Vol 1, No 5-6 (1901)

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To changes, retina and pigment epithelium with secondary commander

Agababov A.G.


From the data described, we can conclude that in this case there are numerous and rather complex changes, especially in the retina and its pigment epithelium. We will now proceed to a detailed examination of them.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):279-296
pages 279-296 views

Materials for the study of tarbagan disease

Podbolsky A.I.


Over the past years, both in Russian, and in foreign medical journals, and in the general press, attention has been paid to tarbaganov. The reason that aroused interest in these animals was the appearance in 1895, on the pages of the "Public Hygiene Bulletin", of small articles by doctors Rushetnikov and Balyavsky. The named authors reported on several cases of infection of people from sick tarbagans in the Akminsky district of the Trans-Baikal region. The disease was in the nature of a bubonic plague.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):288-312
pages 288-312 views

A case of false-bulbar paralysis of traumatic origin

Polynov V.K.


(Report read at the III scientific meeting of doctors at clinics of nervous diseases at the Imp. Kaz. Univ.).
V. K. Polunov.
The study of the cortical centers of the larynx counts at the present time quite a lot of observations, both experimental over animals and clinical over people. We find fragmentary indications for these centers already at Terrier, Duret and Munk, but only Krause in 1884 laid a solid foundation for the study of cortical centers of the larynx. He proved by a number of experiments that in dogs with irritation of gyrus praefrontalis, except for the already mentioned contractions of the pharyngeal muscles and soft palate, as well as contraction of the laryngeal muscles and closure of the glottis. Semon and Horsley supplemented these studies with experiments on rabbits, which also had a center of the laryngeal muscles at the edge of the olfactory groove, and on monkeys, which they found this center in the lower part of the anterior central gyrus.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):313-324
pages 313-324 views

Е. Weinstein. Streptococcus and anti-streptococcal serum and its experimental use in postpartum streptococcal septicaemia. Diss. SPB., 1900

Podbelskiy A.


The author sets out his work in detail in four chapters, preceding each with a corresponding literary essay. The 1st chapter is devoted to the morphology and biology of streptococcus, the 2nd to the history of the emergence of antistreptococcal serum and various methods of its production, the 3rd to the biological properties of antistreptococcal serum and 4th to the experimental study of septicemic streptococcal serum in post-streptococcal serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):325-327
pages 325-327 views

Y. Palchikovsky. Some observations on the morphology and reproduction process of bacteria. Diss. SPB., 1900

Podbelskiy A.


The dissertation consists of 3 chapters. In the i-th (pp. I-49) the author gives a brief overview of the bacteriological works that appeared in the literature before the beginning of his research, the 2nd chapter (pp. 49 - 127) is devoted to the description of the methods used by the author, and the observations made by b. megatherium, b. subtilis, b. typhi abdominalis, b. diphtheriae and staphylococcus aureus.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):328-329
pages 328-329 views

E. B. Blumenau: On the disease of the upper respiratory tract in rheumatism. Physician, 1901, No. 6

Uskov L.B.


The author examines the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic toad, rheumatic affection of the larynx and anterior-arytenoid joint.
The participation of the upper respiratory tract in the disease of rheumatism has been noted by Trousseau, Clark и Ogle, Legranere, Piponnier, Lesegue, Fernet, Ruos'омъ and others. connection of diseases of the pharynx with some common diseases (diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):329-330
pages 329-330 views

D. I. Veruzhsky: Initial Degrees of Heart Defects in Military Personnel. Physician, 1901, No. 8

Uskov L.I.


The author describes the signs that have to be guided when establishing the diagnosis of heart disease in recruits and in old-timers of the lower ranks. In total, the author observed 57 patients, of whom 45 (36 recruits, 9 old-timers) had heart defects. According to the severity of the seizures of the disease, the author distinguishes from the category.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):330-331
pages 330-331 views

I. G. Gabrilovich. On the significance of the thorax paralyticus. Physician, 1901, No. 4

Uskov L.G.


Due to the absence of accurate measurements of the breast tissue in consumptive people, the author began to determine the characteristic features of the last days on the basis of digital data. The changes made on healthy people (31 people) led to the following results: if the chest circumference is taken for yo, the average figure that determines the growth of the body in relation to it to the chest circumference is 180 or I, 8: I, O, and extreme smallest and greatest fluctuations, expressed by the number 20 (ibo and 2oo).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):331-332
pages 331-332 views

F. A. Dombrovskiy. Recognitive and preventive value of Koch's tuberculin. Physician, 1901, No. 1

Uskov L.A.


The author, based on the reports of Koch and V. EgapkeGya, took into account in IB suspects: cases (6 acute, catarrh, respiratory tract, 3 dry inflammation of the pulmonary hymen, 3 marsh. Infection., 2 anemia, and lingering. inflammation of the peritoneum) injection of Kos'ovskogo tuberculin in the following way: o? і c.s. tuberculin is mixed with something to

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):332-333
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N. V. Sletov and P. I. Postnikova. Electrolysis in rubella oesophageal adhesion. Physician, 1901, No. 1

Uskov L.V.


The authors cite two cases of successful treatment of the ruble constriction of the esophagus with a constant current from 5 MA to 15 MA. In both cases, the contraction was caused by drinking ammonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):333-333
pages 333-333 views

N. S. Soloviev. Balantidium coli, as the causative agent of prolonged diarrhea. 1901, Nos. 12 and 14

Uskov L.


The author studied clinically and on the pathological and anatomical side of the case of prolonged diarrhea with balantidem of the large intestines in the patient's feces. Pointing in detail to the relevant literature, he describes his case.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):333-334
pages 333-334 views

L. A. Finkelstein. On injection of cinnamon sulfate (natri cinnamyllici) in patients with tuberculosis. Physician, 1901, Nos. 2, 4, and 5

Uskov L.


The literature on this issue is inconsistent. While Landerer, Opitz, Schottin, Gorcharenko, Yuryev, Loviiikiy, R. Hessen and Vasilenko respond favorably to this method of treatment, other authors - Gizhdeu, Bourget, Markovitin, A. Mann, Korablevѣ hold on opposite to the opposite.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):334-335
pages 334-335 views

G. А. Gorbunov. Chloroform sedation without intestinal preparation. Physician, 1900, No. 18

Levin I.


Analyzing 1223 cases of chloroformation, of which 95 are without bowel preparation, the author gives a number of digital data - the consumption of chloroform in i m., The time of the onset of sleep, the duration of excitement, % complications, are more favorable for - chloroformation.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):335-335
pages 335-335 views

Y. B. Zeldovich. About anesthesia by injection of anesthetic fluids into the spinal canal. Physician, 1900, No. 2

Levin I.


Having summarized the article by prof. Bieg, “An Attempt to Cocaine the Spinal Cord,” the author cites the histories of his own illnesses in 4 cases (Pirogov operation, amputation of the lower leg, elimination of cancerous tumors of the knee and resection of the knee joint).

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):335-336
pages 335-336 views

I. I. Maslennikov. On the surgical treatment of common edemas. Weekly Journal, 1900, No. 21

Levin I.


Pointing to the extremely difficult situation of the doctor, when a patient with chronic edema, despite the use of all sorts of therapeutic means, does not recover, “shoots” in the hospital, unnecessarily occupying a bed so necessary for treatable candidates, the author cites the histories of his diseases in 5 cases according to the method Spasokukotskago - iodine treatment, which gave him the opportunity not to refuse such patients in bed treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):336-336
pages 336-336 views

V. Е. Neshel. Materials for the study of surgery in local anesthesia according to Schleich. The Physician, 1900, No. 49

Levin I.


Pointing to a sharp drop in the number of chloroformations in foreign clinics with the introduction of the Schlejch method and considering this method a true blessing for zemstvo doctors working without assistants, the author, based on his 4 cases of stone disease, in which he was the first anesthesia according to Schleich'y with a cost of 7, 5 - іо c.s. liquid No. 1, make sure that sectio alta can be produced painlessly with local anesthesia, especially where the walls of the bladder are not much altered and where it is possible to operate with a filled bladder.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):337-337
pages 337-337 views

I. A. Ruslov. On the treatment of furunculosis with sulfur preparations. Mediz. obozrenie, 1900, September

Levin I.


Pointing to the infectious origin of furunculosis — staphylococcus pyogenes aureus et albus and listing the general and local predisposing moments, the author proceeds to the general treatment of this suffering. In cases where the cause of furunculosis is not clear to the doctor, in addition to strengthening treatment, one has to resort to empirical means, such as arsenic according to Lesser and brewer's yeast according to Brocg; to such means, on the basis of 12 years of observations, the author refers to the Sulfur depuratum proposed by Rіngegom. The best results were obtained in people with a large body structure with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):337-338
pages 337-338 views

N. V. Sletov and N. N. Ivanov. The Three-Phase Current and its Application in Gynecology. Medical Review, March, 1901

Klyachkin G.


On the pages of the same journal, the works of Dr. Sletov, devoted to the issue of the therapeutic action of the so-called. three-phase current. The advantages of this current for medical purposes are that it does not produce such a destructive local action as direct current, and that you can use large quantities of it without causing the pain that is felt with a strong intermittent current. The action of the three-phase current in relation to various tissues consists in the following: i) the skin at the place where the electrodes are applied is very red, but even with a very strong current (і2о MA in the course of U2 hours) does not detect any traces of abrasions. 

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):338-339
pages 338-339 views

Prof. Dr. S.M. Shatsky. Fundamentals of therapeutic effect of direct current. Review of Psychology, 1901, January and February

Klyachkin G.


The author points out the aspiration of modern electrotherapists to rationalism, but believes that in the conclusions of the authors about the physiological action of galvanic current, as a sucking, irritating, trophic, etc., it is impossible to find an answer to the question of the essence of the current.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):339-340
pages 339-340 views

Acad. Bekhterev. About a special nervous lesion, developing from childhood, manifested by motor disorders and feeblemindedness. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology, 1901, No. 3

Sorokovikov G.M.


Review of Psychiatry, Neurology andexp. psychology 1901 Number 3.
The author points to special types of hereditary nervous diseases that do not fit into the framework of already known sick forms. So in 1900, O. Giese described a special form of hereditary nervous defeat, expressed by trembling, rupture and dementia. In the same year, the author himself observed a similar peculiar form of nervous illness, somewhat different in some features from the cases of Giese.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):340-341
pages 340-341 views

P. I. Kovalevsky. Pathology of Crime. Russian Medical Newsletter, 1901

Zaitsev A.


In his article, the author, on the basis of the opinions of outstanding scientists, says that organic criminals are not normal people — the central system is different for them; but they are not mentally ill people, not crazy. They are sui generis people.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):341-342
pages 341-342 views

Prof. P.I. Kovalevsky. Criminals and Prostitutes. Meditsinskiy Vestnik, March 15, 1901

Skolozubov A.I.


According to Lombroso and Ferrero, a woman, like a child, has a more developed moral sense than a man. Women criminals are distinguished by a plurality of crimes and cruelty in nik. Dr. Tarnovskaya dulit thieves into 4 categories: professional thieves, thieves of prostitutes, psychopaths and random.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):342-343
pages 342-343 views

Dr. S. Lass. Results of one unsuccessful examination. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology, 1901, No. 2

Vasnetsov S.


The author speaks about one murderer, who was recognized by the court and experts as mentally ill. Despite this, the doctors who testified b-th in Voinsk

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):343-343
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М. M. Maevsky. To casuistry of skin rashes in mental diseases (Urticaria and dermograpJismus in lues cerebri). Neurological Bulletin, 1901, vol. IX, issue I

Sergeev L.A.


The author reports a very interesting and, to some extent, the only case of urticaria rash, which fluctuated in its strength and severity depending on the occurrence or weakening of epileptoid seizures, and a clearly pronounced dermographism on the soil of the rapidly flowing Lues'a.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):343-344
pages 343-344 views

Dr. V.M. Narbut. On the histological theory of sleep. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology, 1901, No. 3

Sorokovikov G.


The essence of the histological theory of sleep is as follows: the protoplasmic processes of the nerve elements, due to the contraction of the protoplasm under the influence of the known chemical state, can be lengthened, sometimes shortened; therefore, during sleep, as the defenders of this theory believe, there is a contraction of protoplasmic processes, in consequence of which there is a disconnection of the nervous elements, and impressions from the outside cannot reach the central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):344-345
pages 344-345 views

Dr. V.P. Maleev. Statistics in Psychiatry. Neurologichesky vestnik, vol. IX, issue I, 1901

Zaitsev A.


In his article, Dr. Malѣev notes the significance of the statistical method and draws attention to how it is applied in psychiatry.
Bringing a historical outline of the development of statistics, the author says that, despite the many errors, statistics in psychiatry are of great importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):344-344
pages 344-344 views

I. I. Naumov. Forensic psychiatric case (homicide by an epileptic). Nevrologichesky Vestnik, 1901, IX, vol. I

Sergeev L.A.


The author describes one interesting and important in forensic psychiatric attitude, the case of murder from such, where, even after a rigorous analysis of the data, it is impossible to say definitely neither yes nor no.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):345-346
pages 345-346 views

Dr. D. I. Orbeli. On the Pathological Anatomy of Epilepsy. Rus. Med. Vestnik, 15 March, 1901

Toporkov N.


To clarify the pathological anatomy of an epileptic, the author considers it very important to investigate what goes on in the brain during an attack. Since the aftermath of an epileptic seizure pass more or less soon, it is advisable to study the brain after a series of seizures, when it has not yet recovered. This state should be when death occurs during status epilepticus. At this time, the brain should represent that picture, although not in a condensed form, which happens in. mute during an epileptic attack.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):346-346
pages 346-346 views

Dr. G. Reitz. On the disorder in Japan. Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology, 1901, No. 2

Vasnetsov S.


From this article, we learn that in Africa, Japan and China, the content of God exists endemic. Divine content in Japan, do not look at its own characteristics, caused by local superstitions is very similar to demonomania in Europe.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):346-347
pages 346-347 views

Sokolov (Anesthesia in Disturbance). Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Expert Psych., 1901, No. 2

Vasnetsov S.


Dr. Soddart points to the so-called so-called quite common in mentally ill patients. "Relative haemianestesi'io". If the patient can feel on both (symmetrical place) sides of the body, but on one it is better than on the other, then this is “relative haemianestesia”.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):347-348
pages 347-348 views

Spoilage, crying and wild, as a phenomenon of Russian folk life. Dr. Maditsina I. B. Krainskago, director of Kolomenskaya psychiatric hospital with a foreword by Academician V.A. Bekhterev, director of the clinic for mental and nervous diseases Imperial Military Medical Academy. Novgorod 1900 Ts. 1 rub. 50 kopecks

Levchatkin V.


As you know, damage, hysteria and frenzy are not a rare phenomenon in the spiritual life of a Russian man. These phenomena are described in more or less detail from the point of view of the Russian folk epic, historical data, from the point of view of religious beliefs, environmental conditions, etc .; and only partly there are some instructions on this subject on the part of doctors of specialists, especially neuropathologists and psychiatrists. With great pleasure, we have to note the work of Dr. IV Krainskago that has appeared in this relationship.


Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):349-350
pages 349-350 views

Chronicle and small information. Vol. 1, No. 5-6 (1901)

Board E.


Chronicle and small information.
- At the Department of Ophthalmology at Kazan University, by competition, both the Faculty and the Council selected priv. Assoc. Kazan University A. T. Agababov.
- On May 14 at Kazan University he defended his thesis for Doctor of Medicine A, A. Melkikh, and on May 2 - B. K. Polunov.
- In view of the opening of the bacteriological institute at the Kazan University and the admission to the institute of those bitten by mad animals for preventive treatment of them with the help of vaccinations according to Pasteur's method, the provincial government turned to the institute with a request to inform her about the fees and conditions of the institute. On this request, the head of the institute prof. N. Ѳ. Vysotskiy informed the council that for the course of treatment at the institute, a fee of 5 rubles per person is charged and that, depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment lasts from 14 to 25 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(5-6):359-360
pages 359-360 views

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