Vol 34, No 1 (1938)

Ways and achievements of Soviet surgery for 20 years October revolution

Sokolov N.V.


The Great October Socialist Revolution, which had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life in our country, radically changed social and economic conditions, created conditions for the powerful growth of the country's industrialization, the collectivization of agriculture, could not but influence the thought and practice of Soviet surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):1-12
pages 1-12 views

20 years of Soviet pediatrics

Menshikov V.K.


For the first time in the history of peoples, the working people found a real homeland, which surrounded them with care and attention, like a loving mother. Caring for a person, about his health and life, has acquired the greatest embodiment since the time of the Great October Revolution. The class character of the old medicine was relegated to the realm of tradition, medicine became the public domain and completely devotes itself to the service of the working people. Exceptional attention is paid to caring for the health of the mother and child. In this regard, all conditions are created for powerful development and pediatrics; the 20 years passed after the revolution really testify to the wide development of this field of medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Soviet otorhinolaryngology for 20 years

Buyev P.D.


The ENT specialty received a powerful impetus for its development only under Soviet rule. Despite the relatively short period of post-October development, Soviet otorhinolaryngology reached such a flourishing and was enriched with such successes that it immediately moved to an honorable and independent place, taking it quite deservedly alongside other disciplines of Soviet medicine. Little understood not only by the broad masses, but also by doctors before 1917, otorhinolaryngology after the October Revolution was refracted in a completely new way in the minds of both Soviet doctors and the working people of our socialist homeland, to whose service it was developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Blood transfusion for purulent-septic diseases

Korzhavin B.V.


Blood transfusion for patients suffering from gas gangrene was first performed by Quesnin in 1917 with brilliant success. Haberland in 1921 recommends transfusion for sepsis. We find positive reviews of transfusions for purulent-septic diseases in Lindemann, Miller, Hoffmann, etc. On the other hand, Gempel does not note success from blood transfusions for purulent-septic diseases, and Elecker is their direct opponent.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Experience of using magnesium sulfate in order to combat postoperative pain

Vinogradov I.E.


While surgeons deal with the issue of pain relief during surgery on a daily basis, the issue of eliminating postoperative pain (p.b.) is very rarely put to resolution.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):32-38
pages 32-38 views

On the issue of complications during prolonged stay of a bullet in the spine

Yurov V.S.


In peacetime, gunshot injuries to the spine are rare. The frequency of spinal injuries in wartime ranges from 1 to 2% (Guleke, Mokin, Garre, Borchard, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):38-42
pages 38-42 views

400 cases of ectopic pregnancies

Stern S.I.


The literature on the issue of ectopic pregnancy is already quite extensive, but the further development and accumulation of clinical material on ectopic pregnancy is essential.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Materials for pain relief of labor by blocking the pudendal nerves

Zamyatina Z.I.


The development of methods that meet the requirements of mass labor pain relief is on the order of the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views

On the question of methods of pain relief during operations artificial abortion

Kalinkina A.A.


Many works have been devoted to the issues of pain relief during abortion operations, and a number of practical methods of pain relief have already been developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):49-53
pages 49-53 views

To roentgenokymography of the stomach

Goldstein M.I.


In modern medicine, the success of functional pathology: is closely related to the success of pathological anatomy. Anatomy, by studying the shape of an organ during its movements, becomes, according to Bergmann, functional anatomy. Naturally, the X-ray symptomatology of the digestive apparatus, which has recently achieved major results in recognizing the finest structural changes in the mucosa, in its further development should have followed the path of an objective study of the functional activity of the stomach in health and disease. One morphological study of the stomach without taking into account its motor function is, of course, one-sided and insufficient.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):53-67
pages 53-67 views

To the research method and to the interpretation of the glycemic response after glucose loading

Davletbaev H.D.


This report is a part of our work on carbohydrate metabolism in peptic ulcer disease. We mean to dwell on the research methodology and interpretation of the glycemic curve after glucose load, since the study of the violation of carbohydrate metabolism is becoming more and more important in the clinic of internal diseases. Since the regulation of blood sugar is provided by a whole system of organs, it is natural that in very many diseases we meet more or less pronounced disorders of carbohydrate metabolism; so, it is known; that even spontaneous hyperglycemia and glycosuria can occur in diseases of the pancreas, not only in diabetes, but also in pancreatitis, hemorrhages in pancreas, stones, cysts, pancreatic cancer, etc; the same phenomena can occur with anomalies of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and in other cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):68-80
pages 68-80 views

Merkusal with cardiac edema and ascites

Smirnov V.N.


Of the drugs released in recent years by our Soviet pharmaceutical industry, merkuzal, an analogue of the German drug salirgan, attracts attention. According to its chemical composition, it is a complex compound of mercury acetic acid and sodium salt of allylamidosalicylic acid; soluble in water. This drug, released for sale in ampoules in the form of a 10% solution containing 0.036 grams of mercury in 1 cm3, belongs to the group of the strongest diuretics and is used intramuscularly, intravenously and intraperitoneally at intervals of 2-3 days. With intramuscular injections, according to our data, approximately 75% of daily urine output falls in the first 7-8 hours after injection.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):80-87
pages 80-87 views

On the issue of nonspecific immunity reactions in tuberculosis

Vishnevetsky I.I.


It can be assumed that the serum of tuberculosis patients binds antigens of other microbes and, conversely, other microbes cause the formation of antibodies that also bind antigens prepared from VC.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Cases of noma

Rogov A.F.


Noma, water crayfish, was first described in 1816 (Baron). This severe suffering affects most children between the ages of 2 and 4. Cases of illness in older age are rare. The etiology of the disease is unknown. Chernyakhovsky considers it to be a maranth necrosis, and Krasin as an anemic necrosis. Oppel says that noma is a traumatic injury to the mucous membrane with the addition of infectious blood clots. Lexer argues that noma begins on the basis of inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Schmidt finds no reason to isolate noma as an independent form of the disease and considers it to be a simple gangrene of the oral cavity. As the causative agents of the disease, diphtheria sticks, Vincent's sticks, streptotrix, leptotrix, cladotrix and symbiosis of spirochetes with a fusiform bacillus are called.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):92-94
pages 92-94 views

Hernia diaphragmatica

Kuznetsov I.M.


Descriptions of cases of diaphragmatic hernia, as well as other diseases of the diaphragm, are relatively rare in the literature. Therefore, we want to share our observation, which once again indicates that in the differential diagnosis of diseases of the chest and abdominal organs, it is necessary to remember about such rare diseases as a hernia of the diaphragm.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):94-97
pages 94-97 views

A case of spontaneous discharge of large bile stone

Pryanishnikov M.I.


Despite the huge amount of work and great achievements in the theory and practice of studying diseases of the biliary tract, I think it is not superfluous to report a case of biliary colic, which ended in spontaneous discharge of a large stone.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):97-99
pages 97-99 views

Regarding the article "The simplest way to determine the position of the fetal head in the pelvic cavity" by V. I. Davydov

Kaplan O.L.


In this article, the author proposes a supposedly new way of internal research of a woman in labor, in which to determine the position of the head, they use not the sutures and fontanelles, but the ear.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):99-101
pages 99-101 views

For the correct training of students of medical universities

Aydarov A.A.


In our message, we would like to once again touch on the setting of teaching outpatient surgery to medical students, which, in our opinion, is not given enough attention in surgical departments. As a result of this, the graduated doctors, to whom, during their student course, clinicians willingly demonstrate gastric resections, bowel surgery, nephrectomies, know little about carbuncles, abscesses, panaritiums, etc. diseases. Meanwhile, these "minor diseases" are the main concern of polyclinic doctors and doctors of the periphery. Having not received sufficient practical training in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes and, in particular, inflammatory processes of the fingers, young doctors are forced to gropingly understand these everyday, often complex diseases, which often lead to the loss of working capacity in case of improper treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):101-102
pages 101-102 views

Regarding the article by Dr. Aydarov

Sokolov N.V.


Dr. Aydarov's article correctly raises the question of the abnormal formulation of medical education in that part of it, which concerns outpatient surgery and purulent surgery in particular. The main forms of purulent surgical diseases should be studied in the third year in general surgery classes, the department of which should be provided with clinical beds and an outpatient clinic. Until recently, there was no such clinic in Kazan, just as there was no department or an outpatient clinic. Thus, teaching the basics of general surgery and, in particular, teaching students of purulent surgery stood on the wrong path of predominantly theoretical education. Until recently, there was no fixed polyclinic, where it would be possible to widely and correctly organize the teaching of 5th year students in outpatient and, in particular, purulent surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):102-103
pages 102-103 views

Defense of the thesis

Yurieva L.A.


At the meeting of the Council of the Kazan Medical Institute on 30 / XII 1937, LS Persianinov defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. sciences. Dissertation topic: "Streptocide action in clinic and experiment". The dissertation was completed at the departments of microbiology and obstetric-gynecological Kazan. state Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. V.I. Lenin. The dissertation candidate reviewed the literature of Russian and foreign sources, presented the clinical and experimental data obtained by various authors (Ulesko-Stroganova, Lebedeva, etc.), gave different views on the mechanism of action of streptocide: through the reticulo-endoelial system or due to the direct bactericidal property of the streptocide itself. The author's own research consists of an experimental and a clinical part.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):104-105
pages 104-105 views

Vyasnovsky A. Yu. Ergotism. Classification of forms, clinical picture and pathological anatomy of chronic ergotism. Perm, 1937 Price 7 rubles.

Galant A.


Based on personal observations and literature data, the author gives an exhaustive presentation of the issue of ergotism. Found their reflection in the monograph: the history of ergotism toxidemia, including ergotism in the Urals in 1926-1927, general symptomatology and classification of ergotism, laboratory data for chr. ergotism, psychosis in ergotism, pathologist, anatomy of Chr. ergotism, questions of pathogenesis, examination of ergotism, preventive and therapeutic measures in helping ergotines.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):105-106
pages 105-106 views

Prof. A. E. Mannheim. Pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of postpartum lactational mastitis. 93 pages Minsk, 1936 Price 1 r. 20 k. Circulation 3000 copies.

Goldstein L.


The small book provides basic information about the anatomy of the breast, pathogenesis, clinical picture and therapy of postpartum mastitis. With twenty years of experience as well. underwent the development of 128 cases of mastitis that he had observed in the clinic over the past 2 years. Being a supporter of the theory of the lymphogenous origin of mastitis, a. quite in detail sets out various theories of the etiology and pathogenesis of postpartum mastitis, and also dwells in detail on the origin, treatment and prevention of nipple cracks. A. calls for great caution with feeding the baby with mastitis and cracked nipples, recommending giving it up if the mother has an infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):106-107
pages 106-107 views

Prof. Ficker. Cancer chemotherapy. (Translated from Italian). 138 pages Biomedgiz, 1937. Price 3 rubles. Circulation 320 copies

Goldstein L.


Packed with colossal factual material, the recently deceased Italian oncologist is a summary of cancer chemotherapy presented by him at the International Cancer Congress in Madrid in 1933.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):107-107
pages 107-107 views

Dоberеr. Wolgemut's test for diastasis in the diagnosis of acute diseases in the upper abdominal cavity. (Münch. Med. Wschr. 1937.44.1721-1724).

Ivanov B.


Based on his observations over the past 10 years, a. recommends the determination of diastase in the urine according to Wolgemut for the diagnosis of diseases in the upper abdomen.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):107-108
pages 107-108 views

Lamm, N. Postoperative subcutaneous emphysema. (Zbl. Chir. 1937.7. 417-418)

Ivanov B.


A. draws attention to the so-called "harmless" form of postoperative subcutaneous emphysema, which he repeatedly observed, resulting from the spread of air trapped under the skin through the subcutaneous tissue during the operation when lifting the edges of the wound during the application of braces.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Junghanns, N. Treatment of wounds with silver iodide ointment. (Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 1937.25.963)

Ivanov B.


Clinical observations and bacteriological studies have shown that the silver iodide ointment has bactericidal properties and accelerates the cleaning of purulent wounds with the rapid appearance of good granulations.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Philirowicz, J. Treatment of mumps. (ZbL Chir. 1937. 25. 1471-1472)

Ivanov B.


The most frequent causative agent of inflammation of the parotid gland, which develops after operations, or diseases and injuries of the abdominal organs and sometimes gives significant mortality (according to some AA.-35 %) is Staphylococcus aureus.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Klein, S. A. Significance of antivirus in surgery. (Rev. Chir. 1937.56. 237-283)

Ivanov B.


Antivirus is used in surgery, firstly, to treat infected wounds and inflammatory processes of the skin and mucous membranes, and, secondly, to prevent and treat inflammatory diseases of the peritoneum and abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Hanàk, F. Technique for para-articular arthrodesis. (Zbl. Chir. 1937. 5. 288-291)

Ivanov B.


In 50 pp. arthrodesis operations of the hip joint for tuberculosis a. used a strong plate from the ilium to fix the joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):108-109
pages 108-109 views

Niklas. Preparation for local anesthesia (Zbl. Chir. 1937, 26.1555-1556)

Ivanov B.


As a preparatory measure for local anesthesia a. recommends the following simple and reliable method, applicable to all patients, with the exception of children less than 14 years of age, for whom avertine basic anesthesia is the method of choice.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Svoboda, N. Control of headaches after skull injuries. (Zbl. Chir. 1937. 11.624-626)

Ivanov B.


To combat headaches that occur after an injury to the skull, as well. recommends the prophylactic appointment of urotropin, regardless of the nature and severity of the injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):109-109
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Schmid, H. N. Prevention of postoperative thrombosis and embolism. (Zbl. Chir. 1937. 6. 307-317)

Ivanov B.


In order to prevent postoperative thrombosis and embolism a. recommends raising the foot end of the bed.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Rudofsku, F. Modification of surgery for hallux valgus. (Zbl. Chir. 1937. 6. 361-362)

Ivanov B.


A. recommends the following modification of the operation for hallux valgus.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Piké and Tison. Alcohol and esophageal cancer. (Acad, de med, fevr., 1937)

Auslander E.


The authors believe that alcohol is of great importance in the etiology of esophageal cancer. For 110 observations of esophageal cancer in 102 cases (93%), patients consumed alcohol in an amount of at least one glass per day.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):109-110
pages 109-110 views

Feingeffer. The current status of the treatment of cancer of the tongue. (Soc. De Stomat. De Paris, dec. 1936)

Auslander E.


The author points out the importance of early diagnosis of tongue cancer and suggests biopsy of any tongue ulcer that has not healed within 15 days. In this suffering, the regional lymph glands are affected extremely early.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):110-110
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Pauzat and Forton. Paranephritis in an infant. (Soc. De Méd. De Bordeaux, January 22, 1937)

Auslander E.


Cellulitis of peri-renal tissue occurs in children, especially in infancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):110-110
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Vogt, E. Prevention and therapy of intrauterine asphyxia. (Münch, med Wschr. 1937,43,1690-1692)

Ivanov B.


Conservative drug prevention and therapy of intrauterine asphyxia is of great practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):110-111
pages 110-111 views

Holzbach, E. Opening of the uterus under exsanguination according to Esmarch. (ZbI. Gyn. 1937.30.1746-1747)

Ivanov B.


To obtain an almost complete exsanguination in all obstetric operations on the uterus a. recommends placing a pencil-thick rubber tube around its neck.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):111-111
pages 111-111 views

Ostadal, V. Chemical reaction to pregnancy according to Visscher-Bowman'y (Zbl. Chir. 1937.5.266-268)

Ivanov B.


Based on a number of his own studies, A. comes to the conclusion that the positive result of the reaction proposed by Visscher-Bowman to determine pregnancy does not depend on the presence of the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland in the urine of pregnant women, as it was until now believed, but is probably due to the presence of carbohydrates in the urine, mainly lactose.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):111-111
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Speidel. Pulmonary bleeding that appears shortly before menstruation. (Med. Klin. 1937. 431, 1436-1437)

Ivanov B.


It is known that the so-called vicarious menstruation occurs at a young age (as a sign of the onset of puberty) and sometimes after the onset of menopause, the most common form of which is bleeding from the nasal mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):111-111
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Montagne L. Boyd. Acute vesiculitis after transurethral resection of the prostate. (Urol. A. Cut. Rev. No. 5, 1937)


A 56-year-old man suffering from prostatic hypertrophy with usual clinical symptoms, the author performed, observing all the rules of asepsis, transurethral resection of the adenoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):111-111
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Kennedy and Hillebrand (Chicago). Prostate stone after resection (Urol. A. Cut ver. No. 5, 1937)


Hematuria and pyuria, arising soon after resection of adenoma in the prostate, can cause encrusted cystitis, and in the presence of these latter, stones may form in the bladder and the prostatic part of the urethra.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Lazarus (New York). Rectovesical fistula complicated by prostate disease (Urol. A. Cut. Rev. No. 5, 1937)


After a short literature review in which the author elaborated on Higgins's work, the symptoms of the disease are presented.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Ewell Marquardt and Sargent. Treatment of hydrocele by injection (Urol. A. Cut. Rev. No. 4, 1931)


After a brief review of the literature, a detailed description of the treatment of dropsy of the testicle with injections of quinine or urethane is given. The authors analyze their material concerning 75 cases. hydrocele in 68 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Naggiar, M. Tuberculous abscess on penis (Journ d'Urol No. 2, vol. 43.1937)


A 20-year-old man underwent right-sided nephrectomy for kidney tuberculosis; there were symptoms of cystitis without tubercle bacilli in the urine and with numerous staphylococci in it.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Truc, M. On the casuistry of foreign bodies in the urethra. (Journ d. Urol No. 2, v. 43, 1937)


The author reported to the Marseilles Urological Society about the masturbator, to which prof. Jeanbrot once removed a glass tube from the posterior urethra.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

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