Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (nun Anastasia) and the activities of the Pokrovsky monastery-hospital in Kiev in the late XIX and early XX century

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The article describes the activities of the Pokrovsky monastery-hospital in Kiev, created by the efforts of the Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (1838-1900), who took the monastic vows in 1889 under the name Anastasia. The monastery became widely known in the late XIX - early XX century for the highly skilled medical aid provided to the population since its inception up to the events of 1917. It was a unique complex of medical settings located in the same area and equipped with modern medical equipment comparable with the many World’s clinics of that time. In this monastery-hospital, pilgrims with different diseases who came at Pokrovsky monastery in Kiev were provided the required qualified, affordable medical care. Thanks to the Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna, her attentive attitude to all the latest innovations, novel treatment methods were developed and introduced to the work of monastery medical settings. In addition, she was able to create a special atmosphere and goodwill towards the sick. But, being engaged in devising new methods of providing medical care to patients, she was able to create a special and inviting atmosphere with respect to the patient. With the ever-increasing circle of her organizational and economic activities, being in charge of the monastery-hospital problems of great importance, Grand Duchess reserved the right to nurse her patients. She worked by vocation, at the behest of the soul. Her example of selfless labor in the monastery medical settings where monastic sisters held the medical staff responsibilities for the patients care was important for all of the staff. Her assistants - Sisters of Charity - she fostered by her own example of selfless aid to a sick person. This favorable work atmosphere was very effective helping cure the sick.

About the authors

N N Blokhina

National scientific and research institute of public health, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.


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