Lymph-stimulating therapy in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome correction

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Aim. To determine the effectiveness of indirect antibiotics and lymphotropic therapy for the systemic inflammatory response syndrome correction in patients who underwent abdominal surgery.

Methods. There were two groups with systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the postoperative period: 212 patients with various diseases of the abdominal cavity, who received conventional systemic complex therapy, and 146 patients whose complex treatment included antibiotics and lymphotropic therapy (administration of the cephalosporin antibiotics with lymphotropic mixture into the tibia subcutaneous tissue with the prior venous stasis creation). In both groups, patients with destructive forms of cholecystitis and appendicitis complicated by local or general peritonitis dominated. The dynamics of systemic inflammatory response syndrome clinical indicators, as well as laboratory parameters were assessed: the white blood cells count, leukocyte intoxication index, C-reactive protein and blood albumin. The data obtained on the 1st, 3rd and 5-6 days after surgery were analyzed.

Results. In both groups clinical and laboratory symptoms positive dynamics was noted, which was more pronounced in the main group. In the control group leukocyte intoxication index increased on the third day and then decreased, but did not reach normal values on 10th day, while in the main group leukocyte intoxication index decreased already on the third day with its full normalization to 10th day. A faster normalization of white blood cell count, albumin level and C-reactive protein concentration decrease are also observed in the main group. Using indirect lymphotropic therapy was associated with reduction of postoperative complications and lethality rates.

Conclusion. Lymphotropic therapy is an effective method of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome correction and can be recommended for the postoperative management of patients with abdominal surgery.

About the authors

A I Musaev

I.K. Akhumbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy; City Clinical Hospital №1

Author for correspondence.

U E Usubakunov

City Clinical Hospital №1



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© 2016 Musaev A.I., Usubakunov U.E.

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