Vol 8, No 5-6 (1908)

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About serodiagnostics by the method of complement binding

Lepsky E.M.


Over the past two years, a significant number of works have appeared in the foreign, mainly German, medical press dedicated to the so-called complement binding method. Since this new serodiagnostic method is of great theoretical interest and has already given some practical results, it will not be superfluous to give a short essay about it.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):197-211
pages 197-211 views

Three cases of congenital kidney anomalies

Mokin N.


The subject of this report will be a description of three congenital anomalies of the kidneys, detected during practical work with students in the preparation hall of the Kazan Anatomical Institute.
The kidneys, as you know, belong to the number of organs very prone to various kinds of deviations from the norm. We can classify the latter as anomalies of the position, shape, size, number and vascularization of the kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):212-221
pages 212-221 views

Organization of refresher courses for doctors in Kazan at the University

Pervushin V.P.


First of all, I must make a reservation that the proposal, which I will have the honor to present now, does not come from me personally, but from a group of persons who are part of the corporation of junior teachers of the medical faculty of Kazan University; Deeply sympathizing with the proposed proposal, I am thus the spokesman for the decision adopted by the mentioned group, supplementing and illuminating it with a number of personal considerations. In December 1907, in this group, the question arose about the desirability of arranging courses for doctors in Kazan; One of the comrades, A.A. Opokin, in an extensive report on 7/11 1908 developed the details of the issue, and after the discussion of the report, it was decided to proceed with the implementation of the project, contacting the Society of Physicians for this.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):222-227
pages 222-227 views

To the casuistry of extensive gastric resections

Razumovsky V.I.


The operation of gastric resection is relatively new. Many modern doctors vividly remember the time when the telegraph brought us news from Vienna about the first successful gastric resection in cancer, performed by prof. Th. Billroth Jan 29. 1881. The entire educated world with intense attention followed then the fate of this first operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):228-235
pages 228-235 views

About cyclodialysis in glaucoma

Agababov A.


First of all, I must apologize to dear comrades for allowing myself to stop your attention on my messages, which are, perhaps, too narrowly special interest. Of course, it would be most correct to read such reports in the tusnom circle of ophthalmologists. To create for such purposes our own ophthalmological circle, following the example of other Universities, was a dream that our late teacher Emilian Valentinovich and I cherished for a long time. Then it seemed easy to do. Now, according to the peculiarities of the time we are experiencing, it is preferable to wait. But material accumulates, life does not wait. Instilling full sympathy from both the former chairman of the Society, respected A.N. Kazem-Bek, and the new person of my comrade N.A. Gerken, I decided to invite the society to listen to a small message on so to speak topical, fashionable issues of ophthalmology. Those in the newest literature are questions about cyclodialysis at the commander-in-chief and the operation of hatching the eyeball. First, I would suggest listening to a report on cyclodialysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):236-244
pages 236-244 views

Disinfection of soldiers' coats, infected with anthrax, with the help of sulfuric anhydride and formaldehyde in 1904/5 in Omsk

Ilkevich K.Y.


Giving the soldiers contaminated clothing is at least as inhuman as if they were unarmed, exposed to a non-adversarial bullet.

Prof. Tyndal.

In the past 1907, in the Military Medical Journal, in the March, April, May and June books, an article was published by the Independent Member of the Military Medical Scientific Committee, I. F. Rapchevsky, entitled: “Conclusion on the report of the Kazan finding the best ways to disinfect sheepskin. "

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):245-295
pages 245-295 views

The main provisions of the draft charter of the "All-Russian Society of Physicians in memory of N.I. Pirogov"

Rein F.


The objectives of the Society are: I) in the comprehensive development of scientific, scientific and practical, medical and sanitary and medical and household issues by the combined forces of Russian doctors; 2) in the implementation of the practice of government on the protection of people's health and in the promotion of their implementation by public and other organizations; 3) in improving the working and living conditions of doctors and in the organization of comradely mutual assistance.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):296-299
pages 296-299 views

Climatic colony for weak and sick children in Yalta

Morozov A.K.


By the example of the expired 1907, the "Society of Children's Climatic Colony in Yalta" is opening its activities in the summer and autumn months this year.
The colony, intended for weak and sick children of both sexes, from 6 to 15 years old, combines all the advantages of a school summer cottage and a children's sanatorium for the weak and recovering. The colony will function from May 1st to October 1st in the vicinity of Yalta, on the seashore. Pursuing charitable purposes, the Society provides children, for a relatively low fee, 45 rubles. in a month, full maintenance and medical and educational care in an environment approaching a family one. Particular attention is paid to enhanced nutrition and physical development of children. The hygienic-childish regimen includes sea and sun baths, swimming, medical gymnastics, games and walks under the guidance of experienced educational staff. With the permission of doctors, educational activities are also allowed.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(5-6):300
pages 300 views

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