Vol 24, No 2 (1928)

Prof. Roman Albertovich Luria

Epstein T.D., Rakhlin L.M.


On December 18, 1927 in Kazan, at a solemn meeting of the Council of the Institute with the participation of representatives of universities and public organizations, chaired by the People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR, Professor N.A. Semashko, marked 30 years of scientific and pedagogical and medical and social activities of the Institute Director and Head of therapeutic clinic, Professor Roman Albertovich Luria.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):151-152
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Kazan State Institute for Advanced Medical Training

Semashko N.A.


One extremely interesting and important symptom of this moment is the discrepancy (a kind of "scissors") between the demands of the population and the means we have for meeting these demands. This divergence can be observed in all areas of construction, both economic and cultural. We can also observe this symptom in the field of health care. Looking back on the road covered, we can state certain successes by the 10th anniversary of October, but we can't help noticing how far we have fallen from satisfying the needs of the population. As far as cultural work in general and health care in particular is concerned, the French proverb: "L'appetit vient en mangeant" is more justified than anywhere else.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):153-155
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Histolysates and their effect on the corresponding tissues

Tushnov M.P.


One year ago in the January issue of "Kazan Medical Journal" was published my report, made on November 1, 1926 to the Scientific Assembly of Physicians of the State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians under the title: "A new method of so called "rejuvenation" of organisms". I based my work on the doctrine of "natural cellular poisons", which I had been developing for many years. According to this doctrine, dissimilation products are natural and unavoidable poisons for those cells and tissues from which they were formed. This is explained by the fact that each organ, each tissue has its own specific protein. The specificity of the latter can be easily proved by immuno-biological reactions: precipitation, complement binding, anaphylaxis, etc. At the same time, the more complex the function of the cell, the more complicated is the physicochemical structure of its protein, and the more complex are the products of vital activity and metabolism that arise here.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):156-164
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The value of in vitro tissue culture method (so called explantation) for radiobiology and radiotherapy

Gasul R.Y.


When we begin to evaluate any therapeutic agent, we need first of all to study its direct effect on physiological or pathological processes in the organism, organs and tissues. In radiotherapy this assessment was earlier complicated by the fact that we did not yet have sufficient biological data, on the basis of which we could speak about the direct action of X-rays on organs and their functions. Only recently separate experimenters resorted to the technique of tissue cultures in the explant to solve this question.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):165-171
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On the content of some electrolytes (Ca and K) in human blood in connection with ultraviolet irradiation

Kamentseva-Tsarevskaya M.V.


The works of Zondek, Kraus, Loeb, Laew and Rosen revealed a great role of mineral substances in the living organism. Such substances include mainly Na, K and Ca ions. It was only natural to think to make a series of observations to find out how ultraviolet light affects the electrolyte composition of the body. The most convenient substrate for such observations is the blood, reflecting on itself the particular changes of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):172-177
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Chromoscopy as a method of determining the secretory function of the stomach

Mogilevsky E.R.


The usual examination of the gastric contents after a test breakfast, and not only after its single extraction, but even with the more perfect fractional method, gives a total picture of the motility and secretory activity of the stomach, from which it is difficult to distinguish the influence of each of these factors separately. The curves obtained by the fractional method of investigation are not "secretion curves", but only "acidity curves" (Katsch and Kalk), the course of which depends on the intensity of secretion, on the speed of emptying the stomach, on the course of the intake of duodeni contents, on swallowing saliva.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):178-187
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The pathogenesis of polyuria in diabetes insipidus

Rakhlin L.M.


Polyuria and associated polydipsia are known to be the main, and often the only, symptoms of diabetes insipidus. The amount of urine excreted may reach enormous figures - 43 liters in the case of Trousseau. Specific gravity is at a very low level, reaching 1001 and below. Together with this disturbance of water exchange, the exchange of sodium chloride is usually disturbed, and these two processes, in fact, characterize diabetes insipidus. Regarding the origin, systematics, and pathogenesis of these basic symptoms there is a large literature, but even on the main questions there are still fundamental discrepancies.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):188-195
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To the treatment of diarrhea

Daikhovsky Y.I.


The problem of treatment of diarrhea, in spite of classical works on this question by Ad. Schmidta, Noorden, etc., cannot be considered to be completely solved until now. Dietotherapy, which here with good reason occupies the first place, is intended first of all for treatment of diarrhea of enterogenic character; and meanwhile clinical experience teaches us that diarrhea is often the result not only of disease of the intestine itself, but also of disease of the whole organ system, or even of the whole organism - a disease in which diarrhea is only an external expression of those deep changes which occur in the organism. Naturally, in such cases, diet therapy alone cannot lead to the goal and ensure treatment success. Obviously, new ways of treating such forms of diarrhea are needed, ways that follow from the modern understanding of these forms of diarrhea as an expression of the disease of the whole organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):196-203
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On the spontaneous cure of pulmonary echinococcus

Goldstein M.I., Oyfebakh M.I.


Among echinococcal diseases of internal organs, lung echinococcus, although a relatively infrequent disease, still ranks second in frequency after liver echinococcus. According to Alexinsky, in 1950 cases of echinococcus the latter was found in the liver in 53%, and in the lungs - in 6.3%; according to Frey and Madelung, % of echinococcus in lungs is 11.9, according to Neisser - from 7.4 to 10.6, according to Frangenheim-7; among 22 cases of Palygauay echinococcus in lungs was found once. In our clinic Echinococcus of the lung was found only twice out of 20 cases of echinococcus of internal organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):204-209
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To the recognition and pathology of subdiaphragmatic suppurating echinococci

Tsimkhes I.L.


Echinococcal disease has been a program topic at the regional meetings of Russian surgeons in recent years (I North Caucasian and Transcaucasian meetings of 1925). The school of Prof. N.I. Napalkov revived the interest to this disease by a number of extremely interesting works of experimental and clinical nature, and we owe to this school rich achievements in the recognition of human echinococcosis and its pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):210-213
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On esophageal ruptures

Lychmanov N.G.


According to Wenglowski, esophageal ruptures usually occur quite unexpectedly, in the midst of complete health, due to some external influence, or for no apparent reason at all. But so far we do not have a classification covering all possible cases of traumatic esophageal injuries, probably due to a very limited number of published cases. This report is based on a case of esophageal gas rupture, which is of considerable interest both because of its rarity and because of the setting in which the injury occurred.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):214-217
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On autohemotherapy of corneal complications in trachoma

Liorber G.S.


In our observations of autohemotherapy we tried to note both general reaction of the organism (temperature) and local and focal reaction. We measured temperature accurately only in hospitalized patients. Usually the t° reaction did not exceed 37.2°-37.6°, and only in two cases we had an increase in t° to 38.2° after blood injection. After the first two injections, patients often complained of mild malaise, cognition and slight headache, which disappeared the next day. As for the local reaction, only in one patient after the fifth blood injection we could note the next day pain in the elbow joint of the left arm when bending and unbending, slight swelling and redness around the vena mediana, which disappeared after 3 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):218-222
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On the functional state of the reticuloendothelial system in pregnancy

Badyul A.A.


The method of intravital staining first applied by Goldmann made it possible to detect a whole group of cells with the ability of intracellular accumulation of electro-negative colloids. Further study of these cells, as we know, led to the creation of the doctrine of the so-called reticulo-endothelial system. During the last years numerous researches have studied not only the morphology of this system but also proved its great functional importance for the course of biological processes in the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):223-229
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To the physical development of healthy infants in Kazan

Levit M.M.


Considering it necessary to ascertain hitherto unknown norms, taking into account the influence of national, social and geographical factors, for the city of Kazan, we decided to collect data on the weight and height of Kazan's infants. Until now we have had no such material at our disposal, and only now, thanks to the development of consultations for children, are we able to obtain these data.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):230-234
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Local superficial anesthesia in rhinolaryngology

Goland B.S.


In the first years of my activity in Kazan as an otolaryngologist, I used a 20% solution of hydrochloric cocaine for surface anesthesia, but, noticing frequent cases of poisoning, I replaced it with a 10% solution. However, even when smearing with this solution, we also observed symptoms of poisoning quite often, although the percentage of cases of the latter and its degree were much less than with the 20% solution. This indicates that cocaine poisoning depends not only on the predisposition, but also on the concentration of the solution. Wishing to be completely free from the unpleasant consequences of superficial cocaine anesthesia during operations in the nose, nasopharynx and larynx, I replaced cocaine solutions with strong solutions of novocaine. It turned out, however, that while subcutaneous injections of 1/2% novocaine give good anaesthesia during operations on the maxillary cavity, on the mastoid process, etc., with surface anaesthesia even with the strongest solutions of this substance I did not get good results, and the patients felt severe pain during all manipulations in the above mentioned organs, so I had to return to strong solutions of cocaine.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):235-237
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About the court cases of doctors

Epstein T.D.


The growth of legal cases against physicians and, in particular, the apparent futility of the vast majority of charges (81.4%) caused natural unease in the medical community. It was feared that any dissatisfaction with a doctor, any case of failed treatment, prolonged course of illness, death of a patient and other failures and misfortunes natural in the medical profession, might serve as a pretext for legal action against the doctor. The ease and accessibility of prosecution in the hands of people with little understanding of the art of medicine and the limited possibilities of medical science, while at the same time overestimating their rights in relation to the doctor, threatened to put the work of doctors in extremely difficult conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):238-246
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About the sleep

Rusetsky I.I.


Sleep is one of the most interesting problems of biology. The periodic change of sleep and wakefulness in all living creatures of the Earth, including plants, sleep of individual organs, adaptation of the biological rhythm to the cosmic rhythm (change of day and night) - these are the most difficult topics, which have been the subject of serious discussions more than once. In May and June of last year, the question of sleep, normal and pathological, was on the agenda of the international meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists in Paris.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):247-250
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On a specific agent of cell division. N. Wagner (Biol. Zentr., Bd. 47, 1927)

Puchkov N.


Prof. Gurvich and his students have recently published a number of works on a specific stimulus for cell division, which they called "mitogenetic rays". In these works, it is proved that stimulus to cell division acts also when cells do not have any direct contact with the place from which the stimulus comes.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):250-250
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On the innervation of the adrenal glands. Romm and Serdyuk (Pflügers Archiv, Bd. 217, H. 5/6)

Puchkov N.


By passing fluid through an isolated adrenal gland using the Kravkoz method, we found that arecoline (1:4,000-1:50,000), a typical vagotropic poison, vigorously constricts the adrenal vessels and increases the secretion of adrenaline-like bodies. If the decreased outflow is compensated by an increase in pressure, the concentration of adrenaline-like bodies in the outflowing fluid is also increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):250-250
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Urea and the liver. Rohasek (Bratisl. Lekarske Listy, 1927, Des.)


On the basis of clinical observations on the action of urea and the effect of liver extracts on diuresis, Rohasek finds that the diuretic properties of urea depend on the functions of the liver. The very production of urea and the supply of it to the body have as their main source the liver. Insufficient production of it causes disorders in excretion of water and salts, breaks physical and chemical equilibrium and on this basis causes edema and ascites.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):251-251
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Constitution and clinic of tuberculosis. Prof. А. Ya. Sternberg (Vrach. Gaz., 1927, No. 19)

Sherman S.


The author confirmed by his experiments that constitutional resistance or susceptibility to infectious diseases stands in connection with the organs of internal secretion. In the Tuberculosis Institute it was found that guinea pigs and rabbits have a difference in endocrine formulas, which difference corresponds to the difference in the natural immunity of these animals against different infections. For final proof, an attempt was made to approximate the endocrine formula of a rabbit to that of a guinea pig to see if its natural immunity would change.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):251-251
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Recognition of pulmonary caverns. W. Cecelius (Med. Klin., 1927, no. 45)


The author cautions against taking seriously, when examining with x-rays, pictures sometimes very similar to those of lung caves. These include: transverse cuts of normal bronchi, random combinations of normal, striation with its enhancement, some pictures on the border of rib cartilages with bone, connective tissue pulls, drainage effusions, irregularly developed pulmonary emphysema.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):251-251
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To the diagnosis of caverns in pulmonary tbc. Schwartz (Vopr. Tub., 1927, no. 12)

Ofeibach M.


Analyzing caverns clinic on the sanatorium material (100 cases of cavernous tbc), the author concludes that it is necessary to distinguish early caverns from terminal ones, because the course and prognosis of both are completely different. Fresh early caverns are almost always unilateral, late caverns tend to spread metastatically to the other side and are mostly multiple.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):251-252
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Pirquet and Mantoux reactions in tbc children. Pokhitonova (V. Tub., 1927, no. 12)


The author studied the comparative value of the Pirquet and Mantoux reactions clinically in 171 children under 2 years of age and found that the former is rarely positive in infants even in clinically clearly manifested cases of tbc, while the Mantoux reaction is much more sensitive and more likely to detect tbc infection in young children.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):252-252
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Mineral metabolism and salt treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis. Gherardini (Riv. pat. e clin. d. tuberculosi, 1927, no. 1)


The author is an opponent of the doctrine of demineralization of the organism by consumption. Numerous studies at the Bologna Med. It has been proved by numerous studies in the Bologna Medical Institute that mineral losses are not at all necessary in this disease, even in the acute stage of its development, and when they occur, they are caused not by the specific action of tbc poison itself, but by secondary phenomena like fever, digestive disorders, assimilation, etc., which are also found in other disease processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):252-252
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Triphal in tbc of the lungs. Prof. E. Leschke (Deut. m. W., 1927, no. 47)


The author treated tuberculosis in various forms with triphalus. This drug, which is an organic preparation of gold, was injected into the veins, starting at 0.01 pro dosi, twice a week. Successful results were obtained sometimes in very severe cases. The most suitable for such treatment were productive forms with fresh fine nodular dissemination and productive, little progressive, confluent forms with moderate fever and a tendency to drainage.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):252-252
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Treatment of tbc of the urinary tract. S. L. Wang (Journ. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1927, no. 24)


For tbc diseases of the urinary organs at New-York Hospital there has been a special department for more than a year, where a urologist and tbc specialists work together. Severe cystitis is best treated with internal and local application of methylene blue. General treatment requires, above all, complete rest, fresh air, and good nutrition.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):252-253
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Trichinosis of the heart. H. Zoller (Virch. Arch., Bd. 265, H. 2)


The author cites cases of inflammation of all three membranes of the heart in human trichinosis. The author was also able to establish the presence of myocarditis in trichinosis, which is a consequence of penetration of young trichines into the heart muscle.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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Danger from the whipworm. P. Bonem (Klin. W., 1927, no. 40)


That the whipworm (trichocephalus dispar) can be a very dangerous guest of the human intestine is shown by the case reported by Dr. P. Bonem. A 54 year old woman was admitted to the Stuttgart City Hospital in June 1927 for diagnosis, who at the end of winter had an apparently unexplained anemia. Besides the usual signs of the latter, the examination revealed numerous hemorrhages in the skin, and in the feces many eggs of the whipworm and stringworm.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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Recording blood pressure with an electrocardiograph. Frommer (Klin. W., 1927, no. 48)


The method described by the author gives an impression of simplicity and ease. By using it, the highest and lowest blood pressures, along with the heartbeat, venous pulse, heart tones, etc., are recorded completely automatically.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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Hepatography. М. Einhorn (Presse med., 1927, No. 79)

Kramov N.


The author notes that after the use of tetraiodophenolphthalein the liver and kidneys become more visible in X-rays, because iodine, after administration per os or through the duodenal probe, by portal circulation enters the liver before it appears in the general circulation, and before the discharge into the gall bladder. The best conditions for hepatography occur 2 hours after duodenal probe administration and 6 hours after per os ingestion.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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On the subject of hepatic therapy. R. Hift (Wien. klin. Woch., 1927, no. 48)

Sherman S.


Regarding the report of Prof. Ral'ya about liver therapy, the author points out that as early as 1918, he published a work where, based on many years of experience, he notes the magical effect of using liver and liver extract in hemeralopia and scorbutus.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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To the treatment of peptic ulcers. Gleissner (Wien. Med. W., 1927, no. 38-40)


The author treated 70 cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers with subcutaneous injections of pepsin (Megske 1% or Kahlbaum 2-5%), and often observed a good effect in the sense of lowering acidity and complete disappearance of all disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-253
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Naphtheria and dyspepsia. L. Braun (Wien. med. W., 1927, 38-40)


According to the author, foxglove has a favorable effect on the administration of the stomach, kidneys, pancreas, etc. due to the toning of the vagus nerve system; especially sharply affected by its use are increased secretion of the stomach and pancreas and increased motive power of the stomach and intestines.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):253-254
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Treatment for seasickness. Starkenstein (Med. Klinik., 1927, No. 40)


The author suggests using a combination of scopolamine and hyoscine, from which he has observed a good effect both protective and therapeutic. The dose is equal to 0.5 mgr.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-254
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Explanation of the biological action of x-rays. Cazrai (Stralilentherapie, Bd. XVIII, H. 1)

Gasul R.Y.


The author cites a number of data in favor of his theory of the action of X-rays, explaining the effect of illumination by the influence of decay products (neurohormones). The most urgent problems of modern radiobiology are: 1) the general biomechanism of the rays' action, 2) their general effect on the organism, and 3) the "irritant" effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-254
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On the effect of X-rays on isolated organs. Jolly (Comp. rendus des séances de la Soc. de biol., t 91, no. 21)

Gasul R.Y.


To solve this question, the author illuminated an isolated lymphatic gland in the fossa poplitea simultaneously with a normal one on the other side. Histological examination resulted in very intense changes only in the non-isolated gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-254
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Effects of X-rays on unicellular organisms. Klövekorn and Gaertner (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 24, Heft 3)

Gasul R.Y.


The authors used for their experiments pathogenic filamentous fungi and amoebas. After illumination for 10-10 1/2 minutes the fungi were destroyed, the amoebae turned out to be radiotolerant: 45 minutes of illumination caused only a delay in their movements.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-254
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Radiotherapy of gastric and duodeni ulcers. Lenk (Wien. klin. Woch., 1927, No. 46)

Sherman S.


The author draws the attention of practical doctors to the results of treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers (more than 100 own observations) with X-rays. 10-14 days after application of one series of illumination (4 times a week in small doses) independent pains disappear (without preliminary reaction), appetite quickly appears, bleeding stops (several hours after the first illumination), and spastic constipation, which are companions of stomach and duodenal ulcers, disappears. As for the pains of pressure and hyperacidity, they remain for a while, but subsequently also disappear.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-254
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Treatment of bronchial asthma with a mercury-quartz lamp. E. I. Kazakevich (Physiotherapy, 1927, No. 2-3)

Klyachkin L.N.


According to E. I. Kazakevich among other therapeutic methods used in bronchial asthma, mercury-quartz irradiation deserves great attention in many cases. At the same time presence of vegetative nervous system hypertonia in this disease is one of the main points in indications for application of this method.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):254-255
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On the treatment of hyposecretion and achylia of the stomach by diathermy. B. Shimshelevich (V. Sovr. Med., 1927, No. 21)

Klyachkin L.N.


B. Shimshelevich found that diathermy should be used in all cases of decreased gastric secretion, including achylia. On the contrary, diathermy treatment is contraindicated in cases of increased secretion.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-255
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Light therapy for diabetic skin lesions. Rothmann (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 24, H. 3)

Klyachkin L.N.


The author successfully applied ultraviolet rays to a patient suffering from pruritus on the basis of diabetes, while diet and insulin without light therapy did not give the patient any relief. In another case, a patient with diabetic mycosis, improvement was achieved only after local illumination of the affected parts: epithelialization of erosions, disappearance of inflammatory hyperemia, excruciating itching, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-255
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To disinfect the operating theater. Dr. A. Slavin (Nov. Hir. Arch., 1927, No. 52)

Tsimkhes I.


Based on 403 operations with treatment of the operating field with 5% alcoholic solution of picric acid, the author considers the latter to be quite reliable means for disinfection of the operating field (4% of suppuration). Due to its strong skin tanning properties, picric acid solution can replace iodine tincture.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-255
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To the lumbar anesthesia. Dr. V. Khazaradze (Nov. Khir. Ark., 1927, No. 52)

Tsimkhes I.


The author reviews 1,546 cases of operations performed under spinal anesthesia at the Hospital Surgical Clinic of Tiflis University. The average duration of analgesia in these cases was 1 hour 25 minutes. The age of the patients varied from 15 to 80 years. Operations under spinal anesthesia were performed for diseases localized below the navel, which made up 18.5% of the clinic material.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-255
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Anesthesia in operations for goiter. Lundgren (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 147, H. 3)

Tsimkhes I.


On the basis of 110 operations performed for goiter, the author concludes that the more toxic goiter is, the more often local anesthesia should be used for its operation, avoiding ether anesthesia if possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-255
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On the influence of X-ray therapy of goiter before its operative treatment. Dr. V.S. Galkin (Nov. Khir. Arch., No. 53, 1927)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites 2 cases of death of patients who had undergone prior radiotherapy after strumulectomy. Eidelsberg noted that the operation to remove the goiter is extremely difficult after the previous radiotherapy due to the abundance of adhesions and irrigation of the gland with the surrounding tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):255-256
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Narcotic paralysis of brachial plexus. Dr. S. I. Tyumenev (Nov. Khir. Arkh., 1927, No. 53)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites three cases of anesthesia paralysis of peripheral origin on the basis of traumatization of nerve trunks. In the author's opinion, predisposing moments here may be prior exhaustion of the patient's nervous system and poisoning it with a specific poison (alcohol, syphilis).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-256
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To the treatment of postoperative retention of urination. V. I. Mirer (Nov. Chir., 1927, No. 7)


Comparing, based on a number of observations, the effect of various pharmacological agents proposed against postoperative urinary retention (magnesium sulfate, urotropine, pilocarpine), the author gives a strong preference among them to pilocarpine (injected subcutaneously in an amount of 1 cc of 1% solution).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-256
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To the treatment of tetanus. C. Hoche (Wien. kl. W., 1927, no. 42)


The author reports that the Eiselsberg Clinic had 25 cases of tetanus over a period of 20 years, a very small number compared to the large number of patients with traumatic injuries admitted. The disease manifested itself in two forms - the lightning one, which always killed the patient, and the protracted one, which often ended in recovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-256
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Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. E. Unger (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, no. 51)

Tsimkhes I.


The author exposes the v. saphenam at its inflow into the v. femoralis, dissects it, and introduces a ureteral catheter into its distal end (the author managed to pass, in nonthrombosed vessels with a large lumen, below the knee joint to the lower third of the shin); then through this catheter is introduced, using a 10-20 gm syringe, 20% saline or glucose solution, and the catheter is carefully extracted at this time.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-256
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Internal drainage of the gallbladder. W. Steel (Surg., Gynec. and Obstetrics, 1927, no. 3)

Tsimkhes I.


Based on the material of 100 cases the author gives preference to cholecystoduodenotomy or cholecystogastrostomy over cholecystectomy in inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder. After a suture is placed, the infection usually subsides, bile passes freely into the intestine, cholecystitis no longer recurs, and there is no ascending cholangitis. The mortality rate after these operations is lower than after cholecystectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-256
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Surgical treatment of prolapse of rectum. Dr. A. N. Nikitin (Nov. Khir. Arkh., 1927 No. 52)

Tsimkhes I.


The author operated on 23 patients for various degrees of rectal prolapse, and in 5 of them he performed colopexy according to Kümmel. The author considers this operation to be physiological, expedient and, with the current achievements in the field of asepsis, safe.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):256-257
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Physical and chemical characteristics of amniotic fluid. Vinogradova (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, No. 50)

Zabolotskaya E.


Proceeding from the undoubted facts that the environment has a great influence on the development of the growing organism, Vinogradova carefully studied the physical and chemical properties of amniotic fluid in order to study more precisely the influence of this environment on the development of the fetus. Physical study of the fluid components showed that its mineral parts, subjected to the action of t ° 700 ° C, get the ability to fluoresce in the dark, and so much so that you can clearly distinguish the clock face. The light is produced by the formation of calcium sulfide, which is produced by the calcium salts and protein substances contained in the liquid when it is incandescent.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):257-257
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A new method for determining the initial stages of pregnancy. G. Davydov (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, No. 52)

Vylegzhanin A.


The author states that if the internal examination is performed alternately first by the right and then by the left hand, the uterine volume appears different: when the right hand is the inner hand and the left palpates the external abdomen, the uterine volume appears much smaller than that determined afterwards if the left hand becomes the inner hand and the right hand palpates the outside. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in the early stages of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):257-257
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To the therapy of abortion. Bund (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, no. 29)

Timofeev A.


In the treatment of abortions, the author adheres to the middle line of behavior. If there is no fever and the external pharynx is open, immediate instrumental emptying of the uterus is indicated. If the cervix is not completely open, an ice bladder, quinine, and pituglandol are used until the uterus is fully dilated. If these remedies prove ineffective, cautious dilatation of the cervix is begun.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):257-257
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Results of the treatment of eclampsia. Peralta Ramos (from Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII)


Pregnant eclampsia was treated by Zweifel-Stroganoff, with a cesarean section if treatment failed; maternal mortality was 20%, child mortality 50%. Eclampsia sub partu with Stroganoff treatment produced 0% maternal mortality and 15% infant mortality. Combined Stroganoff treatment with labor-accelerating metrorhinters, forceps, rotation, and extraction yielded 33% maternal mortality and 2 maternal deaths from labor and hemorrhage.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):257-258
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Effect of profuse blood loss on the course of the postpartum period. Volkmann (Deut. med. Woch., 1927, no. 9)

Timofeev A.


Contrary to Aschner, who states that after great blood loss the postpartum as well as the postoperative periods usually proceed without fever, Volkmann could establish that after operations complicated by great blood loss the morbidity is significantly higher. Similarly, after bleeding sub partu the incidence of febrile processes in the postpartum period increases, and the more profuse the bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):258-258
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The significance of blood plates for the prognosis of puerperal sepsis. Téoumine (from Ber. ü. d. des. Gyn., Bd. XII)


The author was able to establish that there is a known pattern in the number of blood plates in puerperal sepsis that allows prediction. In general, an increase in the number of plaques is a good prognostic sign, while a decrease in the number of plaques indicates a poor outcome of the disease. In both cases, the number of laminae may fluctuate widely, but in cases with a favorable course it never falls below normal.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):258-258
pages 258-258 views

Puerperal infection with anaerobic streptococci. Schwarz and Dieckmann (Amer. Jour. of obst. a. gyn., v. 13, 1927; Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XII)

Timofeev A.


In agreement with Schollmüller's views, the authors believe that anaerobic streptococci are of predominant importance in puerperal infection. Of the 17 cases where blood cultures were positive, they were detected in 11. Cultures obtained from the uterine cavity detected 35 times anaerobic and 12 times aerobic streptococci. Of the 10 deaths, 5 were due to anaerobic streptococci and 3 to a mixture of anaerobic streptococci with other microbes.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):258-258
pages 258-258 views

Autochemotherapy of gynecological diseases. Cohn-Czemрin (Zentr. f. Gynäk., 1927, 44)

Zabolotskaya E.


In inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of women, the author obtained strikingly good results from the parenteral administration of the patient's own blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):258-258
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Treatment of uterine cancer with acetone. G. Gellhorn (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, No. 49)

Zabolotskaya E.


Despite the outstanding therapeutic value of radium, the latter may not be used in all cases of uterine cancer, and in many cases it is even harmful. For these very cases G. Gellhorn recommends treatment with acetone. The technique of this method is the following: proliferating cervical cancer is first scraped with a sharp spoon, then a deep cylindrical mirror is inserted into the vagina, the patient's pelvis is raised, and 1-2 tablespoons of acetone is poured into the mirror. Bleeding immediately stops. After 10 minutes, the liquid is removed by lowering the pelvis, and fresh acetone is poured, which is left for about 20 minutes, then the same way is removed, the remains of acetone are washed off, and mirror is removed. The treatment is repeated first every day, then after 1-2 weeks, every other day and then even less frequently.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):258-259
pages 258-259 views

To the radiotherapy of cervical cancers. Laborde (by Veg. ü. d. ges Gyn., Bd. XII)

Timofeev A.


The author dwells on the question of the dosage of radiant energy and the duration of treatment. The dose should not exceed 50 M. С. D. An overdose increases the number of relapses, because it damages the protective local forces. There is no question that a dose of 30-40 M. С. D. is better than a dose of 60-70 M. С. D. The duration of the treatment varies according to whether radium alone is used, or whether the X-ray is also used, in which more healthy tissue is captured.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):259-259
pages 259-259 views

Treatment of exudative diathesis with hydrochloric acid milk. Scheer (Klin. Woch., 1918, no. 3)

Lepsky E.


In children of difficult age, suffering from characteristic for exudative diathesis seborrhea, eczema of the face, diaper rash, etc., Scheer recommends to introduce in food from 100 to 600 cf. hydrochloric milk, prepared as follows: on 250 cf. boiled and cooled, whole or diluted by third with water milk, add by drop, stirring, 10 cf. normal solution (3.6%) hydrochloric acid and then 15-25 grams. (i.e. 6-10%) sugar. Already after a few days the exudative diathesis begins to improve and in 2-4 weeks it goes away.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):259-259
pages 259-259 views

Typhoid meningitis in a two-month-old child. P. S. Dukakis (J. Am. Med. As., 1927, vol. 89, no. 27)


Meningitis, as a complication of typhoid fever, is very rare, and in young children meningitis is also often seen. Therefore, the following case of Dr. P. S. Dukakis is of great interest: the disease began with regurgitation and elevation of t° to 39° C., after 6 days we noticed protrusion of fontanelle, neck stiffness, nystagmus; lumbar puncture obtained turbid fluid, in which was found non-staining Gram'y bacillus, which turned out during further examination to be typhoid; we could not obtain cultures from blood, but we found typhoid bacillus in urine, and in faeces - b. B. paratyphi.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):259-259
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Syphilitic lesions of the aorta in children. Gasteir (Arch. de méd. des enf., 1927, no. 11)

Tarnopolsky I.


According to Prof. Gastein's observations, intensification of II tone on the aorta, which is considered a very significant sign of syphilitic aortitis in adults, occurs especially often in children with hereditary lues, in which this phenomenon is much more important than in adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):259-260
pages 259-260 views

Central nervous barrier permeability in mental and nervous diseases. S. and L. Prusak (Warsz. Czasop. Lek., 1927, nos. 3-4)

Weinberg M.


The study of the permeability of the central nerve barrier (barrière hémato-encéphalique Sternow'a and Gautier) is increasingly acquiring the rights of citizenship among other clinical methods. For this study, it is possible to use either such substances that in a healthy person never pass into the cerebrospinal fluid and whose presence in the latter indicates damage to the barrier (Weil-Kafki gemolysin test, Flatau's chromo-neuroscopic test), or such that in pathological conditions pass either in increased versus normal amounts or in decreased amounts. The second category includes Walter's bromine test. Walter uses sodium bromide, the content of which he determines colorimetrically with gold chloride. Having determined by this method the bromine content in the cerebrospinal fluid and in the blood serum, he divides the figure expressing the bromine saturation of the blood serum by the figure expressing the bromine content in the cerebrospinal fluid, and by this he determines the barrier permeability index.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):260-260
pages 260-260 views

Mechanism of hypnosis and autonomic nervous system. A. P. Nikolaev (Phys. Gaz., 1927, No. 22)

Sherman S.


The author notes that, thanks mainly to the classical works of Academician I.P. Pavlov, it can be considered established that normal, natural sleep and hypnosis are states of the same order, which differ from each other only quantitatively, not qualitatively, and are an expression of cerebral cortex inhibition. In discussing the question of what leads to complete inhibition in the cerebral cortex, i.e. to sleep, the author dwells on the opinion of Legendre and Pieron, who believe that sleep is the result of hypnotoxin poisoning, and the opinion of Acad. Pavlov, according to which sleep is a simple unconditional protective, innate reflex, protecting the most valuable elements of the organism - nerve cells of the large hemispheres.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):260-261
pages 260-261 views

Kaplansky, Nalivkin, and Instekelis. Collapstherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. Frenicoexesis and Thoracoplasty. 183 pp. Odessa, 1928

Luria R.


Among the methods of treatment of pulmonary tbc based on compression of the diseased lung, artificial stenomothorax has nowadays become the common property not only of clinics and large hospitals, but also of peripheral doctors. This cannot be said about other methods of lung compression treatment (collapsesterapies), about phrenicoexection and thoracoplasty, which have no right of citizenship in the Russian clinic and are very little familiar to doctors, especially to general practitioners. Therefore, the collective work of the above mentioned Odessa tuberculosis specialists and surgeon deserves great attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):261-262
pages 261-262 views

F. Munk. Fundamentals of the General X-ray Diagnosis of Internal Diseases. III ed. 316 pp, 297 figures, Leipzig

Gasul R.Y.


In the field of x-ray diagnostic literature, we have two kinds of manuals and textbooks: some of them are intended for specialist radiographers, others for those numerous clinicians or practitioners who either use X-rays independently as an auxiliary diagnostic method, or are forced to decipher the radiographer's protocol notes or to understand the radiographs brought by the patient. This book is intended for the latter category of physicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):262-263
pages 262-263 views

А. V. Zhuravlev. Clinical electroionotherapy and other types of electric treatment. Edited by Prof. 1 M. G. U. K. P. Yakovlev, with a preface by Prof. A. P. Gubarev. In the text: 104 figures and 6 photographs. Moscow, 1927

Timofeev A.


The book contains three parts. The first - physical - part provides, in a simple statement, the necessary data on electricity. The second part deals with the physiological effects of currents on the body; this part is presented simply and understandably for non-specialists and contains a number of demonstration drawings. The third part, the medical part, deals with methods of treatment, mainly by means of ionization, and quite a significant place is given to the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):263-263
pages 263-263 views

Chronic gonorrhoids and paragonorrhoids diseases of the genital glands. Collection of articles edited by Prof. P.M. Fronstein. Ulyanovsk, 1926

Timofeev A.


The collection has the character of a monograph devoted to the questions of inflammatory diseases of the male genital glands, the effect of these diseases on their functions, and the most suitable methods of their therapy. It contains 6 separate articles, which, supplementing each other, give a rather complete picture of these lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):263-264
pages 263-264 views

Beiträge zum Sexualproblem. Herausgeg. von D-r А. Theilhaber. Verlag der Syndikalist, F. Kater. Berlin О. 34. Preis für jedes Heft 0,40 Mark

Galant I.


Dr. Theilhaber has been publishing a series of pamphlets in Berlin since 1925 under the general title "Essays on Sexual Issues". Twelve brochures have been published so far. Each one contains 24 pages and deals with one of the many sexual issues.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):264-264
pages 264-264 views

From the XXXVIII Congress of German Pediatricians

Lepsky E.M.


The thirty-eighth Congress of the German Paediatric Society, which took place September 8-15, 1927, in Vienna and Budapest, was of particular interest because its program was not only rich in scientific content, but also included a large number of visits to institutions, excursions to nearby spas, etc. It is worth mentioning the preliminary organizational work done by the Society's Bureau: each member, who paid in time, received a bundle of documents providing him not only preferential travel by train and steamboat, but also a Hungarian visa, a hotel room for the duration of the Congress, and all kinds of other benefits up to automatic luggage delivery to his apartment.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):264-266
pages 264-266 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 24, No. 2 (1928)


General meeting with a meeting of doctors of the State Institute for Moustache Doctors 31/I, dedicated to the memory of Prof. S.S. Zimnitsky.
Prof. M.I. Cheboksarov gave a short speech at the meeting. M.I. Cheboksarov delivered a short speech dedicated to the memory of Prof. S.S. Zimnitsky.
Dr. A. M. Predtechenskiy made a report under the title: "Prof. S. S. Zimnitskii. S.S. Zimnitskii as a teacher.
Prof. R. A. Luria made a report entitled: "Prof. S. S. Zimnitsky as a teacher. С. С. Zimnitsky as a Scientist".
Both these reports will be published in their entirety in the next issue of the Journal, which will be dedicated to the memory of S. S. Zimnitsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):266-269
pages 266-269 views

Scientific Sessions of Physicians of the Lenin State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians in Kazan. Vol. 24, No. 2 (1928)


Dr. A. M. Klementieva demonstrated a rare case of lattice aneurysm located in the lower part of the thoracic and upper part of the abdominal aorta, reaching art. rcnalis. The aneurysm was perforated in the thoracic region. During his life the patient, 27 years old, suffered from sharp constant pain in the epigastrii area. I.I. Vasiliev and R.A. Luria and Dr. M.I. Mastbaum who noted diagnostic features of this case, rarity of similar abdominal aortic lesion and instructive value of this case in the sense of special attention to cases of visceral lues.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):269-271
pages 269-271 views

Letters from Poland

Weinberg M.


In the past year, a number of medical meetings were held in Poland, among which we will first of all mention the First Congress of Slavic Doctors, which took place in Warsaw on 26-29 May. Doctors from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria were present at this Congress. On behalf of the Russian doctors, the famous neuropathologist Flatau from Warsaw greeted the Congress and on the closing day of the Congress he read a telegram sent from the USSR, signed, among others, by Prof. Bekhterev. At the S'ezd the following reports were heard: 1) On scleroma in the Slavic lands; the speakers were Bielinoff (Serbia), Cisler, Bercer (Czechoslovakia), Zaleski, Nowicki and Erbrich (Poland); a Committee to combat scleroma was organized. 2) On the prevention of scarlet fever and anti-scarlatina vaccinations; speakers Dobowski (Bulgaria), Michalowicz and Szenajch (Poland). 3) On expedient methods of sanitary administration in Slavic lands; speakers Kiesiakoff (Bulgaria), Wroczynski (Poland). The next meeting will be held in Prague in 1928.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):271-272
pages 271-272 views

Chronicle. Vol. 24, No. 2 (1928)


On February 15 this year, Professor Pavel Karlovich Gorst of Kazan University was honored on the occasion of his 36th anniversary of his teaching and 40th anniversary of his pharmaceutical activity. Among many greetings was heard a greeting from the editors of "Kazan Med. Magazine".

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):273-275
pages 273-275 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 24, No. 2 (1928)


What kind of device is this - ammonium cupro-sulfjmcum, used in trachoma by Meerhoff (Kaz. Med. J., 1927, No. 3), whether it ever had and what therapeutic application, and what is it like externally?
Subscriber No. 1590.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):276-276
pages 276-276 views

Foreign bodies of the external auditory canal

Chudnosovetov V.A.


Under foreign bodies of the ear in the proper sense of the word should be considered only those that enter the external auditory canal from the outside. However, this notion is now somewhat expanded to include in the group of foreign bodies of the ear deposits of the glandular apparatus of the external ear with the formation of accumulations of wax - "wax plugs". In general, all these bodies, of one origin or another, can be divided into two groups: animate and inanimate (Tsytovich, Fink).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(2):460-463
pages 460-463 views

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