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Vol 35, No 7 (1939)

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Theoretical and clinical medicine

Choosing a surgical method for treating inguinal hernias

Sokolov I.V.


For surgery for inguinal hernias uncomplicated by strangulation, three methods are generally accepted: the Bassini method, proposed in 1890, the Girard method and the Kocher method.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):3-9
pages 3-9 views

To the colon dyskinesia clinic

Teregulov A.G.


Dyskinesia, as is known, is a term introduced into the clinic by Schwartz and Stierlin to distinguish functional suffering of the large intestines from organic ones - colitis or diseases caused by mechanical factors, such as tumors, polyps or cords.

Based on radiological observations, it has been proven that the suffering known as spastic colitis, in the vast majority of cases, does not have an organic basis and represents suffering of a purely functional nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):10-17
pages 10-17 views

To the hemolytic jaundice clinic

Makhalova O.K.


Hemolytic jaundice, as a specific painful form, was described by Minkowski, but without using the term “hemolytic jaundice”: he described a syndrome consisting of “jaundice, urobilinuria, splenomegaly and renal siderosis.” The lack of etiology and the unclear pathogenesis of this disease forced authors to put forward various symptoms, which is why hemolytic jaundice is found in the literature under various names. Among the works on this issue, the studies of Shoffard stood out, who shifted the center of gravity to the blood, noting a decrease in the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes and microcytosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):18-21
pages 18-21 views

The effect of suggestion on appetite

Berlyand S.G., Levin S.L.


The doctrine of higher nervous activity, developed by the school of I. P. Pavlov, made it possible to study the problem of so-called appetite using a purely objective, physiological method - namely, the method of secretory conditioned reflexes. In application to humans, this method was developed at the school of prof. N.I. Krasnogorsky, and a whole series of data was obtained that are essential for elucidating the nervous regulation of the food instinct and its diverse manifestations.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Comparative evaluation of some physical methods for the treatment of lumboischialgia

Sheinin A.I.


Lumboischialgia, which mainly affects manual workers, often causes long-term disability. Therefore, a comparative assessment of various physical methods of treatment for lumboischialgia, finding the most rational methods of treating this disease, seems very relevant. Meanwhile, little work has been published on this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):30-33
pages 30-33 views

About some variants of neuroinfluenza

Wiesen E.M.


One of the links in the big problem of neuroinfection is the issue of influenza diseases of the nervous system (n.s.). Its development was reflected in the neuropathological literature, mainly through the study of the relationship between influenza and acute infections of the nervous system. The complexity of this issue is to a certain extent explained by the fact that influenza infection itself, in the sense of the final identification of its causative agent, remains unstudied. At the same time, despite familiarity with some biological features of the influenza virus, the paths through which it comes into contact with certain elements of the nervous system remain unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):34-38
pages 34-38 views

About phototherapy for influenza in the outpatient clinic

Teregulova A.N.


The beneficial effect of physical methods of treatment for a number of acute diseases has given rise to the use of these methods in the treatment of influenza infection. In recent years, some experience has been accumulated. Some recommend ultraviolet rays in the treatment of influenza (Bessonova, Messel, Maryasin), others recommend diathermy (Yakovlevskaya), and still others recommend x-rays (Potekhin, Yaltsev, etc.).

At the Third All-Union Congress of Physiotherapists, some clinicians presented the results of observations, from which it is clear that ultraviolet irradiation is a relief agent in the initial stages of influenza infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):39-40
pages 39-40 views

On the issue of plasmacide intoxication in children

Chekalin I.A.


It is well known that plasmocide in some cases in adults and children at therapeutic doses produces neuralgic side effects that soon disappear. However, in the literature there are facts of a more dramatic toxic effect of this drug, observed in cases of overdose, when profound changes were noted in various organs (Tareev, Krasnova, Avgushevich, Pervushin, Yanchevskaya, etc.), mainly from the nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Dysentery at an early age

Patushinskaya R.L.


Dysentery at an early age rarely occurs with the typical clinical picture that we are accustomed to seeing among adults and older children. In children under 1 – 1,5 years of age, dysentery often begins with dyspeptic symptoms, or this dyspepsia is already superimposed on the picture of the onset of dysentery.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):44-47
pages 44-47 views

About intravenous vaccine therapy for brucellosis

Pandikov G.A.


When developing rational methods for treating brucellosis, a number of extreme difficulties are encountered. These include the uniqueness of the infection itself, the exceptional persistence of the pathogen, its ability to remain in a state of latency in the human body for a long time and, finally, its specific tendency to cause periodic exacerbations and relapses. An equally significant circumstance that complicates the assessment of this or that type of therapy is the lack of certain objective tests, taking into account which would help to accurately focus on some of the preferential and most effective methods in terms of their results.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Intravenous vaccine therapy for brucellosis

Tarpey A.A.


Based on literature data and our own observations, we believe that of all the methods and means proposed and tested recently for the treatment of brucellosis, the vaccine therapy method deserves special attention.

This method is gaining more and more supporters and, it seems to us, is paving its way to widespread practice.

Most authors who have used vaccine therapy support the effectiveness of this method.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases with hemolyzed blood

Grasmik T.A.


Speransky's theory about the role of the nervous system in pathological processes has largely changed the point of view on the pathogenesis of various diseases. According to this theory, specificity, infection, intoxication, and harmfulness play a major role only at the very beginning of the pathological process. In the future, this specificity fades into the background; then one has to take more into account the dominant role of the nervous system, its influence on the course of the disease. Specific treatment for an already developed disease cannot therefore bring significant benefit. Various nonspecific treatment methods come to the fore in the form of physiotherapy, protein therapy, blood transfusion, and novocaine blockade.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Clinical significance of the six-moment micromethod of erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in obstetrics and gynecology

Petchenko A.I.


Using the six-moment micromethod of erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (6-moment ESR) for a number of years now, the clinic of prof. G. A. Baksht found a number of advantages in it over the conventional method. In this work, an attempt is made to analyze the accumulated material in order to study the clinical significance of this method for various groups of gynecological patients and pregnant women. 6-moh. ROE, thoroughly forgotten by gynecologists in recent years, represents an attempt by some researchers to improve the reaction. This method was first tested on tuberculosis patients by Epstein and Kashchenko, and in gynecology by Mandelstam and Gidalevich (1929).

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):62-67
pages 62-67 views

Project of a standard plan of a pathological-anatomical dissectorium

Vasiliev I.P., Poryvaev N.F.


Soviet healthcare is growing at an unprecedented pace. During the years of the revolution, many excellent medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions were built; only the creation of new dispensaries is the most “bypassed value”. As far as we know, there are still no standard plans for the construction of a presectorium. Meanwhile, life does not wait, and our department received several requests from the localities on how to build a prosectorium. This prompted us to come out in print with a draft standard plan for the prosectorium.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Observations from practice and short communications

A case of brucellosis in connection with the postpartum period

Karpova K.A.


The issue of complications observed with brucellosis in women has still been studied very little. What is the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period in women suffering from brucellosis? These questions have not yet been adequately answered.

In this regard, we decided to publish a case of clinically proven brucellosis in a patient in the postpartum period, which was observed in our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):73-74
pages 73-74 views

A rare case of familial brucellosis

Vygovsky A.P.


Description of clinical cases of infection of sick sisters and the issue that must be resolved is the route of infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):75-77
pages 75-77 views

To the casuistry of the subfebrile course of severe typhus

Shapiro S.E.


In recent years, descriptions of the afebrile course of typhus have appeared in Soviet and foreign literature, both in humans and in experiments on animals.

Proceeding as an infection in apparante, in the presence of a positive Weil-Felix reaction, these cases were characterized not only by the absence of fever, but also by all other signs of typhus (rash, nervous phenomena, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Comparative assessment of various methods of surgical treatment for trachomatous entropion

Petrov A.A.


Many different methods of surgical treatment of trachoma are due to the absence of any one radical surgical method. Only the accumulation of evidence of a positive postoperative effect, the study of the durability of the results obtained over a long time and the comparison of results with different methods of operation make it possible to objectively approach the correct resolution of the issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):80-81
pages 80-81 views

A case of acute sodium nitrate poisoning

Golnik R.F.


Acute poisoning with sodium nitrate appears to be extremely rare. In the latest manuals (Gelman, Bergman, etc.), sodium nitrate is not mentioned among the important representatives of the group of nitro compounds known for their toxicity to the blood and central nervous system. Only Richard Lenzmann, in his “Pathology and Therapy of Painful Conditions Suddenly Threatening Life” (1912), speaking about poisons that cause the formation of methemoglobin in the blood, mentions sodium nitrate, without giving a complete description of the clinical picture of poisoning with this poison. Therefore, it is not without interest There will be a description of the acute poisoning we observed with sodium nitrate.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):82-84
pages 82-84 views

A rare case of foreign body removal from the right forearm

Rizvash S.I.


Removal of foreign bodies that have entered the human body is a very common occurrence in surgical practice. The casuistry of foreign bodies that have entered the human body in one way or another is extensive. The shape, size, nature and type of a foreign body, as well as the reason and method of their introduction into various parts of the human body, are very diverse. Among the patients who come to us about foreign bodies, most often there are those in whom the foreign body inserted accidentally. This often concerns small pieces of wood (splinters), metal, and fragments of needles that fall during work.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):84-84
pages 84-84 views


To the clinic of congenital forms of hemolytic jaundice

Smirnov V.N., Taktarova V.I.


Hemolytic jaundice, known to Murchison (1885) and Wilson (1890), has actually been identified as an independent painful form since the publication of Minkowski's observations (1900), concerning 8 cases of hemolytic jaundice.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):85-88
pages 85-88 views

Rationale for the therapeutic effect of ultra-high frequency electric field

Barunin I.M.


Over the past 7-8 years, Hertzian radio waves have been used for therapeutic purposes for a variety of human diseases. The basis for the use of Hertz waves (ultra-high frequency currents) are the observations of many authors who have established that ultra-high frequency electrical oscillations can, through deep intervention, influence the most intimate processes of human functional activity, acting on the latter differently than other types of electric current.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):89-93
pages 89-93 views

Scientific conferences of the Kazan State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors named after V. I. Lenin

Rusetsky I.I.


Honored Scientist Professor E. M. Lepsky and Doctor Z. A. Gertman “Lung expansion as a clinical symptom of allergy” (report).
Professor A. N. Murzin “Transplantation of preserved tissues” (based on impressions from the 2nd Ukrainian Congress of Ophthalmologists on November 25-30, 1938).
Professor M.V. Revo. New data in the study of immunity, diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases.
Assoc. Vilesov and ass. Cherkasova. "Blood transfusion for septic and purulent diseases"
Professor Ya. D. Pechnikov. "Malaria and the clinic of skin, venereal and genitourinary diseases."

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):93-95
pages 93-95 views

Surgical Society of the TASSR, Meeting 3/IV 1939

Gusynin V.A., Osipovsky V.M.


Assoc. S. P. Vilesov (demonstration). A new ampoule-type device for blood transfusion.
Ass. B. F. Smetanin (demonstration). New needle for suturing.
Ass. A. N. Charkasov (report). Mitogenetic radiation of blood in malignant neoplasms.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(7):95-96
pages 95-96 views

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