Features of coagulation hemostasis and anticoagulation system in patients with chronic heart failure due to ischemic heart disease

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Aim. To study the features of coagulant and anticoagulant systems in patients with varoious functional classes of congestive heart failure secondary to coronary heart disease (according to New York Heart Association criteria) and to determine the most informative method for diagnosing the hemostasis disorders.

Methods. 82 patients with congestive heart failure, who had previously survived myocardial infarction with Q-wave formation, and left ventricle ejection fraction (by Simpson) less than 50%, were included. Average age was 54.0 [50.0-64.0] years. Control group of 30 healthy people was formed. All patients were allocated to two groups. 1st group included patients with I-II functional class of congestive heart failure (n=57), 2nd group - patients with III-IV functional class of congestive heart failure (n=25). Activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin and fibrinogen levels, international normalized ratio, heparin cofactor activity of antithrombin, D-dimer level were measured in blood serum.

Results. Only D-dimer level and heparin cofactor activity of antithrombin were changed in the main group compared to the controls. D-dimer level in patients of the general group was 0.2 [0.2-0.4] mg/L versus 0.2 [0.2-0.2] mg/L in control group (p=0.000064). There was no obvious deficit of heparin cofactor activity of antithrombin in patients with congestive heart failure, but the values were lower in the main group - 90.5 [82,7-100,4]% compared to the control group - 102 [90,0-104,0]% (p=0.0068). In subgroups, there were indicators (prothrombin, international normalized ratio, D-dimer) that changed according to the functional class. The lowest values of prothrombin were found in patients with III-IV functional class, the highest - in patients with I-II functional class. Indicators (prothrombin, INR, D-dimer) which changing with the growth of CHF FC were identified by separating the patients into subgroups. FC, the largest - in patients with FC I-II. Serum D-dimer level increased in accordance with congestive heart failure functional class (р1-2=0.0065).

Conclusion. Congestive heart failure contributes to prothrombotic changes in hemostasis. The severity increases with increasing congestive heart failure functional class. D-dimer is the most sensitive marker of hemostasis activation at congestive heart failure. This parameter should be included in the routine hemostasis testing in patients with congestive heart failure.

About the authors

G Kh Mirsaeva

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: mironchuknn@gmail.com

N N Mironchuk

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Email: mironchuknn@gmail.com


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© 2015 Mirsaeva G.K., Mironchuk N.N.

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