Vol 22, No 10 (1926)

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On the synergism of adrenaline and thyroidin

Sokolov V.M.


The question of the synergism and antagonism of the action of drugs is one of the most interesting and important from the point of view of general pharmacology - the more so because it arises in most cases and in the study of the pharmacodynamics of individual drugs. As regards in particular drugs acting in the same direction, it is not yet possible to summarize all the possibilities and to give exhaustive explanations as to what circumstances and how the effect is enhanced in each individual case. In the literature on this subject we find only attempts to establish whether there is summation of doses or activation. In some cases the question is raised of the activation of one substance by another, and of the creation of more favorable conditions by one drug for the development of the pharmacological action by the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1093-1099
pages 1093-1099 views

To the clinic and therapy of endocarditis lenta

Kushelevsky B.P.


During the last 3 years (1922-25) we have seen 10 cases of e. l. During this time about 2000 patients have passed through our department, which indicates the comparative rarity of this disease, at least in comparison with benign rheumatic endocarditis, which occurs much more frequently. Like any other infection, e. l. seems to have a temporary incidence, occurring in batches. So, not meeting it sometimes during half a year, in the 2nd half of 1925 we simultaneously had under observation 3 patients with e. l.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1100-1108
pages 1100-1108 views

On the functional diagnosis of the liver and pancreas

Kovyazin N.N.


Nowadays many various methods of liver functional diagnostics are proposed (at VIII Congress of Therapists on May 28, 1925 Prof. Konchalovsky gave their summary), but all available methods of this kind satisfy clinics very little. As for methods of functional diagnostics of the pancreas, they are not available at all. We offer the method of functional diagnostics of the liver and pancreas, developed by Rona and his pupils (Reinicke, Bach and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1109-1113
pages 1109-1113 views

Protein therapy for gastric and 12 duodenal ulcers

Grossman D.A.


The preceding imperialist and civil wars, the revolution, and the famine and epidemics that accompanied them, drastically changed the socio-economic conditions of our country, particularly the way of life and nutrition. One of the consequences of this change was a considerable incidence of certain kinds of disease, among which were stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1114-1122
pages 1114-1122 views

Rivanol in surgery

Lidsky A.T.


Thirteen years ago, in the clinic of Professor V.S. Gruzdev, under his supervision, I did work on one of the major issues of modern asepsis, namely, a comparative evaluation of the most common methods of hand disinfection. In this work, of course, I had to get acquainted with the doctrine of asepsis and antisepsis in its entirety, and at the same time I had to delve into the issues of surgical infection in general.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1123-1128
pages 1123-1128 views

Attempted formation of an artificial premediastinal pneumothorax

Ravich-Scherbo V.A.


Anyone who has dealt with an artificial pleuomothorax knows what a huge role the pleural adhesions between the visceral and costal pleura play in this case. To be convinced of this, one has only to open an ordinary manual, for example, a monograph by Sternberg or Rubel. The details of the configuration of the collapsed lung depend on the pleural fusions; thanks to them we sometimes obtain such a happy combination as an elective pneumothorax, which rationally compresses only the diseased parts of the lung without reducing the healthy respiratory surface; thanks to the same fusions, the gas bubble can be arranged so that only the healthy parts of the lung are collapsed, which negates the therapeutic effect of the artificial pneumothorax.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1129-1133
pages 1129-1133 views

Regarding abdominal pseudomyxomas of appendicular origin

Zhakov M.P.


Pseudomyxomas of ovarian origin are not very rare; those arising from cysts of the appendix are far from common: In the literature there are only about 40-50 such cases, of which Russian authors account for 6 - 8 (Winteler, Pikin, Leontiev, Spasokukotskaya), therefore we consider it unnecessary to report about three cases of pseudomixoma of peritoneal origin observed by us in the Hospital Surgery Clinic, one of which is quite unusual in size and peculiarities of tumor localization.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1134-1139
pages 1134-1139 views

On the removal of large foreign bodies from the esophagus

Gusev P.F.


Dentures among esophageal foreign bodies are frequent: Dillon had three dentures removed in 13 cases, Wenglowski had one denture removed in 54 cases of esophageal foreign bodies, according to Bereznevsky out of 256 cases artificial dentures fall in 104. We can think that in the future, with the development of dental technology, surgeons will have to deal even more often with the removal, in one way or another, of dentures, and therefore the question of assistance to such patients is of considerable practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1140-1144
pages 1140-1144 views

On the physiological valgus of the knee

Nikiforov P.A.


The knee joint, as a number of anatomists' observations show, is already normally the apex to the outside of an open obtuse angle formed by joining the femur and tibia bones. This obtuse angle is what we mean by the name of genu valgum physiologicum. Many clinicians forget this physiological phenomenon; others, with Lange and Spitzy at the head, believe that the X-foot is formed only in the 2nd year, considering the characteristic for the 1st year of life the O-foot, which is the result of adaptation to the ovoid shape of the uterine cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1145-1154
pages 1145-1154 views

On intrauterine injections for delayed menses and ectopic pregnancy

Ruzsky E.D.


It is fairly common nowadays for women to ask their doctors to call for a few days' delayed blood. Most women, and in some cases the doctors themselves, are inclined to attribute this delay of blood to causes independent of the pregnancy. This should be recognized as a delusion, because it is undeniable that amenorrhea, for which patients go to doctors, in the vast majority of cases is due to the pregnancy and only in rare cases depends on other causes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1155-1159
pages 1155-1159 views

Tuberculosis among school-age children in schools in Kazan

Marcuse S.M.


The Pirquet reaction as the most sensitive method of mass examination plays the main role in the study of tbc infectivity. It is the extreme sensitivity of this reaction that prevents it from serving as a means of judging the spread of tbc: while in children under 3-4 years of age both negative and positive Pirquet reactions have diagnostic value, with the latter usually indicating the presence of tbc disease in a child at a given time, in older children a positive reaction only indicates that the body was once infected with tbc and is fighting the infection, but does not prove that it is now sick.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1160-1168
pages 1160-1168 views

Materials on the Grossman pain-finger reflex

Sukhov A.A.


I.B. Grossman described a new pathological reflex, which he called finger pain reflex. This phenomenon is as follows: strong, almost painful, pressing of a nail phalanx of a patient's big toe causes plantar flexion of all other toes; the same pressing of nail phalanges of all other toes gives prolonged sharp extensia (dorsal) of the big toe. Grossman's reflex was observed by him in organic diseases of the nervous system, developing mainly in affection of lateral columns.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1169-1170
pages 1169-1170 views

On the use of halil (1116) in syphilis and some skin diseases

Orlov P.F.


The therapeutic value of halil in syphilis is beyond doubt. According to authors who have worked with it (Troisfontaines, Abraham, Zelenev et al.), it is not only as good as salvarsan in this respect, but perhaps surpasses it. On the other hand, there are different opinions about its side effects: some people consider it more toxic than salvarsan and point to cases even of lethal outcome from halil application, others find it harmless, well tolerated and does not cause serious complications. Therefore I will allow myself to share those impressions which were obtained from intravenous injections of halil in the clinic of the Nizhny Novgorod University for the years 1921-22 in the treatment of both syphilis and some skin diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1171-1173
pages 1171-1173 views

Etiology, prevention and serotherapy of scarlatina

Isobolinsky M.P.


For more than 30 years the question of the etiology of scarlet fever has been the subject of the deepest attention and scrutiny of a number of researchers. On this long and thorny path of searching there were moments full of hope, when it seemed that we were about to approach the solution of such a difficult and tempting problem; but, unfortunately, these hopes were quickly replaced by disappointment, and scientific thought plunged back into hopeless skepticism.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1174-1178
pages 1174-1178 views

To the physiology of the spleen. G. P. Sakharov and Dr. S. S. Zubov (Vestn. Endocrinol., 1926, No. 6)


The spleen secretes a special substance, leukocytolysin, an enzyme-like substance that breaks down when heated for 1/2 to an hour at 56° This leukocytolytic function of the spleen is influenced by various influences, particularly hormonal.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1178-1178
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On the functions of the cerebellum. J. ten-Kathe (Phys. Ob., 1926, No. 8)


The cerebellum exerts a tonic and stenotic influence on the musculature, and this influence on individual muscle groups is responsible for the animal maintaining its equilibrium. According to the author, the clinical data suggest that the origin of various movement disorders observed after cerebellar injuries should be attributed mainly to the known muscle atony.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1178-1178
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To the method of studying the structure of bacteria. F.Ya. Kitaev (Vest. Mikr. i Epid., 1926, vol. 3)


The author found that such microbes as diphtheria, typhoid and anthrax bacilli have clearly differentiated nuclei. The latter, however, are mostly invisible due to the presence in the bacterial cell of a protein substance (deutoplasm), which has the ability to perceive coloring particularly well; surrounding the nucleus on all sides, this substance makes it invisible.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

On the variability of microbes. B. I. Kurochkin (Med. Ob. Nijn. Pov., 1926, No. 7-8)


Growing cultures of some microbes (b. subtilis, b. typhi abd., staph, aureus) in broth containing ethyl alcohol for a number of generations, the author caused changes in both the morphological structure and biological features of these microbes, which changes were passed on to new generations of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1178-1179
pages 1178-1179 views

To the problem of immunity. V. M. Zdravosmyslov (Microb. Zhurn., 1926, vol. 1-2)


In his experiments, the author was convinced that not only bacteria, but also apparently neutral substances (like carmine), by whatever means they are introduced into the body, are directed mainly to the intestine. The author thinks that antibodies, as such, are the result of enzymatic processes played out mainly in the intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Staphylococci and methylene blue. Lesbre and Jautsion (C. r. de la Soc. de Biol., 1926, no. 9)


Some authors (Louros, Fuss, etc.) have already previously pointed out that there is a known parallelism between the virulence of microbes - particularly streptococci, staphylococci, b. coli, etc. - and their ability to reduce methylene blue in liquid media.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

The role of the skin in rabies infection. K. Khalyapin (Tr. Azerb. Inet. Micr., vol. 2-3)


The author verified by experiment that the guinea pig skin is an organ highly sensitive to the rabies virus - infection with rabies through the skin is very easy, which the author puts in connection with its anatomical features (a rich network of nerves).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Treatment of Roma according to Bezredka. K.T. Glukhov (Microb. Journal, 1926, vol. 1-2)


К. T. Glukhov, having applied treatment with Bezredka antiviral in 129 cases of rorrhoeal inflammation, came to certain conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

One-stage vaccination against smallpox and diphtheria. G. Amin-Zadeh (Tr. Azerb. Inst. of Microbes, vol. 2-3)


Prof. Zdrodovsky suggested, in rural practice, to simultaneously vaccinate children with smallpox lymph and actively immunize them against diphtheria with diphtheria anatoxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

To the etiology of childhood cholera. P. Zdrodovsky and E. Brenn (Tr. of the Azerb. Inst. of Microbes, vol. 2-3)


Based on their observations, the authors establish the important role of b. coli in the etiology of childhood cholera. E. coli seems to be the main culprit of this disease, although other microbes, in particular b. proteus, may also be involved.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Vaccine therapy of bacillary dysentery per os. K. T. Glukhov, E. A. Volkova, G. L. Erusalimchik and L. G. Panina (Prof. Med., 1926, No. 7-8)


The authors were convinced that application of dysentery vaccine in doses even up to 600 billion per day per person for 6-8 days is completely harmless. To get a good therapeutic result the vaccine should be used as early as possible - in the first day of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1179-1180
pages 1179-1180 views

Filtered forms of tbc virus. Arloing and Dufourt (Microb. Journal, 1926, vol. 1-2)


Studies by Arloing and Dufourt et al. have proven that such filtered forms are indeed observed both in tbc bacillus cultures and in tubercle foci in humans and experimental animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Is there any parallelism between alcoholism and tbc disease? Аrnoult (Revue d. hyg., 1925, no. 7)


The author answers this question, in the negative. Neither statistics, nor clinical data, nor experiment provide any evidence in favor of the idea, once advanced by Lanceraux and still supported by many hygienists, of an etiological connection between tbc and alcoholism, and it is best left alone.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands. A. Sternberg (Vr. Gaz., 1926, No. 15-16)


The author draws attention to the important clinical significance in tbc of mesenteric adenitis, which is no less important than that of tracheo-bronchial adenitis. Causing local inflammation of peritoneum, mesenteric adenitis in tbc patients, therefore, leads to pain and intestinal disorders in the form of constipation and diarrhea.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Toward calcium therapy for tuberculosis. С. P. Kosmodemyansky and K. N. Kobeleva (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 6)


The authors' observations showed that administration of CaCl2 per os has little effect on the increase of Ca in the blood, while intravenous administration leads to an increase of Ca in the blood with improvement of clinical phenomena in the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Blood plaques in malignant tumors. V. N. Sokolov (Russ. Klin., No. 27)


Having studied the number of blood plates in 51 patients with malignant tumors, V.N. Sokolov found that in 36 of them, i.e. in 70% of them, the number of plates was increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Combined study of liver function and X-raying of gallbladder. Faltitschek and Krasso (Wien. klin. Woch., 1926, No. 14)

Mogilevsky E.R.


The authors propose the following method: at 8 o'clock in the evening the patient is injected intravenously with a solution of 3.0-4.0 tetrajodphenolphialeinnatri'ya in 40 c. aq. destil. After 15 min. the first ring test is made (by Kunfi). which is repeated every 15 m. until the ring disappears. The next morning the patient is X-rayed. Normally the ring test is negative 15 minutes after the infusion of the solution. In partial diseases of the liver parenchyma the test is often negative as well.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Treatment of malignant neoplasms with lead. Blair-Bell (Vrach. Ob., 1926, No. 7)


The author uses for this purpose an aqueous electric suspension of metallic lead extracted according to Bredig's method and mixed with 0.4% gelatin. After centrifugation, this product is made hypertonic by adding 2% NaCl, 9.95% KCl, and 9.92% CaCl. This preparation contains 0.5% lead and is named S7.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Pituitary traction in constipation. Carnot and Terris (Paris méd., 1926, no. 14)


The authors have seen excellent results from the use of traction from the posterior pituitary lobe for constipation. The best effect is obtained with intravenous administration of the extract.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

To the treatment of edemas with novasurol. Saxl (Wien. klin. Woch., 1926, no. 28)


The author successfully used novasurol, instead of injections, per os, in the form of sealed gelatin capsules containing 0.2 novasurol powder; patients were usually given one capsule a day after breakfast.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Toward the treatment of bronchial asthma. V. V. Kosmachevsky (Sredne-Az. Med. J., 1926, No. 7)


The author recommends calcium therapy for this purpose in the form of intravenous injections of 10% calcium bromide solution 10-15 cc every other day.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Lead poisoning prevention. M. Kail (ref. in Gig. Tr., 1926, No. 7-8)


The author recommends that workers at risk of inhaling or ingesting lead be given the following solution for this purpose: magn. sulph. 0.95, Na sulph. 1.25, as. sulph. 0.38, as. sulph. arom. 0.003, water in an amount of 100.0 per 13 g of mixture. Half of this solution is used to rinse the mouth, the other half is taken per os.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1181-1182
pages 1181-1182 views

Effect of urotropine. I. M. Porodominsky (Urology, 1926, No. 12)

Tsimkhes I.


The author was convinced that the disinfecting effect of this agent at the normally used doses of it depends solely on the formaldehyde released from it. This decomposition of urotropine into its constituent components and the detachment of formaldehyde occurs only in an acidic environment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

Artificial formation of esophagus. V. R. Breitsev (Zent. f. Chir., 1926, No. 32)

Tsimkhes I.


The author operated on a 12-year-old girl who accidentally drank a caustic lye, after which her esophagus could barely pass some fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

A new modification of anus praeternaturalis. A. N. Kruglov (Zent. f. Chir., 1926, no. 32)

Tsimkhes I.


The author describes a modification of the Lambre V. method used successfully in 5 cases in the clinic of Prof. H.N. Petrov. The peculiarity of this modification is that after the usual removal of the loop of intestines, the latter is not opened, but is surrounded by a skin flap, which does not affect the movement of the intestinal contents at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1182-1183
pages 1182-1183 views

Surgical treatment of chronic constipation. Finsterer (Wien. kl. Woch., 1926, no. 32)

Sergeev V.


For this purpose, instead of a complete colon extirpation (colectomia totalis) according to Lanier, which gives too high primary mortality rate, the author suggests partial resection, especially in the form of removal of the left half of the colon, from the middle colonis transversi to the colon pelvinum. He performed such partial resection in 40 patients, including 39 adults and one 9-year-old child, with fatal outcome of the operation in 2 cases - a child and one adult.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

Autoserotherapy of trachoma. Angеluссi (Arch. d'opht., v. 42, no. 9)


Having used injections of these patients' own blood serum in an amount of 1-11/2 cc pro dosi in a number of trachomatous patients, at intervals of 2-3 days, the author was generally satisfied with the results obtained. The corneal complications lent themselves especially well to autoserotherapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

To the treatment of trachoma. Merhoff (Zeit. f. Augenh., 1926; on ref. Phys. Ob., 1926, no. 8)


The author obtained very good results in 15 cases of trachoma from intravenous injections of a 4% solution of ammonium sulfate copper.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

Vaginal Trichomonas. Schmidt and Kamniker (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 127)

Gruzdev V.


Having studied the vaginal secretion of 153 women, the authors found the presence of trichomonads in 69.9% of them. It is interesting that the latter were found not only in acidic secretions, as might be thought on the basis of literature data.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

To the determination of a woman's ability to feed. T. Abramson (Vr. G., 1926, no. 15-16)


The author was convinced that if a woman in the lactation period has a difference of 0.3° or higher between the temperature under the breast and in axilla, then such a woman is definitely able to breastfeed.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1183-1184
pages 1183-1184 views

On the effect of nicotine on pregnant women. O. B. Leschinskaya (Hyg. Labor, 1926, No. 7-8)


A number of authors' references to the frequency of miscarriages among tobacco factory workers prompted O.B. Leschinskaya to experimentally study the effect of nicotine on pregnant women. It turned out that nicotine poisoning does give high fetal mortality. Experiments on an isolated rabbit uterus further convinced the author that in the uterus, under the influence of nicotine, an environment favorable to miscarriages and stillbirths is created.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

On the prevention of abortion after operations on pregnant women. Vàrô (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, no. 30)

Zabolotskaya E.


On the basis of his own observations (30 ovariotomies in pregnant women), the author concluded that abortion occurred mainly in cases when the moment of surgery coincided with the moment of menstruation, which would have happened if the woman had not been pregnant.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

Intrauterine infection of the fetus with parasitic worms. K. I. Skryabin (Prof. Med., 1926, No. 7-8)

Sergeev V.


The data collected from the literature make Prof. K. I. Skryabin think that numerous species of parasitic worms of Trematodes, Cestodes and Nematodes classes can pass from the body of the pregnant mother to the fetus. Particularly frequent are those parasitic worms whose larvae spend part of their lives in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

Effect of goitre extract on uterine activity and its practical application in obstetrics. Temesvàry (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 6), Borckhardt (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 30), Jahreiss (ib., No. 31)

Zabolotskaya E.


In studying the effect of thymus'estract on the musculature, Temesvàry was convinced that this extract has an excitatory effect on the contractile work of the uterus, and, in contrast to the pituitary extract, which causes long, sometimes tetanic contractions, thymus'estract causes regular, rhythmic contractions. The combined application of both extracts also gives rhythmic contractions, and the effect is stronger and more prolonged.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

The value of bacteriological examination of the vaginal flora of women in childbirth. A. V. Alexandrov (Vr. Gaz., 1926. No. 15-16)

Gruzdev V.


The author finds that the results of this study do not predict the onset of puerperal disease. The author is further convinced that late coitus is not reflected in the vaginal flora, and its importance in the etiology of postpartum diseases is small.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

On the dangers of caesarian section. Rother (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, no. 30)

Gruzdev V.


It is well known that this operation has recently become extremely widespread in obstetric practice. It is used to empty the uterus not only in term births, but also in the early stages of pregnancy. The negligible primary mortality after this operation in the hands of modern obstetricians partly justifies its enthusiasm; on the other hand, however, it should not be forgotten that it sometimes creates such changes in the uterus that threaten serious danger in subsequent pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

On the genesis of uterine fibromiomas. Schiller and Frankl (reported in Wien. kl. Woch., 1926, no. 29)

Gruzdev V.


The starting point of these tumors is not the vascular wall, as Schottländer insists, but they originate from myoblasts. However, it is difficult to say what the latter represent, whether they are undifferentiated embryonic elements in the sense of Cohnhém, or elements of an indifferent physiological zone, from which, according to Cohn and Scharer, there is a physiological increase of myometrium, for example, during pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

"Should it be reported?" Vanverts (Gyn. et Obst., 1926, no. 3)

Chernoyarova V.


The author discusses the question of whether the operated and her loved ones have the right to know the full truth about the nature of her surgery, and whether the gynecological surgeon must tell them this truth, or, in some cases, must withhold some of it from those concerned?

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

To the pathogenesis of generalized headache. M. S. Margulis (Vest. Sovr. Med., 1926, No. 7)


Generalized headache is a vaso-secretory neurosis that develops on the basis of irritation and deeper changes in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous apparatus of the soft cerebral membranes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

To pathogenesis and operative therapy of encephalocele. L. E. Komendantov (Vestn. rhino-olar.-ot., 1926)

Sergeev V.


On the basis of the study of 4 cases of this disease, Prof. L.E. Komendantov concludes that the so-called hernia of the brain (encephalocele) is not a true hernia, but a special neoplasm, in the origin of which, at least as far as meningocele type hernia of the brain is concerned, a local inflammatory process plays a well-known role.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Nirvanol treatment for chorea. Matzdorff (Deut. med. W., 1926, No. 13)


The author obtained very good results from such treatment, and administered (to 10-year-old children) 0.1-0.2 Nirvanol pro dosi; for the entire course of treatment, the patients took 4-6 grams of the drug.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Vaccine encephalitis. Levaditi and Nicolau (C. ren. d. 1. Soc. de Biol., 1926, no. 2)


Recently, a number of cases of fatal encephalitis in children after smallpox vaccination have been described in the foreign press. According to Levaditi and Nicolau, in these cases the smallpox virus is not, as some think, the direct causative agent of encephalitis, and the vaccination is only a factor favoring the development of the disease in carriers of the encephalitic virus, as well as in persons in the latent period of infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Syphilis without chancre. Collier and Evers (Deut. m. W., 1926, No. 14)


The possibility of general syphilitic infection in man without any signs of a primary or secondary character has long been noticed by clinicians. This fact has now been confirmed by Colle and Evers and experimentally by experiments on rabbits, to which large doses of bismuth were first injected and then infected with syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Bone changes in congenital syphilis. M. M. Reitz (Ven. and Derm., 1926, no. 4)


Having examined 240 children with congenital syphilis with x-rays, M. M. Reitz could find specific bone diseases in 80% of them. In this case in infants Wegener's osteochondritis luetica, also periostitis and osteosclerosis, rarely hummosis processes in the periosteum and spongy substance were observed most often.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Treatment of psoriasis vulgaris by gl. thymus irradiation. A. L. Khalinsky and F. M. Abramovich (Ven. and Derm., 1926, No. 4)


In quite a large percentage of cases of psoriasis the authors obtained good results from the X-raying of the goitre gland (Brock's method). From this the authors think that maybe in the etiology of at least a part of cases of this disease lies a hypofunction of the gl. thymus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1186-1187
pages 1186-1187 views

Treatment of subjective noises. V. A. Sgibov (J. Ears, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1926, No. 7-8)


It is well known that sub'ective noises are one of the most frequent and severe companions of auricular suffering. Their cause, in spite of the many theories proposed to explain their origin, is still unknown, although all authors see an increased irritability of the auditory nerve as the basis of this disorder.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1187-1187
pages 1187-1187 views

To the etiology of genuinenna ozenna. Ya. A. Galperin and L.L. Frumin (Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1926, No. 7-8)


Having studied the vegetative nervous system of 4 patients with this disease, J.A. Halperin and L.L. Frumin found that, apparently, genuinnaya ozena represents a trophoneurotic process developing on the basis of visceral system disturbance, which disturbance is characterized by weakening of the sympathetic part tone.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1187-1187
pages 1187-1187 views

Nerve transplantation in the muscles of the larynx. N. Nikolaev (Vest. rhino-olar. - ot., 1926, No. 3)

Sergeev V.


The author found that the peripheral end of the motor nerve, being directly transplanted into previously denervated muscles, takes root and enters into functional connection with the previously paralyzed muscle through newly formed terminal apparatuses.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1187-1187
pages 1187-1187 views

Bernatsky's reaction.N. L. Bernatzky (from Russ.-Nem. Med. J., 1926, No. 7)


This reaction is based on the idea that there are biochemical sex differences in the tissues of both plant and animal organisms, as a result of which the sex of the organism to which the tissue belongs can be established colorimetrically.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1187-1187
pages 1187-1187 views

Female suicides. Ya. Leibovich (ref. in Vestnik. Sovr. Med., 1926, No. 7)


According to J. Leibovich, since 1920 the relative number of suicides among women (as compared with the number of suicides among men) has increased 2.3 times in Russia. Out of 413 female suicides in 1920-1922, there were 163 among maidens, 162 among married women, and 34 among widows. There were 63 illiterates among suicides, 134 with little illiteracy, 19 with secondary education, and only one with higher education.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1188-1188
pages 1188-1188 views

Prof. V. I. Glinchikov. Clinical Lectures. Course of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic. Part II. Kubuch Publisher, Leningrad, 1926

Zimnitsky S.


At one time in the pages of the "Kazan Med. Magazine" (1924, № 7) we gave a review on the first part of the clinical lectures of my esteemed pupil and fellow-professor. If the first issue of his lectures did not satisfy me in some respects, the present, second book, containing five sections, devoted to cholelithiasis, round ulcer of stomach, cancer of stomach and liver, thoracic thirst and emphysema of lungs, finally to hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver - many times surpasses the first experience of the author.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1188-1188
pages 1188-1188 views

Р. Gajkovic. Behavior of a Tuberculosis Patient (in a Generally Accessible Statement). Leningrad, 1926, 58 pp. Price: 60 kopecks

Zimnitsky S.


This book, small in size, contains a number of explanations and instructions concerning various points in the life of the tbc patient. It is intelligently put together and can be of considerable benefit to the patient with tuberculosis, explaining to him, in general, the essence of treatment and helping him to carry out a whole series of medical instructions and measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1188-1188
pages 1188-1188 views

R. Gajkovic. Treatment of the Tuberculosis Patient. Modern fundamentals and methods of treatment. 3rd edition. Leningrad, 1926.372 pp. Price: 3 rubles 60 kopeks

Zimnitsky S.


The author tries to cover the discussed question broadly, even in relation of tuberculosis to the constitution and endocrine glands condition. He elaborates on the early recognition of the disease; but, speaking about the methods of bacteriological and biological recognition, unfortunately, he does not give references to special works of Russian authors in this direction, at least monographs by Nikolsky, Zimnitsky and others, so his literature references make an impression of something incomplete and accidental.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1188-1189
pages 1188-1189 views

Pr.-Docent M.Y. Aryev. Bronchial asthma (pathogenesis, clinic and treatment). Proc. Medicine. 1926. 120 pp. Price: 1 r. 50 k.

Zimnitsky S.


The author, taking into consideration the fact that there are no monographs in Russian on such a burning issue as bronchial asthma, offers his work, which aims to cover the issue on the basis of the literature and his own experience in the clinics of Prof. K.N. Georgievsky and G.F. Lang. And it is fair to say that the monograph has touched upon the question comprehensively, both from the point of view of clinics and therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1189-1189
pages 1189-1189 views

Dr. N.P. Tager, lecturer at the State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. Duodenal ulcer (ulcus duodeni). Leningrad. 1925. Publication house of P.P. Soikin. 95 pp. and an appendix: literature and 2 tables. Price 1 r.

Zimnitsky S.


The task of the author was to outline in brief, but at the same time, with as much completeness as possible, the clinical picture of a duodenal ulcer as it appears at the present time. On the basis of his extensive material; and literary data, the author has very thoroughly and skillfully dealt with the position of the question ad hoc tempus, and therefore this book can be of use to any physician both theoretically and practically, by examining and illuminating the various points of doctrine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1189-1190
pages 1189-1190 views

I Volga Region Venereological Congress

Batunin M.


The Congress, which opened in Kazan on 11/IX this year, was attended by 95 delegates, including 60 from other towns and 35 from Kazan; 16 provinces, 5 republics and 32 cities were represented in all. There were 46 reports, the contents of which were the following: social venereology 14 reports, syphilis 11, gonorrhea 11 and skin diseases 10. There were 25 reports from Kazan and the rest from other cities.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1190-1195
pages 1190-1195 views

Ural Medical Society in Sverdlovsk


Dr. S.A. Amchislavsky demonstrated a patient with false megalogastrium.
Dr. V.M. Onufriev presented a patient in whom he had performed an operation of artificial formation of vagina from rectum. The result was quite satisfactory, except for a small vaginal-intestinal fistula.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1195-1197
pages 1195-1197 views

Medical conferences at Yaroslavl Obstetrical and Gynaecological Hospital


In March 1926, Medical Conferences were organized at the Yaroslavl Provincial Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital with the purpose of discussing questions of scientific and practical nature as well as questions of medical ethics. The members of the Conferences were not only doctors, but also middle medical personnel. These conferences, which took place twice a month, were attended not only by the staff of this hospital, but also by the staff of other medical institutions in Yaroslavl.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1197-1197
pages 1197-1197 views

Chronicle. Vol. 22, No. 10 (1926)


Article 155 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR was amended to read: "Knowingly putting another person through sexual intercourse or other actions in danger of contracting a venereal disease shall be punishable by imprisonment or compulsory labor for a term of up to six months".

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(10):1197-1197
pages 1197-1197 views

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