Comprehensive assessment of morbidity, temporary and permanent disability, mortality of railwaymen

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Aim. To study morbidity, temporary and permanent disability and mortality among railway workers.

Methods. The incidence and overall morbidity was studied based on information about the final diagnosis in statistical coupons and outpatient medical records by continuous coverage for the period of 2005-2014. Based on the analysis of the documents of all persons who underwent examination in the medical and social commissions for the period of 2007-2012, the primary disability was investigated. Temporary disability was analyzed for the period of 2006-2014 using all sick leaves, provided for payment in the accounting department of the railway system. Analysis of the mortality rate and causes of death was conducted by the continuous study of the medical certificates of cause of death for 2005-2010. We analyzed 336 death certificates, as well as the appropriate number of outpatient medical records and case histories.

Results. Among the overall morbidity, the leading place belongs to the digestive system diseases with the variations in morbidity rates from 259.4±2.1‰ to 299.5±2.4‰. Among the disability causes of railway workers, diseases of the cardiovascular system are on the leading place, which accounted for 50.2±3.2% of all cases of primary disability. Total mortality rate varied from 2.35±0.29‰ (2008) up to 1.58±0.24‰ (2010).

Conclusion. In the structure of disease incidence of railway workers digestive system diseases prevail, it distinguishes this contingent from the Azerbaijan working age population, which is characterized by the predominance of respiratory diseases; disability rate is higher in women than in men (68.0±20.4 and 32.1±6.8 to 10 thousand respectively).

About the authors

A J Rzayeva

Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after academic A. Aliyev

Author for correspondence.


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© 2016 Rzayeva A.J.

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