Vol 11, No 1-2 (1911)

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Protocol of the solemn connected appointment of the Society of Doctors, the Society of Naturalists and the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists, who are at the Imperial Kazan University on November 13, 1910 in memory of the birthday of N.I. Pirogov


The meeting was opened with the following words of the chairman of the Society of Doctors, Professor F. Ya. Chistovich:
Our homeland is in the deep mountains. Lev Tolstoy died. Silence forever the voice of the greatest artist and thinker, the voice with which we have become akin to childhood, awakening our mind and conscience. I don’t appreciate his merits. His holy image will remain forever in our hearts. I will say one thing: Russia was forgiven a lot, it will be forgiven even more for the fact that Lev Tolstoy appeared, lived and thought among us.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(1-2):3-4
pages 3-4 views

In memory of N.I. Pirogov

Chistovich F.Y.


The significance of individual peoples in the history of human culture is determined by the outcome of scientific inventions and ideological conquests, which they brought to the general progress. The spiritual power of the nation is composed of the efforts of individuals working for the common good by disseminating scientific knowledge and moral ideas. But new ideas are not born every day; they are created by the creativity of outstanding people, national generations, whose spiritual influence does not stop with death, but experiences the personality and bears fruit in the course of centuries and generations. All cultural peoples can proudly read on the pages of their history those immortal names that gave them the right to go in the first ranks along the path of progress. People's heroes are the guarantee of the vitality of the whole nation.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(1-2):5-9
pages 5-9 views

About modern successes of plastic surgery

Bogolyubov V.L.


Dear Board! Today we are honoring the memory of our great teacher Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, in whose face the genius so happily combined the talents of an outstanding teacher, a deep philosopher, a great surgeon and a man, in the very best, in the noblest meaning of this word. Allow me, on today's memorable day, to take your attention with some questions of the science that Pirogov loved so dearly, for the development and success of which he did so much.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(1-2):10-23
pages 10-23 views

Vaccine therapy in surgery

Larin V.N.


In the pre-antiseptic period, severe complications after the intervention of the surgeon, complications of the early acquired purulent processes were a real scourge for patients. Erysipelas was so common that the appearance of it was considered the norm. There was a huge mortality rate in hospitals. So, on the way to Crimea, to the Sevastopol company, I.I. Pirogov, when examining the wounded, found up to 200 people. with amputation of the thigh. Of these, as it turned out later, only 24 people survived. The rest died from complications of the wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1911;11(1-2):24-65
pages 24-65 views

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