Emperor Nicholas II free hospital and clinic for visiting patients at the Kiev Pokrovsky monastery at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century

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The article describes the Kiev Pokrovsky monastery hospitals for outpatients, providing the medical aid at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX century for the population of South-West and North-West region of the Russian Empire. Interesting documentary facts are enlightened: «December 6, 1898 Emperor Nicholas II Highest deigned to call the hospital and clinic for outpatients as the “Free hospital and clinics for outpatients of Emperor Nicholas II at the Kiev female cenobitic monastery”». The article uncovers the activities of a magnificent doctor Nikolay Viktorovich Solomka, companion of the Grand Duchess Aleksandra Petrovna, who was able to find proper word for moral and spiritual influence on patients while addressing to the colleagues and sisters. Medicine in Kiev Pokrovsky Monastery-hospital was praised by an authoritative person and statesman, Academician Georgiy Ermolaevich Reyn (in future - long-term chairman of the Medical Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first chief superintendent of the Main Directorate of Public Health). According to the report of the scientific mission of doctor A. Turkevich to the Kiev Pokrovsky Monastery-hospital, discovered by author, we can get a picture of the state of affairs in the medical facilities of the monastery. Achievements, raising the Monastery-hospital on the unprecedented level, are becoming evident. It is no coincidence that doctors - Delegates of the «Pirogov’s VI Congress» and doctors - delegates of the «X Congress of Russian naturalists and doctors» praised all of his hospital institutions and medical personnel while being acquainted with the Kiev Pokrovsky Monastery-Hospital.

About the authors

N N Blokhina

N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: chervyakow@mail.ru


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