Biologic activity of humic substances from peat and sapropel

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The article reviews papers researching the biologic activity of peat and sapropel-derived humic substances, published by domestic and foreign authors. Peat is an accumulation of mainly partially decayed vegetation decomposed by microorganisms, found at mires. Sapropel is natural organic minerals that are derived from freshwater body sediment and formed by decayed vegetation and animal residues, minerals of biochemical and chemical origin and mineral components. Humic substances are a specific group of macromolecular substances derived from peat and sapropel as a result of vegetation and animal residues deterioration. It was found that drugs based on humic substances have the broadest spectrum of biological properties that are already widely used in veterinary medicine and can be used in various spheres of medicine. In particular, medications containing humic substances affect the nonspecific and specific resistance of the organism, show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, membranotropic, hepatoprotective properties, have the ability to enhance the metabolic processes activity in the body. Sodium humate stimulates the tumor regression, helps to prevent serotonin ulcers, increases the body’s resistance to hypoxic conditions. Humic substances are do not have any toxic, teratogenic, embryotoxic and carcinogenic properties, while at the same time they are able to positively influence the health status of animals, increasing their productivity. Positive effect of humic substances on plant adaptation to ionizing radiation and pesticides was shown. Plenty of research and favorable results provides a basis for the development of a new direction in pharmacy and pharmacology related to the creation of new domestic products based on peat and sapropel.

About the authors

R R Kitapova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Author for correspondence.

A U Ziganshin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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