Vol 26, No 12 (1930)

Professor Mikhail Semenovich Pilnov


December 1 p. at 11 o'clock in the afternoon the prof. Mikhail Semenovich Pilnov, Director of the Skin and Venereal Clinic b. Kazan University, now the Medical Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1178-1180
pages 1178-1180 views

To the pathological anatomy of adrenal tuberculosis and Addison's disease

Dal' M.K.


Tuberculosis of the adrenal glands in the form of an independent disease, apparently, does not occur, and usually the organ is infected by a hematogenous route from the original focus, which is most often localized in the lung. But sometimes we can talk about an isolated defeat, because in other parts of the body, by petrification, it can more or less completely eliminate a specific process.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1181-1185
pages 1181-1185 views

Changes in AR blood of tuberculosis patients during treatment with kumis

Tsvetkov I.I., Inyushkin N.V.


Recently, as you know, much attention has been paid to physicochemical factors in all areas of medicine and biology. Of particular interest in the course of the body's life processes is the study of the active reaction of the blood, which is understood as the concentration of hydrogen ions — Pn (Pfaundler, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1185-1190
pages 1185-1190 views

On the pathology of gastric secretion of the peasant population

Rodionov V.E.


As you know, the majority of gastric suffering is based on the pathology of the secretory and motor function of the stomach, depending or without it on the organic changes in its anatomical and physiological structure. In the presence of a complex of anamnestic and objective data, the state of secretion in each given case is laid on the basis for the diagnosis of gastric diseases, why the laboratory data in connection with the clinic serve as the starting material in our article. We took the result of chemical studies of gastric juice carried out in the Ardatov laboratory for 10 years from 1919 to 1928 inclusive in the amount of 2277 cases. We believe that this material is sufficient to reveal some aspects of the pathology of the function of the gastric glands depending on the conditions of nutrition and life of the peasant population, especially since in relation to nutrition during this period of time the population was in very different conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1190-1194
pages 1190-1194 views

The use of antivirus for scarlet fever

Ado-Agafonova E.I.


In recent years, scarlet fever has received a lot of attention. Although the question of the etiology has not been finally resolved to the present time, it must be admitted that the fact that hemolytic streptococcus plays an exceptional role in the pathogenesis of scarlet fever must be recognized as undeniable. Let the question of the etiology of scarlet fever have not yet been resolved, but measures to combat scarlet fever, directed mainly against hemolytic streptococcus (antitoxic serum), have practically justified themselves. Anti-scarlet fever serum has given excellent results in the treatment of toxic forms of scarlet fever, but the failure of its use in severe septic cases, the lack of a full guarantee in preventing the appearance of scarlet fever complications and its impotence in the treatment of complications that have already occurred, makes us still consider the problem of treating scarlet fever unresolved and look also other ways to treat scarlet fever and prevent its complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1194-1198
pages 1194-1198 views

To the clinic of polyserositis

Flange S.I., Lyakhovitsky M.M.


Despite the recent appearance of a number of new works (Gurevich, Guseinov, Gerkke, Kresin, Manburg, Mezhebovskiy, etc.) devoted to the study of polyserositis, we still cannot say that this disease has been sufficiently studied. In addition, we still do not have in the literature large, consolidated works based on a large clinical material, which, perhaps, is explained by the known rarity of these sufferings, and maybe the difficulty of diagnosing them.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1199-1215
pages 1199-1215 views

On the question of parainguinal hernias

Korzon P.I.


Paraguinal hernias include hernias of the inguinal region, which, like oblique hernias, exit the abdominal cavity through the internal opening of the inguinal canal, pass the latter, but exit not through the external opening, but away from it through the slit of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. These gaps in the aponeurosis are located between the arcuate fibers, rounding the outer opening of the inguinal canal, then on the median or lateral leg of the inguinal opening.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1215-1219
pages 1215-1219 views

On the fight against clandestine abortion

Magid M.I.


Although the localization of abortion has significantly limited the number of illegal abortions, nevertheless a certain number of the latter are still being carried out underground. Their percentage falls from year to year. Gens believes that in Moscow (1928) almost 90% of abortions are performed in hospitals; according to his data in the countryside in 1925 yet? 50-60% of abortions were carried out underground.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1219-1224
pages 1219-1224 views

To the question of the fight against lupus in the Republic of Tatarstan

Batunin P.M., Chumakov N.N.


Lupus (lupus vulgaris) is currently attracting the attention of dermatologists for many reasons, of which it is necessary to note the social and social significance of the issue, the frequency of the lesion and its consequences, as well as the extremely chronic course of the disease, the persistence and ingratitude of this suffering in relation to therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1224-1234
pages 1224-1234 views

Mental changes in abortive forms of encephalitis (psychoencephalosis)

Galant I.B.


It is well known that epid, encephalitis is distinguished by an extraordinary variety and variegation of pictures of the state, symptom complexes, syndromes and initial states. With E.E. we have all kinds of hyperkinetic, hypo- and akinetic forms, we meet various kinds of paralysis - ophthalmoplegic form, hemiplegic form with aphasia and without it, thalamic and other syndromes, fulminant form of encephalitis, and among the initial conditions are described in addition to the well-known parkinsonism and related conditions, various post-encephalitic spinal cord diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, syringomyelia, atypical poliomyelitis with nuclear paralysis (Salus), etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1234-1237
pages 1234-1237 views

The case of ulcus pepticum jejuni perforativum

Krapivin V.V.


One very serious complication after stomach surgery is undoubtedly peptic ulcers. Their feature is their tendency to perforation, more often in the transverse colon, less often in the free abdominal cavity. This last position, that is, perforation into the free abdominal cavity, is confirmed by the literature data, for example, Eiselsberg described 2 cases, Sholkov - 2 cases, Briitt - 2 cases, Abrumyanu - 1 cases, Konechny - 2 sl., Uspensky — 1 sl, Clinic prof. Razumovsky - 2 words. etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1238-1238
pages 1238-1238 views

Echinococcus uterus case

Baskakov A.I.


Echinococcal cyst in the human body has the most diverse localization. Described are rare cases of finding echinococcus in the small pelvis in women. One such case, which I have observed, I will allow myself to cite here.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1239-1240
pages 1239-1240 views

Inguinal hernia of the pregnant uterus

Peckler S.N., Kolesnikova T.A.


A hernia of a pregnant uterus is considered quite rare. This gives us the right to describe one such case that we encountered in our district practice. Patient Sh. M., 43 years old, a peasant woman, was admitted to the Zainskaya hospital with a complaint of a tumor in the right groin area and slight dark spotting from the genital tract. The tumor appeared two years ago. At first, it was small and painless, appeared when straining and freely refueled. Recently, the tumor has increased, a week before Sh. Was admitted to the hospital, she stopped refueling and became painful.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1240-1241
pages 1240-1241 views

Full-term ectopic pregnancy

Korzhavin B.V.


The rarity of a full-term ectopic pregnancy (according to Blacker until 1917, only 5 cases are known) prompts me to publish the following case, which was operated on at the Ostashkovskaya city hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1241-1241
pages 1241-1241 views

To the clinic for primary lung cancer

Katerov V.I.


The general interest that has been shown in recent years to the cancer problem in general, and in particular to primary lung cancer (PRL), will be quite understandable if only brief information about the almost universal growth of this disease is given. So, according to Davydov a (Moscow), for 1910-14. PRL met in relation to: 1 case. for 400 autopsies and gradually increasing. reached in 1924-27. ratios 1:60 sup. According to statistics from Berblinger'a (Jena), in 1910-14. the ratio was 1: 294 open., and in 1920-24. already 1: 100.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1242-1247
pages 1242-1247 views

New ways of organotherapy

Bochkarev P.V.


Bibliography and reviews. P.V. Bochkarev. New ways of organotherapy. G. M. I. 1929 g. A small book of 37 pages is an overview of new work in endocrinology and acquaints the reader with the progressive growth of both theoretical endocrinology and practical (organotherapy).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1247-1247
pages 1247-1247 views

A case of atypical lymphogranulomatosis


Abstracts. General pathology and bacteriology. Gsell (in the article Miliare generalisierte Granulomatose m. Eingelagertem Amyloid — Ziegl. Beitr. 1928, Bd. 81, H. 1-2) reports a case of atypical lymphogranulomatosis in 53 y. man The disease lasted for about a year and with symptoms of heart weakness and icterus led to death. On the section in the lungs there is a peculiar picture, very similar to the miliary tbc, in the spleen changes typical for lymphogranulomatosis, in the liver the nodes are lim.-gr. resembled metastases of a malignant neoplasm. Microscopically peculiar picture of lim.gr. with miliary generalization and with secondary deposition of amyloid-like substance.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1247-1247
pages 1247-1247 views

Experimental tumor therapy


Abstracts. General pathology and bacteriology. Collier. Experimental tumor therapy. (Zschr. F. Hygiene. 1929, Bd. 110, H. 2). While plumbum tannicum, oxalicum, citricum had a weak effect on experimental tumors in mice, plumbum formicum cured the process in about 1/3 of cases, and in 2/3 there was a clear inhibitory effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1247-1247
pages 1247-1247 views

Bartonella canis


Abstracts. General pathology and bacteriology. Kikuth. Bartonella canis (Zbl. F. Bakter. Bd. 113, H. 1/4). Mayer and Kikuth, then Noguchi found with verruga peruviana and Oroyafieber in red roofs, balls of Bartonella bacilliformis. Also, with infectious anemia of rats, it was possible to find the pathogen Bartonella muris.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1247-1248
pages 1247-1248 views

Leprosy brought to the Caspian region and the Caucasus from Persia


Abstracts. General pathology and bacteriology. Shvartsman (Zlb. F. Bakt., Bd. 112, H. 5-8) indicates that leprosy was brought to the Caspian region and the Caucasus from Persia, and the spread of leprosy disease is favored by the proximity of the sea and an unhygienic lifestyle. It is very likely that fish consumption plays a role in this. Leprosy can be carried by flies, mosquitoes.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1248-1248
pages 1248-1248 views

Heart in chronic diseases of the respiratory organs

Braun L.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Heart in chronic respiratory diseases according to prof. Lurdwig'y Braun'y (Die arztliche Praxis, No. 2-1930) undergoes secondary changes in the following sequence: right ventricular hypertrophy, its dilation, right atrial hypertrophy, its dilation, and finally, or at the same time, left heart hypertrophy with its subsequent dilation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1248-1248
pages 1248-1248 views

Air action in the vascular system and the mechanism of death

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Air action in the vascular system and the mechanism of death. Laborde and Muron introduced up to 500 kc. air in v. jugularis of the dog in a slow way and without fatal results, while the rapid introduction of 100.0-200.0 k. from. caused paralysis of the heart from sprains. De page also says that getting air into a vein is not as dangerous as is commonly thought. He reports 2 cases during surgery that were cured by artificial respiration. 3 theories of death: nervous (Morgagni), pulmonary (Roisseule), cardiac (Magendie).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1248-1248
pages 1248-1248 views

Cholesterol and blood pressure

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Cholesterol and blood pressure. Westphal found 71% of high blood pressure cases with elevated blood cholesterol. Askenazy found the same thing. Thomas, injecting cholesterol into rabbits, observed an increase in blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1248-1248
pages 1248-1248 views

Surgical intervention for tbc p

Davies M.


Abstracts. Tuberculosis. Surgical intervention for tbc p. Morr Davies (British med Journ. No. 3614), dwelling briefly on the claim. pneumothorax, examines other methods. A. prefers phrenicoexeresis to phrenicotomy, since the first is possible to destroy the connections of the additional branches of n. phrenic with the intra'thoracic part of the nerve. As a result of paralysis of the dome of the diaphragm and atrophy of muscle fibers, muscle spasm disappears, respiratory movements decrease; the rise of the dome of the diaphragm upward continues for 2-3 months. after muscle fiber atrophy. The collapse is not limited only to the base of the lungs, but also leads to a decrease in the volume of the cavities in the upper section. Indications for f. BC: 1. Cases of basal tbc. 2. In cases of chronic basal effusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1248-1249
pages 1248-1249 views

Fatal pulmonary hemorrhage three days after phrenicoexeresis

Nаеgеli T.


Abstracts. Surgery. Fatal pulmonary hemorrhage three days after phrenicoexeresis. Th. Naegeli (Zntrlbl. F. Chir. 1930. No. 48) observed a case of fatal pulmonary hemorrhage after the operation of phrenicoekzeresis for right-sided pulmonary tuberculosis. The cause of the bleeding was the perforation of the branch of the pulmonary artery by a foreign body, a bronchial stone. Autopsy revealed no pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1249-1249
pages 1249-1249 views

Histological examination of the arterial wall after the injection of the contrast agent "Uroselectan" into the arteries

Demel K., Кoilert V., Sgalitzer M.


Abstracts. Surgery. Histological examination of the arterial wall after the introduction of the contrast agent "Uroselectan" into the arteries. Doz. K. Demel, Doz. V. Koilert and Doz. M. Sgalitzer (Zentrlbl. F. Chir 1930. No. 48), observing complications after intra-arterial injection of Uroselectan, set out to experimentally find out the changes in the arterial wall under the influence of the injected Uroselectan. As a result, these authors found out that this agent is in contact with the vascular wall for a long time and does not cause any damage.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1249-1249
pages 1249-1249 views

About the treatment of empiem in infants

Erdely J.


Abstracts. Surgery. About the treatment of empiem in infants J. Erdely (Zntrlbl. F. Chir. 1930. No. 48), in 6 cases. successfully treated empiema in infants by resection of the 8th rib 8 cm long with a midline along the posterior axillary line. The wounds were covered with a bandage with sterile petroleum jelly, and the next day, puncture removed 100 k. From. pus, also on the third — 200 to. page. After 3 days, at the site of the former puncture with a scalpel, he made a hole in the pleura 1 cm in size and drained it. All days after the operation, serious attention is paid to the general condition of the child and salt and glucose are injected under the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1249-1249
pages 1249-1249 views

Case of proctitis et periproctitis luetica with vaginal perforation in the postpartum period


Abstracts. Obstetrics. Gutmann. A case of proctitis et periproctitis luetica with perforation in the vagina in the postpartum period (Zb], f. Gynak. 1929, no. 32) 34 y. a woman who contracted syphilis 10 years ago fell ill with bronchopneumonia at the 8th month of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1249-1249
pages 1249-1249 views

The problem of the anatomy of schizophrenia

Spielmeyer W.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Spielmeyer W. (The journal of Nervous and Mental Disease voL 72, No. 3, September 1930) briefly discusses the problem of the anatomy of schizophrenia. Anatomical changes in the brain in typical cases of schizophrenia consist in the disappearance of cells in the third layer of the cortex and in its deeper layers, sometimes with an extreme accumulation of fat. In the acute stages, there are destructive phenomena of the nervous tissue with progressive and regressive changes in glia and often abundant decay products.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views

Amentia and dementia praecox as aminotoxicosis

Galant I.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Busсaino. (Z. f. D. Ges. Neurol, u. Psychiatrie Bd. 125. H. 4/5. 1930) considers amentia and dementia praecox as aminotoxicosis, because it finds plaques of decay in bunches (Traubenabbauschollen) in the brains of schizophrenics. He also found such plaques of decay in the brains of experimental animals (rabbits) poisoned with histamine. He observed the same plaques when animals were poisoned with other substances containing amines in one form or another, for example. Tgurapblau, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views

Complete fusion of the concept of "schizophrenia"

Ewald G.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Ewald G. (Z. f. D. Ges. Neurol, u. Psychiatrie. Bd. 123. H. 2/3. 1930) warns against the complete fusion of the concept of "schizophrenia", a concept of purely psychological with the concept of dementia praecox. The tautological use of both terms is completely wrong, for the psychological study of the schizophrenic essence, of the reaction of experience, is not the study of the dementia praecox disease itself. Better to use dementia schizophrenica or with Kleist "schizophrenic defective psychoses" (schizophrene Defektpsychosen) as synonyms for dementia praecox.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views

The psyche is the highest level of "psychoid"

Bleuler E.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Bleuler E. in the article Psyche and psychoid (A scientific conception of the relations between psyche and body. Psychiatr. Quart. 4. 1930) defends his peculiar panpsychism, which he developed earlier in his German book of the same title. The psyche is the highest stage of the "psychoid", and the psychoid is what lies at the basis of somatic processes and represents the same mechanisms of purposefulness and purposefulness inherent in mental processes. The psyche and psychoid work together, harmoniously in the interests of the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views

The relationship between the neurotic state and anatomical anomalies center, nerv. systems

Lange J., Guttmann E.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Prof. J. Lange and assistant professor E. Guttmann (Munch, m. W. 1930 No. 32) could establish in some cases the relationship between a neurotic state and anatomical abnormalities of the center, nervous. systems that the authors call "dystrophische Anomalien, status dystrophicus" and which in most cases were found in the form of spina bifida. In the cases investigated by the authors, spina bifida was detected radiographically and served, in their opinion, as an organic indicator of constitutional readiness for a neurotic disease, which was usually caused by a mental shock or other mental state. harmful phenomenon.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views

Treatment of delirium tremens with intravenous injections of 20% Decholin solution


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Prof. de Crinis (Monatschr. f Ps. Bd. 76, 1930) believes that delirium tremens is the result of damage to the detoxifying function of the liver, and not the result of a direct effect of alcohol on the brain. Therefore, in 17 cases he treated delirium tremens with intravenous injections of a 20% Decholin solution, which increased the excretory capacity of the liver, and in all cases with one or two injections, each 10 kb. see, stopped seizures within no more than 8 hours. Compared with the usual duration of delirium tremens of 3-5 days with a mortality rate of 9%, this result is undoubtedly a great success.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1250-1250
pages 1250-1250 views




Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1251-1251
pages 1251-1251 views

Letters to the editor


Letters to the editor

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1251-1252
pages 1251-1252 views

Letters to the editor


Letters to the editor.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(12):1252-1252
pages 1252-1252 views

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