Vol 1, No 7-8 (1901)

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To changes in the retina and pigment epithelium during the secondary commander

Agababov A.G.


Thus and in this eye there are phenomena of iridocyklitis with the transition already into atrophy; here there is a picture and acute chorioidit'a with abundant exudates. Complete retinal detachment; in the last days of inflammation with characteristic changes in its parts. In the pigment epithelium, the edema of the cells themselves, the discharge of the pigment in them; the formation of small cavities in this layer. In the sclera and congestion, depending on the stagnation inside the eye and inflammation of the chorioideae, and in addition to the cornea at the place of the operation, there are inflammatory phenomena. In the vorticose veins (in the sclera), inflammatory changes in her walls are reduced by the contraction of illumination.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):361-369
pages 361-369 views

To the pathological anatomy of the spinal cord in diabetes mellitus

Osokin N.E.


Thanks to a number of works by various researchers, it became known that with diabetes, spinal cord disease occurs frequently, and the lesions take part (to a greater or lesser extent) that is very (W. Muller None), then very (Lеісlіtеntrіtt, wіllіаmsоn, Leyden) sub stations, the vascular system or finally the central channel (Diskinson). At that time, when the pathogenesis of the sugar disease was examined only from the point of view of C1. Vegard'a, that is, lesions of the bottom of the fourth ventricle, changes in the spinal cord in most cases were considered primary phenomena, and diabetics - as a consequence of the spread of a painful process from the spinal cord to the rhomboid fossa (Wеbісlісlе). Along with similar observations, which fully fit into the framework of the theory of a sugar injection, there were such cases of diabetes, where, when one or another lesion of the spinal cord was found, the medulla oblongata remained completely intact (Silver and Irvine, W. Miller). It goes without saying that these cases were waiting for their explanation. Dr. W. Muller in the case of diabetes studied by him was in a state to discover, over a considerable length of the spinal cord, the disappearance of the substance at the base of the anterior horns, replacing it with loose connective tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):370-380
pages 370-380 views

About hysterical flatulence

Toporkov N.N.


On September 13, 1897, patient L. entered the Kazan District Hospital as an unknown woman's name, as she was picked up on the street by the police and delivered to the Hospital without any documents. On the other hand, she correctly, as it turned out later, gave her name; said that she was "hysterical" and "seeing"; during seizures, she scratches her hands, beats her head: there were indeed scratches on the patient's hands. Later, from the patient's relatives, it was possible to obtain the following data about her pathological inheritance: the patient's father, the village deacon, drank drunkenly, his brother was an alcoholic; the other brother died of consumption; he had seizures starting at age 21; paternal uncle drank drunkenly; dѣd drank drunkenly on the father's side, there are many alcoholics on the paternal side.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):381-389
pages 381-389 views

Acad. M. Bekhterev. On mental disorders of swallowing (Dysphagia psychica). Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. 1901, May

Toporkov N.


Yeshe lt 10-12 so n. The author drew attention to the mental disorder of the act of swallowing. This symptom complex is not often encountered. In terms of its practical importance, it undisputedly deserves special attention. The author's observations boil down to the fact that there is a kind of painful fear, which is expressed by the fear of swallowing the act, or, more precisely, the fear of choking.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):390-391
pages 390-391 views

Velyamovich. System of Outpatient Application of Hypnotherapy as a Method of Controlling Alcoholism. Medical Gazette of 1901, No. 29

Toporkov N.


Pointing out that hypnotherapy of alcoholism is generally recognized as one of the best ways to cure the last day, the author says that, despite this, hypnosis still does not play any serious role in the fight against drunkenness.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):391-392
pages 391-392 views

Dr. N. Y. Kumberg. A case of hysterical deafness. Physician, 1901, No. 19

Skolozubov A.


A man under the influence of joint action for a number of reasons that have the meaning of mental and physical trauma (physical fatigue, colds; troubles and worries associated with the funeral of a comrade) developed a convulsive seizure, after which the degree of mutation duplex remained ... These phenomena gradually disappeared over the course of about two months, and the deafness passed before the deafness.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):392-392
pages 392-392 views

Dr. N. А. Struev. On the Raynaud's pain casuistry. Medical Review. 1901, June

Skolozubov A.


The patient was admitted to the author's observation with complaints of general weakness, discharge of bloody sputum and necrosis of the terminal phalanges of the fingers of the lower and upper extremities. She gave birth to 6 children, except that there were 3 miscarriages. Lues and alcoholismus are denied. Over the last 4 years, she suffered 2 times lobar pneumonia and acute articular rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):392-393
pages 392-393 views

Dr. N. А. Vyrubov. Irregularities of Willisian circle formation, their frequency and significance in the mentally ill. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. May, June, 1901

Levchatkin V.


The author sets himself the task, on the one hand, to find out whether deviations in the formation of vessels of the Willis circle are encountered in the mentally ill more often than in the mentally healthy; on the other hand, do not the mentally ill have any or all of the arteries of the base of the brain a special tendency to deviate in education, that is, show with numbers in hand what anomalies in the formation of blood vessels are encountered most often in mentally ill.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):393-394
pages 393-394 views

Z. I. Ivanov. Mania transitoria alcoholica (from the Vladikavkaz Military Hospital). Psychiatry, Neuropathology and Expert Psychology Review. 1901, May

Sergeev L.A.


In the described case, the patient, a habitual drunkard, who was given over to frequent alcoholic excesses, developed organic changes in the nervous system. On the basis of a painfully altered nervous system, he developed attacks of mental disorder that suddenly appeared, lasting 3-4 hours and ending with recovery after deep sleep. These attacks were accompanied all the time by frivolous actions, reaching to violent impulses and extremely destructive aspirations for dimming consciousness, so that the patient did not have the slightest recollection of the events that occurred during the attack.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):394-395
pages 394-395 views

Prof. A.I. Pospelov. A new sign of local limb lividity or Raynaud's disease. Medical Review. Year XXVII, Volume LVI

Zaitsev A.


The author says that the "biting or gnawing of nails" observed in some subjects is not a "bad habit", as the majority of not only the public, but also doctors think, but, apparently, there is one seizure disorder that accompanies the swelling of the limbs or illness, described by Raynaud under the name asphyxie locale des extremites.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):395-396
pages 395-396 views

V. Aleksandrov. On the issue of traumatic neuroses. Bulletin of Public, Forensic and Practical Medicine. July, 1901

Zaitsev A.


Having indicated at the outset that the disorders of the nervous system caused by trauma present great difficulties in determining them in general, and mainly in forensic cases and indicating the reasons for these difficulties, the author cites 6 cases from his forensic practice, describing a whole series of nervous the disorder, which was observed in the patients observed by them, after the injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):396-396
pages 396-396 views

М. I. Stetsnevich. On the question of immunity to tetanus. Diss. Spb., 1901


It is extremely interesting and important to solve the question of the duration of the protective effect of tetanus antitoxin injected directly into the substance of the brain. The author understands that if the determination of the duration of immunity, achieved by intra-cerebral injections of tetanus toxoid, and cannot resolve the question of the nature of the effect of antitoxin on the cellular elements of the nervous system susceptible to tetanotoxin, then it can be observed in the future understanding of the immune system.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):397-398
pages 397-398 views

Dr. A. Chugaev. Departments of emergency surgery. Part III. Diseases and injuries of the breast. (Appendix to No. 49 "Surgery" for 1901)

Kreis S.N.


Opening of the internal cavities of a human body — the abdominal, and even more of the chest — represented a noli me tangere for surgeons at the time before anti- and aseptic treatment of wounds. This attitude was caused by the huge, almost universal, mortality among the operated. In part, this phenomenon was explained by the fact that with these, usually urgent, operations, the doctor is limited in time: he has to work quickly, in an environment that is often far from satisfying the requirements, without preliminary preparation of the patient, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):399-400
pages 399-400 views

Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University


Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at
Imperial Kazan Universityѣ.
Meeting on February 25, 1901
I. Report of the commission on the issue of limiting the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes (continued).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):401-407
pages 401-407 views

Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at Imperial Kazan University


Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at
Imperial Kazan University.
Meeting April 29, 1901
I. Prof. IM Dogel. - "Vessels and nerves of the hip joint in the anatomical-physiological relationship."

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):407-409
pages 407-409 views

From scientific gatherings of doctors of the Kazan Regional Hospital. Meeting of the 3rd June, 1901


From scientific gatherings of doctors of the Kazan Regional Hospital.
Meeting of the II-GO June 1901
Dr. N.N. Toporkov. "Obg hysterical flatulence".
(The report is placed in the present No.).
After reading the report, N.N. Toporkov demonstrated to the patient: in her waking state, it was suggested to her that her stomach would now swell.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):409-411
pages 409-411 views

From scientific gatherings of doctors of the Kazan Regional Hospital. Meeting of July 29, 1901


From scientific gatherings of doctors of the Kazan Regional Hospital.
Meeting on July 29, 1901
Prof. A.E.Smirnov. "On the structure of the nerve cells of the dorsal nodes in the 4-month-old human embryo", with a demonstration of drawings and a description of the conditions under which the studies were made (methods of processing and coloring.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):412-418
pages 412-418 views

Correspondence. Vol. 1, No. 7-8 (1901)


- Doctor of the Chelyabinsk city hospital An. K. Novitskiy informs us about the case of the use of hemostatic tweezers a demeure during amputation of the lower leg.
The abandonment of hemostatic tweezers at the earliest, and demeure — he writes — has become widespread in operative gynecology for a relatively long time, and it is quite natural to expect that the same principle — to do without immersion ligatures on vessels, will be used in other areas as well.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):419-421
pages 419-421 views

Fifty years of medical activity of Doctor of Medicine A. A. Mislavsky


Fifty years of medical activity of Doctor of Medicine A. A. Mislavsky

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(7-8):421-425
pages 421-425 views

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