Execution of minor patients’ right for information in professional activities of medical assistants

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Aim. To examine the problems of implementing patients’ rights for information by medical assistants in providing medical care of a minor under 16 years of age.

Methods. The study was conducted as a poll using anonymous questionnaires and semi-standardized interviews using specially designed questionnaires and the method of expert evaluations. The study involved 407 medical assistants providing medical care for children’s population, and 427 parents of minor patients (under 15 years of age). The department of health management and public health of institute of postgraduate education of Ivanovo State Medical Academy conducted the study at the medical settings of the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions.

Results. The study revealed low awareness of the medical assistants in patient’s rights for information, in particular, to have access to medical documents. Execution of the right of minor patients and their legal representatives to obtain information on the health status was shown to be inadequate, with medical assistants often ignoring the parents’ request to provide information about the health status of the child and access to medical charts and results of diagnostic procedures. A significant part of medical assistants do not consider mandatory to explain to minor patients parents the diagnostic data within their competence.

Conclusion. The currents state of affairs in implementing patients’ rights for information requires development and implementation of medical and organizational measures for better awareness of medical assistants about patients’ rights, in particular, right to be informed, as well as optimizing execution of this right.

About the authors

E K Baklushina

Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: irina.eremtsowa@yandex.ru

I A Eremtsova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo, Russia

Email: irina.eremtsowa@yandex.ru


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© 2015 Baklushina E.K., Eremtsova I.A.

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