Vol 20, No 6 (1924)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Professor Nikolay Alexandrovich Mislavsky

Board E.


On April 30 this year, Kazan University honored its veteran of labor, professor of physiology Nikolai Alexandrovich Mislavsky, on the occasion of his 70th birthday and 48th anniversary of his scientific and teaching activities. Such a rare jubilee of the venerable scientist, who has won fame far beyond the borders of our homeland, united the learned world, social forces, as well as the students of the hero of the day into a single family.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):563-566
pages 563-566 views

About oxygen metabolism in the adrenal glands

Brening A.I.


Our knowledge of the functions of the endocrine glands is obtained in part from clinical observations with pathological studies, in part due to experimental studies in animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):567-577
pages 567-577 views

Effect of Feeding the Thyroid Gland in Chickens

Syrnev P.Y.


Despite the fact that the thyroid gland was described as early as the 17th century, its biological role for the animal organism is being clarified only by recent works.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):578-584
pages 578-584 views

About bilirubinemia

Alekseev E.S.


In recent years, among clinicians and pathologists, there has been an increased interest in elucidating the essence of jaundice. Without touching on the literature of this issue here, given in detail in the article by Dr. Lepskaya, published in the 4th book of Kaz. Meditz, Journal for 1923 years; I will dwell only briefly on the works of Aschoff and his school.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):585-594
pages 585-594 views

Posttyphoid lesions of costal cartilage and their treatment

Borisov V.M.


During the period from September 1922 to І / ІІ 1923, 23 patients with damage to the costal cartilage were treated in the department. According to age and sex, they were distributed in the following way: there were 5 women, 18 men, 1 from 10 to 20 years old, 1 from 20 to 30—1, from 30 to 40—5, from 40 and older — 16. There were 20 people with the opened trial, 3 with the closed trial. In 19 cases the trial was one-sided, in 1 it was two-sided.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):595-+602
pages 595-+602 views

Towards the doctrine of hypernephromas

Flerov S.A.


By hypernephromas, it is customary to mean kidney neoplasms, which are rarely found in clinics, but, nevertheless, occupy the first place among other renal neoplasms.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):603-608
pages 603-608 views

Free fascia transplant in surgery and gynecology

Lidsky A.T.


No matter how valuable is specialization in medicine, no matter how much we owe it to it for the most detailed development of individual branches of our science, we still have to note the shadow side of this direction: general provisions and improvements in technology in one area do not so soon become the property of, and sometimes completely disappear for another ... As we delve deeper into one discipline, we do not have time to monitor the success of another.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):609-614
pages 609-614 views

On the question of missed abortion

Timofeev A.I.


As you know, according to the proposal of Oldhanf and Mattews Dunean, the terms missed labor and missed abortion are defined as cases where, after the onset and again terminated manifestations of childbirth (resp. Abortion), the fetal egg that has died in the uterine cavity is delayed for a considerable time, sometimes even longer than the normal period pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):615-621
pages 615-621 views

Towards the casuistry of infantilism

Tura A.F.


Since the time of Brissaud's works (1, 2, 3), almost all researchers have distinguished 2 main forms of infantilism: Brissaud-type infantilism and Logain'a-type infantilism.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):623-628
pages 623-628 views

Oropharyngeal reflexes

Galant Z.S.


The need to summarize from time to time our knowledge of reflexology, collecting all or approximately all the material that exists about the reflexes of one organ (hand, leg), one sphere (sexual sphere), or some cavity (pelvic cavity, oropharyngeal cavity), long overdue. The science of reflexes has grown to such an extent that it has become immense even for a specialist in his field.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):629-633
pages 629-633 views

Survey of infectious morbidity in the Republic of Tatarstan for 1923

Pichakhchi M.


Coming to a brief review of the epidemic state of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1923, we must point out that the digital material related to this is far from complete and inaccurate. Firstly, this does not include information about the incidence of diseases in transport, waterways and in military units; secondly, our data is generally significantly lower than reality due to poor registration in the field.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):634-369
pages 634-369 views

Bone vessel anatomy

Friedland M.


The anatomy of bone vessels has been studied in recent times by Nussbaum (Arch. F. Klin. Chir., 126, 1923), who found that the arteries of the pineal gland have the character of terminal vessels only in the cartilaginous stage

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):640-640
pages 640-640 views

The origin and significance of platelets

G. V.


Both his own research and analysis of the literature on the issue convinced Tatarinov (Izv. Biol. Inet. At Perm University, vol. II, issue 7) that platelets cannot be considered as true cellular elements.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):640-640
pages 640-640 views

The effect of bacteria and toxins on leukocytosis

G. V.


More than 30 years ago, Verigo (Izv. Biol. Inet, at Perm. Un., Vol. II, issue 6) established that any introduction into the blood of any bacterial cultures, still alive or dead, and suspended in a liquid of fine powders, causes an extremely rapid decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):640-641
pages 640-641 views

Diagnosis of echinococcus

G. V.


Having tested various biological reactions to echinococcus, Ithurrat and Calcagno (according to the ref. Journal for whiskers, doctors, 1924, No. 3) received the best results from a skin reaction — injection into the skin of a liquid obtained from calf hydatida.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):641-641
pages 641-641 views


Spiridonov S.


Prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy (Nauchn. Izv. IKP, 1923, No. 5) raised a very important question about the treatment of artificial hyperleukocytosis, obtained by introducing substances into the blood that cause an increase in the number of leukocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Carcinolysin for cancer

G. V.


According to prof. Matsushita (ref. In Journal for mustache, doctors, 1924, No. 3) in Japan, experiments are being carried out on a large scale with the treatment of cancer with carcinolysin, a substance obtained from the Chinese plant Haisung (a genus of pine trees) and apparently having enzymatic properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Treatment of diabetes insipidus with extracts from the pituitary gland

Spiridonov S.


Prof. D. M. Rossiyskiy (Nauchi. Izv. NKP, 1923, No. 5) observed a case of diabetes insipidus, which developed after a skull injury and was accompanied by stuttering, nocturnal urinary incontinence and testicular atrophy, where pituitary therapy gave a brilliant and persistent therapeutic the effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):641-641
pages 641-641 views

Protein therapy for scurvy

G. V.


Having tried intramuscular injection of sterile milk in 25 scurvy patients, Andronov (Zhurn. For mustaches, doctors, 1924, No. 2) became convinced of the high validity of this method of treating scurvy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):641-642
pages 641-642 views

To the pathogenesis and therapy of Graves' disease Goldscheider (Deut. med. Woch., 1923, №№ 11 и 12)

Klyachkin G.


Учение о сущности базедовой болезни до сих пор не может еще считаться вполне законченным. Goldscheider (Deut. med. Woch., 1923, №№ 11 и 12) высказывает ту мысль, что щитовидная железа—не единственный эндокринный орган, обусловливающий развитие этой болезни, по что здесь следует учитывать роль и других эндокринных органов, и что еще вопрос, не имеют-ли эти последние первостепенное значение при данной болезни, и нельзя-ли поэтому рассматривать ее, как плюригляндулярную.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):642-642
pages 642-642 views

Anesthesia with mixtures of ethylidene chloride and methylene chloride prof. Russian (Med. Klinik, 1924, No. 3)

Spiridonov S.


Based on his experimental research, prof. Russian (Med. Klinik, 1924, No. 3) offers mixtures of these two substances for anesthesia in different volumetric ratios.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):642-642
pages 642-642 views

The range of application of the best-tampon treatment in surgery to Blagoveshchenskiy (Med. Ob. Nizhn. Pov., 1924, No. 5)

G. V.


According to Blagoveshchenskiy (Med. Ob. Nizhn. Pov., 1924, No. 5), the following are subject to treatment with no needles in surgery: 1) superficial abscesses and phlegmon, 2) hydroadenitis, 3) not too deep mastitis, 4) most of the wounds of the abdominal cavity, subject to surgical intervention in the first 12 hours, 5) chronic osteomyelitis and, 6) complicated fractures. According to the author, the following are subject to temporary drainage or plugging: 1) acute osteomyelitis, 2) deep abscesses and phlegmon, 3) abscesses and phlegmon with flaccid granulations after incisions and in weakened subjects.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):642-643
pages 642-643 views

Spinal rheumatism Proebster (Arch. f. ort. u. Unfall- Chirurgie, Bd XXI, H. 3)

Friedland M.


Proebster (Arch. F. Ort. U. Unfall-Chirurgie, Bd XXI, H. 3), based on 4 of his own observations and detailed literary coverage of the issue, believes that in the origin of rheumatism of the spine, as well as in the origin of chronic rheumatism in general, plays a major role way cooling, in more rare cases, trauma, infection (diplobacilli, staphylococcus and many other microbes) and toxic moments.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):643-643
pages 643-643 views

Lower segment of the uterine body N. Sсhmidt’a (Zeit. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, H. 2)

Gruzdev V.


Comprehensive anatomical histopathological studies of both non-pregnant and pregnant uterus convinced N. Schmidt'a (Zeit. F. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, H. 2) that t. called the lower segment is a section of the uterine body adjacent to the neck, the upper border of which is the place of strong attachment of the peritoneum to the anterior uterine wall, and the lower one is the place of transition of the mucous membrane of the uterine body to cervical mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):643-644
pages 643-644 views

Biology of the uterine isthmus (isthmus utert). Nürnberger’a (Zeitsclir. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, H. 1)

Gruzdev V.


Although the mucous membrane lining this part of the uterus has the same structure as the mucosa corporis uteri, however, according to the research of Nürnberger'a (Zeitsclir. F. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LXXXV, H. 1), its participation in the cycle menstrual changes are much weaker than the participation of this latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):644-644
pages 644-644 views

Floridzin glycosuria as a sign of pregnancy Кlаftеn’a (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1924, № 17)

Gruzdev V.


Numerous observations have convinced Klaft'a (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 17) that if after intravenous administration of 2 mg. floridzin in a woman does not get glycosuria, then pregnancy with a high probability can be excluded.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):644-644
pages 644-644 views

Treatment of intrauterine fetal asphyxia Frey (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1924, № 18)

Gruzdev V.


Frey (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 18) proposes chloroformation to combat intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus. If the frequency of fetal heart sounds during the entire pause between two contractions is less than 100 per minute, then the woman in labor is immediately chloroformed, moreover, if the intake is 10-15 minutes. after the onset of anesthesia, the fetal heartbeat becomes normal or approximately normal in frequency, then chloroformation is interrupted and childbirth is allowed to flow naturally; if, within the specified period, the restoration of the normal heart rate does not occur, then it is necessary to resort to the prompt termination of labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):644-644
pages 644-644 views

Practical guidance on the use of uterine contraction and haemostatic agents Strata (Zntrb. f. G., 1924, № 1—2)

Timofeev A.


Practical instructions regarding the use of agents that reduce the uterus and hemostatic are given by Strata (Zntrb. F. G., 1924, No. 1-2) on the basis of his long-term observations. He especially emphasizes the dangers of using these means during the disclosure period. The best remedies for the primary weakness of attempts, he considers the patience of the doctor and the use of small doses of narcotica.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):644-645
pages 644-645 views

Ovarian resection for menorrhagia Köhler (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, № 44)

G. V.


On the basis of his, though not numerous, observations, Köhler (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, no. 44) finds that with menorrhagias that do not respond to drug treatment, it is useful to resort to partial resection of the ovaries: menstruation after this operation, while maintaining their normal type, become much less abundant, and no climacteric disorders are observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):645-645
pages 645-645 views

Intravenous infusion of 40% urotropine solution in gynecology Quack (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, № 50—51)

Tarlo B.


Having tested these infusions on a very large material, Quack (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1923, No. 50-51) found that 1) prophylactic infusions of 5 cubic meters. sant. 40% urotropine solution after surgery leads to severe spasm of the bladder, which is why it should not be used

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):645-645
pages 645-645 views

Leukocyte blood count in children with eating disorders Воminger (Jahrb. f. Kind., B. 103)

Reznik R.


Boominger (Jahrb. F. Kind., B. 103) studied the leukocyte blood picture from 66 children aged from 2 weeks to 1 year from Schilling.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):645-646
pages 645-646 views

About whooping cough in infancy Gottlieb and Möller describe (Jahrb.f. Kinderh. Bd. 100)

Levit M.


Gottlieb and Möller describe (Jahrb. F. Kinderh. Bd. 100) the 1921 whooping cough epidemic in Heidelberg. The incubation and prodromal periods lasted 3 weeks, in exceptional cases, dragging on to 5 or more. Adult carriers of bacilli were sometimes the source of infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):646-646
pages 646-646 views

Treatment of epilepsy with vaccines Protopopov (BP. Gaz., 1924, No. 3)

Klyachkin G.


Treatment of epilepsy with vaccines was recently applied by Protopopov (BP. Gaz., 1924, No. 3) on a number of patients, and the author injected vaccines (staphylococcal and streptococcal) in doses of 0.1-0.2 cubic meters. sant., increasing after 3 - 4 days for the same dose and reaching 1 to. sant. Of 17 patients, 14 were with epilepsia genuina, 2 with epilepsia partialis, and 1 with. epilepsia part, continua.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):646-646
pages 646-646 views

On narcolepsy Goberman (Tr. State Medical Internet, in Moscow, vol. I)

Klyachkin G.


Narcolepsy is understood as a state of irresistible sleepiness that appears during the day, attacks, during classes and under any circumstances. The etiology of this disease is still unclear. Goberman (Tr. Gos. Med. Inet, in Moscow, vol. I) gives a case of narcolepsy that he observed in the clinic Gos. Higher. Honey. Schools. Analyzing then various existing theories of narcolepsy, he dwells on the one based on the modern chemical theory of sleep.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):646-647
pages 646-647 views

The use of a mercury-quartz lamp in tetany of infants Stern (Zeit, f. d. ges. physik. Therapie, 1924, Bd. 28)

Klyachkin G.


The brilliant results obtained by HuIdschinsky'm, György and others from illumination with a mercury-quartz lamp for rickets prompted some doctors to apply this method of treatment for childhood tetany, which, like rickets, is caused by the state of impaired mineral metabolism in the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):647-647
pages 647-647 views

To serodiagnosis of syphilis Shtiden (Br. Delo, 1924, No. 10)

G. V.


Stiden (Bp. Delo, 1924, No. 10) of all sedimentary reactions proposed for the diagnosis of syphilis, especially recommends the Kahn reaction, which, on the one hand, is distinguished by the simplicity of technical implementation, and on the other hand, it is not inferior in accuracy and sensitivity to the Wassermann reaction. a The main extract for this reaction is prepared in the following way: a fresh cow heart turns into a cutlet mass, dried in a thermostat at 37 ° in open Petri cups and passed several times through a coffee mill, after which it is ground in a mortar into a fine powder

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):647-648
pages 647-648 views

Treatment of skin diseases with calcium salts Rosentul (Medical Ob. Iizhn. Pov., 1924, No. 5)

G. V.


Rosentul (Med. Ob. Iizhn. Pov., 1924, No. 5) saw very good results from the use of calcium salts, in the form of intravenous injections of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, 10 cubic meters each. with. PA injection, with the latter being repeated daily, for a number of skin diseases, namely, for acute eczema, urticaria, herpes zoster, lichen chronicus Vidal’n, pruritus vulvae, pruritus ani, dermatitis herpetiformis Dühring’a, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):648-648
pages 648-648 views

Regarding the article by prof. VN Boldyreva “Two new basic laws of the brain function”. (№ 2, vol. XIX, March, 1924)

Kulyabko A.A.


The recently published issue (No. 2, vol. XIX, March, 1924) of the American magazine "Bulletin of the Battle - Creek Sanitarium and Hospital Clinik" contains, by the way, an interesting article by Prof. VN Boldyreva [1]) “Two new basic laws of the brain function”.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):648-664
pages 648-664 views

Session 17 / V

Board E.


Dr. E.S.Alekseev showed a patient who was 11 months old. ago prof. A.V. Vishnevsky underwent splenectomy for anemiae perniciosae. Before the operation, the patient was in the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, and, despite vigorous treatment with Arrenal and Collargol, the blood picture and general condition, he was uncontrollably deteriorating. When he was transferred to the Surgical Clinic, he had: Hb. - 50%. E. — 960,000, L — 1.855, col. pok. less than 1, pathological forms of blood corpuscles were observed

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):664-665
pages 664-665 views

Session 28 / V

Board E.


Dr. 3. N. Malkin made a report on the VII All-Russian Uyezd of Therapists, highlighting the work of the Congress and focusing on the most interesting reports made at this last one.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):665-665
pages 665-665 views

Session 6 / VI

Board E.


Dr. N.V. Sokolov demonstrated a patient who had suffered from gangrene of the left lung during his bare year. Therapeutic treatment was unsuccessful.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):665-666
pages 665-666 views

Collection 19 / Ѵ

Board E.


Dr. V. A. Gusynin made a report on the XVI All-Russian On the Riding of Surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):666-666
pages 666-666 views

Meeting 26 / V

Board E.


Dr. I. I. Rusetsky read a report on 50 Scientific Meetings of Physicians of the Institute, which have taken place since the beginning of the existence of the latter. At all these meetings, 150 reports were made, and 55% of reports fall on the therapeutic cycle, 35% on the surgical cycle, and 10% on theoretical subjects. Demonstrations of patients, drugs and therapy issues were the subject of reports in 68%, theoretical issues in 25%, congresses and public medicine in 7%. Professors and heads of departments made 37% of the reports, assistants and laboratory assistants — 31%, residents — 22%, external students and outside doctors — 10%. The total number of speakers is 76, of which 1 made 10 reports, 1-3 ,. 1-7, 1-6, 3 — 5 each, 6 — 4 each, 8 — 3 each, 14 — 2 each and 31 — 1 each.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):667-667
pages 667-667 views

Collection 17 / VI

Board E.


Dr. PA Nikiforov demonstrated a patient with luxatio femoris centralis dextra. The patient was injured during a struggle 1 year ago. The right limb is shortened by 3 centimeters, the thigh is bent at a right angle, slight outward rotation, ankylosis, atrophy of the muscles of the thigh, rectal examination reveals a bone formation, the size of a hen's egg, according to the posture of acetabuli.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):667-668
pages 667-668 views

Meeting 30 / VI

Board E.


Dr. RI Okun gave observations on the treatment of 30 cases of psoriasis vulgaris according to the Sachs-Hübner method (¼% chrysarobine ointment and intravenous infusion of salicylic sodium). The best treatment result was obtained in acute eruptions of psoriasis with established arthropathic phenomena. The cure was achieved in 3-6 weeks. Chronic rashes gave recovery only in cases with the existence of arthropathies, but more slowly. In other cases, no result was obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):668-669
pages 668-669 views


Board E.


GUS himself was appointed to the vacant department of normal anatomy at Kazan University. VN Ternovsky, a lecturer at the I Moscow University, for the vacant Department of Infectious Diseases — himself. prey. Kazan University B.A. Voltaire.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(6):669-670
pages 669-670 views

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