Vol 36, No 3 (1940)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Healthcare of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the 20th anniversary of its existence

Latypov H.N.


During the years of the Stalin five-year plans, our great Soviet homeland, under the leadership of the Communist Party and its genius leader Comrade Stalin, has achieved unprecedented successes

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):3-6
pages 3-6 views

The results of the work of the Kazan State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies V. I. Lenin for 20 years

Potekhin D.E.


The system of state advanced training for doctors is the brainchild of Soviet health care.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Coping with traumatic shock in a hospital setting

Gusynin V.A.


The practice of inpatient treatment of patients with traumatic injuries is constantly being improved as new ideas enrich the surgical experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Treatment of gunshot injuries to the face and jaws

Utrobin I.M.


Nowadays, when every doctor at any time must be ready to work at the forefront as a surgeon and when a surgeon cannot be called a surgeon

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):20-27
pages 20-27 views

About the treatment of open bone fractures

Shulutko L.I.


Over the past 4 years, 47 cases of open fracture have passed through our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):28-34
pages 28-34 views

About the hemostatic properties of the omentum

Ratner Y.A.


One of the remarkable and valuable properties of the omentum is known to be its hemostatic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Controversial issues in the pathogenesis of acute hepatitis

Lepskaya R.I.


The question of the pathogenesis of acute hepatitis does not go away from the order of the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):39-46
pages 39-46 views

Diagnostic value of serial electrocardiograms

Rakhlin L.M.


Electrocardiography, as a clinical research method, has more than thirty-five years of existence.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):46-53
pages 46-53 views

On the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of dechlorinating treatment methods

Mogilevsky E.R., Kogurova T.I.


Based on the beneficial effects of a salt-free diet in inflammatory diseases, Noorden was the first to call a salt-free diet an antiphlogistic, i.e. anti-inflammatory, diet.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):53-60
pages 53-60 views

On the issue of X-ray diagnostics of cancer of the cardiac stomach

Fayzullin M.K.


Since the time of reports on successful operations of cancer of the cardiac stomach (Levit, Fayerman, Yudin, Savinykh, Savitsky, etc.), the interest of surgeons and radiologists in this disease has been growing every year.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Blood transfusion for acute eating and digestive disorders in young children

Basyr F.K.


Over the past decade, our domestic literature has been enriched with valuable clinical data on blood transfusion in various diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):65-70
pages 65-70 views

Quinoline No. 31 in the treatment of malaria in children

Mamish R.M.


In 1931, the Central Tropical Institute first began testing quinoline-type antimalarial drugs, among which plasmacide is the most widespread. Plasmacid contains 30% quinoline base. Over the past 8-9 years, many clinical observations have been published regarding the action of plasmacid.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Leukocyte picture in malaria

Tsareva V.Y.


For clinical purposes in the study of the leukocyte picture (LK), it is important to take into account that "the blood picture is not a specific symptom of certain diseases, but is a transient pathological change in the equilibrium state of the blood system" (Schilling).

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):77-82
pages 77-82 views

A case of unilateral multiple lesions of the cranial and spinal nerves, as a complication after angina

Yaropolskaya M.K.


Group lesions of the cranial nerves are most often observed in trauma and neoplasms of the large brain and somewhat less often in inflammatory processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):83-85
pages 83-85 views

X-ray method for the study of purulent fistulas of the female genital area

Goldstein D.E., Sidorov N.E.


X-ray examination with the use of contrast agents has found its recognition in gynecological practice, as it has fully justified itself in terms of the simplicity of the technique and the value of the diagnostic data obtained in this case.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):86-93
pages 86-93 views

On the treatment of septic abortion

Shipova V.E.


The question of how to treat septic abortion is still controversial.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):94-96
pages 94-96 views

Peat mud in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Mukhamedova S.Z.


The feasibility of using mud therapy for gynecological patients in the form of mud pants in combination with vaginal tampons at resorts of all-Union importance has been proven with sufficient clarity, but it is not possible to provide resort mud therapy to all women suffering from gynecological inflammatory diseases and needing this type of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):97-100
pages 97-100 views

Significance of the galvanic pain test in the outpatient work of a physiotherapist

Langerman R.I.


The question of objectively accounting for pain sensations, which are purely subjective symptoms, has long attracted the attention of researchers who have proposed a number of methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):101-102
pages 101-102 views

On the casuistry of spontaneous biphasic ruptures of the spleen

Yurko P.G.


Spontaneous ruptures of the spleen are rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1940;36(3):102-104
pages 102-104 views

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