Vol 34, No 10 (1938)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Socialist health care, social and professional hygiene, occupational pathology

Propper-Grashchenkov N.


The People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR, in accordance with Art. Art. 76 and 78 of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR, is the Union-Republican People's Commissariat and directs health care in the USSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):969-973
pages 969-973 views

New in the structure of Soviet health care

Epshtein T.D.


By the 20th anniversary of Soviet medicine, which was celebrated in 1938, the health care of our country was enriched with documents of the greatest political and organizational significance. First of all, this is the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 23/1V 1938 "On strengthening the rural medical area", reflecting the Stalinist concern of the party and government to improve medical care and a serious rise in sanitary affairs in rural areas of the multinational Soviet Union. Guided by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the People's Commissariat for Health developed the "Regulations on the rural medical area", constituting health care in the countryside in the entirety of its new tasks and new ways of working.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):974-977
pages 974-977 views

Regulation on the rural medical area

People's Commissariat o.


The provision of medical and preventive care and the implementation of anti-epidemic and sanitary measures among the rural population is carried out by district hospital-outpatient or outpatient medical institutions in conjunction with other medical and preventive institutions assigned to them, located in the part of the territory allocated for this service - the district section

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):978-983
pages 978-983 views

Chromoscopy of the stomach with hyperacid conditions

Afanasyev A.N.


Chromoscopy as a diagnostic method for violations of the secretory function of the stomach was introduced into the clinic almost simultaneously by the Austrian doctors Saxl and Scherf and the Germanic Glessner and Wittgenstein in 1925, but since Saxl and Scherf, although they were the first to publish their method, they worked with an insufficiently suitable indicator (methylene blue) and appeared in the less widespread press, and Glessner and Wittgenstein used a more successful neutralroth paint and published the method in the leading German press, then they remained priority in this matter. The results of their observation are as follows: neutralrot is not salivated, in a normal stomach it is shown after 15 minutes, with subacid values ​​of gastric secretion, the coloring matter is released after 20-60 minutes, and with anacid secretion it is not released at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):984-987
pages 984-987 views

To the clinic of biliary ascites and peritonitis

Golikov A.I., Smirnov V.N.


Biliary ascites and peritonitis, usually associated with diseases of the biliary tract and liver, as is known, are relatively rare in the clinic of internal diseases; more often, this material passes through the hands of the surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):987-993
pages 987-993 views

To the clinic of polyserositis

Absalyamova K.A.


As you know, polyserositis is understood as a systemic lesion of the serous membranes, mostly by chronic inflammation, and the serous integuments of the pleural, cardiac and abdominal cavities are affected simultaneously or sequentially in various combinations.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):993-998
pages 993-998 views

About contraindications to kumis treatment for kidney diseases

Mamish M.G., Mokeev A.M.


The data available in the literature on the effect of koumiss and koumiss therapy on various kidney diseases are very scarce and contradictory. Thus, Ibraev, Karrik and Dokhman saw good results from the use of kumis for chronic nephritis; other authors (Zhebrovsky, Rubel, Shtange) hold the opposite opinion: they consider kumis therapy contraindicated in parenchymal kidney diseases, in chronic nephritis. More or less modern research on this issue is unknown to us.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):998-1001
pages 998-1001 views

About phagocytosis of BCG with intracutaneous administration a tuberculous patient

Gershkovich I.M., Tamarin I.L.


Our data from the experimental study of BCG with the introduction of a live culture into the submucosa of the tongue confirmed the main provisions of Calmette and boil down to the following: at different intervals from the onset of infection, foci appear at the injection site of various shapes and sizes; the foci do not reach decay and ulceration at the injection site. The appearance of the lesion resembles an abscess infiltrate. The corresponding regional lymph nodes are not reactively involved in inflammation. The mucous membrane surrounding the focus remains without visible changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1001-1005
pages 1001-1005 views

On the therapeutic diet for tuberculosis

Andreev K.A.


In a brief and general description of the significant differences between the litany of a healthy and tuberculosis person, one can confine ourselves to indicating an increased need for the latter for a protein supply, a more abundant supply of vitamins, Ch. arr. vitamin C, as well as, especially during the period of destruction, calcium and phosphorus salts. For the diet of a healthy person, the norms developed by the nutritional section of the League of Nations with the participation of a representative of the USSR in November 1935 should be adopted; the protein composition (which is of greatest interest) must be at least 1 g per 1 kg of human weight; the minimum for proteins of animal origin is at least one third of their total.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1005-1010
pages 1005-1010 views

To the method of collecting anamnesis

Katerov V.I.


In this article, I mean once again to draw attention to the method of collecting those facts that are obtained by the so-called subjective research, that is, by questioning the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1010-1017
pages 1010-1017 views

On the types of pneumococci

Stefansky V.K., Drobinsky I.R.


Much attention is currently being paid to the question of the types of pneumococci in pneumonia. The typification of pathogens is important for the epidemiology, prevention and specific treatment of these diseases, as well as for their prognosis. It is known, for example, that mortality is especially high (sometimes up to 45%) with lung lesions caused by type III pneumococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1018-1021
pages 1018-1021 views

On the state of active mesenchyme in pneumonia

Kavetsky I.E., Redlikh V.A.


The fact that infection plays a role in the onset of pneumonia does not raise doubts at present. The importance of allergies in this disease, it seems to us, should also be considered proven. Even Wolf-Eisner considered the crisis in pneumonia as a phenomenon of anaphylactic shock based on leukopenia, a drop in temperature, and a decrease in blood complement. A number of facts speak in favor of the allergic theory of pneumonia: the violent reaction of the body at the onset of the disease, the rapid development of all pathological phenomena, the rapid coverage of the large anatomical units of the organ by the process, the fibrinous and hemorrhagic nature of the effusion itself, indicating the rapid onset of deep changes in the vascular walls (Davydovsky), herpes - expression on the skin of an increased sensitivity of the body to pneumococcal toxin (Konchalovsky), a tendency to relapse. The causative agents of pneumonia — pneumococci — are often found in the upper respiratory tract in healthy people and, therefore, sensitization of the body is quite possible. Children in the first months of life rarely get sick with pneumonia and very rarely give a positive skin reaction with pneumococcus, which can be explained by the lack of sensitization. The observed diseases of newborns, whose mother had pneumonia during pregnancy, can be explained by intrauterine passive sensitization, as a result of which the child is born with increased sensitivity to pneumococcus (Lauhe). Sirotinin believes that in the etiology of pneumonia “the predisposition associated with the constitution, generally characterized by a tendency to inflammatory processes (weakness of the active mesenchyme according to Bogomolets), is of great importance in the etiology of pneumonia, which is one of the distinguishing features of the allergic constitution”.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1021-1025
pages 1021-1025 views

Treatment of pneumonia with neosalvarsan

Sulimovskaya N.A., Zapadinskaya A.I.


Currently used various methods of treating pneumonia have the initial task of increasing the body's defenses. These include: vaccine therapy, serotherapy, chemotherapy (quinine, acridine, collargol, platinum, etc.). Some of the methods are based on exchange research data. This is the treatment of pneumonia with infusions of calcium, insulin with glucose, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1025-1032
pages 1025-1032 views

Serum phosphatase for rickets

Yurieva L.A.


Phosphatase is an enzyme that cleaves inorganic phosphorus from its organic compounds. The presence of phosphatase has been found in a number of different organs, in the kidneys, liver, bones, serum, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1032-1037
pages 1032-1037 views

Treatment of diarrhea in children with alginic acid preparation of seaweed

Hain G.A.


Among the dietary methods of treating children's diarrhea, the apple diet occupies a prominent place. This old folk remedy, first described by Gessing, Klimsch and Geisler, was thoroughly tested by Moro on children in 1925.Since then, the apple diet has become more widespread and has been used with success in the treatment of dysentery, colitis, dyspepsia and other intestinal diseases as in children. and in adults (Kolman, Menshikov, Melentieva, Wolf, Zero, Vinnikov and Davletbaev, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1037-1041
pages 1037-1041 views

Bacillus with dysentery

Stefansky V.K., Drobinsky I.R., Teplitskaya A.M.


The main source of infection with dysentery is sick and recovering people. In patients, the process can proceed in an acute or chronic form. Through their feces, these persons infect the environment, edible products (especially water consumed raw, flies. Acute dysentery patients, chronic and convalescent patients cause the appearance of healthy carriers - carriers of infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1041-1044
pages 1041-1044 views

Gambusia in the fight against malaria in the Saratov region

Olenev N.O.


Recently, in the USSR, more and more attention is paid to the biological method of fighting the malaria mosquito using the insectivorous mosquito fish, the mosquito. In the specialized, mainly medical, literature there have already appeared several dozen separate articles, treating the issues of acclimatization of biology and the use of mosquito fish in the fight against malaria in various southern parts of the USSR: Abkhazia, Georgia, Dagestan, North. Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Southern Ukraine (Rukhadze, Kalendadze, Speransky, Enikolopov, Bogoyavlensky, Bogdanovich, Danilova, Prendel, Nepokupnoy, Kulagin, Petrishcheva, Lindberg Epstein and others). In the work of prof. Sergieva and Kovtun "Organization of the fight against malaria in the USSR" "Medical Parasitology", No. 6, 1937), which is a review for the 20th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution, the use of mosquito fish is considered as one of the main measures in the fight against the vector of malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1044-1047
pages 1044-1047 views

Malaria provocation by operating trauma

Kusheva M.N.


In the periodical literature over the past 10 years, there is a very small number of works devoted to the issue of the provocation of malaria by surgical trauma, although surgeons, who are often forced to operate on malaria, must have faced a similar postoperative complication. This issue we have in the Volga region and in particular in the Saratov region, where malaria occurs, should be of great importance and requires special attention. Our clinic studied the impact of surgical trauma on the provocation of malaria during 1936 and 1937.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1048-1051
pages 1048-1051 views

About hexenal and evipan anesthesia

Rudnitsky P.V.


The idea of ​​introducing narcotic substances into the bloodstream in order to obtain anesthesia appeared long before the use of ether and chloroform for inhalation anesthesia. Scheel reports on the work of Elsgolts, which appeared in 1665. This author succeeded by intravenous administration of opium preparations to achieve anesthesia satisfactory for that time. In 1845, Florence used intravenous chloral in dogs. After the discovery of the narcotic properties of ether, they tried to use it for intravenous anesthesia in order to avoid those unpleasant phenomena associated with the inhalation method of its use. Burcktardt was the first to propose to use ether intravenously and was the first to apply this method in practice. Kümmel proposed a combination of ether with isopral. Ogier in 1875 reported 51 cases of successful anesthesia with intravenous chloral in humans. In our country, Kravkov was offered hedonal and applied in the clinic by prof. Fedorov.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1051-1058
pages 1051-1058 views

About injuries of the cervical thoracic duct

Kharitonov I.F.


Injuries to the thoracic duct during neck surgery are rare.

But recently, due to the expansion of indications for operations to remove malignant tumors of the supraclavicular lymphatic glands of the neck, cases of injury to the thoracic duct tend to slightly increase.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1058-1064
pages 1058-1064 views

About the presentation of the placenta

Sukhanov E.M.


Presentation of the child's seat is a serious complication of pregnancy. Timely diagnosis and correct therapy can be critical to keeping the mother alive.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1064-1068
pages 1064-1068 views

About stenosis of the cervical canal

Pantsevich I.F.


Frequently occurring cases of stenosis of the birth canal are formed in adult women, according to most authors, as a result of traumatic or inflammatory processes in this area.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1068-1073
pages 1068-1073 views

Exercise treatment of chronic constipation in women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genital area

Kishinevskaya R.Y.


Every gynecologist is familiar with the daily complaints of patients about prolonged stool retention and difficulty in defecation, which is especially typical for people with inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Constipation is maintained, and often reflexively caused by inflammatory processes in the genital area; overcrowded colon give rise to displacement of the internal genital organs with congestion in the small pelvis, supporting the inflammatory process.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1074-1079
pages 1074-1079 views

Bowel obstruction and pregnancy

Landau Y.M.


The issue of ileus in obstetrics is little covered in the literature. In the manuals for obstetrics, we found brief indications of this complication only in Gruzdev, Hunter and Stäckel. In 1928 Rusin collected 13 cases from Russian literature, Krupsky and Savitsky collected 30 cases in 1933. In foreign literature, we find the works of Van der Geven (1914 - 94 pages), Leitner (from 1914 to 1925 he collected 81 cases), Preuss (world statistics until 1933 in 250 cases).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1079-1085
pages 1079-1085 views

Blood transfusion for certain eye diseases

Pritsker L.V.


Blood transfusion, which has long been successfully used as a therapeutic method in surgery, therapy and other branches of medicine, has penetrated into ophthalmology relatively recently.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1085-1089
pages 1085-1089 views

Observations on the use of streptocide in eye diseases

Rozhdestvensky M.V.


Over the past five to six years, a new chemotherapeutic drug — streptocid — prontosil — rubiazol — has attracted the attention of doctors of various specialties. This drug was first discovered by Klarer and Mitch in 1932 in Germany and named by them "prontosil". In our Union, the same drug was synthesized by Magidson and Rubtsov in 1935 at the Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute in Moscow and received the name “streptocide” (p.). In France, an identical drug was obtained by Girard and named by him "rubiazole". Later, this first drug was called red s., Since new modifications of s. Were proposed that have different physicochemical properties (soluble s., White s.,).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1090-1094
pages 1090-1094 views

On the role of isohemoagglutination in determining paternity

Ustinov P.V.


On June 21, 1937, in the Sverdlovsk Regional Forensic Medical Laboratory, a study was made of the blood group belonging to members of 2 families — about mixing up their children in a maternity hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1095-1096
pages 1095-1096 views

A case of chylothorax

Komurdzhiev F.S.


Patient S-ch, 40 years old, was admitted with complaints of shortness of breath, severe pain in the left side of the chest and in the left hypochondrium and inability to lie on the right side and back. 5 days ago b-noi received a knife wound in the upper left part of the back, between the scapula and 2-3 thoracic vertebrae. 10-15 minutes after the wound, the b-mu was helped by a surgeon, who ascertained that the patient had a wound penetrating the pleura and lung with symptoms of subcutaneous emphysema, there was no hemoptysis. Gd had a very bad night, restless and anxious and complained of pain in the left side of his chest. In the morning, a council of physicians and surgeons established hemopneumothorax in b-th. The temperature was normal; on the back between the left shoulder blade and the second thoracic vertebra, a small wound was found with a small amount of blood discharge. In the following days, the patient's condition worsened, shortness of breath increased, insomnia, a feeling of compression and pain in the left side of the chest increased, the temperature rose to 37.4 ° and on the advice of the doctors who used the patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis of hemopneumothorax.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1096-1098
pages 1096-1098 views

A case of detecting a foreign body in a hernial bag

Verigo N.A.


The presence of foreign bodies in the contents of the hernial sac is a very rare phenomenon; for the most part they represent chance finds in operations or sections. It is very difficult to diagnose them, especially in cases that do not have any indications of this in the anamnesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1098-1099
pages 1098-1099 views

A case of intra-abdominal testicular volvulus

Borisov M.V.


Patient B.K., doctor, 35 years old, 15 / X 30, suddenly felt acute abdominal pain. In the morning, the patient took part in unloading potatoes, carried sacks. While working, he suddenly felt severe abdominal pain, went home and took to bed. At home, the pain did not stop, despite the rest and the heating pad put on his stomach. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the patient sent for me.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1099-1100
pages 1099-1100 views

About spastic gastrointestinal block

Gabai A.V.


High gastrointestinal obstruction that occurs after operations on the stomach does not always find an explanation in the phenomena of a vicious circle, depending on mechanical obstacles, or in the phenomena of paralytic obstruction due to peritonitis around the anastomosis. In 1921, Blond, and after him Reischauer, on the basis of the development of a large operative ulcerative material of the Küttner clinic, proposed to distinguish all cases of high obstruction after gastroenterostomy, where there are no visible mechanical or paralytic reasons for it, into the concept of a spastic gastrointestinal block, considering that the operating room trauma entails a strong increase in the tone of the muscles of the stomach and intestines. Spastic gastrointestinal block can occur either shortly after surgery (acute cases), or some time after it (subacute and chronic cases). According to Gertel, with this complication, there is a retrograde passage of intestinal contents into the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1100-1102
pages 1100-1102 views

To the casuistry of vascular cervical bleeding in scarlet fever

Berenstein V.S.


Among the numerous complications of scarlet fever, bleeding from the cervical vessels is a relatively rare, but very dangerous complication. In an exemplary children's hospital, at 1370 scarlet fever autopsies, there were 12 cases of vascular bleeding from the neck, which is 0.88%.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1103-1105
pages 1103-1105 views

Clinical presentation and recognition of esophageal diverticula

Mayanskaya K.A.


Among the various forms of diverticula of the esophagus, as is known, the most clinically elucidated form is Zenker's border diverticulum. Other forms of diverticula - traction, pulsation, functional - are less known. There is an opinion that they generally refer to extremely rare phenomena. This, probably, depends on the fact that these forms of diverticula, having a pronounced or uncharacteristic clinical picture, are usually not diagnosed clinically, but are more often an accidental finding by fluoroscopy or autopsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1106-1111
pages 1106-1111 views

Pneumococcal toxin and antitoxin

R. P.


The author describes a method for obtaining pneumococcal toxin under aerobic conditions on ordinary veal broth with the addition of 0.1% of human blood. The author managed to concentrate this toxin by precipitating it with ammonium sulfate and to obtain a skin reaction similar to that of scarlet fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1111-1112
pages 1111-1112 views

Quantitative test for swelling of the capsule, pneumococcus in the serum of pneumonia

R. P.


Clapp and her co-workers found a definite relationship between the protective effect of serum from a horse immunized with Pneimococcus type 11 and the degree of swelling of the capsule of this microbe in this serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

About serological types of meningococcus

R. P.


A number of studies in recent years have shown that the division of meningococcus into 4 serological types, given by Gordon, does not cover all representatives of this microbe.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1112-1112
pages 1112-1112 views

Experiments in vaccination of epidemic poliomyelitis in rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, chickens and ferrets

R. P.


All experiments were carried out with a strain of the passage monkey virus, the infectious dose of which for Macacus rhesus was 0.01 cm of 5% suspension of the spinal cord (when introduced into the abdominal cavity).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1112-1113
pages 1112-1113 views

An attempt to detect choriomeningitis and encephalitis viruses from St. Louis 8 in the serum of poliomyelitis patients without paralysis

R. P.


The outbreak of the epidemic that took place in New Nork in 1935 is characterized by the author as poliomyelitis, since the presence of flaccid paralysis occurred in about half of the cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1113-1113
pages 1113-1113 views

Chronic inflammation of the intervertebral ganglion under the picture of an extradural tumor

Yurov A.


A. reports one case of extradural chronic inflammatory process of the intervertebral ganglion at the level of D XII and L I.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1113-1113
pages 1113-1113 views

Healing large brain defects and replacing them with transplanted fat

Mayat V.


The author investigated the healing results of large brain defects in dogs.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1113-1114
pages 1113-1114 views

About the fate of patients operated on for spina bifida

Mayat V.


The author examines the results of surgical treatment of 44 patients with Spina bifida, operated on in the surgical clinic of the University of Königsberg. 20 patients died from surgery, of which in 12 cases the cause of death was meningitis, and in other cases, general weakness, eating disorders, cerebral edema.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Operation of the large rectovaginal fistula

Yurov A.


The author points out that after radiotherapy for cancer of the uterus, vaginal-rectal fistulas with corpuscular edges are formed. Closing such fistulas is difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Treatment of epidermomycosis (trichophytosis, cut of invisible lichen) with eosin

Veksel M.


Eosin has a good therapeutic effect in various forms of trichophytosis of smooth skin, with pityriasis versicolor.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

Treatment of pink lichen eosin

Veksel M.


The author claims that lichen rosacea is caused by a fungus (Cryptococcus Duboisii).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1114-1114
pages 1114-1114 views

About the treatment of epidermophytosis of the hands and feet

Veksel M.


For diseases caused by a parasite of the epiiermephyton type, the author used local baths 2 times a day, 10 m each, with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

A new method for the treatment of baldness with methylacetylcholine

Veksel M.


The authors believe that the main cause of baldness is vasoconstriction caused by a violation of the innervation of the sympathetic nerve; there is a narrowing of vasomotors on the surface of bald skin foci.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Treatment of itching of the vulva with injections of alcohol

Dembskaya V.


In cases of persistent itching of the vulva, not amenable to any therapeutic effects, the author resorts to injections of 95% alcohol.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1115-1115
pages 1115-1115 views

Acne necrotica miliaris on the head

D. A.


In the Mayo Clinic dermatology since 1933, 35 large with miliary necrotizing acne have been registered - on the head.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1115-1116
pages 1115-1116 views

Skin leukemia and erypridderma

D. A.


Based on the study of the literature, embracing 222 cases, and his own observations of skin leukemia, the author comes to the conclusion that in 4.5% of all cases there is primary skin leukemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1116-1116
pages 1116-1116 views

Surgical Society. Meeting 17 / X 38

Osipovsky V.M.


The speaker demonstrates the patient S-va, 31, operated on (prefecture GM Novikov) in the emergency surgery for the weather of nodulation. The operations were performed under local infiltration anesthesia according to Vishnevsky. Removed 432 cm of small and 75 cm of large intestines (sigma), gangrenous intestines.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(10):1116-1117
pages 1116-1117 views

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