Vol 1, No 4 (1901)

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To changes in the retina and pigment epithelium during the secondary commander

Agababova A.


The object of our research was two eyes, enucleated due to severe pain in glaucoma absolute and w secundarium. The primary suffering of the eyes, which was the reason for the appearance of the commander-in-chief, in view of the lack of vision and the inability to see the bottom of the eye, could not be established with sufficient clarity. Probably, the presence of a tumor inside the eye, and namely: Horoid sarcoma.
Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):221-229
pages 221-229 views

Two new cases of mixadem

Kazem-Bek A.N.


Over the past two years, I have seen two more cases of mixadem. Without touching on the literature of this issue, which has been sufficiently analyzed in Russian literature, I will go directly to the presentation of the history of the illness of my cases, and in the end I will consider it not superfluous to inform about the further fate of my first patient, which has been observed for five years.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):230-242
pages 230-242 views

A case of falsebulbar paralysis of traumatic origin

Polynova V.K.


The existence of separate centers in the cortex of the large brain for the articulation of rumble, swallowing, phonation and other acts, the disorder of which is the common name of bulbar paralysis, proved experimentally with respect to many of these disorders for animals, it is understood that it cannot be detected by this method in humans. From this point of view, individual casuistic cases, clinically proving the existence of such centers, are of undoubted interest, since through the accumulation of such facts, it can finally be shed light on this, still dark, area of ​​nervous physiology.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):243-255
pages 243-255 views

Dr. Brun. On the action of bile on some species of microbes in the normal and pathological state of the organism. Dissertation of St.-Petersburg, 1900

Charushin F.


The author, giving an overview of the literary data on the antimicrobial action of bile and without receiving direct indications, undertook an experimental study, wishing to first establish one or another relationship of normal bile to known microbes, and then go on to the question of what kind of bile it will be microorganisms bile, obtained from individuals subjected to dark or other influences, proceeding from the fact that any pathological condition weakens the body's resistance in relation to the infectious origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):256-257
pages 256-257 views

Dr. Zaliev. On the relationship between diazoreaction of urine and dissolution of white blood globules in typhoid fever. Diss. SPB, 1900


At the present time, according to Dr. Zaliev, two facts can be considered firmly established for typhoid fever: on the one hand, the appearance of Ehrlich diazoreactia in the urine of typhoid patients, and on the other, a decrease against the norm of the number of large blood balls in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):257-259
pages 257-259 views

Dr. Navlanskiy. Pathological and anatomical changes in the lungs and the gastrointestinal canal in animals at the long-term use of antimony preparations in small doses. Dissertation SPB, 1900

Charushin F.


The author studied experimentally the influence of antimony preparations on the general state of health of animals and on their dispatch. He carried out a whole series of experiments on dogs and rabbits, injecting tartarus stibiatus and sulfur auratum inside; moreover, he studied the whole, t °, pulse, number of breaths, vomiting, sputum discharge, urine and feces. After the performed experiments, the animals were killed with an injection into the medulla oblongata, an opening was performed and the internal organs were examined macro and microscopically.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):259-260
pages 259-260 views

А. Sibirsky. On skin changes in typhoid fever. Diss. SPB., 1900


In 1893 Filippovich described a special symptom in typhoid patients, which he called the palmar-plantar symptom. He observed in patients with typhoid fever, even in the absence of all the signs of this disease, on the convex parts of the palms and soles of the yellow tint, sometimes reaching the orange and saffron color. The painted places get a calloused look, even if the limbs belonged to a person who does not do physical labor. Dr. Sibirskiy set out to explain the cause of the yellow coloration of the palms and soles of II, in general, to trace the pathological and apatomical changes in the skin of these areas in typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):260-261
pages 260-261 views

М. Savin. On the Disinfecting Properties of Alcohol. Diss. SPB., 1900

Tikhov P.


The author concerns one of the most important issues of practical surgery - the issue of disinfecting properties of alcohol in various concentrations and some alcohol solutions. The study of the author is experimental.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):262-262
pages 262-262 views

V. Fedorov. Fibroma of the Skull Base. Diss. SPB., 1900

Tikhov P.


The above work is a review of the literature on the issue of fibromatous tumors of the nasopharyngeal space with an exposition of its own casuistry, embracing 12 cases. of these tumors observed in clinics by prof. R and m about in a. Preliminary ed. prefaces a brief anatomy of the nasopharyngeal space and gives an outline of the tumors developing here; in more detail he dwells on the technical side of the operation of removing nasopharyngeal fibroids.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):263-263
pages 263-263 views

Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University

Board E.


I. Report on the activities of the Company for 1900 i. secretary V. V. Nikolaev. The Society has entered the 10th year of its existence; At present it has 8 honorary members, 52 active members and 2 associate members. There are 32 and 30 nonresident members.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):264-267
pages 264-267 views

Chronicle and small information. Vol. 1, No. 4 (1901)

Board E.


Chronicle and small information.

Kazan medical journal. 1901;1(4):277-278
pages 277-278 views

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