, St. Petersburg, Sergievskaya, 20 Comrade of the Chairman I. F. Ranchevskiy, St. Petersburg, Pushkinskaya, 11. Chief Secretary A. A. Vladimirov, St. Petersburg. Kamennoostrovskiy, 62. In the current year, from September 21 to October 12, new. Art., in Washington the next International Congress of figures for the fight against tubercles will take place.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):83-84
pages 83-84 views

Minutes of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 28th October 1904

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Kavorskom. There were proff. Ge, Arkhangelskiy, Lyubimov, Gerken, Dr. Nebolyubov, Kazanskiy, Kupidonov, Gimmel, Rozhdestvenskiy, Burgsdorf, Kalyapin, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Valitskiy, Ilgovskiy, Pan, Desyatov, Chalusov, Kuznevskiy.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a3-a10
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Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 18 November 1906

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Favorskom. Present - prof. Razumovskiy, Nebolyubov, Dr. Kazanskiy, Gimmel, Zabolotnov, Charushin, Luriya, Osokin, Pervushin; Kupidonov, Sokolov, Fofanov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Ilgovskiy, Chalusov, Goryaev and up to 100 guests.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a11-a19
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Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 11th February 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. Kazem-Bek and under the secretary of Dr. Favorsky.
Present were Nebolyubov, Razumovskiy, Kazanskiy, Idelson. Agafonov, Ilgovskiy, Pan Shibkov, Sokolov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Tsypkin, Opokin, Gimmel, Zakharyevskiy, Kuznetsov, Desyatov, Zabolotnov, Nikolskiy.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a20-a22
pages a20-a22 views

The protocol of the solemn meeting of the Society of Physicians at Kazan University, dedicated to the memory of its honorary member, prof. N. M. Lyubimov. 24th February 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. Favorsky.
Attended by: Razumovskiy, Nebolyubov; Gimmel, Ilgovskiy, Shibkov, Pervushin, Zuev, Goryaev, Enokhin, Nikolskiy, Idelson, Sokolov, Kazanskiy, Arnoldov, Zabolotnov.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a23-a24
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Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 10th March 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. Favorsky.
Present: —Idelson, Kazanskiy, Ilgovskiy, Gimmel, Ostrovskiy, Kuznetsov, Desyatov, Vendrikh, Vinogradov, Lyubenetskiy, Pechnikov, Tsypkin, Zuev, Luriya, Zabolotnov, Arnoldov Troitsky, Chalusov, Goryaev.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a25-a29
pages a25-a29 views

Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. January 27, 1908

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.I. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Favorskom.
Attended - Zabolotnov, Zakharyevskiy, Kupidonov, Pan, Kuznetsov, Gimmel, Chalusov, Levkhanyants, Pervushin, Zuev, Tsypkin, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Blidshtein, Klyachkin, Gerken, Orlovskiy, Troitskiy, Solarevian, Goryevskiy, Troitskiy, Solarevianets, Semchenko, Idelson, Opokin, Nebolyubov, Shibkov, Krivonosov, Cheboksary and 30 guests.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a30-a33
pages a30-a33 views

Report of the Secretary of the Society of Physicians

Favorskiy A.


The expired 1907 was the 38th year of the existence of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. During this year, the Society consisted of 113 members, of which 110 were valid and 3 honorary. The activities of the Society in the past year were expressed in devices of 9 appointments, of which the first-year was dedicated to the commemoration of the memory of N.I. Pirogov. At this meeting, the student of N.I. Pirogov, prof. IM Dogel made a speech: "A word on November 23rd day." Dr. B.P. Enokhin made a speech on the topic: "Pirogov, as the founder of the modern conservative method of treating firearms". A separate meeting was dedicated to the honoring of the Honorary member and active employee of the Society, prof. N. M. Lyubimov. The celebration was accompanied by the utterance of words by the closest students and friends of prof. Lyubimova. So priv. Assoc. II. P. Zabolotnov outlined the personality of prof. Lyubimov as a scientist and professor. Dr. M. V. Kazanskiy gave a description of H. M. Lyubimov as a member of the Kazan Society of Physicians in connection with the history of the Society. Mr. IV Teregulov read: "A friend's memory of Nikolay Matvevich Lyubimov". Dr. Ilgovskiy spoke about H. M. as a teacher and a president of the Society; prof. Kazem-Bek, brought his memories of H.M., as a professor of pathological anatomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a33-a35
pages a33-a35 views

Report on the state of the library of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for 1905 - 1907

Kazanskiy M.


In June 1905, the library of the Society, along with many other institutions, was transferred, by order of the University Board, from the main building of the University to the building of the former student hostel, which is on the Arsk field, so far from the University! And again, thus, the library of our Society experienced the cruel vicissitudes of its fate. I involuntarily recall the unenviable history of our library, which I told about in my article: “The library of the Kazan Society of Physicians for 25 years of its existence (1868-1895)”, published in the “Diary” of our Society of Physicians for 1895, issue. II: "Twenty-five Years of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University". Let me give you a brief history of the ordeal of our library.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(1-2):a36-a46
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