Vol 1, No 9 (1901)

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Hysterical flatulence

Toporkov N.N.


Flatulence, at least sharply expressed, is a relatively infrequent manifestation of hysteria: this is especially true of those recent cases, where flatulence is the only manifestation of neurosis. Like other symptoms of the last day, flatulence has for the most part a rather innocent influence on the general condition of the patient. But there are cases where hysterical tympanism takes on the most serious, even fatal meaning for the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):437-444
pages 437-444 views

Caesarism with castration with osteomalatic pelvis

Vladimirov V.V.


On July 15, 1900, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a Tatar woman Bibi S — va, a peasant woman, a dressmaker for employment, was 28 years old, pregnant at the 4th division, entered the City Zabulachny Maternity Ward, which I run. In a marriage about іо summer, out of 3 genera, two ended up with the birth of living children, in the last time a dead fetus was born. Already in this previous pregnancy, the patient felt pain in the bones of the lower extremities (in the hips) and pelvis. The first month in S. appeared in the 15th year, with type - after 4 weeks for 2-3 days; the last months were at the end of September or beginning of October 1899.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):445-461
pages 445-461 views

Several cases of so-called spondylose rhizomelique

Favorsky A.V.


The disease, about which I will have the honor to report in today's meeting is old, apparently, the same as the human race. But until the last few years, it attracted little attention of doctors, until neuropathologists, with their observations, gave impetus to a detailed study of this, which had not yet been completely clarified and therefore little defined symptom complex. Despite the increasing casuistry, the monotonous name of this suffering has not yet been established, and various authors call it differently: it is described as neuropathic curvature of the spine, rigidity of the spine, ankylosis of the spine, ankylosing spinal inflammation and inflammation and, finally, spondylose rhizome- lique, the name given by prof. R. Marie, a name that has become the most widespread in recent times.
Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):462-474
pages 462-474 views

Y. T. Neishkabh. Comparative Evaluation of Typhoid Therapy in Children's Practice. Physician's Gazette of 1901, No 31

Zuev V.


On 23 cases of typhoid fever in children at the age of 8 months. up to 15 liters. The author carried out three methods of treatment: antipyretic - pharmaceutical (antipyrine), water treatment and expectant or symptomatic. The first method was used to treat 5 children aged 4 to 12 years; antipyrine was given regularly in doses from o, s to i, o 3 times a day. According to the author's observations, antipyrine greatly lowers t ° in the first days of the illness and during the weakening of the fever (on the 3rd week and very weakly with the tension of the painful process; the heart becomes more frequent and the pulse is soft, jumping up and slightly resistant (on prolonged action) scarlet rash, sometimes draining.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):475-476
pages 475-476 views

I. A. Shabad. Bacterioscopy in bacteriological diagnostics of diphtheria. Physician's Gazette, 1901, No. 32

Zuev V.


Microscopic examination of smears allows you to directly judge the number of diphtheria rods, the presence of other bacteria, and their quantitative relationship; there are cases? where the wiring gives a negative result when diphtheria sticks are found in smears, which was found by many authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):476-476
pages 476-476 views

On measures to fight diphtheria. Children's Medicine, 1901, No. 2

Zuev V.


The mentioned article is the report of the commission of the Society. Children's Doctors in Moscow. On the basis of modern knowledge of the ethiology and epidemiology of diphtheria, given in the beginning of the article, such provisions are established.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):476-477
pages 476-477 views

N. Lapiner. A case of primary diphtheria of the skin of the organs. Dit. Medic., 1901, No. 2

Zuev V.


In view of the severity of the disease and the lack of development of therapy, the author reports a case that was in his practice. In the family, where the author observed three consecutive cases of diphtheria of the mouth, the girl 7 years old fell ill with diphtheria lesions of the inner surface of the large lips, part of the small lips, clitoris, the opening of the urethra and the skin of the left lip, in the absence of pain in the nose.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):477-478
pages 477-478 views

К. А. Markova. Two cases of edema without a bullet. Children's Medicine, 1901

Zuev V.


Bringing acute and chronic diseases in the course of or in the course of which non-pulmonary edema develops and many different authors explaining its occurrence, the author sets out the histories of the disease of two of his patients, who had disease-free dropsy. The authors' opinion about the origin of non-albuminuric edema is reduced to 3 provisions:
1) the weakness of the peripheral vaso-motors is the increase in the cooling of the skin;
2) all because of weakness of the heart and changes in the vascular walls and the blood tissue itself, caused by some kind of toxins that penetrate from the intestines and are formed in the blood itself;
3) as a symptom of acute kidney damage.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):478-478
pages 478-478 views

N. Trinkler. On the casuistry of mesenteric tumors. Surgery. February, 1901

Levin I.


The author gives a history of the disease of a case of a malignant mesenteric tumor, the nature of which and its topographic position were recognized before the operation. Removal of the tumor with resection 65 sec. guts; the Murphy button was used. On the 5th day, due to the partial necrosis of the button closure, another 2o sant was resected. intestines.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):479-479
pages 479-479 views

Prof. V. I. Razumovsky. On the issue of prognosis in mesenteric tumors. Chronicle of Russian surgery. 1901, Book 2

Levin I.


Pointing to the novelty and low level of development of the department of surgery on solid tumors of the mesentery, the author considers it important to clarify (possible through clinical experience) the issue of predicting in them, since the operation of removing such tumors is one of the very difficult, in view of purely anatomical relations often, together with the tumor, it is necessary to resect parts of the small intestines.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):479-480
pages 479-480 views

Prof. V. I. Razumovskiy. A case of gastropexy. The History of Russian Surgery. 1901, book 2

Levin I.


Giving a literary sketch of a new operation - gastropexia (Durex was the first to produce it in 1895) and briefly outlining the symptomatology of this suffering, as well as operational methods for it, according to Rowsing’y, the author cites his case, which has already been tracked for 7 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):480-480
pages 480-480 views

V. A. Sventsitskiy. About gunshot wounds caused by jacketed and lead ordinary bullets (from the latest Russian military actions against Chinese in Manchuria). 1901, February

Levin I.


The author gives іі 5 cases of firearms wounds delivered to him from the battlefield to the evacuation hospital in Harbin - Give a general description of the wounds inflicted by new and old bullets, the author goes on to analyze the material, which included: і8 injuries and damage joints of the extremities, ib injuries of the chest, 8 wounds of the abdomen and pelvic region (in one case, complete destruction of the kidney — nephrectomy — recovery), 2 wounds of the lower jaw, a rebound wound of the upper eyebrow with the detachment of half of the crayfish without damage to the cornea, , which caused sleep in both eyes and a few wounds of the cranial vault.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):481-481
pages 481-481 views

Alexei Martynov. Hernia of the inguinal triangle. Surgery 1901, February

Levin I.


The author gives two histories of hernia diseases, the theoretical and practical interest of which is that the hernias protruded through the entire inguinal triangle in toto, and not through the inguinal canal, so that the hernial gates were formed from above by the edge of m. obliq. int. et transverse from below by the inguinal ligament, from the inside by the rectus abdominis muscle; the external opening of the inguinal canal had almost normal dimensions.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):481-482
pages 481-482 views

S. P. Fedorov.On the treatment of purulent infiltrated peritoneal inflammations with the peritoneum. Surgery, 1901, March

Levin I.


The accumulation of pus in bursa paregastrica, observed by the author in two cases of purulent peritonitis, as well as the autopsy of those who died from this disease, force the author to note the important clinical significance of the topographic features of the abdominal cavity, indicated by prof. Grain; so, during operations for purulent peritonitis or during autopsies between the loops of the small intestines, it is rarely necessary to insert a significant amount of pus or effusion in general, and the last one is either in the cavity of the pelvic floor, iliac cavities, in the canalis laterals; dexter (reported with bursa haepatica) et sinirster (reported with bursa praegastrica), in sinus mesentetici dexter et sinister and, rarely, in bursa omentali and under the diaphragm.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):482-483
pages 482-483 views

Pr.-Doc. M. Kuznetsov. Dermatitis bullosa acuta as a special form of traumatic-infectious skin inflammation. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 1901, No. 3


A kind of traumatic-infectious suffering of the skin - Dermatitis bullosa acuta of the author is not uncommon and no doubt not unaware of surgeons, dermatologists and practitioners in general, but little used for the clinical and bacteriological side of the skin disease, this rupture - "panaritium", "dactylitis phlegmonosa", "panaritium subcuaneum", etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(9):483-484
pages 483-484 views

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