Modern surgical approaches in treatment of simple solitary, multilocular, multiple cysts and polycystic kidney disease in children

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In a review of current literature, the evolution of technology of endovideosurgical treatment approaches of simple solitary, multilocular, multiple cysts and polycystic kidney disease in children is presented. The article describes different puncture, «open», retroperitoneoscopic and laparoscopic types of surgical interventions used in this disease, their negative and positive aspects. Over the past two decades, endoscopic surgery for cystic kidney disease minimize surgical trauma so that they became comparable to puncture techniques, and surpass them in the intervention radicality. Herewith cosmetic effect is not inferior to that when using puncture techniques. When comparing videoscopic with «open» operations, the advantage of the first in a traumatic effect on the child’s body, and cosmetic results also were noted, while the surgical treatment radicality of compared techniques was identical. Presented statistical data obtained from the international literature analysis (more than 500 cases of endovideosurgical treatment of cystic kidney disease in 22 hospitals) demonstrate the short duration of surgery, short-term hospitalization and a high proportion of treatment success up to 90-100%. The comparative analysis of surgical procedures performed in the renal cysts endoscopic fenestration performance by retroperitoneal access is conducted. All presented in the literature review surgery methods are original and can be used in the treatment of children with cystic kidney disease, however, each operation has its own complexities of the technical performance. In this connection, the search for the best method of surgical treatment that can become the «gold standard» treatment for children with cystic kidney disease continues. In conclusion, it is noted that endovideosurgical methods of treatment of solitary, multilocular, multiple cysts and polycystic kidney disease in children have excellent prospects for the widespread implementation in pediatric urology and andrology.

About the authors

N R Akramov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

R S Baybikov

Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan



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