Vol 4, No 7-8 (1904)

The case of chondritis et osteitis gummosa costarum et sterni

Porfiriev S.P.


On September 2, 1903, an official N., 32 years old, was admitted to the Kazan District Psychiatric Hospital, with manifestations of acute delirium.
In the evidence of pathological inheritance delivered by his wife, there is no indication of pathological inheritance. The patient did not abuse alcoholic beverages. Not sick with acute infectious diseases. Syphilis didn’t have - “you can vouch for it with your head,” as the relatives of the patient said. On the part of the physical organization, no special deviations from the norm were found. The somatic state is satisfactory. The first symptoms of the disease were noticed on August 26 after an official problem.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):349-364
pages 349-364 views

On the question of mechanical treatment of subcutaneous dropsy by skin incisions

Kazem-Bek A.N.


Every practitioner is well aware of how difficult it is to have a patient with a chronicle, especially one who has a whole series of disorders in the blood circulation, respiration and excretory organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):365-390
pages 365-390 views

Engelbert—Kopenhagen. (Monatsh. f. prakt. dermatol. B. 39, No.2)


The author proposes his own abortive method for treating gonorrhoid urethritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):391-391
pages 391-391 views

Hallopeou А. Lemlerre. (Sur un cas d'arthopathies blevnоragiqиes ayaut necessie l’amputation de deux gros orteils. Annal. de Derm, et de Syph. 1901, II, No. 1)


A patient who has gonorrhea 8 years ago, a disease of inflammation of all joints, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, etc. by the end of the third week after the disease, orchitis joined.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):391-391
pages 391-391 views

Unger. (Gonococcen in Blute bei qonorrhoischer Polyarthritis. D. med. Woch. 1901, No. 51)


In one case of gonorrhoid lesions of the joints, the author found in the blood of gonococci (which contradicts the opinion of Finger, Cohn and others that gonococci cannot tolerate t ° 380 and die in the blood of a febrile rheumatic fever).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):392-392
pages 392-392 views

Karwowski. Ein Fall positivem Gonokokhenbefund in einem epididymititchen Abscess. (Monatsht. f. pract. Derm. 1902,35, No. 11)


The author describes a case where a 29-year-old man had urethritis complicated by inflammation of the appendage.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):392-392
pages 392-392 views

Nobl. Zur Histologie der blenorrhoischen Deferenitis und Epididymitis. (Arch. f. Dermatologie und Syphilis, 1903, B. LXVII, H. 2)


During the histological examination of the organs of a patient who suffered from rotten epididymitis during his lifetime and died during the existence of the aforementioned disease from the infringement of an inguinal hernia, the following was found.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):392-393
pages 392-393 views

Tamberger. Muskelerkrankung in folge von gonorrhoischer infection. (Wiener med. Wochensch. 1903, No. 38 и 39)


The author says only about idiopathic gonorrhoid lesions of muscles and expressed not by inflammation, but by simple atrophy of them.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):393-393
pages 393-393 views

Prof. Zelenev. On casuistry of interlayer spilled cavernitis. (Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 1904, No. 6)


The author points to a case of chronic painless fracture inflammation of the cavernous body.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):394-394
pages 394-394 views

W.E. Taylor. A case of plexus brachialis neuritis with autopsy. Revue neurologique, 1904, No. 4


The author informs about his observation made in the clinic by prof. Dejerine.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):394-395
pages 394-395 views

Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky. Prediction in epilepsy. "Practical Physician," 1904, Nos. 24, 25


Individual cases of epilepsy cure were encountered by many practitioners; some are included in the literature (Macone, Herpiu, Duigon, Kothe, etc.). But in the general mass these facts were obscured, why, as a rule, in the manuals on nervous diseases, until the last time, the view is made that epilepsy is a lifelong and incurable disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):395-396
pages 395-396 views

Assoc. Minor L. С. On paralyses of the facial nerve due to accidents. "Meditsinskiye Obozr.", 1904, No. 11

Osokin N.


In the beginning of the article, the author sets out in several paragraphs the main principles that formed the basis of foreign legislators and our law on June 2, 1903 on remuneration of workers for injuries. In general, according to German laws, the loss of working capacity in a mild degree is estimated at 20-33.3%; severe loss in 66.6-75% average loss 50-66.6%.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):396-397
pages 396-397 views

Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky. Emperor Paul I. Bulletin of Mental Diseases. 1904, T. I, Nos. 3 and 4


The author, who published an early series of sketches on various historical subjects, devotes this essay to an analysis, 4 from the psychiatric point of view, of the personality of Emperor Paul I.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):397-398
pages 397-398 views

Dr. A. Paris. Epilepsy: Pathogenesis and indications for therapy. "Archiv de neurol. 1904, Fevr-Mars"


In this article, the author equates epilepsy with diseases developing on the soil of autointoxication; and the main culprit, in his opinion, in this case, is gl. thyroidea. He came to such a conclusion by means of follow-up observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):398-399
pages 398-399 views

Р. Keraual et Danjeau. The state of the ocular fundus in the progressively paralyzed. "Arch. de neurol"., 1904, Mars


The author informs about the research of the fundus of the eye in 41 women, progressive paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):400-400
pages 400-400 views

Н. Carrier. Nerve cell in normal and pathological state. Histological changes of nerve centers in delirium toxi dutit. of alcoholics, delirium tremens and delirium acutum. Paris, 1904


The contents of this work have been transferred by I. Vueer in the bibliography section of the May book "Arch, de Neurol." for the present year. N. Sagieg examines various psychopathic states in connection with the available data of pathological anatomy, the first part of the work, the author will devote to a critical assessment of the facts concerning the normal and pathological histology of the nerve cell, stopping attention on the Niss Nevsky parts belonging to the to the question of the time of the appearance in the nerve centers of true cadaveric changes and, finally, to the method of preparation of the preparations.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):400-402
pages 400-402 views

S.A. Lass. Modern treatment of alcoholism and its complications. "Russky Vrach", 1904, No. 29

Osokin N.


Hypnosis, special hospitals, soothing and strengthening the nervous system drugs — these are the means that science currently has for the treatment of alcoholism with its complications in the field of the neuropsychic sphere. Speaking about each of them separately, the author points to the advantageous aspects of hypnosis treatment, which can be applied in any situation, without interrupting the patient from usual occupations.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):402-403
pages 402-403 views

А. Gehtman. On the effect of light-thermal electric baths. "Practical Doctor", 1904, No. 29

Osokin N.


The author studied the effect of light-thermal electric baths with (ischias), chronic articular rheumatism (according to I case), subacute rheumatism (2 cases) and interstitial nephritis (I case).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):403-403
pages 403-403 views

V. Odintsov. On the casuistry of dissections of the spleen. S. Deryuzhinskiy. A case of excision of the mobile spleen. A few words on the indications for its removal in marsh cachexia. "Surgery", 1904, No. 88


The first author removed the spleen due to its hypertrophy, no pain in the anamnesis, no visible microscopic changes in the blood. The enlarged spleen turned out to be ruffled with the peritoneum, extremely full-blooded, with no blood at all, 2,400.0. The operated patient was under the supervision of the author during the year.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):403-404
pages 403-404 views

B.S. Kozlovsky. Two cases of late trepanation in cranial trauma. "Surgery," 1904, No. 89


In both cases observed by the author, there is a severe trauma, to which suffocation and subsequent erysipelas are added, however, which had no significance for the development of severe cerebral phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):404-404
pages 404-404 views

L. О. Stratievsky. A case of a brain abscess. "Surgery", 1904, No. 89


A brain abscess is a disease. difficult for the diagnosis of the disease, on the one hand, because of the need to accurately localize it, on the other, because of the ease of confusion with other painful processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):405-405
pages 405-405 views

Е. Mirovsky. A case of pulmonary necrosis treated operatively. "Surgery", 1904, No. 89


The author opened the gangrenous area of the lung tissue, lying at a depth of 6.5 ctm.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):405-405
pages 405-405 views

N. V. Sinyushin. A case of left-sided hernia of the cecum, dissection of the cecum and ascending colon. "Surgery", 1904, No. 84


In a patient operated on for an inguinal hernia and an unnatural anus of the left labia majora with prolapse of the intestinal mucosa, the contents of the hernia turned out to be part of the large intestines (which forms the anus praeternatur., Instead of a separate ascending loop) small intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):405-406
pages 405-406 views

V. M. Mints. Traumatic insertion of the stomach into the left pleural cavity. "Surgery," 1904, No. 89


The author observed the patient with a wound inflicted on the left in the 7th intercostal space.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):406-406
pages 406-406 views

I. I. Glasenstein. On the operative treatment of testicular hydrocephalus according to the method of Winkelmann. "Surgery", 1904, No. 89


The method of hydrocele operation according to Winkelmann consists in the fact that after the separation of the vaginal membrane itself (not yet opened) and the emptying of the contents, the tunica propria is turned inside out into a small gap in it (which can be narrowed to the right or completely sewn up) and thus the cavity is closed again that its serous surface becomes facing the tunica communis and must grow together with it.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):406-406
pages 406-406 views

А. I. Menshikov. Primary melanosarcoma of the rectum. "Surgery", 1904, No. 89


Localization of melano-sarcoma in the rectum is primary in 2-3% of all melanosarcoma. Among the malignant HOBOJ formations, recti melanosarcoma also takes place.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):407-407
pages 407-407 views

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan of November 8, 1903


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek, under the Secretary of Dr. A. V. Gavorsky. Present were Klyachkin, Sivre, Kazanskiy, 'Idelson, Agagonov, Skuridin, Zuev, Iglovskiy, Nebolyubov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Zakharyevskiy, Vinogradov Gimm spruce, Rozhdestvensky.
Objects of ambush.
Dr. Bystrenin. A case of stenosis of the larynx of diphtheritic origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):а3-а6
pages а3-а6 views

Minutes of the Ordinary Session of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan of December I8, 1903


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek, under the Secretary of Dr. A. V. Favorskom.Present: Darkpievich, Kazanskiy, Klyachkin, Shirokikh, Rozhdestvenskiy, Troitskiy, Tikhomirov, Pervushin, Kandaratskiy, Agafonov, Kalachev, Levinruko , Pan, Nebolyubov. SUBJECTS OF SESSION I. Prof. N.A. Gerken. On the question of operative treatment of laryngeal cancer (with a patient demonstration).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):а7-а8
pages а7-а8 views

Minutes of the Ordinary Session of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial University of Kazan, February 29, 1604

Board E.


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek, under the Secretary Dr. A. V. Favorsky.
Attended by: honorary. member prof. N. M. Lyubimov, valid. member Nebolyubov, Kazanskiy, Gimmel, Pervushin, Charushin, Skuridin, Osokin, Levin, Sivre, Chausov, Pichugin, Toporkov, Zakharyevskiy, Ovchinnikov, Shibkov, Zuev, Pilnov, Igauznetsov-guests Kovalevskiy and Dr. Niko l s kiy.
Subjects of the meeting.
Dr. S.P. Porfiriev. A case of chondritis et osteitis gummosa sterni (with a demonstration of microscopic preparations).

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(7-8):а9-а13
pages а9-а13 views

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