Vol 38, No 1 (1957)

Cover Page

Full Issue

To the renewal and history of the Kazan Medical Journal


Kazan Medical Journal is published after a long break caused by the Great Patriotic War.
The resumption of "Kazan Medical Journal" is a great event for wide circles of scientific and medical community not only in Kazan and Tatarstan, but also in our country.
For several decades - since 1901 - the medical Russia with unflagging interest read, loved and supported the "Kazan Medical Journal", the history of which is inseparable from the history of the medical faculty of Kazan University since the second half of XIX century.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The next tasks of the health authorities of Soviet Tatarstan

Yarmukhametov R.Y.


The historic 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, whose decisions are now successfully implemented by the Soviet people, set before the medical workers of the country the task of further development of health care, increasing the level of preventive activities, improving the quality and culture of medical care for the population.
Our country has created all the conditions for the Soviet people to live better. This is confirmed by the fact that, along with the annual increase in the real wages of workers and employees and the incomes of collective farmers, the cultural and domestic construction is steadily growing and healthcare is developing in every possible way, which is very clearly seen in the example of Soviet Tatarstan.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):11-15
pages 11-15 views

On the development of N. A. Mislavsky's scientific legacy on the problem of breathing regulation on the basis of clinical data

Sergievsky M.V.


Among the physiologists of the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century N.A. Mislavsky undoubtedly belongs to the leading importance in the study of the mechanisms of respiratory regulation. Based on the results of careful physiological and morphological experiments in 1885 he made a number of conclusions, which were the basis of a certain direction in understanding and solving the whole problem of respiratory regulation in general.
He belongs to a specific definition of the concept of "respiratory center". He wrote: "The respiratory center must be that place of the nervous system, the destruction of which leads to an irreversible cessation of respiratory movements. He determined its location and boundaries in the medulla oblongata and provided the first evidence of the division of the respiratory center into aspiratory and expiratory parts.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):16-23
pages 16-23 views

On the issue of interoreception in diseases of the digestive organs

Teregulov A.G.


The problem of interoreception, in spite of the huge experimental material and facts established on patients by K.M. Bykov's laboratory (Bykov-Davydov, Trofimov, Kurtsin-Monakhov-Prokopenko) did not find proper coverage in the clinic of digestive organs diseases.
The topic of the report is the issues of interoreception, namely, the role of interreflex disorders in the formation of complex forms of diseases of the digestive organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):24-30
pages 24-30 views

Surgeon's tactics for patients with acute cholecystitis

Sokolov N.V.


The question about the surgeon's tactics in patients with acute cholecystitis is not new. Okinshevich mentioned at the XV Congress of Russian surgeons in 1922, that from 134 patients 65 were operated in cold stage, and 67 patients - in acute stage due to "all kinds of complications". The question about surgery in acute stage of cholecystitis was also raised by I.I. Grekov. However, until recent years, there was great controversy on the issue of indications for surgery in the acute stage of cholecystitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Some features of the state of the nervous system in angina pectoris

Rakhlin L.M., Rusetsky I.I., Akhtyamova D.K., Pivikova M.I.


In light of the accumulated facts in the clinic, the "coronary content" of the thoracic thready is beyond doubt.
Without entering into the discussion of whether spasm of the coronary arteries of the heart always lies in the pathogenesis of the seizure or there may be other manifestations of their function inadequacy, relative myocardial ischemia is undoubtedly the nodal link of seizure pathogenesis, which distinguishes the chest wallflower from angina-like pain syndromes of different origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Novocaine blockade of the rheumatic nerves and sympathetic trunks in connection with surgical treatment of inflammatory processes of the peritoneum and abdominal cavity organs

Domrachev I.V.


Since 1933 we use novocaine block for patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers as a diagnostic tool for indications to surgical intervention. Along with it, in recent years we widely apply novocaine blockade of the cranial nerves and border sympathetic trunks not only as a diagnostic means, but also as a therapeutic one - in acute appendicitis and gallbladder inflammation.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

The role of bee venom in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis patients

Kavetsky N.E., Lizunova M.I.


It can be considered established, that hypertensive disease is curable in its initial stage; in its subsequent stages, applying an active complex therapy, one can mostly obtain a more or less prolonged remission, accompanied by improvement of patients' state of health and restoration or increase of the ability to work. We could be convinced in this by observation over 1192 patients, who were in our clinic during the last 8,5 years and by studying 408 case histories of hypertensive patients, who were treated at the resort of Sergievskiye Mineralnye Vody.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Regarding thrombotic spleen

Vyaselev R.A., Smirnov V.N.


The present report is an attempt of clinical analysis of our observations in order to emphasize the significance of individual symptoms of thrombophlebitic spleen and to clarify the indications for surgical intervention.
In recent years we have followed up 13 patients with thrombophlebitic spleen. Of them: men-6, women-7; the patients' age varied from 17 to 46 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Experience of treating patients with chest pain with intra-arterial infusions of novocaine

Kilmatova F.F.


The mechanism of therapeutic effect of novocaine as an anesthetic is twofold. The first one is through the receptor in the regulatory mechanisms of the vascular bed; the second one is through decreasing the reactivity of pathologically altered interreceptors of coronary vessels.
We were interested in the possibility of obtaining therapeutic effect in angina by influencing arterial receptors with novocaine.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):60-64
pages 60-64 views

On the dynamics of 17-ketosteroids in urine during treatment of rheumatism with antirheumatic agents

Valimukhametova D.A.


To date, there is no consensus on the etiology of rheumatism. The most common is the streptococcal theory of rheumatism - about ß-hemolytic streptococcus type A (V. T. Talalaev, N. D. Strazhesko, A. I. Nesterov, Aschoff, Gräff, Fahr and others) and the streptococcal theory (G. D. Zaleski, O. P. Peterson, Swift and others). The authors' point of view on the pathogenesis of rheumatism is relatively consistent. All authors recognize that in the pathogenesis of rheumatism the leading role is played by the disturbance of two systems: hyaluronidase-hyaluronic acid system and disturbance of hormonal function of pituitary-adrenal system, namely, inhibition of ACTH synthesis, which is a stimulator of adrenal cortex hormones.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):65-70
pages 65-70 views

On the effectiveness of the combined use of antibiotics and pentoxyl in the treatment of purulent wound infection

Gubaidullina M.Z.


Research data of our department show that purulent staphylococcal processes, difficult to treat because of their complication with Proteus, under the influence of treatment with a combination of penicillin and synthomycin (or levomycetin) proceed more easily and end earlier than those treated with penicillin alone (Melnikov, Gubaidullina, Kutdusova). However, even with the combination of penicillin and synthomycin complete recovery of animals comes not earlier than 4-5 weeks. Such duration of the healing process, we must think, to some extent associated with inhibition of immunological reactions by antibiotics, which contributes to the preservation of proteus in the wound and delays the process of tissue regeneration.
In this regard, the question of reasonable forms and methods of adding any stimulating drugs to antibiotic therapy, providing greater efficiency in the fight against infection, is of interest. In search of such a method we stopped on pentoxyl.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):71-75
pages 71-75 views

A case of latent hermaphroditism detected during an appendectomy

Rakhmatullin R.N.


Hermaphroditism in men is an extremely rare phenomenon. From the available literature we managed to find only one case from Tashkent (described by I.M. Georgadze and Yunusov).
Patient G., 20 years old, was admitted with symptoms of acute appendicitis. Objectively: the appearance of a healthy young man, of average height, regular build. One testicle was absent, the right spermatic cord was not palpable.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):76-76
pages 76-76 views

Rare case of swallowing foreign bodies

Evgeniev-Tish E.M.


Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are quite rare in forensic practice. In the literature we found a relatively small number of such cases. For example, M.I. Avdeev describes a combined suicide in which a suicide victim stabbed himself in the neck and inserted a 35 cm long wooden stick into the esophagus. The stick caused a perforation of the esophagus in its lower part, resulting in purulent mediastinitis, which resulted in death. Diatroptov cites a case of swallowing a knife 28 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. The knife injured not only the esophagus but also the apex of the right lung. Ingestion of foreign bodies is also described by F. Arkhangelsky and S. Krushevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Case of a foreign body in the esophagus

Firsov P.D.


Инородные тела, и в частности, монеты в пищеводе у детей — явление нередкое. Они хорошо диагносцируются на основании анамнеза, дисфагии и совершенно точно определяются рентгеном. Однако для этого врачу нужно заподозрить попадание инородного тела в пищевод. Если таких подозрений не возникает, возможны ошибки, приводящие иногда к опасным последствиям в виде образования дивертикулов от давления монеты, а затем пролежней и осложнений в виде периэзофагита и медиастинита, угрожающих жизни.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):77-78
pages 77-78 views

Republican Meeting of Surgeons of TASSR

Sokolov N.V.


The TASSR Ministry of Health held the Republican meeting of surgeons of Tatarstan from May 25 to 28 this year in Kazan, which was attended by about 100 surgeons of regional and district hospitals. After the opening speech of the Minister of Public Health of the TASSR, Mr. M.I. Grachev, the chief surgeon of the TASSR Ministry of Public Health, docent Y.M. Krinitski, presented his report "On the state and measures to improve the surgical service in the TASSR".

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):79-79
pages 79-79 views

First conference of therapists of the Volga region

Rakhlin L.M.


On May 11-13, a conference of therapists of the Volga Region was held in Kuibyshev, which was the first zonal therapeutic conference convened by the All-Russian Scientific Society of Physicians and the RSFSR Ministry of Health.
More than 300 physicians from Moscow, Gorki, Kazan, Saratov, Astrakhan, Stalingrad and Kazan to take part in the conference. Stalingrad, Astrakhan, and other cities.
The program of the conference was centered around the issues of nonspecific lung diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):79-82
pages 79-82 views

III All-Union Meeting and Scientific Conference of Forensic and Criminalists

Bereza M.G., Zakonov А.I.


The meeting and conference were convened by Order No. U2 of the USSR Ministry of Health on 9/III-57. Riga from July 1 to 6, 1957.
The program questions were:
(a) Improving the quality of forensic medicine in the light of measures to strengthen socialist legality;
b) role and tasks of forensic medicine in preventive work of public health bodies;
c) sudden death (pathogenesis, morphological changes, forensic medical examination and tasks of prevention);
d) examination of physical evidence (improvement and implementation of new laboratory methods);
e) Separate issues of forensic science;
f) activities of the All-Union Scientific Society of Forensic and Criminalists.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):82-83
pages 82-83 views

Modern blood substitutes

Ganeeva R.R.


Nowadays, it is difficult to find a branch of practical medicine that would not use the healing properties of blood transfusion as a highly effective therapeutic method. The use of blood and its preparations for the treatment of patients has firmly entered the arsenal of medical means and led to the creation of the blood transfusion service.
However, the organization of blood transfusion is associated with certain difficulties. Procurement of donor blood requires qualified personnel and material costs. At the same time the resources of donor blood are rather limited.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views

Chronicle. Vol. 38, No. 1 (1957)


On 17/V 1957 at the Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of the TASSR the report of the deputy head of the Kazan City Health Department Mr. M.N. Petukhov was heard. M.N. Petukhov - "The state of health care in the city of Kazan. Kazan in light of the execution of the order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR № 541 of July 31, 1957".
The heads and doctors of medical and preventive institutions of the city, professors and teachers of the Institute took an active part in the discussion of the report.

Kazan medical journal. 1957;38(1):87-88
pages 87-88 views

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