Magnetic resonance imaging and perfusion computed tomography capacities in brain glial tumors diagnosis

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Aim. To study magnetic resonance imaging and perfusion computed tomography capacities in the glial tumors diagnosis.

Methods. 50 patients were examined using magnetic resonance imaging and perfusion computed tomography before and after treatment of glial tumors.

Results. Perfusion computed tomography followed by pathomorphologic study confirmed the presence of glioblastoma in 48 patients before treatment. The presence of glioblastoma grade 4 was confirmed in 48 patients according to histological findings, and secondary (metastatic) tumors were identified in 2 patients. Glial tumors signs were revealed in all patients after MRI examination. Diagnostic tests using both methods were performed after treatment. The presence of residual tissue and radiation necrosis was not always accurately detected when using magnetic resonance imaging. During perfusion computed tomography performed on 32 patients continued tumor growth was identified in 28 patients, and presence of radiation necrosis - in 4. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis accuracy in 24 patients, and presence of post-radiation changes in 4 patients.

Conclusion. The data clearly demonstrate the need for the complex use of magnetic resonance imaging and perfusion computed tomography in suspected glial brain tumors before and after treatment, what allows to reliably estimate the presence of neoplasms, specify the location and degree of malignancy, correct further diagnostic and therapeutic tactics.

About the authors

A V Balandina

Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Samara, Russia

Author for correspondence.

A V Kapishnikov

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia


S V Kozlov

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia



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© 2015 Balandina A.V., Kapishnikov A.V., Kozlov S.V.

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