Vol 35, No 11-12 (1939)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Clinical and theoretical medicine

To the 125th anniversary of the Kazan State Medical Institute

Mukhamedyarov F.G.


1814 is a significant date in the cultural history of the Volga-Kama region, as the date of the official opening of the Kazan State University. The same year should be considered the date of the establishment of the Higher Medical School in Kazan, since differentiated teaching of medical sciences to students of the medical department began only from the moment of the official opening of the university, from the 1814/15 academic year. Before that, students were not yet distributed among the relevant departments (faculties) of the university and studied all disciplines without exception.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):6-12
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Choosing a method of surgery for femoral hernias

Sokolov N.V.


The surgeon's task in herniotomy for femoral hernias is to remove the hernial sac with ligation of its neck as high as possible and the most perfect closure of the femoral canal formed by the hernial protrusion. Among the numerous methods proposed for operations on femoral hernias, the most commonly used is the method associated with the names of Bilroth-Bassini (1894), the essence of which is that a skin incision is made parallel to and directly below the inguinal ligament over the hernial tumor (in the area of the femoral canal); after dissecting the subcutaneous tissue and ligating the vessels running here (vasa pudenda), the fascia cribrosa is dissected, the hernial sac is exposed and opened, which, after checking the contents as high as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):13-19
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Mistakes and dangers in strangulated hernia surgery

Hertzberg B.G.


Mistakes, dangers and complications in strangulated hernia surgery are not so rare and they depend mainly on the atypicality that is created due to the strangulation condition.

When starting a strangulated hernia surgery, the surgeon cannot draw up a completely precise plan of the operation in advance and must have sufficient knowledge and experience to adapt to the conditions of the given case during the operation. A surgeon working in a hospital environment makes a major mistake if, having established the indications for strangulated hernia surgery, he does not start the operation immediately, since gangrene of the strangulated organ may occur within a few hours after strangulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Some results of treatment of skull injuries with novocaine block

Novikov G.M., Blagovidov F.Y.


Head injuries in the overwhelming majority of cases are accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. This is explained by the acute development of edema of the brain and its membranes after the injury with all its characteristic, sometimes very severe, clinical phenomena. Hence, it is quite natural that in the treatment of skull injuries, decisive importance is attached to methods leading to a decrease in intracranial pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):27-32
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On the Clinic of Nephropathy in Malarials

Katerov V.I., Absalyamova K.A.


There are conflicting views on the significance of malaria as an etiologic factor in the development of renal diseases.

Prof. P. N. Nikolaev considers malaria to be the cause of kidney disease in 105 cases (36%) of 286 cases of acute nephritis. Prof. A. L. Myasnikov believes that out of 275 cases of Bright's disease (various forms), in 71 cases (24%) "the disease developed in direct connection with active malaria."

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):33-39
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On the Clinic of Primarily and Secondarily Shrunken Kidneys without Hypertension

Permyakov F.K., Aleksandrov I.Y.


The symptomatology of kidney diseases is extremely diverse. Along with typical, easily recognizable forms of kidney diseases, very often there are such forms that are often overlooked due to the absence of the so-called "main" symptoms of the clinical picture of this disease. These atypical, silent forms of nephropathy can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, and therefore to incorrect treatment.

Recently, the number of observations has increased, forcing a number of amendments to the harmonious teaching of Volhard and Farr on nephropathy, created on the basis of a synthesis of clinical and pathological anatomical data.

In this report, we would like to share two cases of primary and secondary shrunken kidney, which presented significant deviations from the usual clinical picture of a shrunken kidney.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):40-43
pages 40-43 views

On Fluctuations in Complement in the Blood in Acute Glomerulonephritis

Tumasheva D.G.


Experimental observations provide a solid morphological basis for the hypothesis, long ago put forward by clinicians, about the allergic nature of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis.

Clinical observations by Denecke indicate a drop in the number of platelets in acute nephritis, which is characteristic of anaphylactic shock (Ashar, Iwai). Lichtman and Gorbacheva with a biological cooling test according to Bukhshtab-Yasinovsky in acute diffuse glomerulonephritis obtained data that coincide with the results of using this test in rheumatism.

Studying the phenomenon of a drop in complement in various diseases of internal organs, we began to study it in kidney disease. Our material includes 47 studies in 28 patients with kidney disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):44-48
pages 44-48 views

Complementary titer of blood serum in nephritis

Abrazheeva I.S.


In the study of the pathogenesis of internal diseases, in recent years, the reactivity of the body has increasingly come to the fore, along with the importance of external etiological factors. This view is reflected in the doctrine of the role of allergy in the etiopathogenesis of internal diseases. There is almost no area of ​​internal diseases in which the importance of the allergic component has not been studied.

We decided to study some symptoms indicating allergic features in the clinical picture of glomerulonephritis. Among these symptoms, we focused our attention primarily on the complementary reaction of blood serum in acute glomerulonephritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):49-54
pages 49-54 views

On the issue of the morphological composition of bile in liver diseases occurring as acute parenchymatous hepatitis

Kopyrin S.A.


With the introduction of duodenal intubation into clinical research practice, it became possible to introduce a detailed study of the chemical and morphological composition of bile in patients. Numerous studies have established that with a number of diseases of the biliary tract, and partly the liver, certain changes occur in the morphological composition of bile. These changes primarily concern the content of leukocytes, epithelial cells, pathogenic microbes and lamblia in bile.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):55-61
pages 55-61 views

On oxidation-reduction processes in pneumonia

Mamish M.G.


It is known that in pneumonia, water-salt metabolism is disrupted (chloride excretion drops to minimal amounts), as well as lipid-fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, the basal metabolism and acid-base balance change (Kogan-Yasny, Perchik, Bogomolets).

Along with this, the question of the state of oxidation-reduction processes in tissues in pneumonic patients is of great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):62-65
pages 62-65 views

On the issue of treating chronic leukemia

Makhalova O.K.


X-rays, arsenic, benzene, iron and blood transfusion are used to treat chronic leukemia. Recently, combined treatment methods have been considered the most effective: X-rays and iron, arsenic and iron, arsenic and X-rays, arsenic, X-rays and blood transfusion. The criterion for choosing a treatment method, dosage and duration is careful monitoring of the blood picture and the general condition of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):66-69
pages 66-69 views

A refined method for determining mean arterial pressure

Marcuse S.M.


While sphygmography is currently almost never used, the method of tonoscillography—automatic recording of pulse pressure fluctuations—is beginning to acquire increasing importance. A tonoscillogram is a curve of pulse fluctuations (oscillations) with successively changing external pressure (in a pneumatic cuff). This curve shows the change in oscillations when moving from high pressure to low or vice versa, with them initially increasing and then gradually decreasing.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):70-73
pages 70-73 views

Experience of using preparations of "blue" bacilli in skin diseases

Osipova M.L.


The question of using antivirus for the treatment of skin tuberculosis arose immediately after Bezredka's reports on the therapeutic effect of using antivirus in other diseases. However, the first experiments of Professor Abel in this direction ended badly: strong local and general reactions immediately followed the use of antivirus prepared from Koch's bacilli using the usual method. Of course, there was nothing unexpected in this, because no matter what you call the broth in which tuberculosis bacilli grew - antivirus or filtrate, in fact we are talking about unconcentrated tuberculin.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):74-75
pages 74-75 views

The effect of Izhevsk Mineral Water Source No. 1 on the secretory function of the stomach of a Dog

Senkevich I.V.


The study of the effect of Izhevsk mineral water source No. 1 "on the secretory function of the stomach of a dog was carried out in July-September 1937 in the Izhevsk Mineral Water Sanatorium. As is known from the works of Pavlov, Lӧnnquist΄а and others, solutions of soda and sodium chloride, acting from the surface of the duodenum, inhibit gastric secretion, and acting from the surface of the mucous membrane of the pyloric part of the stomach, excite the secretion of gastric juice. Alkaline mineral waters have the same effect on the secretion of gastric juice, which was shown by the works of Dr. Zipalova and Lidskaya on the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):75-80
pages 75-80 views

Observations from practice and short communications

On the casuistry of the contents of the hernial sac in strangulations

Lyubimova L.S.


The casuistry of the contents of the hernial sac is extremely diverse. Vulshtein believes that any of the abdominal organs can become the contents of the hernial sac. The usual and most frequent contents are the small intestines. The latter, distinguished by great mobility and moving in the abdominal cavity in various directions, can appear in almost all types of hernias: inguinal, femoral, umbilical. A frequent companion of the small intestines in the hernial sac is the omentum.

The relative frequency of finding one or another organ as hernial contents is well illustrated by the table of Sertoli, who published a report on 1543 inguinal hernias he operated on.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):81-82
pages 81-82 views

A case of alveolar echinococcus of the liver

Gorst G.P.


At the end of the last century, it was believed that the diagnosis of alveolar echinococcus was extremely difficult and possible only with autopsies (Vinogradov, Brandt, Kruzenshtern). At present, such pessimism is unnecessary, but still, the known difficulties have not been completely overcome.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):83-85
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On the issue of treating corrosive nephrosis

Dobrynina G.K.


On September 16, 1938, citizen F-va was delivered to the clinic by ambulance in a severe state of poisoning, with vomiting, pain when swallowing, a burning sensation in the mouth and pain in the stomach area. According to the patient, she took two grams of corrosive sublimate. In the clinic, the stomach was washed, 4 raw eggs, one liter of milk, 2.0 animal charcoal and a saturated solution of burnt magnesia were given.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):85-87
pages 85-87 views

A case of multiple hemorrhagic Kaposi's sarcoma cured by X-rays

Khairetdinov A.G.


In 1872, Kaposi described a special form of skin disease, which he called idiopathic multiple pigment sarcoma. The disease is characterized by the appearance of tumors on the hands and feet, the size of a pellet, a pea or more, bluish-red, brownish-red in color, roundish in shape, dense-elastic consistency. These tumors sit deep in the corium. They are located either separately or merge with each other. In addition to tumors, bluish or red spots are observed in the same places, which quickly turn into solid infiltrates of varying sizes.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):88-90
pages 88-90 views

To the clinic of actinomycosis of the neck

Zharkovsky G.A., Bitonkina A.I.


A case of actinomycosis of the upper respiratory tract and neck was observed in our clinic, which is of undoubted interest.

Patient K., 38 years old, a collective farmer, has been working as a carpenter for several months, came to the clinic outpatient department on March 30, 1938, complaining of slight pain when swallowing. The patient was admitted to the hospital for a detailed examination. According to him, the disease began only a few weeks ago, and it appeared almost exclusively as a sensation of "something foreign in the throat." On the left side of the neck, there is tissue compaction and slight pain when pressing.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):90-91
pages 90-91 views

A case of isolation of Spirochaetae icterogenes in infectious jaundice

Sevast'yanova K.I.


One of the causative agents of infectious jaundice, as is known, is sp. icterogenes, or leptospira, discovered by Japanese scientists Inada and Ido in 1915. The spirochete in this disease is detected in the first days, before the appearance of jaundice, in the blood of patients, later and for quite a long time (up to several weeks or more) - in the urine.

To detect spirochetes, using, depending on the period of the disease, blood or urine, they resort either directly to bacterioscopy in a dark field of vision and sowing on appropriate nutrient media (sterile tap water, Ungerman, Uhlenhut, etc.), or to infecting guinea pigs.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):92-93
pages 92-93 views


On the clinical use of thorotrast for hepatolienography

Goryaev N.K.


Thorotrast, a preparation by Heyden, is a colloidal solution of thorium dioxide. Its study as a contrast agent for X-ray examination of the liver and spleen was initiated in 1929 by Oka and Radt. When administered intravenously, thorotrast is absorbed by elements of the reticuloendothelial system. Attractive prospects for the use of thorotrast for X-ray examination of organs rich in reticuloendothelial elements, primarily the liver and spleen, opened up.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Etiology and bacteriological diagnostics of infectious jaundice

Geltser R.R.


Diseases of infectious jaundice, which have a tendency to epidemic spread, have been known since ancient times. Of the earliest epidemics of this kind, the epidemic in Berlin is known, dating back to 1699 according to Henning. More often these epidemics occur in wartime in armies, in connection with which during the imperialist war of 1914-18 the most intensive study of the etiology of this disease began.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):100-103
pages 100-103 views

On the biography of the founder of the Kazan Therapeutic School, Professor N. A. Vinogradov

Teregulov A.G.


Nikolay Andreevich Vinogradov, a native of the village of Byksy, Ardatovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province, the son of a priest, was born on November 7, 1831. He received his initial education at home and in the family of the factory owner Shepelev, whose children were his peers. The boy's abilities attracted the attention of his home tutor Shepelev-Rantsevich, who taught him foreign languages. His father sent his son to the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary, where the future famous writer and critic N. A. Dobrolyubov also studied at the same time.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):104-107
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70 years of the Kazan Psychiatric Hospital

Kurashov S.V.


The public of the Order-bearing Tatarstan, together with the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the oldest medical institution in Kazan—the psychiatric hospital—on June 23, 1939.

The idea of ​​creating a mental hospital in Kazan arose in the 1940s. The commission of the tsarist government "labored" for 18 years on the issue of building a hospital for 150 beds. The hospital was designed as the first of 8 district hospitals planned for construction in Russia. It is impossible, of course, to suspect the government of Alexander II of any special sympathy for the mentally ill of the multinational Volga-Kama region. From a historical review of this issue, it is clear that "the largest cash funds at that time were in the public welfare departments of the Volga region provinces, which is why, as an experiment, it was proposed to build a district hospital, first of all, in the city of Kazan."

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):108-110
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Professor Pyotr Ivanovich Karuzin (1864-1939)


On September 25, 1939, one of the oldest and most educated anatomists of our Union, Honored Scientist Professor Pyotr Ivanovich Karuzin, who dedicated his entire life and work to Moscow University, died.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):111-111
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Professor Ternovsky Vasily Nikolaevich


A. was born in 1878 in Verkhoturye, in the family of an employee. In 1904 he graduated from the medical faculty of Kazan University, and then defended his doctoral dissertation in Kazan on the topic: "Pneumotomy in Russia", A. A. completed surgical school under the guidance of professors V. I. Razumovsky and S. P. Fedorov.

Kazan medical journal. 1939;35(11-12):111-112
pages 111-112 views

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