Results of study of local immunity of the oral cavity in patients with fixed aesthetic dental prostheses and inflammatory periodontal diseases

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Aim. To study the state of local immunity of the oral cavity in patients with fixed aesthetic dental prostheses and inflammatory periodontal diseases.

Methods. 90 patients with fixed aesthetic dental prostheses and inflammatory periodontal diseases (main group) and 21 patients without dental prostheses and inflammatory periodontal disease (control group) were examined. Immunoglobulin A, sA, G, M, E classes, interleukin-4, -6 and -1β, interferon α contents in oral liquid were determined using enzyme immunoassay.

Results.. As a result of our study of immunoglobulins level in saliva in patients of the main and control groups an increase in the immunoglobulin A level, compared with the normal value, statistically significant increase in secretory immunoglobulin A were revealed; difference in the immunoglobulin G level was not determined. The increase in immunoglobulin E level in patients of the main group was determined. When studying the interleukins content in the oral fluid a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of IL-4 and increase in interleukin-6 and -1β content in patients of the main group were determined. The tendency to decrease in the interferon α content in the main group compared to the control group was registered.

Conclusion. In patients with fixed aesthetic dental prostheses and inflammatory periodontal diseases humoral immunity imbalance was identified, manifesting in changes of the immunoglobulin classes A, sA and E, interleukin-4, -6 and -1β contents in oral fluid.

About the authors

I R Shafeev

Bashkir State Medical University; Out-patient Dental Clinic №4

Author for correspondence.

A I Bulgakova

Out-patient Dental Clinic №4


I V Valeev

Out-patient Dental Clinic №4


G Sh Zubairova

Bashkir State Medical University



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© 2016 Shafeev I.R., Bulgakova A.I., Valeev I.V., Zubairova G.S.

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