Vol 8, No 3-4 (1908)

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Thorus palatinus

Khomyakov M.M.


We meet the first indications of thorus palatinus in Huschke in Eingeweidelehre Sommering’s Leipzig 1844: Along the median line of the hard palate, especially in old people, sometimes a bony eminence appears along the palatine suture. Richet in Traité pgas-tique d'anatomie médicochirurgicale (2nd ed. 1860 an. P. 396) points further to Chassaignac, which supposedly recognizes for the torus “a great family significance in the sense” of recognizing syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):85-114
pages 85-114 views

Diagnostic value of the eye reaction of Wolf-Eisner and Calmette with tubercle

Cheboksarov M.N.


A timely diagnosis of the developing pulmonary tubercle is one of the first conditions for a successful fight against this disease. Pulmonary consumption, this scourge of humanity, which annually takes away hundreds of thousands of human lives, is not such an incurable disease and gives a significant percentage of recovery if, under the condition of early recognition, it is possible to put the patient in the appropriate hygienic conditions, as well as in the most hygienic possible. Therefore, this constant aspiration of doctors is quite understandable - on the basis of negligible pathological changes in the body, to be able to diagnose tuberculosis in the very initial stage of its development. But all the methods of determining these so-called early signs of tuberculosis, starting with the finest physical methods and ending with sero- and X-ray diagnostics, do not always enable the doctor to recognize the disease with complete confidence. And to possess this confidence seems to be absolutely necessary for the doctor, since on the basis of his diagnosis the patient often has to bear not only great material costs for the purpose of treatment, but also change the whole way of life of his and his family, change profession, residence, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):115-134
pages 115-134 views

To the doctrine of acute leukemia

Lyubimov N.M.


The blood in all 151 cases of acute leukemia appeared to be altered. Its external properties in some patients deviated so much from the usual that these features attracted the attention of researchers. The blood in acute leukemia is "somewhat pale" - indicates Westphal, "pale" - says Waldstein and "very pale" characterizes Greene.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):135-154
pages 135-154 views

Sanitary sketch of the Khabarovsk local hospital of the Primorsky region

Nikolsky A.D.


The Khabarovsk local hospital is located in the city of Khabarovsk on the edge of the high so-called "Military Mountain", on the right bank of the Amur. During the last Russo-Japanese War, it was expanded from 160 to 350 seats. The entire infirmary consists of eight old one-story wooden pavilions and seven one-story stone pavilions. Three stone pavilions - surgical, female and infectious, are located on the edge of the "Military Mountain", above the Amur, in the old park; the rest of the pavilions: two therapeutic, officer, venereal, eye and ear, kitchen, glacier, mortuary and bathhouse with laundry are located in the hospital courtyard. The stone pavilions have recently been built, which is why they have a pretty decent look. Out of 15 pavilions, only eight in winter are occupied by the sick (six stone and two wooden). In the summer, the patients are transferred to the park, where they are accommodated in four cardboard decker barracks and in several quartermaster tents.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):155-157
pages 155-157 views

Several cases of traumatic rupture of the spleen

Perekropov A.I.


Over the past time, there have been several reports of a casuistic nature about traumatic ruptures of the spleen. I want to report several cases of rupture of the spleen observed in the practice of the forensic medical office at Kazan University during the period from January 1, 1901 to January 1908, that is, for 7 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):158-167
pages 158-167 views

Treatment according to the method of prof. Bir

Kopylov N.V.


When I visited German surgical and orthopedic clinics and hospitals in the summer of 1906, in many of them I watched treatment according to the method of prof. Bir and heard good reviews about this treatment, and therefore I had a desire to get acquainted with this new method of treatment, that is, from the author of its treatment himself at the clinic of prof. Bir in Bonn. It seemed more convenient that at the beginning of August, courses for doctors were announced in Bonn, in which prof. Bir.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):168-178
pages 168-178 views

A brief report on 4 cases of appendicitis with demonstration of remote organs

Gerken N.A.


Gentlemen, esteemed fellows, when on January 31 I made a statement to our secretary about my report, I meant to demonstrate in the Society two then just removed by an operative way of the appendix; But since that time, over the past week, we have performed 2 more such operations in the hospital, and as a result of this, today I can already demonstrate to you 4 drugs. As for the patients, from whom the drugs were received, the patients are still in bed. The patient's earliest surgery is only 2 weeks old tomorrow, and she can leave bed only 4-5 days after this period.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):179-187
pages 179-187 views

Project of charter of the Permanent Court of Honor at the All-Russian Society of Physicians in memory of N.I.Pirogov

Rein F.


The Board of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov asks you to print the attached statement on the draft charter of the permanent court of honor at the Pirogov Society: The X Pirogov Congress of Doctors instructed the Board and submit the developed project to the approval of the XI Pirogov Congress. " The commission, in which lawyers took part, has finished its work and is presenting this project to the attention of doctors, inviting them to express their views, both of a general nature about a permanent judgment of honor, and of individual articles of this project. All comments and reviews should be sent before October 1, 1908 to the Board of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov (Moscow, Arbat, Denezny lane, 28, apt. 5); according to these reviews, the project will be revised again by the commission and submitted for approval of the upcoming XI Pirogov Congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):188-192
pages 188-192 views

The program of the Volga regional anti-cholera congress

Chertov A.


The meeting is convened by the Samara Provincial Zemsky Administration in the city of Samara on April 20-29, 1908. Representatives of the provinces and institutions of the provinces take part in the congress: Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara, Simbirsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tambov, Penza, Orenburg, Ufa, Perm, Vyatka and Ural regions.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):192-195
pages 192-195 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 9th February 1908

Gerken N.A.


The chairman was Professor N. A. Gerken, under the Secretary Dr. A.V. Favorsky.

Present—Orlovsky, Zabolotnov, Eidelson, Kazansky, Rozhdestvensky, Kopylov, Kotelov, Shibkov, Zuev, Vladimirov, Sukharev, Troitsky, Levkhanyants, Klyachkin, Kuznetsov, Glykman, Eskin, Opokin, Cheboksary, Goryaev, Zakharyevsky, Pan, Chalusov, Lyubenetsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):a47-a53
pages a47-a53 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University. 16th February 1908

Gerken N.A.


Prof. N. A. Gerken Presided under the Secretary, Dr. A. V. Favorsky.
There were pan, Sokolov, Idelson, Kazansky, Levkhanyants, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Goryaev, Shibkov, Ostrovsky, Blidstein, Glikman, Klyachkin, Tsypkin, Opokin, Kotelov, Kutlubaev, Eskin, Pervushin and 50 other guests.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(3-4):a54-a64
pages a54-a64 views

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