Vol 2, No 11-12 (1902)

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K casuistry of operational treatment of high degrees of myopia

Rymovich F.F.


Optical cure of myopia, that is, correction of it with glasses, as is known, is possible only before the known preliminaries of myopia. It depends on the fact that strong concave glasses have a whole row, so to speak, negative sides, which make their application, in very many cases, impossible.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):607-611
pages 607-611 views

The volume of true heterotopies of the spinal cord

Methodiev V.


Here it is necessary to disassemble separately the doubling of the spinal cord in the normal spine and the doubling that sometimes accompanies the so-called. spinam bifidam (mainly in the lower lumbar region).

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):612-630
pages 612-630 views

Review of works on diagnostics, particular pathology and therapy of diseases of the circulatory apparatus for 1901

Notovshchikov N.I.


Ad. Schmidt (321) establishes a connection between the existence of small dilated cutaneous veins in the area of cardiac dullness and along the line of attachment of the diaphragm with some forms of cardiac neuroses.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):631-671
pages 631-671 views

Chronicle and small information


- Former assistant of the faculty surgical clinic in Kazan, privat-docent P.I. Tikhov was appointed professor of the hospital surgical clinic in Tomsk.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):685-685
pages 685-685 views

Protocol of the annual meeting of the society of doctors at the imperial Kazan University


It was chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. S. Petrulis.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):а3-а4
pages а3-а4 views

Report on the activities of the society of doctors at the imperial Kazan University for the academic year 1901-1902

Petrulis S.


Pursuing the intended 2 goals of its existence — to be the mental center of the medical class and to disseminate medical knowledge to the public, the Society of Doctors did not directly fulfill its second goal in the reporting year; public lectures, which were readily attended, as the practice of the previous year showed, could not take place this year for reasons, mainly of an external nature. Mediocrely, this goal was achieved, since the next gathering of the Islands always took place in the presence of a large or smaller number of the public.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):а5-а7
pages а5-а7 views

Report on the status of the library of the Society of Physicians at the Imperial Kazan University for the 1901-1902 academ. year

Kazansky M.V.


In the course of the reporting year, the Society's library received 249 different works, of which 113 were not received earlier.
Periodical publications received 136 titles (15 foreign), of which: magazines and newspapers 53 (8 non-medical), Protocols, Trudov and Other publications - from 68 scientists of Societies and Institutions (48 medical and 20 non-medical) and publications - from 15 city and zemstvo institutions.

Kazan medical journal. 1902;2(11-12):а8-а9
pages а8-а9 views

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