Vol 24, No 8 (1928)

Changes in the morphological composition of blood under the influence of muscular movements

Dryagin K.A., Inyushkin N.V., Dryagina O.N., Mokeev A.M.


Muscle movements are of great importance in the physiological processes of the body. Labor of a worker in a factory, work of a peasant in a field and at home, physical training, and often even different kinds of rest (hunting, boating, skiing, skating, etc.) are connected with more or less tense muscular movements. The study of the effect of the latter on the body is of multifaceted interest: on the one hand, it gives an opportunity to establish the impact of these movements on other physiological processes of the body, and on the other hand - a more objective approach to the scientific organization of labor and physical education. As in our clinic the questions of blood formation and morphological composition of blood are given very significant attention, we used the opportunity to make observations of changes in the morphological composition of blood under the influence of muscular movements.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):721-728
pages 721-728 views

On pulmonary syphilis and its combination with tbc

Zhuravleva V.I.


Not so long ago pulmonary syphilis was a rare finding on the sectional table, nor was it often diagnosed by clinicians. In 1896 Stolper (1896) had 61 cases of visceral lues per 3,000 sections, of which 4 were due to pulmonary syphilis. Сlaytor (1905) did not encounter a single case of pulmonary syphilis in 13,000 autopsies. Symmers (1916) had 0.24% pulmonary syphilis per 4,880 autopsies. Саrraro (1920) found 7.8% pulmonary syphilis in 152 syphilitics (his cases checked microscopically). Finally, Osler (1920) found 12 cases of pulmonary syphilis per 2,800 autopsies.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):729-735
pages 729-735 views

On mesenteric tumors

Georgievsky A.A.


The world literature counts not more than 4 - 5 hundreds of mesenteric tumors of different character, most of them are cystic and only about one fourth of them are dense tumors. According to Popov's statistics (from the clinic of Prof. Fedorov) the latter have been published in 134 cases only, including malignant tumors in 75 cases, namely sarcomas in 69 cases and cancers in 6 cases. Among benign tumors, fibromas (28 cases), adenomyomas and neuromas (1 case each) are more common here.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):736-739
pages 736-739 views

Surgical treatment of rectal prolapse

Eiber S.M., Tkachenko I.O.


Currently, two classifications of lower intestinal tube prolapses have been adopted: the French classification based on the different involvement of the intestinal tube layers in the prolapse, and the German classification based on the topography of the prolapsed parts along the length of the intestinal tube. The first distinguishes 1) prolapsus mucosae recti, 2) prolapsus recti completus, and 3) prolapsus recti invaginati; the second distinguishes 1) prolapsus ani, 2) prolapsus ani et recti, 3) prolapsus recti, and 4) prolapsus recti invaginati.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):740-745
pages 740-745 views

Toward the current status of abdominal caesarean section

Gruzdev V.S., Timofeev A.I.


Several thousand years have passed since the abdominal caesarian operation, known as far back as the ancient Egyptians and included in the legislation of the Romans of the time of kings, began to be used on the dead. More than 300 years have passed since Trautmann, in Wittenberg, first successfully performed it on the living (in 1610). Finally, several decades have passed since when, thanks to the successes of antiseptics and asepsis, this operation, like many others, from almost absolutely lethal has become relatively safe for the mother. Under such conditions and with the truly colossal literature on the question of caesarian section - it would seem that this issue should have long been resolved in every detail, and in it now can not be introduced any more or less major innovations.
However, this is far from being the case: in fact, it is in recent times, over the last 10 to 15 years, that we have found a number of significant changes in this area. One of these changes concerns the scope of the caesarean section and the indications for it. This change is directly related to the outcomes of the operation, both for the fetus and especially for the mother.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):746-758
pages 746-758 views

On the Distribution of Contraceptives in the Population

Bykov S.G.


The modern medical community attaches great importance to contraception. The reasons for this are: 1) the desire to eliminate the wave of abortion, 2) the desire to enable women to decide the question of maternity themselves, 3) to teach contraception where eugenic and social indications prompt it, etc. At the first meeting of maternity protection workers, the following statement was made: the duty of motherhood, although still considered as a high duty, is not compulsory for women, even if this would be to the disadvantage of the state (Kaplun). Having taken this view, we must take a closer look at existing contraceptives, study them, and recommend those that are most advisable and harmless.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):759-762
pages 759-762 views

A rare late complication after surgery to create an artificial vagina

Malinovsky N.N.


According to the majority of gynecologists, the operation of forming an artificial vagina is now out of the period of discussion of its ethical acceptability. It is true that even now some authors do not recognize its advisability, but they are a significant minority, and statistics currently counting hundreds of such operations with good, in functional terms, results give this operation, with special indications, the full right of citizenship.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):763-766
pages 763-766 views

Natural feeding

Klivanskaya-Krol E.


Most pediatricians believe that the appropriate way to feed an infant is the one that achieves the health and development of the infant. Despite recent advances in dietetics, natural feeding is the only such method. Only a few authors argue that the same results can be achieved with artificial feeding as with natural feeding, as long as it is used reasonably enough.In the infant, due to the increased growth and low resistance of the young organism, the dependence of the organism on the type of nutrition is most revealed. Every kind of animal has a special milk, and every young animal develops best on the milk of its kind. It depends on both the chemical constituents of milk and its biological characteristics.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):767-772
pages 767-772 views

About one peculiar variant of the lesion of the upper branch of the facial nerve in hemiplegia

Osokin N.E.


The characteristic usually given for cerebral paralysis of facial nerve - affection only of its lower branches and very small participation of the upper branch, explained by Dejerine's bilateral supranuclear innervation of the latter, as more detailed researches of patients show, cannot be considered absolutely true. There are cases presenting retreats where both branches are involved in the lesion. Such cases have given rise to the assumption that the central conductors for the superior branch of n. facialis all the way from the cortex to the nucleus in the brainstem are separated from the conductors for the lower branches.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):773-775
pages 773-775 views

Stovarsolan treatment for syphilis in children

Batunin M.P.


At the present time there is already a number of works, both laboratory and clinical-experimental, partly appeared in the press, partly reported at congresses and meetings of scientific societies - works performed with stovarsolan Aniltrest, and characterizing preventive and therapeutic value of this drug. Indications for its use are all forms of syphilis, contraindications - decompensated heart defects, nephritis of non-syphilitic origin, serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, far advanced pulmonary tbc, severe general exhaustion if not directly caused by syphilis, finally, organic (non-syphilitic) sufferings of the eye and auditory nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):776-779
pages 776-779 views

Are Paris greens suitable for killing the larvae of malarial mosquitoes?

Herman O.A., Kolosov Y.M., Lipin N.M.


Recently after our articles "Paris greens as a means of struggle against larvae of malarial mosquitoes" and "Parisergrün als Anopheles-Larvizid" there appeared 2 articles on the same subject by F. I. Yatsenko, in which the author, considering his experiments in laboratory and natural conditions quite convincing, advises to use Parisergrün instead of oil and kerosene on huge areas (calculations are made on tens!) and suggests that Parisergrün promises to displace all other larvicides. In view of the fact that our experiments published earlier as well as those which we made further do not give us the right to consider Paris greens as an excellent larvicide, we will dwell first on Yatsenko's experiments to clarify whether they really allow to draw conclusions about superiority of greens over kerosene and oil and then we will pass to description of our new experiments which did not give a difference with the previous ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):780-785
pages 780-785 views

The most important moments of the sanitary condition of the Volga-Kama region in the past and present

Lukyanov I.K.


Each social system is characterized by a certain level of general and sanitary culture). Historically, development of the latter (population health and its protection) went unevenly for different territories and population groups depending on political and cultural-economic conditions. These stages of sanitary condition, which the population of the Volga-Kama region experienced and the phases of development of health care organization here in different historical periods are still poorly covered in the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):786-799
pages 786-799 views

Prof. Miyagawa's teaching on "direct action"

Viktorov K.R.


In the last 3 - 4 years, the theory of Professor of Kazan Veterinary Institute M.G. Tushnov has been attracting attention. Tushnov about excitatory action on vital activity of organs and tissues of protein products of decay of the same organs and tissues. This doctrine was formulated quite recently - in the February book of the "Kazan Medical Journal" of this year, when sufficiently accumulated material allowed Prof. Tushnov to rely on it.
In view of the fact that the doctrine of Prof. Miyagawa represents a theory almost coinciding with the doctrine of Prof. Tushnov, it is interesting to get acquainted with it - especially since the experimental direction, which Miyagawa gave his thought, somewhat differs from the direction of Tushnov, starting from the same starting point, both authors then diverge under the angle, and one (Tushnov) mainly goes further on physiological line, another (Miuagawa) - mainly on pathological one.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):800-803
pages 800-803 views

State Obstetric-Gynecological Institute of the People's Commissariat for Health in Leningrad

Bublchenko L.I.


The State Obstetric and Gynaecological Institute for Advanced Medical Training is one of the oldest obstetric institutions in Russia: last year marked the 130th anniversary of its existence. In 1797, in the house of Countess Zubova, a "maternity hospital" for the poor was arranged, along with a maternity school for 22 pupils with a budget of 22,383 rubles. The first director of the hospital was Morengeim, and the professor of the maternity school was Beck, who lectured in German. In this more than modest institution in 1798 were authorized 22 women in childbirth, and then during the first 10 years on average annually allowed 30 women in childbirth. The grain thus thrown did not die, but grew into a mighty, multi-branched tree. In 1835, according to Gruber's design, a polyclinic was established at the Institute, and in 1844 an infirmary with 6 beds, which was the germ of the clinic at the recently established Department of Postpartum Diseases. At the head of the Institute stood the major obstetricians of their time, such as Hugenberger, Ettlinger and Balandin, who introduced from 1874 antiseptic and disinfection in childbirth (with soap and carbolic acid).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):803-805
pages 803-805 views

Glandular formations in the posterior lobe of the human pituitary gland. Lewis, Lee (Bull, of the Johns Hopk. Hosp., 1927, v. 41)


The posterior pituitary lobe normally consists not only of nervous tissue, but also contains at all ages glandular components. In children under 4 years of age, we find here abundant tubular branching glands lying usually in the anterior and lateral segments of the posterior lobe, as well as in the vicinity of the pituitary stalk. The cells of the glands contain colloidal masses showing the same attitude to dyes as those in the conduit passages and formations lying between the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):805-805
pages 805-805 views

Ovarian function in menopause. Viberall and Urbach (Klin. Woch., 1927, No. 50)


The authors tend to think that the endocrine ovarian function does not diminish even in menopause. As proof they refer to the fact that intensive ovarian roentgenation in menopausal women often causes sub- and ob-jective changes, which can be regarded as castration disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):805-806
pages 805-806 views

Role of monocytes in tumors. Haagen (Deut. med. Woch., 1928, No. 3)


Observations convinced the author that monocytes can be vectors of a problematic tumor agent. He found that monocytes alone, extracted from the blood of diseased chickens, were sufficient for successful transfer of chicken sarcoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-806
pages 806-806 views

Origin of the inflammatory infiltrate. Вusse-Grawitz (Med. Welt, 1928, No. 2)


As is known, the cellular infiltrate obtained in the rabbit cornea consists exclusively of small pseudo-eosinophilic multinucleated cells, sharply different from human leukocytes. With this in mind, the author implanted pieces of rabbit cornea under the skin of the human shoulder. Studying, then, these sections in a series of slices, he never encountered a single human leukocyte in the corneal infiltrate, but only pseudo-eosinophilic histiocytes. Hence the author sees in the corneal cell infiltration an exclusively histiocytic reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-806
pages 806-806 views

Keloidosis. Schridde (Klin. Woch., 1928, No. 13)


In the author's opinion skin and tongue keloidosis, chalikosis and antrakochalikosis of lungs and callous ulcer of stomach are manifestations of the same peculiar connective tissue disease, to which S. gives the name of keloidosis. The essence of this disease consists in development of granulation tissue rich in fibroblasts, but poor in blood vessels, which then forms hyaline nodules ("nodose keloidosis"), or hyaline bands ("diffuse keloidosis"). The cause of keloidosis lies in any irritations of the physical and chemical nature; but in addition to this a congenital predisposition of the connective tissue is also necessary for the development of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-806
pages 806-806 views

Determination of staphylococci virulence. H. Gross (Klin. Woch., 1927, No. 48)


Based on his experiments carried out with pyogenic staphylococci cultured in surgical staphylomycoses the author considers the best ways to determine the virulence of these microbes from enzymatic reactions - plasma coagulation, gemolysis and gelatin liquefaction, from biological - the method of intradermal reaction in rabbits and guinea pigs owned by Dold. These reactions most coincide with the clinical pathogenicity of staphylococci and allow to establish their virulence in a relatively short time.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-806
pages 806-806 views

Treatment of rye by intradermal injection with antivirus. Vasilyeva, Zmigrodskaya, and Marshova (Microbe. J., 1928, vol. 1-2)


The authors applied in 20 rusty patients prickings with antivirus in the following form: a solution of Bezredek antivirus was sterilely filled into a 1-g syringe and a thin needle was injected at a distance of 8-10 centimeters from the edge of the rust process in an amount of 0.1 cc intradermal - until a small white papule appeared, 1/2 - centimeter in diameter; such injections were made around the whole rust affected place, at a distance of 1 centimeter from each other. In 15 cases the local process was abruptly interrupted by such treatment, the redness did not go beyond the line of injections, the temperature dropped the next day, and the general condition improved. Only in cases of septic rye did antiviral injections prove to be ineffective.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-806
pages 806-806 views

Gallbladder infection. Moynihan (Brit. Med. Journ., 1928, No. 3496)


According to Moynihan, primary infection of the gallbladder is rare, but secondary infection is more common, and its pathways to the gallbladder are different: a) through blood in general (in cases of septicemia); b) through veins; c) through lymphatic vessels; d) through bile; e) through the portal vein.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):806-807
pages 806-807 views

Development of tbc according to modern views. Schulz (Med. Klinik, 1928, No. 10)


The primary tbc lesion is localized mostly in the lungs, but not in the apices, as it was thought before, but in the marginal parts of the middle and lower lung fields. From here the infection spreads to the regional glands, and these glandular foci instead of the primary foci in the lungs form the so-called primary complex, which we still clinically are not able to recognize. With further spread of the process there comes a period of generalization: spreading along the lymphatic tracts, the infection affects distant glands, enters the blood and gives gematogenous metastases in various organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):807-807
pages 807-807 views

Calcium chloride and ultraviolet rays in the treatment of articular tbc. Clavelin and Sicard (Presse méd., 1928, No. 15)

Kramov N.


The authors, pointing out that calcium chloride was first proposed for the treatment of articular rheumatism by the Russian author (Rosen), report 28 cases of articular tbc treated with calcium chloride and ultraviolet rays with good results: patients had weight gain up to 9 kg, improvement of general condition, reduction of fistula suppuration and their closure.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):807-807
pages 807-807 views

The therapeutic value of short-term artificial pneumothorax in lung tbc. Zobak (Questions of Tuberculosis, 1928, No. 1)

Eufenbach M.


Despite a well-developed clinic of artificial pneumothorax, we still do not have a definite and unanimous opinion on the duration of gas bladder maintenance. Meanwhile, this issue is extremely important, because the lung parenchyma suffers from prolonged compression.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):807-807
pages 807-807 views

Liver diets in pernicious anemia. R. Jungmann (Klin. W., 1928, No. 10)


The author explains the favorable effect of such a diet not by increasing blood formation, but by reducing the decay of blood cells, and the active ingredient (which is contained, besides liver, also in meat and kidneys) does not directly affect the blood, but specifically on the reticulo-endothelial metabolic apparatus, substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Toward the Treatment of Cheyne-Stokes Symptom Complex. Е. Adler, H. Elias, and E. Spitz (Wien. Arch. f. inn. Med., Bd. 15, No. 1)


The authors were convinced that slow injection of 70-100 cbm of normal or 1/3-normal solution, phosphate (13.5% NaH2P04, or 11.9, or 35.8% Na2HPO4) into a vein acts favorably in this symptom complex (10 in 11 cases). Especially in case of cerebral basis of disorder by this method it is possible to cut it off for 1-4 hours. The active ingredient here is the phosphoric acid ion. At the same time it is necessary to take measures against cardiac weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Recognition and prediction in syphilitic diseases of the aorta. N. Schlesinger (Wien. klin. W., 1928, No. 1)


Н. Schlesinger considers a systolic murmur on the aorta, intensification of the 2nd aortic tone at unexcited pressure and peculiar pain sensations as the main signs of the disease. Fluoroscopy reveals dilation of the ascending aorta. The Wasserman reaction is positive only in 2/3 of cases. Prognostically, a distinction must be made between benign and malignant forms. The treatment should be quite satisfactory, if the process is delayed, aneurysm growth is stopped and pain is eliminated.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Therapy of tbc of the female genitalia. Schumacher (Klin. Woch., 1928, No. 1)


One of the best ways to treat this disease the author considers X-rays. It would, however, be a mistake to think that all other therapies are excluded in this case - along with roentgenization, surgical treatment retains its raison d'êetre. Since tbc, then, is usually not only a local disease, but also a general disease, methods aimed at the general strengthening of the whole organism must be applied here as well.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Toward the treatment of chronic bronchitis and dependent asthma. Veilchenblau (Münch, med. W., 1928, No. 5)


Veilchenblau successfully uses in such cases intravenous injection of 50% cacodylated sodium solution in increasing and then decreasing batches, from 1 to 5 cc, at intervals of 3 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Comparative measurements of blood pressure simultaneously by oscillatory, auscultatory and palpatory methods. Weiss (Zeit. für Kreislaufforschung, 1928, No. 8)

Rayskiy S.M.


Comparative measurements of blood pressure by oscillatory, auscultatory and palpatory methods made by the author on 37 patients led the author to conclude that the blood pressure measured by oscillatory method is 84% higher than the blood pressure in the same individuals measured by the other two methods, and that in 43% the blood pressure measured by auscultatory method is higher than the blood pressure in the same individuals measured by palpatory method.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-808
pages 808-808 views

Clinic and therapy of arterial hypertension. J. Pal (Med. Klin., 1928, No. 5)


J. Pal advises in acute hypertension papaverine, benzyl compounds. small intakes of camphor, nitrites, then heat (diathermy, etc.), bloodletting, warm hand and foot baths, stretching limbs. Chloral hydrate is very useful in such cases, but must not be given. Equally, the author does not approve the long-term use of nitrites, as they can have a harmful effect on the vascular wall. Atropine (or novotropine), sometimes together with papaverine, is very effective in chest pains. Morphine, unlike the above remedies, does not eliminate the cause of pain in acute hypertension, but only the pain sensation itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):808-809
pages 808-809 views

Essence and treatment of heartburn. J. Boas (Ther. d. Gegenw., 1928, No. 2)


The author considers pyrosis hydrochlorica as the most frequent form, although there are cases of heartburn with reduction, even complete absence of HCl in gastric juice. However, strong acidic juice itself does not yet give chronic heartburn - this requires irritation of the cardiae or lower parts of the esophagus. Therapeutically you have to fight against increased acidity in most cases, first of all with dairy and vegetable food; long term giving of alkalis, on the contrary, is less rational, although you can do without them not always. Symptomatic against heartburn is a mixture of sweet and bitter almonds (3:1) in the form of fine powder, or almond milk.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):809-809
pages 809-809 views

The new laxative "Izacen". K. Pur (Prakticky Lékar, 1928, No. 4)


К. Pur praises this product, which was launched by La Roche about two years ago. It is characterized by its chemical composition as diacetyl-bis-oxyphenyl-isatin. In an alkaline environment, bis-oxyphenyl-isatin detaches from it, which in the colon causes an increase in peristalsis - apparently by direct irritation of the nerve endings of the intestinal wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):809-809
pages 809-809 views

Toward the etiology of osteomyelitis. G. Sobernheim (Schweiz, med. Woch., 1928, No. 6)


The author considers Staphylococcus as the most frequent causative agent of this disease, Streptococcus occurs much less frequently, and other microbes occur only in exceptional cases. The predisposing moments here are often trauma and infection. The bone marrow is usually infected by blood, but this is not the case, but for the bones the haematogenous route of infection is the rule. The germs originate either from some nest of infection or from the skin and mucous membranes; in this case the infection can remain hidden in the body for longer than is usually thought. Antigen therapy appears here to be scientifically quite reasonable.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):809-809
pages 809-809 views

On echinococcal disease. G. N. Ter-Nersesov (D. Ztschr. f. Chir., Bd. 206)


G. N. Ter-Nersesov reports in detail about 90 cases of echinococcus in the last 15 years. In the Caucasus, echinococcus accounts for 1.2% of all cases. Recognition is mostly provided by intradermal reaction according to Iturrat-Cazoni and x-rays. Of the 210 patients, 74.4% had liver involvement, 6.17% had spleen involvement, 5.7% had muscle involvement, 3.32% had chest involvement, 1.9% had omentum involvement, 1.43% had bowel involvement, 0.95% had abdomen involvement in multiple sites, 0, 95% - liver and spleen together, 0.48% - bronchial glands, prostate, kidneys, chest-abdominal barrier, uterus, brain, thyroid, gallbladder, spinal cord, omentum, bones.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):809-809
pages 809-809 views

Recognition of amyloid by the Loeschke reaction with white body extract. Steinert (Klin. Woch., 1928, No. 6)


Steinert was convinced that the named reaction not only reveals amyloid degeneration, as such, but also indicates sensitization of the organism to the leukocyte protein and thus the danger of later development of amyloid. Its positive result obliges, in light chronic suppurations with good general condition of patients, to long-term and possibly non-stop removal of pus.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):809-810
pages 809-810 views

Surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. Gülecke (Med. Klin., 1928, No. 7)


According to Gülecke, severe acute cholecystitis and cholangitis, festering in the bladder, dropsy, closure of the common bile duct, colic attacks with pain and on the left side (pancreas), finally chronically returning attacks of bile colic are absolutely indicative of such treatment. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the age and general condition of patients. Severe suffering of heart, lungs, kidneys, diabetes and obesity - contraindicate intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

Toward the Treatment of Rye. О. Kraus (Med. Klinik, 1928, No. 8)


О. Kraus, being negative to all types of local treatment of rye, praises intramuscular injections of milk (5 cс), deflowered for 10 minutes in a water bath. Already on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease the temperature drops critically or lytically with such treatment, at the same time swelling and redness disappear. Appropriate amounts of anti-diphtheria serum, as the author has seen, are not so favorable. Contraindications to the treatment of rust with milk are pulmonary consumption and recurrent hemorrhages in the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

Toward the treatment of sarcoma. P. Rostock (Bruns Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Bd. 141, H. 1)


According to P. Rostock, the best results in sarcomas are still achieved by surgery, while x-rays treatment is only acceptable in non-operative cases, as it does not yield more than 3.9% of recoveries.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

On the effect of ether anesthesia on liver function. К. Voshamer (Klin. Woch., 1928, No. 10)


К. Boshamer deduces from his studies that every ether anesthesia gives a small damage to the liver, which is made very noticeable if the organ has been previously diseased, even if it is latent. Such latent damage to the liver occurs in chronic gallbladder disease, alcoholism, chronic pancreatitis, cancer and chronic diseases. In such cases the named anesthesia should be especially avoided.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

Postoperative pulmonary embolism. Scheidegger (Schweiz. med. Woch., 1928, No. 4)


According to Scheidegger, this embolism occurred in 20,779 operations in 0.69% of all cases, and in 2/3 of all cases it occurred after operations on the gastrointestinal canal. Cancer appears to be particularly predisposed to embolism. In 2/3 of all cases, death from pulmonary embolism occurred after operations. where microbes gained access to the wound, only 1/3 after aseptic operations. The main source of emboli is the deep veins of the lower extremities, especially the left one; the most frequent time of embolism detection is the third day after surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

Sexual function in prostatectomized persons. Lissmann (Münch. med. Woch., 1928, No. 9)

Vylegzhanin N.


Lissmann, after encountering in practice the question about preservation of sexual ability during prostatectomy and not finding an answer to it in the relevant literature, addressed a questionnaire on the subject to 220 urologists and surgeons in Europe and America. After processing the 100 responses, he came to the following conclusions: 1) Libido and functio erigendi are probably not affected by the so-called transmucosal prostatectomy and may even occasionally increase and, if they subside, reappear. 2) The preservation of the potentia generandi depends on the extent to which the genital parts of the posterior urethra are spared during the operation, which is undoubtedly possible. 3) Ejaculation may be destroyed by the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-810
pages 810-810 views

Toward a Diagnosis of Pregnancy. Aschheim and Zondek (Klin. Woch., 1928, No. 1)


По Aschheim’y и Zоndek’y обнаружение яичникового гормона в моче не подходит для распознавания беременности: во-первых, этот гормон в 1—2 куб. с. мочи может быть обнаружен лишь в поздних месяцах беременности (с VIII по X), во-вторых, он встречается в моче и небеременных женщин, напр., вступивших в климактерий. Гораздо более целесообразным является, с целью диагностики беременности, определение в моче женщины наличности гормона передней доли гипофиза, — по А. и Z. этот признак отсутствует не более, как в 4%, причем выступает уже в самых ранних стадиях беременности, напр., при запоздании регул всего на 5 дней. Авторы полагают, что это — наилучший из всех биологических способов определения ранней беременности.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):810-811
pages 810-811 views

Pregnancy and lead poisoning. H. Vignes (Progrès med. No. 47)


H. Vignes finds that lead-poisoned women often abort or give birth to dead children, and their living children usually die in the first years of life; this rule, however, may allow for exceptions. Therefore the author does not need, furthermore, that women with an abnormal course of pregnancy on account of lead poisoning present severe signs of the latter: sometimes abortions are their only symptom of saturnism.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):811-811
pages 811-811 views

Hypomenorrhea and toxicosis of pregnancy. Aschner (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1928, No. 2)


A study of 700 women with impaired menstrual function (hypomenorrhea) convinced the author that such women are much more likely to have eclampsia, uncontrollable vomiting and other toxicosis, as well as such pregnancy complications as multiple pregnancy, fetal malformations, etc., if they become pregnant.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):811-811
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Fever during childbirth. Siegert (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1928, No. 10)


Fever during labor, depending on the upward spread of infection through the genital canal, should not, according to Siegert, be an indication for operations aimed at hastening the termination of labor: observations show that the use of such operations leads to increased morbidity in the puerperal period. In such cases, it is only necessary to resort to labor-saving operations when there is no hope of spontaneous termination of labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):811-811
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Application of the "Ultrasonne" lamp in gynecology. Kiefer (Zeit. f. d. ges. phys. Ther., Bd. 34, H. 5)

Klyachkin G.


In recent years, physical therapy and, in particular, light therapy has become widely used in many branches of medicine, especially in gynecology, where the "Ultrasonne" lamp has proven particularly suitable for light therapy purposes. This lamp, specially designed for gynecological purposes, is an arc lamp, which has a funnel-shaped attachment, which serves as a concentrator of rays: the light source is obtained from impregnated metal carbon electrodes with a spectrum similar to the sun.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):811-811
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A new early symptom of measles. Stimson (Journ. of Amer. Med. As., vol. 93, No. 9, 1928)

Lepsky E.


Dr. Stimson, in an article on the early diagnosis of measles, points out that most of the known symptoms of the prodromal period, such as exanthema, corneal spots, prodromal rash, etc., appear when the catarrh of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa is already clearly expressed and when, therefore, the patient has already managed to infect the surrounding children. Therefore the symptom described by the author, which appears about 11 days after infection, even before the appearance of the catarrh, namely about 12 hours after the first rise in body temperature, is of great importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Leukemia in children. Hunter (Glasgow med. journ., 1928, 109)


Leukemia in children is a rare disease - Hunter observed only 22 cases in children from 7 weeks to 14 years of age over a period of 20 years. The course of the disease in most cases was very acute, the number of leukocytes often being lower than in adults. In one case the disease lasted 2 years, in 4 it lasted 1 year, but in the remaining cases it lasted not more than 7 months. It was difficult, even impossible, to differentiate between lymphatic and myeloid types of the disease. We know no more about the pathogenesis of the suffering than we do about a similar disease in adults. The fever and rapid course of the disease in children speak more in favor of its infectious origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Toward the therapy of rickets. Scheer and Rosenthal (Zeit. f. Kinderh., Bd. 44, No. 3-4)


The authors in 13 cases of moderate to severe rickets gave the patients daily 300-500 cc of milk subjected to roentgenization in an atmosphere of carbonic acid. All the patients recovered within 4 to 6 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Toward the treatment of rumination in children. Mansbacher (Zeit. f. Kinderh., Bd. 44, No. 3-4)


In 2 cases of chewing gum (ruminatio) in infants and in one older child, Mansbacher successfully applied the feeding of dense mush without or almost without milk.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Toward the treatment of urethritis. Saudek (Derm. Woch., 1918, No. 10)


Saudek recommends that for the treatment of chronic urethritis in men and women use kelp sticks previously dipped in liquefied gelatin containing either 0.1-0.5% lapis, or 1-3% sulfuric zinc, or 1-3% copper sulfate. For men take sticks of 10 centimeters. length, for women - 3-4 centimeters. Leave them for 2-3 hours. Chronic cervicitis can also be treated with these sticks.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Malignant tumors of the kidneys. Kinloch and Drexter (Urol. and cut. review, 1928, No. 1)


Among these tumors, Kinloch and Drexter note four groups: papillary adenocarcinomas, alveolar cancers, hypernephromas, and embryonal adenomyosarcomas. These tumors develop in women four times more often than in men. They metastasize most frequently to the lungs, sternum, long bones, liver, and brain. They usually present with macro- or microscopically detectable hematuria and neuralgic pain, irradiating to the iliopsoas and hypogastrium.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):812-812
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Cultivation of gonococci. Mityukevich (Microb. J., 1928, vol. 1-2)


Mityukevich convinced that the best medium for growing gonococci is made from fresh, never sterilized before meat water and martin peptone: this environment is added (by Ikoma) citric acid in the amount necessary to lower the Ph from 8.0 to 7.8, the mixture is sterilized at 115 ° in a 20-30 minute, and 10% ascitic fluid is added to it, the suitability of which for this purpose has been verified by preliminary experiments; to obtain solid media, 1.7% agar is added to the broth. The best growth of gonococci on this medium is obtained at 36°.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):813-813
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Gonorrhoeal urethritis in boys. Geft, Krom, and Salzman (Ven. and Derm., 1928, No. 3)

Yasnitsky N.


Gonorrhoeal urethritis in boys, considered to be a relatively rare disease, is in fact much more frequent. The process is usually localized in the anterior urethra and, according to the observations of Geft, Krom and Salzmann, has a benign course; only in isolated cases is there a transition to the posterior urethra. According to these authors, gonorrhoea in boys is therapeutically an extremely favorable subject, giving a cure within a short time without subsequent relapses.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):813-813
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Diagnosis of gonorrhea in girls. Dahschleiter (Vener. and Derm., 1928, No. 3)

Yasnitsky N.


Dahschleiter dedicates his work to the diagnosis of gonorrhea in girls. If there is no consensus on the practical value of bacteriological examination of genital secretions for suspected gonorrhea in adult women, there is even more difficulty in determining the nature of vulvitis and vaginitis, on the basis of bacteriological examination, in girls. The author dwells on the question, which attracts the attention of venereologists and urologists, of the importance of Gram-negative diplococci and the so-called Asch's diplococci in the recognition of gonorrhea.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):813-813
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Treatment of gonorrhoids with lysovakina. Gershkovich and Shapiro (Ven. and Derm., 1928, No. 1)

Yasnitsky N.


Gershkovich and Shapiro recommend the treatment of gonorrhoids with lysovakina. It is known that Emmerich and Löw showed by their studies that a special substance, pyocyanase, capable not only of stopping the growth of this bacillus but also of causing lysis of other microbes, is formed in a 3-4-week-old broth culture of Pseudomonas bacillus. These studies initiated attempts to use pyocyanase for therapeutic purposes in a number of infectious diseases, including gonorrhea. The authors set out to test the therapeutic value of the lysovaccine in the treatment of gonorrheal diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):813-813
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Coloration of a pale spirochaete. Mühlpfordt (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, No. 51)


The author considers Viktoriablau dye particularly suitable for this purpose. A small amount of sap is scraped off the edge of the shanker ulcer on a clean slide, the smear is air-dried, and a 3% aqueous solution of Grübler's Viktroriablau is dripped on it. The solution is left for 2-3 minutes, then washed off with tap water, the preparation is dried and examined under immersion, and the pale spirochaetes appear to be stained a thick blue color, distinguishing them sharply from other spirochaetes. Being preserved in a dark glass vial, the dye solution can be preserved unchanged for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):813-814
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Infection with syphilis on the father's side. Almquist (The urol. and cutan. Review, 1927, No. 11)


Amquist reports 5 cases of hereditary syphilis in children where the mothers, despite years of observation were clinically and serologically free from lues, but the fathers were syphilitic. The author thinks that the fetus or egg may have been infected by contagious sperm, with the mother remaining free from infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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Brain abscess in acute otitis media. Р. Sauer (Zeit. f. Hals, Nasen u. Ohrenheil., 1927, 17 Bd., Hf. 2)

Trutnev N.


Р. Sauer describes an abscess in the temporal lobe of the brain that developed acutely on the basis of otitis acuta. The patient was under observation from the very beginning of the ear disease, so that she could trace the entire disease process from the beginning to the end. Noteworthy in this case is the absence of changes in the bone, which changes are almost always found in the middle ear and proc, mastoideus in those cases where the formation of a cerebral abscess occurs.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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A case of rhinoscleroma with rare localization. Gumenyuk (Journal of Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases, 1927, No. 7-8)

Bobrovsky N.


Dr. Humeniuk described a case of rhinoscleroma with a rare localization: in addition to the nose, nasopharynx, and pharynx, the upper lip and upper gum were involved simultaneously.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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Sarcomas of the nose. Khristianov (Vestnik RLO, 1927, No. 6)


Khristianov collected statistical material concerning malignant tumors of the nose. From the latter it is clear that sarcomas account for very few cases, with gigantocellular sarcoma occurring as unicum. It has an extremely" rapid growth, is constantly recurrent, but causes neither pain nor cachexia. The author cites two own cases of this neoplasm.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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A foreign body in the esophagus. Rozhkova (Vestnik RLO, 1927, No. 6)

Vasilyeva O.


Dr. Rozhkova describes a case of a foreign body in the esophagus, namely, a dental prosthesis. The peculiarity of this case is the fact that there were some difficulties in finding the prosthesis, and it was possible to extract it only after the third insertion of the esophagoscope tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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Prof. K. Schleyer. Diseases of the Kidneys. Gosizdat, 1928, price. 75 k., and "Pract. Med." 1927, price unspecified

Cheboksarov M.


The book is written by a great connoisseur of renal pathology. Being himself one of the founders of the modern doctrine of functional diagnostics of the kidneys - recalling his exceptional value of the study of renal function in experimental nephritis - Professor S., naturally, in his book, focuses on the importance for the doctor of studying the function of the diseased organ, without touching the pathological and anatomical side of the issue and deliberately not stopping on controversial theoretical problems. The purpose of the book is purely practical, to give a clear and concise statement of the current state of the teachings on renal diseases and to formulate precisely, concretely the necessary and at the same time only reliable therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):814-814
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Results of medical radiation research, edited by von Holfelder, Holthusen, Jüngling and Martins. Volume III 791 стр. 613 fig. Leipzig, 1928. Price 68 m.

Gasul R.Y.


Following the example of the first two volumes, which I abstracted in detail in 1926 and 27, the present volume III also contains a large number (11) of detailed articles on radiodiagnostics and 4 articles on biology and therapy, including one on diathermy. Considering the urgent need to give a complete review of the technique of radiography of the nasal and ear appendages in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases and tumors of the nose, upper jaw and ear, the editors placed in the first chapter 2 articles by Prof. Stetuerer on radiographic diagnostics of the nasal and ear appendages. Already in 1896, this author tried to guide in the appendicular nasal cavities by roentgen, but only 10 years later prominent rhinologists (Goldmann, Kilian and others) became interested in this technique. Since then, the roentgenogram became an indispensable part of the patient's examination for the rhinologist. There are known cases when endonasal examination was inconclusive and the X-ray revealed a picture of a tumor, abscess, or fracture, which were then confirmed by surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):815-817
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XX Congress of Russian Surgeons

Tsimkhes I.L.


The congress was held in Moscow from May 26 to 30, 1928. The number of its members exceeded 1,000, of whom 50% were from the provinces. During the four days of the meeting more than 60 reports were presented, the fourth day being devoted exclusively to orthopedics. Prof. V. A. Oppel was elected chairman of the Council and Prof. H. I. Keffer, orthopedist from Odessa, as comrade chairman. The program questions of the S'ezd were: 1) the question of uronephrosis and 2) the question of perforative gastric and 12 duodenal ulcer. Then there were several recommended topics: cancer of the tongue and its treatment, treatment of contractures and ankylosis of the knee joint, and intra-abdominal strictures and their treatment. In addition, there were several presentations on extracurricular issues. The program of the Congress was fulfilled in its entirety within the prescribed time frame. The chairman of the S'ezd, Prof. Oppel, quite objectively summarized the data of the reports and debates, which greatly enhanced the impression.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):817-821
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X All-Union Congress of Therapists

Predtechensky A.M.


The 10th All-Union Congress of Therapists, which was held in Leningrad from June 15 to 20 this year, attracted a great number of participants, nearly 1400, 800 of whom came from various places of the Union. On the eve of the opening of the Congress a friendly meeting of all its participants took place in the building of the Academic Philharmonic with a concert section with the participation of the symphonic orchestra of the Philharmonic, opera and ballet dancers, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):821-825
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 24, No. 8 (1928)


Prof. I.I. Vasiliev made a report on a rare case of non-erupture of the Botall's duct and simultaneous acute endo-arteritis of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. - This report, accompanied by demonstration of preparations, provoked questions and comments from Dr. R.Y. Gasul and prof. M. N. Cheboksarov and N. K. Goryaev.
Dr. A.V. Golyaev made a report: "Free fibrinous bodies in pleural cavity". This report will be printed in full in "Kazan Med. Journal". - Dr. R.Y. Gasul, Prof. I.N. Vasiliev and Dr. Zakharov, who noted that in this case the presence of air in pleural cavity and increased Ca content in body juices (the patient had spontaneous pneumothorax and was treated with Ca) may have played a role in occurrence of fibrinous bodies in pleural cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):825-827
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Society of Radiologists and Radiologists of Kazan. Vol. 24, No. 8 (1928)


A N. Krever: Demonstration of a chest X-ray of a patient with a clinically unclear diagnosis. The radiograph showed a well contoured, oval shape, elongated shadow along the pulmonary artery and upper part of the left ventricular arch, which when radiographed was separated from the heart shadow and occupied the posterior mediastinum. Its intensity was less than that of the heart shadow. On the right side a similar but smaller shadow was seen, changing into a vascular shadow below at hilus. - During the discussion Dr. Aksyantsev pointed out that the clinical phenomena here suggested a pleuritic process. Drs. Gasul and Dr. Goldstein suggested the presence of mediastinitis with the possible presence of empyema. Dr. Mazur differentiated the mass with a tumor, and Dr. Haskina differentiated it with a abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):827-828
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Chronicle. Vol. 24, No. 8 (1928)


The Center resolved the issue of building new clinics in Kazan for the Institute for advanced training of physicians. For the construction of clinics the Center has allocated two million rubles for 5 years. These funds will be used to construct three large buildings with equipment meeting the latest technological and medical requirements. Under the construction of clinics City Council has allocated part of the quarter number 77 - between the Clinical Institute and the Palace of Labor. A park will be laid out near newly built clinics. The construction will begin in the next construction season.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):828-829
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Letters to the Editor. Vol. 24, No. 8 (1928)


On June 11 this year passed away Nikolai Markianovich Volkovich, professor emeritus at the Kiev Medical Institute, academician, founder and chairman of the Surgical Society, who for 45 years of his scientific, medical and pedagogical activities taught many generations of physicians. On 13 June this year he was buried in Baikove cemetery. Kiev Surgical Society unanimously decided at its meeting on June 18: 1) to petition to give to the Society the name of its founder and its permanent (during 20 years) chairperson. 2) To take charge of the tomb of the late H. M. and to form a committee to erect a monument bearing the name of the deceased. The committee humbly asks his numerous pupils and admirers to send their mite for the raising of the monument to: Kiev, 9 Pushkinska street, A.S.Delens, the treasurer of Kiev Surgical Society. G. B. Bykhovsky, M. B. Yukelson, S. L. Timofeev, A. A. Chaika, and L. P. Maryanchik.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):829-830
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Questions and Answers. Vol. 24, No. 8 (1928)


What books can be recommended on the question of exudative diathesis and its manifestations in childhood?

Answer: I recommend the book by Prof. Maslov "The Study of Constitutions and Abnormalities of Constitutions in Childhood, 1925, and the book by Engel "Constitutional Anomalies and Metabolic Diseases," 1927.

Prof. V. Menshikov.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(8):830-830
pages 830-830 views

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