Vol 75, No 2 (1994)

Theoretical and clinical medicine

Problems and ways of development of endosurgery in domestic medicine

Odintsov V.V.


At the beginning of the XX century , the famous Russian professor D. Ott suggested using ventroscopy for the diagnosis of diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, which allowed an examination of internal organs without an incision of the abdominal wall. For decades, surgeons such as Kelling, Kalk, Wittman, V. S. Saveliev, V. M. Buyanov, P. X. Vasiliev and others have done a lot to introduce into practice a low-traumatic method of invasive diagnostics - laparoscopy, in which the examination is carried out with an optical device inserted through a puncture of the abdominal wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):81-83
pages 81-83 views

Endoscopic surgery in gastroenterology

Abuladze S.V., Knubovets S.Y., Safin R.S., Valeev I.I.


From 1983 to 1992, 4,000 operations, 162 endoscopic papillosphincterotomies were performed in the departments of the Republican Clinical Hospital for cholecystitis and its complications; 3836 laparoscopies were performed on a planned and urgent basis for various diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):86-88
pages 86-88 views

Some aspects of endoscopic surgery

Safin R.S., Knubovets S.Y., Valeev I.I.


The data of endoscopic investigations and surgical interventions are presented. The experience of the performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomies allows to outline a number of essential considerations as to the tactics of their performance.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):83-85
pages 83-85 views

Endoscopic surgery in the treatment oe duodenal ulcer

Andreev A.L., Egorov V.I., Dmitriev N.V.


The experience of vagotomy using laparoscopic equipment in patients with duodenal cer is described. Some advantages of laparos- ! copie vagotomy over analogous intervention by means of laparotomy are noted: the posterior trunk of vagus nerve is more readily differentiated, the danger of damage of mucous membrance of the stomach in seromyotomy is less, traumatism is less.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):88-92
pages 88-92 views

The first experience of laparoscopic suturing of a perforated duodenal ulcer

Chugunov A.N., Podshivalov A.G., Ucolov Y.A.


Patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer complicated by perforation account for 5% of the number of patients operated in urgent hospitals [4].

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):92-93
pages 92-93 views

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy experience in the Republic of Tatarstan

Chugunov A.N., Voitsekhovich V.N., Shakirov M.D., Rechkovsky L.R., Uсolov Y.A.


Cholelithiasis (GI) is one of the most common diseases. Despite the widespread promotion of such alternative methods of treatment as extracorporeal lithotripsy, dissolution of stones with pharmacopreparations, endoscopic and percutaneous extraction of concretions, most gastroenterologists prefer radical removal of the gallbladder as a source of cholelithiasis and subsequent complications [1, 2, 3].

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):92-97
pages 92-97 views

Equipment for endosurgical operations and perspectives of it’s production

Odintsov V.V., Belyusenko M.V., Samigullin N.F., Galimzyanov R.V.


The data devoted to the important section of endosurgery — the development and introduction of equipment for operations are presented.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Hepatocystic bile passages in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Borisov A.E., Levin L.A., Zemlyanoi V.P., Glushkov N.I., Levitina Y.V., Medvedev V.G.


It is shown that the coagulation of bile passages does not prevent the outfrow of bile from them in postoperative period which is connected with real threat of the formation of bile flows with consequences of every description. The drainage of subhepatic space is an obligatory stage of the completion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):97-98
pages 97-98 views

Diagnosis of bronchial asthma in sensitization to yeast-like fungus candida albicans

Burnasheva R.K., Gumerova A.M., Glushko N.I., Rakhmatullina N.M.


The peculiarities of bronchial asthma caused by hypersensitivity to antigens Candida albicans are studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):103-106
pages 103-106 views

Comparative evaluation of an acute test with salbutamol and atrovent in patients with infiltrative, cavernous and chronic destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Yaushev M.F., Wiesel A.A.


Obstructive ventilation disorders in patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis are one of the leading factors in the development of respiratory failure and have a significant impact on the nature of the course, effectiveness and duration of treatment, disability of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis [6]. According to various authors, the frequency of detection of bronchoobstructive syndrome in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ranges from 38.2% to 75.7% and is determined by many factors — age, the presence of destruction, nonspecific bronchitis and chronic heart disease, a form of tuberculosis [4, 5]. There are quite a lot of patients with bronchial obstruction of a functional nature, and this requires adequate correction of obstructive disorders accordingly [1]. Due to the individual sensitivity of patients to bronchodilators, it is necessary to select the most effective drug according to the acute test data.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):106-111
pages 106-111 views

Some problems of pathogenesis of traumas of vertebral column

Shulman K.M., Danilov V.I., Anikin Y.M.


The results of study of the strength characteristics of vertebrae and intervertebral disks of the mobile part of vertebral column of a person in postenbryonal ontogenesis are given. The data obtained statistically allow to consider the pathogenesis of formation of Shmorl’s hernias, posterolateral hernias of intervertebral disks and the mechanism parts of the traumatic compression of vertebral bodies in persons of various age groups.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):111-115
pages 111-115 views

Effects of low-energy laser radiation in patients with inflammatory complications of mandibular fractures

Lepilin A.V., Myshkina A.K.


The frequency of purulent-inflammatory processes in fractures of the lower jaw reaches 10 — 30% [1, 3, 7], which makes their treatment much more difficult. With fractures of the mandible in the area of the angle or the third lower molar, traumatic osteomyelitis develops in 56.3% of patients [9]. It has been established [3] that changes in immunoreactivity are often the main factor causing the lack of protection of the body from infectious pathogens and the reduced ability of tissues to repair. Changes in immune reactivity are accompanied by modification of the pressor-helper function of T-lymphocytes and lymphoid organs in general, changes in the content of immunoglobulins in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):115-118
pages 115-118 views

Treatment of osteomyelitis in children

Ayupov P.X.


Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis is one of the formidable purulent surgical diseases in children. About 75% of cases of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis occur in childhood. The frequency of hematogenous osteomyelitis in children is 2.2-10% of all surgical diseases, and 12.2% of all purulent-septic diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):118-122
pages 118-122 views

Features of the skin relief of the hands of streets with clinical forms of autonomic dysfunction

Ismagilov M.F., Gainetdinova D.D., Bilalova G.M.


In order to clarify the hereditary predisposition to specific diseases, a search is underway for the relationship between genetically determined constitutional human traits (genetic markers) and individual diseases. Such genetic markers include the skin relief of the palms and fingers of a person, the study of which formed the basis of dermatoglyphics [5].

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Manual therapy of facial muscles contracture

Ivanichev G.A., Levit K., Saimons D.


The present notions of pathogenesis of contracture are presented, the manual therapy methods for the given pathology are described, the utility of a combination of the therapy method with auriculoacupuncture is stressed.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):125-128
pages 125-128 views

Dynamics of intellectual and emotional-volitional disorders in the treatment of children with complicated forms of intellectual deficiency

Akberova S.A., Studentsova I.A., Mendelevich D.M., Khafizyanova R.K.


The comparison of results of the influence of dimephosphone and nootropile on the intellectual functions of brain in children in complicated forms of. intellectual deficiency (hypo- and hyperdynamic variants) has revealed the nootropic effect of dimephosphone.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):128-132
pages 128-132 views


The problem of choledocholithiasis in the light of laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Slavin L.E.


Currently, in most developed countries, laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE) is the surgery of choice for cholelithiasis (GI) [2, 14, 20]. However, in patients with complicated forms of GI, its successful implementation depended on solving a number of issues related to preoperative diagnosis and treatment tactics. Laparoscopic operations are characterized by unusual exposure for the surgeon, the impossibility of palpation of the intervention zone and, finally, the technical difficulties that arise when performing additional manipulations in non-standard situations. In particular, choledocholithiasis is a serious problem when performing LHE and forces, among other main reasons, to switch from laparoscopic surgery to open surgery [18]. Therefore, the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis and treatment tactics for LHE require special attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):132-135
pages 132-135 views


Professor Nasibullin Gabdulkhak Gilmullovich


November 30, 1993 marked the 70th anniversary of the birth and 40 years of scientific and pedagogical activity of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gabdulkhak Gilmullovich Nasibullin, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, an excellent health worker, the first professor of orthopedic and surgical dentistry from the Tatars in the country.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):158-159
pages 158-159 views


Blood clotting system and natural anticoagulants

Zubairov D.M.


Blood clotting is a complex enzymatic process, at the end of which plasma globulin fibrinogen turns into fibrous fibrin. Blood clotting factors make an important contribution to hemostasis. This can be seen from the fact that disorders in the blood clotting system can cause, on the one hand, bleeding, and on the other — thrombosis and embolism. In addition to hemostatic function, many plasma coagulation factors are involved in a number of other reactions that provide homeostasis.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):136-155
pages 136-155 views

New instruments for endosurgery

Moroshek A.E., Chugunov A.I., Odintsovo V.V., Fedorov I.V., Gayfullin R.F., Popovich L.L.


The expansion of the range of laparoscopic operations requires the creation of new tools that ensure the simplicity and reliability of surgical interventions, reducing their duration and frequency of complications

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):155-157
pages 155-157 views

Treatment of ingrown nail

Mikusev I.Е.


The patentable method of treatment of in- grown nail is proposed which eliminates the reason of ingrown nail relapse by means of the nail matrix impression.

Kazan medical journal. 1994;75(2):157-158
pages 157-158 views

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