Vol 8, No 7-8 (1908)

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Significance of the Pirquet skin reaction for the recognition of tuberculosis at the age of children

Vulfius G.


As is known, early recognition of the tubercle is often very difficult. This provision in particular refers to children's age and, in particular, to the first months of life; one has only to remember how often tuberculosis in infancy proceeds under the guise of atrophy with undetermined symptoms from the lungs and feverlessly, sometimes persistent bronchopneumonia, especially after measles and whooping cough, make one suspect tuberculosis; how often do we observe febrile states that are not amenable to accurate diagnosis at the moment, further tuberculous meningitis, tuberculosis of bronchial glands, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):301-332
pages 301-332 views

To the doctrine of acute leukemia

Lyubimov N.M.


The change in the percentage of leukocytes did not escape the attention of the authors. Litten, Fränkel, Wald stein, Obraztsov (1st and 2nd n.) And others, establishing the fact of an increase in the number of white blood cells, note that the latter or “large, with a large bubble-shaped nucleus occupying almost all protoplasm chromatin "or" small with a nucleus intensively staining ". Leyden, describing his case of acute leukemia, points out that the blood contains "polynuclear cells and mononuclear cells equally." Berestnev found in the blood of his patient that there were large and small lymphocytes: "there are few neutrophils," etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):333-389
pages 333-389 views

About enucleation of the eyeball

Agababov A.G.


Hulling the eyeball is so simple and easy operation that it seems neither necessary nor even possible for its further simplification.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):390-398
pages 390-398 views

Atrophy of optic nerves from poisoning Spiritu aromatico (kinder-balsam)

Zenkovich E.A.


In the present academic year in the Eye Clinic, five cases of amblyopia of toxic origin were observed, which are of interest in terms of their ethiology: weakening of vision, sometimes even to complete dullness, was caused in all five patients by the ingestion of a significant amount of the drug, and - the well-known name is balsamum embryonum (according to the Russian Pharmacopoeia —spiritus aromaticus) —and in the hostel — kinder-balsam.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):399-405
pages 399-405 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on April 7, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Favorsky.
Present-Razumovskіy, Kazanskіy, Pan, Kashinskaya, Lyubenetskіy, Glickman, Cheboksary, Vendrikh Kuznetsov, Kotelov, Zuev, Levhanyants, Pechnikov, Zipkin, Ovchinnikov, Chalusov, Menshikov, Nebolyubov ten, 50 people outside the public.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a65-a67
pages a65-a67 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on April 14, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


Was chaired by prof A. N. Kazem-Bek, when Secretary Dr. A. V. Favorskaya.
Present were Kazansky, Desyatov, Idelson, Tsypkin, Fofanov, Shibkov, Kuznetsov, Levchatkin, Pervushin, Migalovsky, Pechnikov, Troitsky, Luria, Vendrikh, Levkhanyants, Cheboksary, Kashinskaya, Kotelov, Ostrovsky, Kopylov, Pan, Nebolyubov and 40 people from outside the audience

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a68-a71
pages a68-a71 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on October 5, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Favorskom.
Present were Nebolyubov, Kazanskiy, Zabolotnov, Kuznetsov, Sokolov, Luria, Glikman, Charushin, Solarev, Kotelov, Idelson, Stezhinskiy, Cheboksarov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Nikolskaya, Kopylov, Chalusov, Praksin, and 50 people from outside the public.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a72-a80
pages a72-a80 views

Protocol of an emergency appointment of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on October 21, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek, under the secretary of Dr. A. V. Gavorskom.
Attended by — Nebolyubov, Ovchinnikov, Nikolaev, Chalusov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Eskin, Ostrovskiy, Vladimirov, Cheboksarov, Pechnikov, Desyatov, Yudin, Solarev, Stezhinskiy, Kazanskiy, Kopylov, Perimovokin, Oralov, Tsyparyovskiy, Ilyparyevskiy, Perimokin, Pan, Tsyparyevskiy more than 1000 people of the outside public.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a81
pages a81 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on November 8, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A.N. Kazem-Bek at the interceding place of Secretary O. G. Nan.
Present: prof. V.F. Orlovskiy, prof. Timofѣev, prof. I. A. Praksin, Dr. Cheboksarov, Tsypkin, Perimov, Eskin, Opokin, Krasin, Chalusov, Fofanov, Kopylov, Zanchenko, and a man of 15 outsiders.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a82-a83
pages a82-a83 views

Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University on December 3, 1907

Kazem-Bek A.N.


It was chaired by prof. A. N. Kazem-Bek under the secretary A. V. Favorsky.
Present were Orlovskiy, Kazanskiy, Nebolyubov, Stezhinskiy, Polumordvinov, Goryaev, Tsypkin, Chalusov, Shibkov, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Levkhanyants, Opokin, visiting prof. Mislavsky and a man 25 of the outside public.

Kazan medical journal. 1908;8(7-8):a84-a85
pages a84-a85 views

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